Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 369 Knowledge and Integration

Chapter 369 Knowledge and Integration

As a top-level beast, Liekong can be called a beast among the beasts. Its power, bloodline and status are not comparable to the lowest level of the beast like the flame bird.

Therefore, although the one Long Yi subdued was not the original ultra-ancient Liekongzai, its will was also far superior to that of the flame bird, even when its mind was most shaken, Ye Mengjiade, who was good at playing with emotions, succeeded in using the pale secret technique, Nor can it be called once and for all.

This can be seen from the 55-point intimacy of Raykon's sitting area.

It can be commanded and driven, but don't expect the latter to be cooperative. Passive sabotage is the normal situation.

But the benefits of subduing Rayquaza are also obvious.

Leaving aside the element-level combat power that can be barely used, just the various secrets in Lie Kongzuo's mind are a great asset to Long Yi.

First of all, of course, the various tricks and secret skills he obtained through the transaction with Qianli, and the ordinary improved tricks are second, and the secret skills alone contributed 5 kinds.

They are the offensive secret skill Sparkling Dragon Sword, the auxiliary secret skill Longmu, the comprehensive boosting secret skill Dragon King Divine Power, the healing secret skill Dragon's Sleep, and the exclusive secret skill Meteorite Skyfall.

Among them, the spark Tianlong Jianlongyi already exists, and the meteorite falls from the sky, Lie Kongzuo only knows what it is and doesn't know why, it is better than nothing.

But the remaining three kinds of secret skills are genuinely enough to enrich Long Yi's library of secret skills.

These three secret skills are all dragon secret skills, and except for the dragon eye, they are all technical secret skills, relying on the strong dragon blood of the elves themselves, so Long Yi's Ao Yu and Ao Guang can learn without worrying about being blocked. future development path.

Even for Lombok, the transformation is the eye with the least impact, and the hidden danger to the future is almost zero.

In addition to secret skills, Long Yi also obtained some secret information from Lie Kongzuo that few people know.

For example, there are probably 5-6 raykuzai living in the ozone layer in the entire Hoenen area. I don’t know about other areas, but I think there are some.

These Liekongzai are strong or weak among each other, but basically they are all about the same. The one that Long Yi subdued is only because of the cooperation with Qianli to learn several secret skills, and among them, it can be ranked in the middle and upper reaches.

The only thing that can overwhelm it is the kind of Raykonza whose blood is extremely strong, and the special secret skill awakened is the finishing touch of the nirvana, which can temporarily transform into a super Raykonza.

And on top of all Raykons, there is a faintly older and more powerful ultra-ancient Raykon that belongs to the source of all Raykons.

That is, the original Raykonza that cooperated with the People of Meteor, the People of Fire, and the People of Water, and pitted Gulardo and Kyoka for thousands of years.

Long Yi's Lie Kongzuo can be sure that this ancestor is still living in this world, as for where it lives, it is not something it can know.

Except for those powerful Liekongza who are naturally awakened and the finishing touch, other Liekongza want to learn this exclusive nirvana of Liekongza, three methods are mentioned in the blood knowledge.

The first is to go to the Meteor Falls and find the Meteor People who live in seclusion in the depths of the Meteor Falls. In the hands of the Meteor People, there is a finishing touch learning method.

This learning method is the price of the cooperation between the original Liekongzai and the Meteor People. As long as it is approved by the Meteor People, you will naturally get the finishing touch of the learning method.

The second type is that in the legendary place in the Hoenen area, in the temple at the top of the Pillar of the Sky, which is known as the highest in Hoenn, there are also murals on how to learn how to make the finishing touch.

This is the temple built by the People of Fire to thank Raykonza for sealing Gulardon. It has incredible power and is now said to be occupied by a powerful ancient Raykonzak.

That Raykonza seems to be a direct descendant of the original Raykonzai, which is different from the normal Raykonzai's racial characteristics. It doesn't like to swim in the ozone layer all the year round, but lives there for a long time, and will return quickly even if it leaves.

It is very friendly to the strong-blooded Rayquaza, but it is very bad to the thin-blooded ones.

The criterion for this judgment is whether or not the innate awakened exclusive nirvana is the finishing touch.

There used to be an ordinary Liekongzai who tried to sneak into the temple to learn the finishing touch while this Liekongzao was out looking for food, but was found by the old Liekongzao who returned suddenly, and was beaten to death on the spot. His bones are still left in the hall of the temple.

Unfortunately, the killed Liekongzuo was the father of the Liekongzuo tamed by Long Yi, so it retained that memory in its bloodline memory.

The third type is the temple built by the People of Water for Lie Kongzao. Unfortunately, Long Yi's bloodline of Liekongzao did not inherit this place, so there is nowhere to look for it.

"The Meteor Falls, the Pillar of the Sky, and the temple built by the mysterious Water People."

As for the last location, Long Yi has some guesses. That temple probably exists in Liuli City, because in the original plot, the cave of Liuli City played a considerable role in the player's manipulation of the protagonist to find the Pillar of the Sky during the battle between Gulardo and Kyoka. It has a great effect, and it is also the place where Kyoka sleeps.

It's a pity that even if there is some speculation, it is not easy to enter. The current guard is Adam, the owner of the Liuli Gym.

Adam himself is a powerful element-level trainer, not to mention that the apprentice he taught is still better than blue. He is the current Fengyuan champion Mi Keli, and the difficulty of entering the Liuli Cave can be imagined.

In fact, even if he could get the finishing touch learning method, Long Yi would not let Lie Kong learn it. After all, the latter has not really relented. Once he learns the ultimate skill and his combat power is greatly increased, the first thing he will do is to find Long Yi. Revenge is really not worth the candle.

"Leave Jinpeng, go back."

After thinking clearly, Long Yi rode Jinpeng back to Shuijing City, and first asked Quanmei to mobilize resources to send an element-level dragon ball and an element-level lava heart, so that Flamingo and Liekongza had their own exclusive planes , and also gave them the plane projection feature.

Afterwards, while quietly watching the development of the situation, he sharpened Rayquaza's temper.

Facts have proved that Quanmei's ability is worthy of recognition. She used Long Yi's aura to integrate the power of the water battle group in an extreme time, and then hit the power with a full blow to destroy the group of dragons without a leader in one fell swoop. The headquarters of the lava group, plundered a lot of resources, secrets and members of the lava group.

The style of the water battle regiment is relatively rough. They have secret posts and strongholds in various places in Fengyuan.

The lava group is much gentler. There are many companies under its name, so it has strong financial resources. Most of the off-lines in various places are in the form of branches and small shops.

Of course, no matter how gentle they are, they are still an evil underground organization. Faced with items that cannot be bought with money or are too expensive, the lava group will also use force to snatch them. This is the meaning of the existence of the three cadres Zhonghuo Village and his team members .

After destroying the headquarters of the lava group, Quanmei successfully incorporated a large number of peripheral forces of the lava group with the help of the information of the lava group.

So far, one of the two evil organizations launched by the Hoenen Alliance to block the Rockets and the Galaxy Group, the Lava Group was officially annexed by the Water Battle Group.

After that, Long Yi appeared again disguised as Chao, and carried out rectification and personnel changes to the Water War Group.

He set up a separate department for those in charge of making money in the lava group and a few business talents in the water battle group, and named it the Department of Commerce.

The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for making money and collecting intelligence, and does not touch any gray or black areas. Because it gathers talents in this field and resources are shared, future benefits are quite promising.

Minister of Commerce, Long Yi did not have a member of the Water War Group, but reused the former financial director of the Lava Group and the chairman of the largest company under the name of the Lava Group.

A separate section was established for the scientific researchers from the two organizations, and all of them were placed in the headquarters of the Water Corps. Quanmei served as the deputy leader and concurrently served as the head of the scientific research department.

The strongest trainer in the lava group and the water battle group has also set up a separate department called Anbu, which is used to deal with people who are inconvenient to deal with by the business department, and to do some secret actions.

Anbu Minister is led by Shimadzu Shingen, an elite member of the water battle group, and is also one of the few admirers of Izumi's mouth. Because of his injury, he did not participate in the mission of Moss Island and escaped a catastrophe.

Finally, those rebellious and trouble-loving people were put together by Long Yi to set up the Criminal Department, which was used to manage the other three departments and punish the betrayers.

The Minister of Punishment is Tanaka Toshiyoshi, who used to be a pirate, and later joined the Water War Group.Tanaka Toshiyoshi was ferocious when facing other people, but he trembled in front of Long Yi, obviously he was someone who had heard of Ushio's reputation in the pirate world before.

So far, the water battle group after annexing the lava group was reorganized by Long Yi, and renamed the Pale Society, intending Long Yi to control the ambition of the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, and rule Fengyuan in the overwhelming water vapor produced by the collision of lava and rapids mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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