Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 367 VS Crack Kongza!superior

Chapter 367 VS Crack Kongza!superior

Long Yi didn't stay at the water battle regiment headquarters for too long, he had more important things to do than rectify the depressed water battle regiment.

With the help of the information provided by Quanmei, Longyi adjusted the positions of the members of the water war group, and promoted a group of members who are close to the two, or who are relatively capable and do not reject the leadership of the two, and will be like Dr. Allen. Ambitious members are suppressed.

Of course, this approach has advantages and disadvantages. Those who have been demoted have their own connections. They must not be convinced when they lose their rights suddenly, and they will do some small tricks behind their backs.

Especially some old members who were loyal to Shui Wutong, with old seniority and wide contacts, did not go to Moss Island with Shui Wutong because of insufficient strength and physical strength and survived, and they refused to accept Long Yi and Quanmei, which was a major disaster.

But these don't require Long Yi to be a headache. Quanmei is enough for the follow-up rectification. If she is not qualified for this job, she will lose the power of the Water War Group. Anyway, the various technologies and materials stored by the Water War Group so far have been destroyed. He made a copy, and he didn't feel bad when the rest of the benefits were gone.

After spending the night at the headquarters of the Water Battle Group, Long Yi left alone in the early morning of the next day under the watchful eye of all the members, leaving Quanmei to control the overall situation.

When he returned to Shuijing City, he called his family first, and learned that his father Miyazaki Takashi had returned home safely.

The people of the lava group were much gentler than the water battle group, and their methods were not so rough, so after getting what they wanted, they released the imprisoned members of the archaeological team.

It was a blessing in disguise that it seemed that this experience cast a shadow on Miyazaki Takashi's archaeological career that he had been fanatical for half his life. It just so happened that his stepdaughter Mayu Miyazaki was in a life-threatening crisis, so she simply rejected the follow-up archaeological mission and devoted herself to protecting her daughter at home. mental health.

Anyway, his son is promising, even if he doesn't work, he can eat and drink without any worries for a lifetime. Before, he only continued to work on archaeology because of his hobbies. This time, he took this opportunity to completely relax.

The daughter reformed herself, and her husband stayed with her day and night. The family that was on the verge of falling apart suddenly became so beautiful, which immediately made Mieko feel as if she was in a dream. She was so happy that she didn't know how to say it.

For this, Long Yi was naturally happy to see the results.

Although the relationship with my family is not too close because of the time-traveling and long-term relationship, but at any rate, my parents and sister in name in this body are a harbor for me to anchor myself in this world, and can make them happy , happiness, Long Yi is naturally happy too.

After hanging up the phone, Long Yi asked Lux ​​to use teleportation to go to the top floor of a building, and then released Jin Peng, who directly took the latter and flew towards the sea.

After flying aimlessly for a long time, Long Yi ordered Jin Peng to stop until the ocean was all around and no buildings or people could be seen at a glance.

Sitting on Jinpeng's neck, Long Yi took out a poke ball, looked at it, pressed the button, and threw it out.

The poke ball exploded in mid-air, and a green pokemon escaped from its trap. It was so weak that it was suspended in mid-air, and let out a roar that was out of breath.

The dragon of the sky - the empty seat!

"Xukongzao, how do you feel?"

Likongzao looked angrily at the human riding on the bidiao. Although his memory told him that the latter saved his life, how could the proud one allow the sky dragon to become a plaything subdued by humans?

What's more, Long Yi took advantage of the danger to subdue it when it was defeated by the original Kioka and the original Gulardo!
It's a shame!

hold head high!
Facing Long Yi's question, Lie Kongzuo directly opened the Dragon Kiss and breathed out a mouthful of cyan flame dragon's breath, expressing his meaning in the most direct way.

Mandatory support!
Facing the surging dragon's breath, Jin Peng spread his wings and let out a long cry, sending out a golden destructive death light to meet it.

The destructive death light emitted by Bi Diao with the extreme value of race!
However, Likongzuo is Likongzuo after all. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if Likongzuo is seriously injured now, just relying on the energy increase can make the power of the dragon's breath reach the level of a secret skill. How could Jinpeng be able to resist it? of.

Jinpeng went all out to destroy the dead light, which burst like a bubble in front of Lie Kongzao's dragon's breath, and the speed of the collapse showed the huge power gap between the two sides' unique moves.


Lie Kong sat on the pupil, and the power of the dragon's breath went up to a higher level.

However, when the dragon's breath was about to engulf Long Yi and Jinpeng, a stream of water suddenly rose from the sea below, and this stream of water formed a shield in front of Long Yi and Jinpeng, and Liekong's dragon's breath hit it Although a large amount of water has evaporated, it cannot be broken in the face of the continuous replenishment of the sea.

This is impossible!

Lie Kongzuo stopped attacking, and saw the shield formed by the water fall into the sea again, revealing Long Yi behind him with dragon horns and long scales.

"It looks like you're not going to give in."

Long Yi said, took out another elf ball, threw it up, and released a elf.

It's a flame bird!

what! ——

The flame bird raised its neck and sang loudly, its powerful aura permeated, forming an aura that almost had a substantial influence, and it stood up to the seriously injured Liekong, and was even faintly superior.

"Flame Bird, use big characters to explode." Long Yi ordered.

The flame bird immediately launched an attack, the scorching flame formed the character 'big' to attack Lie Kongzuo, but the size was a bit smaller than Long Yi's impression.

"Is it because of the environment?" Long Yi guessed.

Flamingo is not like his other plain elves, who don't have their own exclusive plane, so naturally they can't project the plane anytime and anywhere, so that they can have the home field advantage in any environment battle.

On the sea, the energy concentration of the fire element is undoubtedly very low.

This is still on the surface of the sea. If it is in the sea, the energy increase that the flame bird can get will even fall below the bottom line of 20 times, and it may not even increase by five times.

Facing the explosion of the flame bird, Lie Kongzuo did not fight recklessly, but used his super speed to dodge, his body teleported to the sky above Long Yi, and then he smashed down heavily with his tail full of dragon energy.

The ultimate move - the tail of the dragon!

This is a trick similar to Mizuno, which was researched by humans based on Mizuno, and it is one of the benefits that Liekongza got from Qianli.

Although it has some friendship with Qianli, it is not so good that it is willing to fight for the latter. Every time Qianli drives Liekongzai to fight, it will give a lot of benefits afterwards, so the number of unique moves mastered by this Liekongzai is far away. Super class.

It is precisely because of this kind of utilitarian thinking that this Raykonza is the only one that will occasionally appear in the eyes of the world, and other Raykonzai cannot afford to lose this person.

Dragon's Tail attacked head-on, Long Yi snorted coldly, his right hand instantly turned into a dragon, the five fingernails were as sharp as dragon claws, and with a backhand slap, he confronted the Dragon's Tail sitting on Liekong.

In terms of physique and strength, he doesn't have to be much weaker than an adult beast!

Jin Peng's body sank violently, carrying Long Yihua to the attacking power of Lie Kongzai, but on the latter's tail was caught five white marks by Long Yi's dragon claws, although Liekongzai was not injured, but also It was enough to make it look at Long Yi in amazement.

Rayquaza has never seen such a powerful human being!

Seeing Lie Kongzuo abandoning himself to attack Long Yi, the flame bird on the other side felt a surge of neglected anger in his heart. It waved its wings one after another, and two blade-like flame blades attacked immediately, and then spewed out another burst of scorching hot air. The flames wound around Lie Kongzao's body like a spirit snake.

Improved trick - Flame Slash!

The unique skill of this department - the flame vortex!
Lie Kongzao was so flexible that he dodged two flames, and then his body spiraled up to the sky along the flame vortex. The flames ejected by the flame bird suddenly condensed near its tail, forming a fistful that was two meters long and wider than his thighs. flaming greatsword.

This huge sword is red all over, with two dragon shapes twining around the hilt, and the blade is burning with raging flames. It looks like the flame of a flame bird.

The secret skill of the fire element - the sparking dragon sword!

hold head high!
Lie Kongzuo wrapped his tail around the Sparkling Heavenly Dragon Sword, his body suddenly became blurred, and disappeared from the spot again with super speed, passing Long Yi and Jinpeng in an instant, and stopped behind, the Sparkling Heavenly Dragon Sword on the tail left a long trail Flame Sword Qi.

One knife, two sections, beheading attack!

The Huohua Tianlong Sword collapsed into countless flames and extinguished, and the corner of Lie Kongzuo's mouth was left with traces of blood. This was the price for forcibly using the Huohua Tianlong Sword when it was seriously injured.

But worth it!
Raykong sat and smiled.

"what are you laughing at?"

A hateful figure suddenly came from behind, making Lie Kongzao's smile freeze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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