Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 370 Pale Association On

Chapter 370 Pale Association On (Surprised or not?)
The Sea of ​​Sharks, the headquarters of the Pale Association, belongs to Long Yi's leader's office.

The new high-level members of the pale society that grew up from the corpses of the two organizations, the Lava Group and the Water Battle Group, gathered together and sat on the sofa in a semicircle, looking cautiously at Long Yi, who was burly and majestic with a tidal face on the opposite side.

"Everyone." Long Yi filled the last glass on the table with wine, held it in his hand, and said loudly, "From today onwards, lava groups and water battle groups will become a thing of the past. I don’t even want anything that harms the interests of the association to happen.”

"If you want revenge, then do meritorious deeds! As long as you make great contributions, such as helping me catch Gulardo or Gaioka directly, even if you want another minister to serve you tea and water to clean the toilet No problem."

"However, if someone dares to make small moves to harm the interests of the association for their own selfish desires, then don't blame me, Dao Tian, ​​for turning my face against him." Long Yi threatened.

Whether it is Shui Wutong, the leader of the Water Battle Group, and his three cadres Chao, Quan, and Di, or Chi Yansong, the leader of the Lava Group, and his three cadres, Huocun, Hokage, and Bonfire, are actually all members of the Water Battle Group and The code names passed down from generation to generation of lava groups are not their real names.

In fact, the history of the Water Battle Group and the Lava Group is much longer than that of the Rocket Team and the Galaxy Group. They even did not give in to many ancient families in Hoenn, but they have been downcast until this generation of Shui Wutong and Chi Yan let go Li just made a fortune.

And Toru Inada is Ushihara's name.

Now that the Water Battle Group has changed to the Pale Association, the previous rules will naturally have to be changed, and Long Yi simply changed back to Chao's real name.

"Don't dare to dare, everything is obeyed by the adults." Minister of Criminal Affairs Tanaka Toshiyoshi smiled charmingly.

He looked to be in his 50s, and he looked older because of his long years of sea life. His skin was not only dark but also rough, and he was also hunchbacked, very unpretentious.

But those who are familiar with him will never think his appearance is ridiculous. Tanaka Toshiyoshi is famous for his ruthlessness. Even though he is as timid as a mouse in front of Long Yi, in the eyes of others, he is completely ruthless. Role.

Long Yi looked at him with satisfaction, nodded and corrected: "Remember, you will call me the president in the future."

"Yes yes yes, President, look at my brain, it's hard to use when I'm old." Tanaka Junyi said quickly, and even slapped himself lightly.

It has to be said that Tanaka Toshiyoshi is a villain, but such a villain is what Long Yi needs now, even if he is in charge of the powerful criminal department.

Anbu Minister Shimadzu Shingen's appearance is much better. At 25, he has a tall and straight figure. Although he is not as burly as Long Yi, he looks more well-proportioned. The well-deserved representative of male beauty.

"I would like to follow the president's order." Shimadzu Shingen said.His words were not as flattering as Tanaka Toshiyoshi, but they were loud and loud. In terms of loyalty, he could be said to be the most loyal of the four to Inada Toru played by Long Yi.

The original Izumi, and now Tsuda Takumi who has resumed her real name, did not speak immediately, but glanced at the Minister of Commerce, Nakamura Shuri, next to her.

Three of the four ministers are members of the water battle group, even if Long Yi's words made them uncomfortable, but as victors, they always have a sense of superiority when facing the members of the lava group.

The Minister of Commerce Nakamura Xiuli is different.He used to be a high-level executive of the lava group, and now he is a high-level executive of the Pale Association. In the eyes of the members of the annexed lava group, he is the representative of the banner. I don't know how many people will secretly instigate him to rebel. His loyalty to Long Yi is also open to question. Character roasted on the fire.

But Hidetoshi Nakamura deserves to be Hidetoshi Nakamura. He is not an ordinary person who can stand out as the chief financial officer among hundreds of company bosses in the lava group. Facing Tsuda Takumi's gaze, he smiled and raised his glass to toast Ryuichi. Naturally lowered by half a frame, and then said cleanly: "With the president's words, my hanging heart has finally come down."

That is to say, he expresses his certain loyalty to the pale association and the president, without appearing too soft-boned and becoming a traitor to the lava group.

Long Yi smiled and took a sip of his wine, looking at Tsuda Takumi at the end.

If Long Yi lost the support of Tsuda Takumi in the past, it would still be a little troublesome, but now after two adjustments, the newly established Pale Society is very different from the previous Water War Group, even if Quanmei reveals Long Yi's true identity He has too much influence.

A little turbulent at best, but harmless, and maybe even unexpected benefits.

What's more, Long Yi has other means to target him.

"My opponents in the lava group are only Huocun and Bonfire. Now that they are both gone, naturally they won't cause you trouble." Tsuda Takumi said, with a kind of intimacy in her tone that she didn't realize.

Nakamura Shuri continued to smile, and Tanaka Toshiyoshi was also smiling, but his smile, which was not good looking and had no higher education, looked much more wretched.

Shimadzu Shingen, on the other hand, looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, without squinting his eyes, showing no surprise at this point.

"Very well, with your help, I believe that the Pale Association will be able to prosper and move forward for our common ideal!"

Long Yi laughed.

The so-called pale ideal of association is actually his own ideal, to subdue the original Kyoka and the original Gulardon for his own use!

"Since everyone is willing to work together, let me arrange the future work." Longyi first looked at the well-dressed businessman Nakamura Shuri with slightly white temples.

"Nakamura, I need you to integrate all the business resources in the company and jointly establish a group company with me as the chairman and you as the general manager to coordinate the overall situation."

"My request to you is that all the behaviors, licenses, and even the members of this company are legal and have been reported to the alliance! Even in the course of operation, it must not have any illegal behavior. When it comes to problems that cannot be solved, Anbu will naturally help you."

"Pure! Clean and white! It must be enough to serve as a model for all group companies! I'll give you three months to integrate, do you have any questions?"

Long Yi is the chief heavenly king of Sinnoh, although he has not been exposed yet, he must be prepared for his identity to be exposed in the future.

Even Long Yi himself originally planned to announce his real identity to several ministers later, so everything in the Ministry of Commerce must be legalized.

Not only must it be legal, but also make it impossible for everyone to find fault, so as not to cause trouble for him when his identity is exposed in the future.

As soon as the first order came out, the other four people were surprised.

As an evil organization, even though it has been renamed the Pale Association, it is still an underground force in the eyes of the four people, and they wish the alliance could not find any clues about them.

But now, Long Yi wants to legalize everything from the Ministry of Commerce?

This is simply scary!
But Shuri Nakamura soon noticed the benefits.

In the past, even though he was the boss of a big company on the bright side, his involvement with the lava group always made him nervous, and he often had to do dirty work for the lava group.

Every time I contact Nakamura Xiuli, I am afraid that someone will find out the clues, and every day I sleep, I worry that the alliance police will break into the door.

But if everything is legalized as Long Yi said, then as long as the connection and docking with the Pale Society is properly handled, everything else will not be a problem.

All the dirty work will have nothing to do with his business department, and he no longer has to worry about it all day, because he is a legitimate businessman.

A model boss who is more law-abiding than 99% of businessmen in the world!

Nakamura Xiuli was 1 willing in his heart, but the businessman's nature still made him put on a embarrassed expression, and said: "President, in that case, I'm afraid the revenue of the business department will drop sharply."

Although dirty work is illegal, it is naturally the most profitable, and the decline in income is predictable.

But Long Yi said: "I believe in your ability, Minister Nakamura, with the resources of the association, it is still possible to maintain the previous standard."

Nakamura Xiuli said helplessly: "That's it, I will obey." He said this, but he was already overjoyed in his heart, and his impression of the pale association and the notorious president was greatly changed.

That's it, it seems to be good.

He thought so.

Long Yi stopped looking at him once he got the answer.

Although Nakamura is an old fox, he has a huge handle in the hands of the former lava mass, which is why he dared to appoint Nakamura Hidetoshi as the Minister of Commerce, because the latter dared not rebel at all.

He then looked at Minister Anbu, Shingen Shimadzu.

(End of this chapter)

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