Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 368 VS Rayquaza!Down

Chapter 368 VS Rayquaza!Down

Why are there so few trainers who subdue divine beasts?

Because if you want to subdue the beast, in addition to possessing a combat power that surpasses the beast, you must also face four major difficulties.

One: Hard to find.

The number of divine beasts is very rare, and most of them still live in various inaccessible places. Just finding a divine beast can stump 99% of trainers.

Two: proud.

Most of the divine beasts are very arrogant, especially for human beings. Their innate blood inheritance makes them have a superior attitude towards human beings. has been left to this day.

Because of this mentality, many powerful trainers have worked hard to find a divine beast and defeated it, but they can't control it. All their calculations and scheming are all in vain, and the blow to people is simply not too big.

Three: Run away.

Divine beasts, like most animals and ordinary elves, will choose to flee when faced with an unwinnable enemy, and because of their strong strength, their success rate of escaping is often very high, which directly lowers the capture rate of divine beasts.

After all, the difficulty of defeating a divine beast is completely different from preventing a divine beast from escaping.

Four: beheading.

This is the deadliest point, and it's what Liekongzai is currently doing.Ordinary elves would attack human trainers themselves, not to mention divine beasts.

Therefore, although some element-level trainers may have the strength to defeat divine beasts, they themselves are extremely fragile.Even if the divine beast is found after all the hard work, and the opponent is not prepared to escape, it is likely to be killed in the process of subduing it. No matter how powerful the elf is, it will not help.

The biggest advantage of Long Yi in this respect is that he possesses powerful force, he can protect himself well in the subjugation battle with divine beasts, and he can even cooperate with elves to attack, the advantage is simply not too great.


Lie Kongzuo turned around in disbelief, seeing Long Yi and Jin Peng hovering intact at a level higher than before, and an elf in the shadow cast on the sea let out a silent laugh.

Right after Lie Kongzuo used the super speed to sneak attack on Long Yi, Geng Gui started illusion on him. Lie Kongzao borrowed the power of the flame bird to condense sparks for the second time. How could it be possible to make a difference.

Big character explosion!
A large character-shaped flame hit the shocked Lie Kongzuo's body, and Liekongzuo who was already seriously injured suddenly fell into the sea with a howl, and quickly disappeared from Long Yi's sight.


Long Yi frowned, summoned Jirachi, the system spirit controlled by the 3D dragon, and ordered: "Find me the location of Rayquaza."

Long Yi's system has the function of locating the location of the divine beasts he has encountered, so he is not afraid of Lie Kongzai running away, no matter where it escapes, Long Yi can track it.

"Yes, Master."

'Jilaqi' quickly projected a map in front of Long Yi, on which were the coordinate points of Long Yi and Ray Kong respectively.

To Long Yi's surprise, Lie Kong sat in the sea below him, and did not take the opportunity to escape.

Did it really hurt that badly?

Just as Long Yi was thinking this way, a huge splash of water suddenly exploded on the sea below, and Lie Kongzao, whose injuries had been relieved a lot, rushed out of the water again, and two violent white lights burst out from his eyes.

It actually hid below and used some kind of trick that Long Yi didn't know about to recover from its injuries!
The white light swept over where Long Yi and Jin Peng were, and some kind of distortion occurred in the air. Afterwards, Long Yi and Jin Peng appeared more than 30 meters to the right, and the 'Long Yi' at the position just now disappeared into nothingness.


Geng Gui, who was hiding in Long Yi's shadow, let out a cry of panic. It found that it could not use its hallucination ability for a short time!

"This is……"

This familiar scene quickly reminded Long Yi of the trick used by Lie Kongzai.

Secret Skill - Lombok!
Back then, in the semi-final doubles match of the Academy Tournament, Takahashi Heiichi from Kanto Shenshan Aristocratic Academy relied on this secret trick to let his super fire-breathing dragon break Gengar's super illusion, and even directly caused the golden bell to be damaged.

At this time, the same trick was used by Liekongzao, and its power was even stronger.Although it didn't hurt Geng Gui itself, it made it impossible to create hallucinations in a short period of time, which can be said to be once and for all.

Lie Kongzuo who found Long Yi's real body grinned and let out a deafening roar, then the lines on his body lit up little by little, forming a pattern like a dragon's head on his chest.

The core secret technique from the Dragon Envoys of Chengdu——the divine power of the Dragon King!
This trick can be called the strongest secret skill of the dragon family.

Although other people do not have the unique secret skills of the Dragon Envoy family, and they will face the embarrassment of not being able to use other secret skills at the same time after using the dragon king's divine power, but the all-round increase also makes it extremely powerful, and it is the kind that is absolutely worthwhile.

When Liekongzai uses the power of the Dragon King, any of its dragon-type, flying-type tricks, and breath-type tricks will be amplified above the level of secret skills. The ordinary skills of the flame bird can no longer compete with it, unless it uses secret skills to fight against it.

However, the Flamingo Society's secret skills are too few, and compared with Liekongzai at this time, it is undoubtedly weaker.

After using the Dragon King's divine power, Liekongzuo's body swelled a circle, and it curled up slightly, ready to use its super speed to attack Long Yi again.

From the beginning to the end, it didn't intend to fight the flame bird head-on.

Liekongzu, who has worked with Qianli several times, knows that the best way to deal with human trainers is to attack the trainer himself, because you don't know how many elves he has. New enemies intact are the most hopeless.

Suddenly, Liekongzuo's head hurt, and a huge impact force made its faucet twist to the side uncontrollably, and the speed that was ready to go was also ended without a problem.

From scratch, a silver elf appeared in front of Lie Kongzao, as if it had always been there and never changed.

Long Yi's element-level elf——Giant Pincer Mantis!
After Liekongzuo successively used the sparking dragon sword, dragon eye and dragon king's supernatural power secret skills, Long Yi finally released his second plain elf.

Do you think you are superior and have despised other lives?

Are you strong enough to bully humans and other elves at will?
Have you ever intentionally damaged the environment and buildings?
Have you done bad things for profit?
Questions from the heart sounded in Lie Kongzao's heart. This is the superposition of justice imposed on the bullet fist by the giant pincer mantis combined with Liekongzao's own memory to form a soul torture, which is the torture most aimed at the weakness of its memory!

Liekongzai, who had never suffered this kind of attack, was trapped in the torture of his soul and couldn't extricate himself. The continuous cuts made by the giant pincer mantis under Long Yi's order made this torture almost endless, round after round.

But Long Yi knew that this was not a long-term solution.

Any life will develop resistance to damage, especially this kind of spiritual torture.

It won't be long before Rayquaza will suffer from 'aesthetic fatigue' due to a large number of tortures in a short period of time, and his own spirit will become numb due to this.At that point, the effect of justice torture will be minimized.

Therefore, if you want to defeat the enemy, you must either destroy its will mentally at one time, or start with the body.

And there is no doubt that Long Yi's giant pincer mantis's righteous torture still doesn't have this kind of power, and it's almost the same with Jormungandr's pale mask.

Therefore, when the giant pincer mantis entangled Lie Kongzao, Long Yi did not let the flame bird idle.


After a short period of energy accumulation, the flame bird condensed a huge fireball to launch an attack. The giant pincer mantis quickly dodged, and before Liekongza could catch his breath from the torture, the improved secret technique, the flame explosion fireball, hit its body Body.

Even with the dragon scale defense amplified by the Dragon King's divine power, it couldn't resist such an attack. Lie Kongzai's dragon scales were shattered in the explosion and scorched black in the flames. The chunks of skin and flesh were roasted by explosions and flames to give off a rich aroma.

This is the smell of grilled dragon meat!

hold head high!
However, even if he was seriously injured again, Lie Kongzuo was still unyielding, even though his own dragon claws were fractured and dripping with blood, he still roared hostilely at Long Yi.

Rayquaza intimacy decreased!

Ji Laqi sent a warning sound from the veneer, and the intimacy of Rayquaza had broken through the lower limit of 50, which meant that Long Yi had no chance of commanding it to fight, and this elf might defect at any time.

"Stubborn. Flame Bird, use the Divine Bird to bomb!"

The flame bird flew into the sky, and the flames under its wings condensed into a huge Huoshao cloud, and then the Huoshao cloud combined with the flame bird itself to form a huge flame bird.

Exclusive Secret Technique - Divine Bird Bombing!
Lie Kongzuo coughed out a mouthful of blood, the yellow lines on his body lighted up little by little, and a rich bluish-red light shone deep in his throat, ready to use his exclusive secret skill meteorite skyfall to fight to the death.

I am Rayquaza, I would rather die than surrender!

"If you continue with this move, you may die." Long Yi said.

The flame bird in good condition has already completed the power accumulation of the exclusive secret skill first, and the flame bird spreads its wings high-pitched, ready to go.

Liekongzuo's pupils contracted, and his rich combat experience told it that it was too late for his meteorite to fall from the sky.

This human being was right, this move, he was seriously injured and couldn't bear it at all.

Will die, really will die!
Because of the condensed meteorite falling from the sky, Lie Kongzuo even lost the chance to use the speed dodge at this time.

Could it be that this is my fate?
The predictable fate of death made Lie Kongzuo in a trance, feeling regret for the first time.

It would be fine if I didn't promise Qianli to go to that muddy water.

It would be nice if he didn't insist on resisting so much. Anyway, human beings can live to be more than 100 years old at most. When he dies, won't he be free again.

For the Raykonza with a lifespan of thousands of years, more than 100 years is really not a particularly long time.

Silently, a pale mask with a loose expression depicting an owl flew up from below, and put it on Liekongza's face.

The lazy mask of the pale mask!
Under the influence of the lazy mask, Rayquaza's desire to resist was reduced to almost nothing, and he didn't want to do anything other than continue to live.

At the same time, a huge pattern rose from Long Yi's back. It was a terrifying big snake living in the pitch-black space. The golden snake pupils seemed to be able to see the deepest weakness in the heart of life, which made people feel involuntarily. trembling.

Unique Secret Skill - Fear Demons!
Under the influence of the fear demon, Liekongza's fear of death was infinitely magnified, overwhelming reason and dominating everything.

"Human, please spare me, I am willing to surrender to you." Lie Kongzuo let out such a roar and lowered his high head.

The flame bird's magic bird bombed and hit the sea, and an unknown amount of sea water evaporated in an instant, filling the place with water vapor that covered the sky.

Long Yian sat on Jinpeng's back, there was no trace of water vapor within three feet to get close to.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he summoned Hui Yuan to hold him in his arms and caress him gently.

"Haihara, have you seen it? This is Rayquaza."

"From today onwards, it is also my elf."

Huiyuan yawned, and the water vapor created by the flame bird condensed into ice beads in an instant, which fell into the sea with a crackling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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