Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 377 Chaos 2

Chapter 377 Chaos 2
There are a total of eighteen types of attributes possessed by elves in this world, and the number of them naturally varies, and the distribution is also different.

Generally speaking, ordinary, water, fire, grass, and other types of elves are more common, and can be found almost everywhere; while elves of the dragon, goblin, super power, and ghost type are much rarer, and their habitats are more secretive and complex.

There are three most famous habitats of the ghost system in the Chengdu area, namely the Enchanted Forest near Wakaba Town, the Burnt Tower in Yuanzhu City, and the Scarlet Valley near Luoye City.

Among them, the Burnt Tower in Yuanzhu City is the remains of the Bell Tower after it was burned down. It is controlled by Xiaosong, the owner of Yuanzhu Gymnasium, and the rest of the Ring Tower party behind him, and prohibits others from entering and capturing the spirits of Guisi.

The Scarlet Valley near Luoye City is a natural dangerous place. I don't know if it is a special magnetic field or something strange in the valley. Anyway, as long as an elf enters it, it will go into a state of rampage until it dies from exhaustion, so it is rarely visited by people.

A large number of wild elves who strayed into the Scarlet Valley died and gave birth to ghost elves. Although these ghost elves can't go berserk, they can't be subdued, and they will attack trainers anytime and anywhere.

Because it was too dangerous, the officials of Fallen Leaf City blocked Scarlet Valley, and naturally no one went there without interest.

Therefore, if trainers in the Chengdu area want to subdue ghost elves, most of them will go to the Forest of Delusion. At least there is no one to occupy it, and there is no great danger except getting lost.

And on this day, Scarlet Valley ushered in a special guest.

Shuten-douji - Inoue source quality.

"It's been ten years, I haven't been here."

Gensu Inoue rode a frightened deer up the hillside of the Scarlet Valley, and sighed as he looked at the valley shrouded in scarlet mist below.

Behind him, there were two strange forces, with a large backpack on their backs and two large luggage bags in each hand.

There is a secret in Scarlet Valley in Fallen Leaf City, a secret that perhaps only Inoue Genma knows.

That is, if [-] elves are thrown into the Crimson Valley at the same time, then the [-] elves will run away under the influence of the Crimson Valley, thus killing each other.

And at the end of the fight, this method similar to raising Gu will have a special reaction with the uniqueness of Scarlet Valley itself, allowing the last surviving victor to use this 100% civilized element to become a precious element-level elf .

This elf is the same as the ghost-type elves naturally bred in the Scarlet Valley. It is also an elf that cannot communicate and influence. Even if it is subdued and released, it will attack the trainer itself. Ability, can create his terrifying ability to continuously create element-level elves!
Yes, Gensu Inoue's special ability is actually similar to General Mulan Taketori's, but stronger.

He can forcibly control a wild elf to serve him, and the number is constant at one. Although he also needs to compete in mental power like Taketori, the elf ball will not fail in Inoue's hand, so it does not prevent him from subduing it. and use other sprites.

What's even better is that the spirit that has been subdued forcibly can practice telepathy with Inoue Genzuru, allowing him to give orders to him without opening his mouth, but the distance can't be too far, it must be within 100 meters, beyond this This practice becomes useless.

It is precisely because of an accidental action in the early years that caused the elves in the forest to riot. Countless elves fled into the Scarlet Valley and fought. Finally, Genma Inoue discovered this secret, which laid the foundation of Shutendouji's strength.

And now, after many years, he came here again.

"Wei Li, open all the elf balls and throw them into the valley." Inoue Gensu sat on the frightened horned deer and ordered.

He is old, and throwing 1 Poke Balls is no small burden for him.

Fortunately, he still has elves.

The elf balls were thrown into the valley in the hands of Wei Li, and they were opened one after another in mid-air, releasing one elf after another.

These elves are of various types, all kinds of strange things, with various attributes, and their rarity and strength are also inconsistent.

Ordinary ones include Odachi, Lada, Big Needle Bee and so on.

Precious ones include Yongjila, duck-billed fire dragon, electric dragon and so on.

Those who can hide from the ground include gophers and mountain kings; those who can fly include toucans and nightjars.

However, as soon as all the elves entered the mist of the Crimson Valley, scarlet bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared in their eyes. They let out manic roars and unscrupulously attacked the nearest elves, except for their fighting instincts. Word.

One by one elves were thrown into the Scarlet Valley, and at the same time, one by one elves were injured and died in the valley.

The blood began to flow horizontally, and the fog in the valley seemed to be thicker.

"Kill, kill as much as you want, decide who is the strongest among you, and then fight and fight for me!"

This kind of battle does not mean that the strongest can survive to the end. For example, there is a Benjila below, which is the most precious elf that Inoue Genzhi invested this time, none of them.

Its strength is also the strongest among them. However, after defeating more than [-] elves one after another, Bangira was jointly attacked by the remaining elves around him. Flames, water currents, electric shocks, and flying leaves fell on it. In a few minutes, the bruised Bangira was lying on the ground forever, and his eyes lost focus.

"It's a pity, the price of this one is not small." Every time he uses Scarlet Valley, it is a big burden for Inoue Genmai, so he used to buy all kinds of cheap, weak, and even disabled sick animals in bulk. elves, in exchange for the last ordinary element-level elf, and then go to fight, or kill and sell.

It wasn't until he made his fortune that he had the capital to use higher-quality elves to raise Gu, and the elemental elves he finally obtained became more and more powerful.

Sitting high on the back of the frightened horned deer, Inoue Gensu looked down at the Scarlet Valley below, and was indifferent to the roars, screams, and explosions of countless elves, even the occasional white lights could not shake him.

That is the light that represents evolution!
Yes, under the oppression of death, some of the ten thousand elves will always evolve because of this, but so what?

All he cared about was the last one that survived.

The sun rises and the sun sets.

Finally, after a long fight, when corpses and blood flowed everywhere in Scarlet Valley, the final victor finally appeared.

That was a crocodile-like elf, which was sent to him by the team in the Hezhong area. Because of his bad personality and rogue appearance, he was named Rogue Crocodile.

This rogue crocodile is still a bit strong. Although it is not as good as that Bangira, it can also be ranked in the top ten out of the [-] elves this time. Because it is rare, it is also the focus of Inoue Genmai's focus.

Unlike the previous Manuela, the reason why that Manuela was able to become the winner was because it could slightly resist the berserk effects caused by the Crimson Valley, so it kept hiding until the other elves decided the winner. The bureau killed the battered victor.

But this rogue crocodile is fighting from head to tail.

Its desire to fight is very strong, its vitality and endurance are also very strong, and it also has a strange recovery ability.

But the weirdest thing is that there are only runaway elves around, but only one elf fights with it every time, and there is never a situation where more fights less.

It is precisely because of this phenomenon that the rogue crocodile became the final winner.

"Is it the ability to force one to fight alone? There is much less blood around it. It seems that the recovery ability of this elf needs to absorb blood." Inoue Genzhi murmured.

The reason why he watched the fight with his old body from beginning to end was to get a better understanding of the winner, which would help him quickly discover the elemental abilities corresponding to the elves.

When the rogue crocodile became the final victor, it immediately reacted with the mysterious power in the Scarlet Valley, and the blood flowing in the valley continued to flow towards him, not only making his injuries heal instantly, but also dyeing his originally dark red skin red It was as bright as blood.

The element is civilized, the element of blood!

"It's now!"

Inoue, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, immediately activated his special ability, forcibly controlling the rogue crocodile in the valley, causing the scarlet blood in its eyes to fade away, and the influence belonging to the scarlet valley disappeared from it.

"Come here and protect me." After giving this order, the no longer young Inoue Gensu couldn't bear the heavy sleepiness caused by the exhaustion of energy, and fell asleep on the back of the Scared Horn Deer.

The rogue crocodile walked out of the Scarlet Valley and faithfully guarded Inoue's source quality.

Suddenly, Genzu Inoue, who was sleeping soundly on the back of the frightened horned deer, suddenly stopped breathing, and died not long after.

And with his death, the rogue crocodile of the element level that was forcibly controlled suddenly regained its freedom, not only freed its consciousness from the invisible bondage, but also did not receive the follow-up influence of the Scarlet Valley, and became a precious wild animal. Elemental sprites.

The rogue crocodile who came to his senses drove away the two strange force and frightened horned deer, then looked at the corpse of Inoue's source material that fell on the ground, and kicked it into the scarlet valley.

One of the three ghost kings of Demon Cave, Shuten-douji, die!

Chengdu, Yuanzhu City, in an old house next to Xinling Tower.

A mysterious man sitting in a dark room opened his eyes.

"Shuten-douji is finally dead. It's really not easy to kill you. I've been waiting for this opportunity for ten years."

A gloomy voice sounded in the room, and then he pressed the switch, and soon a man dressed as a samurai opened the wooden door and knelt at the door.

"Master Freddy, what are your orders?"

"I'm drunk, I'll pass on the traitor's reward. Also, tell him that if he wants to join us, he must commit a crime that shocks the world." The person in the room said.

"The demon cave has occupied the number one killer organization for a long time, and it's time to make a move."

"Yes, my lord." The samurai knelt down and bowed, then got up and left.On the back of his clothes, there is a street tattooed, and there are ghosts and ghosts peeping out of the windows on both sides of the street.

This pattern represents the world's second largest killer organization after Demon's Den - A Nightmare on Elm Street!

And the person in the room is one of the four chief killers on Elm Street, the dream ghost Freddy!

For so many years, the reason why Elm Ghost Street has tolerated the demon cave occupying the position of the number one killer organization is because Shuten-douji, who can infinitely create element-level elves, will launch a suicide attack.

He doesn't have the financial resources himself, but with the support of the demon cave, Shuten-douji is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying killers in the world.

Now he is dead.

The two remaining ghost kings in the demon cave can't restrain the ambitions of the four chiefs of Elm Ghost Street.

What's more, there is the third largest killer organization - Hell Dao, who is watching from the side.

Chaos, from here on out.

(End of this chapter)

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