Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 376 Chaos 1

Chapter 376 Chaos 1

When the flame bird's explosive fireball hit Manuella and made a loud noise, the hag Juzi who was located in the trainer of the Zijin gymnasium immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

Then, she saw the huge fireball in the sky.

This power is at least the fire-type secret skill issued by the element-level elves!

With rich combat experience, Chrysanthemum immediately judged the approximate power of Yanbang Fireball from the sound, momentum and distance. Although I don't know who dared to fight this level of battle in the city so boldly, this is not what she needs. For things to consider, if there is any problem, the Zijin City official will deal with it.

This is Fengyuan, even if there is anything, it is not up to her, the king of Kanto, to take care of it. Besides, Juzi is just an old lady returning to her hometown to retire.

"What a terrible attack, it must be the elf of a very powerful trainer."

"No matter how strong she is, she can't be stronger than Grandma Juzi, she is the king of Kanto!"

Several teenagers and girls on the trainer's field were talking about it.

Since Long Yi succeeded in challenging the Zijin Gymnasium last time, the behavior of throwing away the Zijin badge was seen by Tie Xuan's disciples, and after defeating Ishida Yamato in public, Tie Xuan became disheartened, no longer engaged in elf battles, and sent Zijin Dao The library has been passed on to his apprentices.

And Ishida Yamato learned from the painful experience. After taking office, he successively reformed the shortcomings of the Zijin Gym, and took in many young girls from Zijin City who aspired to become trainers as disciples, and taught them carefully.

And he himself did not slack off, traveling for at least 3 months every year, fighting with various trainers, asking for advice from various masters he met on the road, and improving almost every year.

When he learned that Juzi, the incumbent Heavenly King of Kanto, came to live in Zijin City, he paid more attention to the thatched cottage. It happened that Juzi had nothing to do, so he finally invited her out of the mountain to give lectures to the apprentices of Zijin Gymnasium.

Not only the apprentices, but even Ishida Yamato himself benefited a lot.

"Grandma, can you show us your elf?"

"Yes, yes, we also want to see your world-famous 'death make-up technique'!"

While talking, an apprentice suddenly said, causing a group of people to boo.

Chrysanthemum smiled and said, "Okay, let you see it."

"Come out, Aberdeen!"

Following Chrysanthemum throwing an elf ball, an extraordinarily huge fearful Arbo appeared in the open space. The terrifying aura frightened a group of young people who had never seen many masters.

This is Chrysanthemum's trump card, the ancestral elf cultivated by her own hands - the ancient Arbo monster!
"Death Makeup Technique!"

Chrysanthemum raised her right hand and opened the five arms, as if controlling five invisible silk threads.And with the dancing of her fingers, the patterns on the ancient Arbor's abdomen suddenly changed, and its body also deformed with the changes in the patterns.

Or become bigger and more powerful; or become slender, flexible, and fast; or become purple-black, invulnerable to all poisons; rock; or grow mighty, and regain strength.

Chrysanthemum's death make-up technique is famous all over the world. There are six known pattern changes, which are attack, defense, speed, anti-virus, poisonous and life. They can strengthen their corresponding abilities respectively. It can be said to be an extremely terrifying self-created secret technique. One trick can be used as many tricks.

And no one knows if she has any other hidden cards. After all, there are more than 20 known patterns on the abdomen of a normal Arbor monster, and it seems that the six patterns of the death make-up technique can be found from among them. pattern.

As a leader among the veteran powerhouses and the oldest alliance king in the world, her prestige is not blown out by others.

If it weren't for the death make-up technique that only the ancient Arbo monster could learn, and the ancient Arbo monster even bred only one Chrysanthemum, she would have become the strongest king under the champion.

It is not impossible for the alliance to use a supercomputer to create a nirvana for it.


Suddenly, when Juzi was performing, there was a flash of space fluctuation in the open space, and the two of them appeared at the same time.

"Grandma Chrysanthemum, there is something I have to tell you." Long Yi said solemnly, and then he saw the ancient Abo snake beside him.

"Oh, it's exposed." Chrysanthemum covered her face with her hands, and looked at Old Devon complainingly through the gaps between her fingers.

Old German smiled.


At sunset, people who had been busy for a day set foot on the way home.

On Gongqian Road, an old man who sells Kanto cooking here every day slowly put away his shop flag, packed his things, stepped on the electric three-wheeled dining car, and rushed home amidst the chug-chug sound.

His home is not far from here, but it is very remote. It belongs to the kind of old city without many people.

Relying on the electric dining car, he soon returned to the place where he lived, an old and old house.

It's not big, but the advantage is that it's his own, and he doesn't have to pay rent.

If you live alone, the three-story building with a small courtyard is spacious enough.

After closing the gate of the yard, the old man parked the dining car in the yard, then opened the door, his gaze passed over the corpse of the old man lying on the floor that looked exactly like him, and he walked slowly to the refrigerator in the kitchen, and took out a bottle of beer from it , opened with a 'snap', and sat down on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Ha~ As expected, he is the Chief Heavenly King of Sinnoh. He has grown too fast, and his strength is not at all like that of a newly promoted element-level trainer."

The old man sighed while drinking, and there was a dead body that looked exactly like him lying at his feet. No matter how you look at this scene, it makes people feel creepy.

Afterwards, the old man who drank a can of beer slowly took off his disguise, revealing a face somewhat similar to Shuichi Inoue, but older, with bald hair and only a circle around his head.

There is no doubt that this person is the world's number one killer organization, one of the three ghost kings of the Demon Cave, Inoue Genzai codenamed Shuten-douji!

Shuten-doji, who is 67 years old this year, doesn't care about Manula's death. Although this elf is the best one he feels, and has been used for a full ten years, it is dead if it dies. There is no need to feel sorry and mercy.

When Inoue Genji was young, he used to kill his own element spirits one after another, and then dig up their energy crystals and sell them. Although he soon found that it was too slow to make money by doing so, he joined the Demon Cave and became a Killer, but the habits he developed at that time have made him not care about the death of his elf.

Even this manula is really useful.

After drinking a can of beer, Inoue Genzui quickly disguised himself as another old man, then released a hudi, used teleportation to arrive near Zijin City Station, bought a night shift ticket, and took the The airship left Violet City overnight.

As the world's number one killer organization, Demon's Nest is naturally spread across the four major regions of Kanto, Johto, Fengyuan, and Sinnoh. Even the newly discovered Hezhong region sent a small team of personnel to establish a branch.

But with such a huge layout, the demon cave also has its own focus.

In particular, the three major ghost kings each have their own territories, among which Shuten-douji is in charge of the city, Otengu is in charge of Hoenn, and Nine-tailed Fox Tamamomae is in charge of Shenao.

As for Kanto, it is the weakest place in the Demon Nest, but there is also a saying that the Demon Nest still has the strongest hidden ghost king in Kanto, but that ghost king has long since quit his job, and the people of the Demon Nest are also forbidden. Go and disturb him, so the monster cave has the least number of crimes in Kanto and the least number of people.

Strictly speaking, Inoue Genzhi took orders across domains this time, infringing on the interests of Datengu, who is also the ghost king. Therefore, although he is one of the three ghost kings, Inoue Genzhi did not use any of his own power, but He sneaked into Fengyuan alone and started to commit crimes.

At this moment, with the death of his own element-level Manula and the combat effectiveness falling to the bottom, Inoue Gensu, who doesn't trust anyone, will naturally not leak his information.

Not to mention Ootengu and his subordinates, even Inoue Genmai's own subordinates, he couldn't believe it at this time!

Inoue Genzui, who quietly returned to the city by airship, did not stop, changed his identity again and bought a ticket to Fallen Leaf City, and went alone.

(End of this chapter)

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