Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 373 Natural Forces and Ancient Residence

Chapter 373 Natural Forces and Ancient Residence
Legend has it that in the super ancient times, one day, the top beast of the city, the Phoenix King, flew over Fengyuan and dropped a ball of flames.

This flame containing the power of the Phoenix King happened to fall on the earth energy node of Fengyuan Continent, and the strength of the two sides merged, so Gulardo was born.

Although it seems absurd, there are similar descriptions in almost all myths, legends, murals, and records related to Gulardo, so even if it seems implausible, it is still very likely to be true.

And very likely.

This should be regarded as two powerful energies produced one side by an extremely coincidental situation, and then gave birth to Gulardo.

However, compared with Gulardo, Kioka's appearance was very sudden, as if at the same time Gulardo appeared, there was such a powerful top-level beast in the world for no reason.

Before the appearance of Gulardo, there was no record of Kyoka at all.However, shortly after Gulardo appeared, Gaioka announced his existence to Hoenen ancient humans. Because of his powerful strength and violent character, he won a large number of admirers with fear and strength.

Just like most mythical beasts of that era.

The Lava Group and the Water War Group are considered to be one of the organizations that have the deepest understanding of these two ultra-ancient mythical beasts. According to countless years of research by the Water Battle Group, they believe that Hoenen's Gulardo and Gaioka, compared to other regions' Beasts are different.

The gods and beasts in other regions, except for being more powerful, are actually no different from ordinary elves in essence.

However, Fengyuan's Gulardo and Kioka have some kind of inexplicable mysterious connection with Fengyuan Continent.

When fighting in Fengyuan area, these two beasts can get a huge mysterious boost!

And the irreconcilable contradiction between the two parties seems not because one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, nor is it because water and fire are incompatible, but because they are all competing for some kind of mysterious power, and whenever Gulardo has some of this kind In terms of strength, Kioka will have a correspondingly less power, and vice versa.

The water battle group and the lava group call it, the force of nature.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of the water battle group and the lava group is not a joke. After they control Gulardo or Kyoka, their primary goal is to fill the land with the sea, or let the sea flood the land.

Because this is an action that fits the most essential desires of Gulardo and Kyoka, and when a certain beast completes this step, it proves that its power will reach its peak in Fengyuan, and dominating Fengyuan is not a joke if.

The researchers speculate that after this step is completed, the corresponding other mythical beast will disappear permanently.

Just as they guessed, the reason why Kioka was born back then was because the appearance of Gulardo caused the ocean energy of Fengyuan Continent to naturally produce a stress response, and Kioka was bred to counter Gulardo.

This is not speculation, because hundreds of years after the battle between Gulardo and Kioka, the dragon of the sky, Liekongza, was attracted from the universe, brazenly joined the battle, and occupied the absolute advantage of the sky energy.

Whether Gulardo overwhelmed Kyoka or Kyoka overwhelmed Gulardo, neither of them could pose a fundamental threat to Raykuza, who occupies the sky, so the invincible Raykuza is Hoenen's strongest Big mythical beast.

Later, Liekongza couldn't bear the endless struggle between Gulardo and Kyoka below, so he joined forces with the Meteor People who led it to Hoenen Continent, the Fire People who believed in Gulardo, and the Water People who believed in Kyoka. Human beings who are afraid of the two mythical beasts among the People of the People designed and sealed Gulardo and Kyoka, and divided part of their original energy, allowing the People of Fire and the People of Water to create indigo blue orbs and vermilion orbs.

Since then, the Fengyuan Continent has entered a long period of peace, until it was invaded by the dark dynasty that dominates the Kanto and the city capital, and then fell.

The winner, Rayquaza, has left a large number of offspring over a long period of time.Hoen's Weather Research Institute once captured a wounded Raykuza for research, and found that although Raykuza survived all over the world, the Hoenn region accounted for almost half of the number, which is different from the latter's The area of ​​the ozone layer does not match, nor does it match the living habits of Raykongza.

Based on this, coupled with a large amount of other evidence, the researchers of the lava group and the water battle group made the above assumptions.

"Gulardo, Kyoka, Rayquaza, and the forces of nature."

In the taxi, Long Yi lightly tapped the seat with his fingers, his expression thoughtful.

From a long time ago, he learned that there is a more powerful level above the elements, and that level belongs to the top beasts among the beasts, and belongs to the head of the elves among the human beings.

However, whether it is an ordinary element-level trainer, a master trainer, a heavenly king, or even a champion, they all essentially revolve around the level of the element level.

Their strength may vary widely, but the level is the same.

However, the research records obtained from the lava group and the water battle group opened a new door for Long Yi.

"Will the power of nature be the key to the master of the elves?"

"No, even if it's not, it should be one of the methods. At least the essence of Gulardo, Kyoka, and Rayquaza is natural force."

Long Yi was slightly excited, this was the first time he saw the dawn of breaking through to the head of the elves so clearly.

And according to the power of the top beasts, as long as there is a breakthrough, even if his elves do not have their own nirvana at that time, they will not be weaker than the element-level elves with nirvana.

"However, Fengyuan's land, sea, and sky have been divided up by Gulardo, Kyoka, and Raykonza, and there seems to be no natural energy in other areas..."

"Guest, No. 22 Gongqian Road is here." Suddenly, the taxi driver's voice interrupted Long Yi's train of thought.

"Oh yes, this is the fare, thank you master." After paying the money, Long Yi got out of the car and looked up at the familiar shop name.

【Old House】

That's right, Long Yi came to Zijin City after leaving the headquarters of the Pale Society.

After finally returning to Fengyuan, how could we not visit Grandpa Dewen and Grandma Juzi?

One of them gave him the first book of secret skills in his life, and indirectly created his first vegetarian elf.

The other is the leader of his element level, who has taught too many things.

What's more, now that Chrysanthemum's main elf is dead, she can only return to Fengyuan for retirement, so Long Yi should come and visit him because of love and reason.

"I don't know if Grandma Juzi is here."

Long Yi tidied up his clothes, then carried the gift, walked forward, and rang the doorbell.

Jingle ~ Jingle ~
"Please come in."

The old voice belonging to Grandpa Devin sounded from behind the door.

Long Yi pushed open the door, adjusted to the dim light behind the door, and then strode in.

The furnishings of the ancient residence are no different from the last time Long Yi came. If there is a difference, it would be that there is an extra rocking chair in front of the fireplace, but there is Grandpa Devon lying on one, and there is no one on the other.

"Grandpa Dewen, I'm here to see you, where is Granny Juzi?" Long Yi asked.

"Oh! It's Long Yi, come here and bring anything."

Grandpa Devon stood up enthusiastically, and as usual, stepped on the cat boss who was sleeping on the blanket in front of him. The pain caused the latter to jump up immediately, and his hairs started to stand up. The pain was unbearable but there was nowhere to attack .

"Oh, it's a cat, sorry sorry."

As soon as Grandpa Devin raised his foot, the cat boss turned into a white light and dodged away, hiding in a corner and licking his own tail.

It even used a flash of light!
"Grandpa Dewen, please sit down, I'll do it." Long put down the gift, and quickly helped him to sit down.

It's strange to say that Grandma Juzi has been competitive all her life, even if she is as strong as Dr. Oki and changed to a postdoctoral fellow of elves, she is disgusted by her, but she finds an ordinary person like Grandpa Devon instead.

Yes, Grandpa Devon is not a trainer, nor is he a warrior, nor a fighter, nor does he have any special abilities.

He is just an ordinary person.

Old, infirm, deaf, poor memory, nagging...

He has almost all the flaws that old people have. After chatting for a few minutes, he remembered Long Yi's question, and replied: "You said Ju Zi, she is a person who can't sit still, is she safe when she returns to Zijin City? After a few days, I went to Zijin Gymnasium to be a teacher again, and I only came back every night."

"That's pretty good too, isn't the mother-in-law just like this?" Long Yi said heaved a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Grandma Chrysanthemum would be devastated. After all, the elf who had accompanied him for half his life died. Many trainers collapsed because of this, and many even committed suicide.

After chatting with Grandpa Dewen for a while, Long Yi suddenly noticed an open envelope on the messy table, and the pattern of demons and ghosts on the envelope made him a little strange.

Who would send a letter in such an embarrassing envelope?
"Grandpa Devon, what is this letter?" Long Yi asked.

Old German glanced at it, and said casually, "Oh, that, that's the assassination notice letter from the Demon Cave."

Long Yi's pupils dilated suddenly, he picked up the envelope without hesitation, and pulled out the postcard-like card inside.

It reads:

The witch Juzi, after three days, I will come to marry you and my husband.

Sincerely, Shuten-douji, Demon Cave.

Looking at the date, the assassination time is today!

Grandpa Devon said slowly: "Because you haven't gone to find Ares for a long time, so the latter found the demon cave to assassinate Chrysanthemum, and wanted her to inform you to deal with Shuten-douji. After all, there is only one in the demon cave. This ghost king will accept Ares' order because of hatred."

"Oh, by the way, look at my brain, I forgot to tell Chrysanthemum about this." Old German said and patted his head.

However, at this moment, Long Yi was no longer in the mood to listen to Grandpa Devon's words, because in his eyes, on the bookshelf behind Grandpa Devon, a black shadow got in through the crack of the door, and then climbed up the bookshelf, like a real entity. He lifted it up, revealing pitch-black fangs and claws.

Shuten-douji has arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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