Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 372 Badge and Foundation

Chapter 372 Badge and Foundation

"President, this is a newly designed association pattern, take a look."

Tsuda Takumi clicked on the file, and a picture suddenly appeared on the computer screen.

The starry sky is the base of the pattern, and a blue planet is in the center, which symbolizes the universe and the planet under your feet.

And directly in front of the planet, that is, at the center of the badge, is a pyramid shape composed of three equilateral white triangles.

One of the triangles is at the top, engraved with the shape of Raykonza; the two triangles are side by side, the left one is engraved with the shape of Gulardo, and the one on the right is engraved with the shape of Kyoka.

These three patterns symbolize the ultimate goal of the Pale Society, which is to subdue the god of the earth, Gulardo, the god of the sea, Kyoka, and the dragon of the sky, Raykonza.

Among them, Raykon Zuo Long Yi has already tamed it, but compared to the original Raykon Sao in myths and legends, this one he tamed is still far behind, and it is not worthy of the position on the badge.

Although the other Gulardo and Giocar Long Yi can locate specific locations through the system, but Long Yi, who has seen the power of the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, naturally will not rush to the door so rashly.

Now he can't even beat Ares, the god of war of the Rockets, and he doesn't even have the courage to face the man-made beast Chaomeng cloned by the Rockets, let alone subdue these two powerful beasts that have restored their ancient power.

"Okay, just follow this." Long nodded.

An organization needs cohesion, and this cohesion is not something that can be bought with empty words, nor can it be bought with money—although wealth can play a part, it cannot rely on wealth alone.

Long Yi needs the newly established Pale Association to have cohesion and have a common goal, not a loose and loose organization.

In this regard, the goal of the Rockets is to overthrow the alliance as the master; the goal of the Galaxy group is to destroy the old world and create a new world; the goal of the previous lava group and the water group is to capture and control Gulardo or Kyoka, so as to rule Fengyuan Continent.

It is precisely because of this goal that the leaders of the underground forces of the water war group and the lava group that can represent Fengyuan stand out.And Long Yi's Pale Association grew up relying on the nutrients of the lava group and the water battle group, so subduing Fengyuan's three great beasts in a short period of time is undoubtedly the best and most acceptable goal for the members.

As for the later stage, that will of course be discussed later.

And how to instill this goal in the members all the time is naturally to subtly influence through the most common association patterns, uniforms and daily rules.

That's right, not only the uniforms and patterns had to be redesigned, but even the rules, Long Yi had also been redesigned.

After all, the current development direction and behavior of the Pale Association are quite different from the previous lava group and water battle group. Naturally, all members must clearly understand this through rules, and then let them forget the past, remember the present, and create the future. .

"I'll trouble you to formulate the rules and regulations of the association, Takumi." Long Yi said gently, when he was alone with Tsuda Takumi, what he showed was his true face, not Inada Toru's ferocious appearance.

Tsuda Takumi's face turned red when he heard the words, he secretly glanced at Long Yi, and quickly pretended to be nonchalant and loudly assured him.

"Don't worry, President, I will not let you down."

"Of course you won't, after all, in the entire Pale Society, I only trust you." Long Yi said with a smile.

After fooling Tsuda Takumi for a while, Long Yi waved her back, then turned the boss's chair to put the legs on the work, and lay down comfortably.

He has never had the experience of managing a single faction, fortunately Long Yi has ready-made capable men to help him, otherwise, I really don't know what this pale association will be like in the end.

Although even if they are disbanded now, he won't be too distressed.

"Shui Wutong is really a waste. Takumi Tsuda is such an excellent talent. Not only is he extremely talented in management, but he is also a scientist. More importantly, he admires him and is extremely loyal. In the end, she is often asked to be a spy and steal things. Really. It’s a violent thing.”

In fact, Huocun and Bonfire of the lava group are also very capable people, but unfortunately they don't know where they got involved during the battle between Gulardo and Kioka, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive, otherwise Long Yi really wants to Include them too.

Long Yi continued to lead it for more than ten days at the headquarters of the Pale Association, which was transformed from the headquarters of the Water Battle Group, until Tsuda Takumi formulated new rules and regulations that conformed to his ideas, and at the same time waited until the first batch of new uniforms and new coat of arms were issued. After sending it to all the members, they left with an excuse and handed over the overall situation to Takumi Tsuda.


Hoenn, Kaina City, Cape of Good Hope.

The Cape of Good Hope in Kaina City is a famous fishing spot, but the people who come here are usually fishermen from other places or fishing enthusiasts in Kaina City. Naturally, the local fishermen who live here don’t think there will be many beautiful.

For most of them, living and living better is the primary consideration.Although the rich fishery resources near the Cape of Good Hope support them, most of them hope that their children will be admitted to prestigious colleges, find a decent job, and move to the city.

Well, mostly.

On this day, in front of an ordinary wooden house, a fisherman with a vest and shorts and a big bald head was mending his fishing nets in preparation for the next fishing trip.

"Drip! Drip!"

Suddenly, a call came from a distance.

The bald man mending the fishing net frowned slightly. He raised his head and looked at the yellow-haired youth running straight towards him.

"How many times have I told you, don't call me that again." Di said impatiently.

He was originally proud of this code name, but since he got the blue orb for Shui Wutong after all the hard work but was betrayed and abandoned by the latter, the title 'Drip' is a shame to him.

His name is Ishimura Kamishu!

"Sorry, sorry, I'll pay attention next time." The young man with yellow hair apologized.His long hair covered half of his face, covering part of his face including his right eye, with a ponytail combed behind his head. His petite figure and round face made him look much younger than his actual age.

More like a young boy.

But such a person is one of the three major cadres of the lava group, the Hokage who mainly destroys the action of the water battle group!
Of course, now he has also given up that honorary code name, but returned to his former name: Taro Nojima.

However, unlike Ishimura Kamishu, he was not betrayed by the leader of the lava group, Chi Yansong, but because of some ulterior purpose, he voluntarily rescued Ishimura Kamishu who was driven into a desperate situation by Shuiwutong, and joined him Lived in seclusion in this Cape of Good Hope for several years.

But Ishimura Kamishu is willing to be an unknown fisherman here, which does not mean that Nojima Taro is also willing.

With his extremely deceptive appearance, the reason why Chi Yansong valued him as the Hokage who specializes in destroying the mission of the water battle group is naturally because of his ability and personality are suitable for such a job.

Unlike Shuiwutong, Chiyansong is much more knowledgeable than him. If it weren't for bad luck, the situation on Moss Island would be completely different.

Taro Nojima has lived in seclusion in the Cape of Good Hope for several years, just because Ishimura Kamishu is here, and in these years, he has been hoping that the latter will regain his fighting spirit, and he has the idea of ​​leaving here, calling him the code name of "di" that makes him unhappy Naturally, it was not because of any slip of the tongue, but on purpose.

It's just because of Nojima Taro's appearance and disguise that Ishimura always thought he was a simple big boy.

After apologizing, Taro Nojima grabbed Ishimura Kamiki's arm and dragged him back into the house.

"Taro, what the hell are you doing?"

"Shh, I'll show you something good." Nojima Taro cautiously closed the door and window, then took out two poke balls from his pocket and put them in his palm.

"Look, what is this?"

Ishimura Kamishu didn't take it seriously: "Aren't they just two elf balls?"

"Do you know what kind of elf is inside?" Nojima Taro continued to tell the truth.

"What elf?" Shimura Shangshu became a little interested.

"This one is a fire-breathing camel! This one is a megalodon!"

Before Ishimura Kamishu digested these two names that he was very familiar with, Taro Nojima suddenly broke out: "These two are element-level elves! They are the trump cards of Chi Yansong and Shui Wutong!"

Ishimura Kamiki grabbed Taro Nojima's arm and asked anxiously, "What you said is true? Where did you come from these two elves!"

The room was extremely dark, with only one light bulb emitting a long light, which made Taro Nojima's face more cloudy and uncertain.

He said in a low voice and slowly: "I was at the seaside and found the bodies of Chi Yansong and Shui Wutong."

This sentence was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, startled Shicun Shangshu back again and again, until he retreated to the door, resisting the wooden door before stopping.


Shui Wutong, who betrayed him, died?

Or did he die with Chi Yansong, the leader of the lava group?
The news was so shocking that even a disheartened person like Ishimura Kamishu was so shocked that he was dripping with cold sweat and turned pale.

At this moment, Taro Nojima spoke, "Shangshu, although Shui Wutong betrayed you, he is already dead. I know you admire him the most. The dead are the greatest, and the previous grievances should be written off. The deaths of Shuiwutong and Chiyansong are definitely not accidental, but you said that without the leader suddenly, what will happen to the water battle group and the lava group?"

"Do you have the heart to watch the water war group be destroyed in the hands of villains? Go up the tree! The water war group needs you! Similarly, the current lava group also needs me!"

"I don't mind living in seclusion with you for the rest of my life, but now, we have to stand up and lead the water battle group and the lava group to move forward!"

Taro Nojima handed over the Megalodon Pokeball, looked at Ishimura Kamiki sincerely, and begged, "I need you too."

"Help me up the tree."

There was an unspeakable silence in the room.

After a while, Ishimura Kamishu put his hand on the poke ball: "Okay, I will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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