Chapter 371

Anbu is the military department of the Pale Society, which is very important and has high requirements for the minister, so Ryuichi gave Shimadzu Shingen, a fanatical admirer of Inada Toru.

"Xinxuan, Anbu is the fist of the association, and I can rest assured only if I give it to you to lead." Long Yi said.

Shimadzu Shingen blushed slightly, puffed out his chest, with a kind of pride and excitement of being valued by idols.

"The association currently has the rapid evolution methods of six elves, the imperial tooth sea lion, the giant tooth shark, the iron claw lobster, the wolf dog, the fire-breathing camel, and the big-mouthed bat. These six elves will also become the standard configuration of your Anbu members."

The lava group and the water battle group still have some background, and the elf evolution potion is one of them.

The water battle group has four potions that allow the seal ball to evolve into a sea devil, the sea devil to evolve into a sea lion, the lobster soldier to evolve into an iron claw lobster, and the tooth fish to evolve into a megalodon; The big wolf dog, the fire-breathing camel evolved into a fire-breathing camel, and the supersonic bat evolved into a big-mouthed bat. The three potions have now become the background of the Pale Society.

"I need you to cooperate with Minister Nakamura to set up a security company. All Anbu members are the security guards of the security company. They are divided into several levels, and the corresponding elves are assigned according to the level and position."

"Based on these six types of elves, you need to design tactics and collocations in different environments such as sea, underwater, city, forest, desert, etc., divide the Anbu members into different teams according to the different collocations of elves, and practice and perform tasks in a targeted manner. .”

"Evolution potions cannot be abused. Only by training the elves to a certain level can they evolve. I don't need to raise a bunch of waste elves with the ultimate evolution type. What I need are elites! Real elites!"

"Most of the elite before the association lost half, so your task is very heavy, can I trust you?" Long Yi finally asked.

Shimadzu Shingen suddenly stood up and shouted loudly: "I promise to complete the task!"

Long Yi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay. Sit down, I believe that under your leadership, Anbu will flourish."

"I'll give you half a year to train a few elite teams first, and then gradually expand."

Long Yi originally wanted Anbu to be fully responsible for doing the dirty work, but after thinking about it for a while, he found that with his current thinking, Anbu's tasks might not be too many, plus his experience in Kanto, so he came up with the idea of ​​establishing a security company idea.

In normal times, members of the Anbu can act as normal security personnel, but in the dark, they are daggers in the shadow of the pale association.

The advantage of this is not only to use the time of Anbu members, not only to raise a group of people for nothing, but also to enrich their combat experience.

What's even better is that Long Yi can definitely use this to attract excellent trainers with clean net worth, and after many tests, absorb them into the pale association system!
This is unimaginable for the former water battle group and lava group.

It is precisely because of the lack of a place to attract outstanding talents that the lava group and the water battle group have never been able to grow into behemoths like the rocket team, and they are weak organizations with only one element-level trainer including the leader.

Oh, and there is also a tide of mastery, but that is a special case, and it is not accurate.

After arranging the dark department, Long Yi next made arrangements for the scientific research department and the punishment department.

All scientific research personnel under the jurisdiction of the scientific research department will live in the Pale Association headquarters for a long time to conduct research and development work. Except for some special experiments, they can only go out after applying for permission. They are not allowed to leave without reason, otherwise they will be treated as betrayal.

Of course, if necessary, their family members can also live in, but they are also not allowed to go out and hang out.

Of course, Long Yi will not be so unkind and let them work in the research room for the rest of their lives, and they will have a certain amount of annual leave every year, except that they can use it at any time when the research and development experiment is at a critical moment or when an emergency task is carried out, and there is also a fixed high salary. , definitely can be regarded as a conscientious boss.

As for the criminal department, it is mainly responsible for the investigation of the other three departments, reviewing the arrests, and will set up another sub-base. Only Long Yi and members of the criminal department know the exact location.

Moreover, all members of the criminal department will wear uniform uniforms and white faceless masks, and communicate with each other by code names. The specific list will only be known to Long Yi and the head of the criminal department, and their loyalty will be guaranteed to the greatest extent in the form of mutual supervision.

These people can be greedy for money, lustful, and they can eat and drink, but they must never frame their colleagues or betray the organization. Once discovered, they will encounter unimaginable and terrifying torture.

Minister of Criminal Affairs Toshiyoshi Tanaka and some of the troublemakers have already enjoyed this point, and the other members of the Criminal Department who heard their screams were also very impressed.

If it weren't for this, even if Tanaka Toshiyoshi had heard of Inada Toru's name long ago, he wouldn't be trembling with fright in front of him, for fear of making the latter a little unhappy.

"Okay, I've already told you about the specific work. You can report to me through my personal contact information. If you really can't get in touch, Tsuda Takumi, as the vice president, can order a ruling on my behalf."

After Long Yi finished speaking, he issued the order to evict the guests, and the four major ministers immediately resigned, even the vice president Takumi Tsuda was no exception.

After all four of them left, Long Yi picked up the wine glass, and his shadow cast on the ground slowly climbed up and turned into a Geng Gui.

Interestingly, this Geng Gui also has its shadow, but it looks like a big snake.

"Go, Geng Gui, continue with what happened last time." Geng Gui nodded, turned into a shadow and slipped out through the crack of the door, disappearing.

Tsuda Takumi's lounge.

Takumi Tsuda, who was lying on the bed, suddenly felt very sleepy, and couldn't help falling into a deep sleep.And in her sleep, the dream she had been having every day during this period repeated again, and her memory became clearer and her emotions became more obvious.

Geng Gui's hypnotism, illusion, and Yemengade's ability to influence emotions are subtly transferring Tsuda Takumi's fanatical admiration for the water sycamore to Long Yi himself, which is why he will not betray him to the latter Confidence.


the other side.

The alloy gate suddenly opened, and Long Yi, who was watching the group of sharks dividing their cattle, turned around in surprise and looked at the person who came.

Water sycamore!
The one who came in was the former leader of the water battle group, the water phoenix tree that Long Yi thought had died in the sea!
I saw Shui Wutong wearing the iconic water battle regiment costume, with a noisy bird parked on his shoulder, with a big mouth showing a cold smile, walked to the sofa and poured himself a glass of wine, and then drank it all in one gulp.

"Chao, you seem to be having a good time during this time."

"It's very comfortable! It's very comfortable!"

As soon as he spoke, the chattering bird on his shoulders immediately repeated, with a high-pitched voice.

"I'm down there, but it's very lonely."

"You might as well, come down and accompany me!" Shui Wutong said, his face suddenly turned black and swollen, as ugly as a drowned ghost.

And the noisy bird on his shoulder is still repeating, but the voice has become distant and strange: "Come with me... come with me..."

Long Yi clenched his fists, twisted his neck, and made a bone-cracking sound.

"Things who pretend to be gods and tricks, kneel down for me!"

"Cleave the waves, break the waves with an iron fist!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward a few steps quickly, and swung his right fist violently, forming an illusion like the tide of the sea around him. The vivid sense of suffocation and oppression made the expression of 'Drowned Water Indus' suddenly change.

This time Long Yi didn't use a counterfeit, but a trick he learned after improving his own characteristics based on the secret technique he discovered in Chao's residence.

This wave-breaking iron fist is genuine!

The noisy bird on the shoulder of 'Water Indus' suddenly turned into Liekongzuo to greet him, but was punched back by Long Yi, hit the wall and turned into a puddle of viscous liquid, hanging on it for a long time not fall.

"President, please forgive me!"

'Water Indus' knelt down abruptly, not daring to move.

Long Yi's fist passed over his head, the strong wind of the fist pressed the latter's hair down.Long Yi kicked him somersault casually, and then said: "Bannay, I asked you to come to tease me?"

"Do you think my fist is not hard enough, or I have lived enough, and want to feed sharks in the sea."

"Master President, I was wrong, please punish me." The kicked 'Water Indus' quickly crawled up to Long Yi and knelt down in front of Long Yi, returning to his original appearance, he was indeed the number one master of disguise in the lava group bannai.

And the Noisy Bird and Liekongzao just now are nothing more than his elves.

"You should be punished." A huge black shadow rose from behind Long Yi, and soon Ban Nai's horrific screams sounded in the president's office. He swore that before today, he would never have thought that there would be such a thing in the world. Such a terrifying thing, it is the fear that makes every cell in the body tremble!

Half an hour later, Beni, who was drenched in sweat, collapsed on the ground, and his elf Ditto was not much better, becoming as limp as a slime.

Long Yi stretched out his hand suddenly, and a special energy lurked near Bannai's heart.

"I'll give you a task. Within three months, you must show me the hope of obtaining a nirvana. Within one year, you must deliver it to me."

"Otherwise, your heart will end up just like this wine glass."

Long Yi stretched out his hand, and a golden sword shot out from his fingertips, blowing the wine glass to pieces.

Banayi, who hadn't fully recovered from the fear, turned pale, held his chest in silence for a moment, got up and bowed, "Of order, President."

"get out."


After Bannay left, Long Yi sat down on the sofa again.

"Things that don't know how to live or die! I just wanted you to steal the data of the alliance computer, but you dare to tease me, so don't blame me for being cruel."

Unknowingly, a kind of prestige appeared on Long Yi, who made drastic reforms to the Pale Society, which belonged to the superior.

(End of this chapter)

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