Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 375 Shuten-douji, VS Manula!Down

Chapter 375 Shuten-douji, VS Manula!Down

"An element related to shadows?"

"Control, concealment, avatar, teleportation, assassination... are really suitable elements for a killer."

Inoue Genji's Manuella has undoubtedly unearthed all of his abilities, which is very rare even among the Alliance's Four Heavenly Kings, and it is enough to show Inoue's keen insight into the characteristics of elves.

Long Yi didn't know if this Manula had any other secret skills or abilities, but it was undoubtedly very unwise to fight such an opponent in a shop with a complex environment.

go outside!
As soon as his thoughts fell, Long Yi immediately greeted the Giant Pincer Mantis, and rushed out the door.

During this process, he and the giant pincer mantis were tense all the time, keeping an eye on the shadowy corners around them, but Manuella didn't come out to attack, allowing them to arrive at the street safely.

The Gongqian Road where the ancient residence is located is not a very bustling road, but it is not a deserted and remote place. Seeing Long Yi and the Giant Pincer Mantis rushing out of the store, many passers-by who noticed this scene were curious. gaze.



Before they could think clearly, Long Yi quickly took a giant pincer mantis into a side alley after quickly observing the surrounding environment.

This alley, like all similar alleys, is dirty, messy, and smelly, and it is in the middle of two buildings. Except for noon at noon, there is no sunlight at all. It is in shadow all day long, and it is a few degrees colder than outside.

After arriving here, Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of the other abilities of that Manula, but what Long Yi fears the most is the last ability to attack the shadow and directly hurt the main body, and this ability even ignores the main body's defense, maximizing Long Yi's powerful force got weakened.

In the face of this danger, the best way is not to run into the sun. Although there are fewer shadows in the sun, the shadows of myself and the giant pincer mantis still exist.

And that Manula has the ability to jump from the shadows, and if it is not fully secured, it will suddenly attack, and the crisis has not been resolved at all.

The best way is to make the shadow disappear!

So Long Yi took a fancy to this small alley. Although Manula is like a fish in water here and can launch attacks from anywhere, Long Yi is not as weak as other trainers. Ordinary attacks will not be afraid of Manula at all. Beheaded with one blow.

And because there were shadows everywhere, the shadows of Long Yi and Giant Pincer Mantis naturally disappeared, and Manuella's most difficult ability was directly restricted.

"Come out! Aren't you going to kill me? Come out and kill me!"

However, in the face of Long Yi's provocation, the surroundings were quiet, not to mention Manuella, not even a little Lada.

"Hey, how are you, are you okay?"

A passerby raised his head from the alley and asked, obviously the person who noticed Long Yi's abnormality just now.

"Tch, can't you travel thousands of miles away with one blow? It really deserves to be a killer." Long Yi whispered.

Assassins never rely on blood. As one of the world's top assassins, Gensu Inoue naturally understands this truth. When he saw that Manula's sneak attack failed and he was unable to kill Long Yi in the ancient center, it was reasonable to choose to retreat. middle.

Anyway, he is not the one to be afraid of, only those who are thieves for a thousand days, not those who can guard against thieves for a thousand days, let alone guarding against a terrible assassin like Manuella who has mastered the elements of shadows.

As long as he is patient enough, Long Yi will definitely die in his hands.

The reason why he didn't do anything before was because the blatant assassination of the alliance's king would have too much impact and would provoke the alliance's wrath.

After all, the king of heaven is already the apex that most ordinary people can think of. If such a character is assassinated, will it deal a blow to the prestige of the alliance?Will it cause panic?

Therefore, most assassins are avoiding similar tasks of assassination, and are easily attacked by the alliance in retaliation.

Really angered the alliance, even the demon cave will be uprooted, let alone him, one of the three small ghost kings.

Seemingly having figured this out, Long Yi relaxed, raised his head and said to the passerby: "I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

With that said, he walked out of the alley.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Until Long Yi reached the entrance of the alley, he still didn't suffer any attack, it seemed that the Manula really retreated in spite of the difficulties.

Then, Long Yi walked out of the alley.

The bright sunlight outside shone on Long Yi's body, leaving a clear shadow on the ground, half of the shadow was outside, and half of the shadow blended into one body with the shadow because it was inside the alley.

At this moment, a Manula leaned out from the shadow of the wall of the alley, its lower half was still blended into the shadow, but its upper half waved its sharp claws, and blocked Long Yi's shadow cut off.

If this hit hits, Long Yi will most likely be cut in half!
At that time, it will be hard to save the gods.

"what is that!"

Amidst the exclamation of passers-by, Long Yi's forward steps suddenly stopped, then he turned around abruptly, and firmly grasped Manula's wrist with both hands like iron hoops.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Long Yi grinned and showed his white teeth, then loosened his right fist and slammed it down, the terrible force made the Manula dizzy, and Venus shot out.

At this moment, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in the shadow belonging to passers-by, and then a Manula jumped out of it, slashing at the shadow under Long Yi's feet.

This blow is not fatal, but it can chop off both of Long Yi's feet.


The expressionless Giant Pincer Mantis had been on guard against Manuella's move for a long time. Facing the enemy in the air with nowhere to rely, its two pincers lit up with a strong silver-white light, and then crossed to meet it.

And Golden Claw—Cross Slash!
The Manuela in mid-air was slashed into smoke by the cross slash. It was only then that the giant pincer mantis noticed that although this Manuela seemed to be jumping in the air, there was always a black line behind the buttocks connecting with the shadow of passers-by. together.

This is a fake, it is an illusion created by Manula manipulating the shadow, not the shadow clone, nor the main body!
The Giant Pincer Mantis suddenly sensed something, turned around suddenly, and saw that another Manula had already jumped out of its own shadow, spared Long Yi and came to his feet, and swung its claws at the waist of the latter's shadow.

Those claws glowed with a rich red light.

This one is the body!

Stupid human beings, go to hell!
Under Manula's cruel gaze, its claws covered with special powers severed the floor tiles on the sidewalk, leaving a fierce gully on it, and even the shadow projected on it was cut off from it.

It worked!
Manula, who is familiar with her abilities, knows that this human being will definitely die.

However, the expected splash of blood and screams did not come. Before Manula could figure out what had happened, the claws of the giant mantis pliers, which were attacking with hate, landed on its back, and a strong questioning went straight to it. Rushing into the depths of its soul, causing Manula to freeze in place for a moment, unable to even use the shadow jump.

"Giant pincer mantis, take it to the sky." Long said, and the voice came from the other side of Manula.

At that moment just now, when the real Manuella emerged from the shadow of the giant pincer mantis, Geng Gui, who was hiding in the shadow of Long Yi, cast an illusion on it.

Manuella thinks that the severed shadow is not Long Yi's shadow, but an ordinary floor tile on the road, so naturally it won't affect him.

And Long Yi, who managed to catch this elf, naturally wouldn't let it escape, after the giant pincer mantis' sneak attack hit, he directly let the latter fly into the sky with Manuella.

He didn't think there was no limit to the jumping of this Manula's shadow, Long Yi believed that as long as it was far enough away from the nearest shadow, it would be able to make it fail to jump and dodge countless times!

"Come out, flame bird!"

After the giant pincer mantis took Manula into the sky, Long Yiyi raised his hand to summon the flame bird, then jumped directly onto the latter's back, and rode it into the sky.

Only then did the nearby passers-by react.

"Flame Bird!"

"Look, that person released the flame bird!"

Suddenly there were exclamations one after another in the street.

high in the air.

Manula, who finally woke up from the torture, felt the complexion of the bound body change, and subconsciously activated the ability of the shadow to jump.



Because at high altitude, the nearest shadows around were all [-] meters away, so Manuella immediately lost the ability to jump from shadows!
"Giant Pincer Mantis, throw it up." At this moment, Long Yi rode up on the flame bird.

The giant pincer mantis threw Manuella high, but the speed was not fast. Manuara turned over in the air to keep her balance, but it didn't help, because it didn't have the ability to change direction in the air.

"Big character explosion!"

The fiery flames of the flame bird engulfed Manula, and the resulting explosion and high temperature caused serious injuries to her.

The effect is outstanding!

But just after the big character explosion ended, Manuella, who started to fall, fell into the continuous bullet punch attack of the giant pincer mantis, and the sharp steel energy unscrupulously destroyed its body along with the bullet punch. The superposition of justice attached to it has fallen into a cycle of torture, which is difficult to control.

Finally, when the giant pincer mantis threw it high again, the fully charged flame bird spit out a huge white fireball. The fireball exuded intense heat and exploded violently after devouring Manula. Most of the people in Zijin City heard the movement.

Cheats - Explosive Fireball!
"Give it the last and golden claw." Long said together.

The giant pincer mantis came to the top of Manuella, which fell like a rag, and used the double pincers superimposed with the golden claws to hit the latter's abdomen hard, causing Manuara to fall rapidly like a cannonball, and finally got a 'bang'. It smashed into the hard concrete floor with a bang, creating a big hole and fractures at the same time, it was already difficult to maintain a complete shape.

The element-level elf Manula—death.

Long Yi rode the flame bird and landed with the giant pincer mantis, watching the evil energy all over Manuella's body condense into the middle finger of his right hand after it died, forming a pitch-black claw of evil thoughts, and then put it away .

This, this is the evil energy crystal nucleus condensed only by the prime-level manula.


Although Manula is dead, the danger has not been lifted. Shutendouji Inoue Gensu is the only person in the world who can continuously create new element spirits.

As long as he is still alive, Long Yi, Grandma Juzi, and Grandpa Devon will still be in danger.

But Inoue Genzhi was very cautious and didn't show up at all, so Long Yi naturally had no way to find him out of the vast crowd, so he could only stop and return.

(End of this chapter)

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