Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 378 Chaos 3

Chapter 378 Chaos 3
Kanto, Quartz Plateau, Shueisha Headquarters.

His hair was completely pale, and Bai Shizhangyan, who looked much older than a few years ago, finished breakfast, wiped his mouth slowly, then put on his purple round hat, and walked towards the elevator with a cane.

A few years have passed, and he is still a Level 6 member of Shueisha, neither promoted nor declined.

"Good morning, Master Baishi!"

"Morning, Master Baishi!"

"Hehe, it's early, and you are also early."

People kept saying hello to Baishi Zhangyan along the way, and he nodded in response one by one with a smile. It can be seen that Baishi Zhangyan's reputation and popularity have made great progress in the past few years.

A few minutes later, he took the elevator back to his room at Shueisha, closed the door, and locked it.

After the door was locked, Bai Shi Zhang Yan's previous kind and gentle smile suddenly disappeared, and changed to a look of eagerness.

He stretched out his thin right hand and took out a small ball from under his tongue, which was hidden in the porridge he ate just now, and he quietly hid it in his mouth.

There is a slit in the ball, which can be opened with a slight twist, and inside is an SD card and a note with a picture of Elm Street.

Here's the payoff for A Nightmare on Elm Street!

"It's finally here. After so many years, I thought I couldn't wait for this day." Baishi Zhangyan couldn't be more excited when he saw this note. He wiped away his tears, took out his notebook and a card reader, Insert the SD card, then plug it into the computer and turn it on.

There was a video in it, which basically said that Freddy, the dream ghost, was very satisfied with the secrets contributed by Zhangyan Baishi and gave him the reward he wanted.And if Bai Shi Zhangyan wants to join Elm Ghost Street, then he only needs to do the next big case, and he will become a high-level killer in Elm Ghost Street.

That is the level second only to the leader!
If Baishi Zhangyan's element-level elf hadn't died in battle, with his strength, he might even directly become the fifth leader of Elm Ghost Street!
After all, at the critical moment of competing for the position of the world's number one killer organization with Demon Cave and Hell Dao, any element-level trainer is a powerful combat force worthy of serious treatment.

At the back of the video, the reward that Bai Shizhangyan wanted was attached.

A method of learning unique secret skills.

This is the unique secret skill of the dream ghost Freddy!

Bai Shizhang Yanzai looked back and forth three times carefully, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although it was difficult, it was still within his acceptable range.

Now everything is ready, the only thing missing is the last step.

"It's coming, it's coming soon."

"Hezi, look at it, I'm right. You're wrong, you're really wrong."

Bai Shizhangyan murmured, the woman who had been with him for most of his life seemed to appear in front of him.


a few days later.

An elf floated in front of Baishi Zhangyan, and with a flash of black light, the color of that elf also became as black as ink.


Bai Shizhangyan was overjoyed, and according to the prepared plan, he took out his communicator and dialed a number.


"Is it Pingyi?"

"I suddenly remembered something very important, can I invite you to my room?"

"Well, I can only say it in person."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Shizhangyan rubbed his hands together excitedly, then managed to calm down, and made the elves in mid-air disappear and waited.

dong dong dong~
"The door is unlocked, come in."

As the door opened, a tall and handsome man walked in.

If Long Yi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize who this person came in.Because he is the representative of Kanto Shenshan Aristocratic Academy in the college competition, a powerful trainer among the young generation, and the eldest son of the chairman of Kanto's largest elf playground group company.

His name is Takahashi Heiichi!

"Master Shiraishi, what is the important thing you are talking about?" Takahashi Heiichi asked doubtfully.

He joined Shueisha after Long Yi killed Emperor Yan and broke out to be an elemental trainer, and he also signed an agreement with Baishi Zhangyan to buy points at a high price or complete tasks to pay Baishi Zhangyan as salary.

Takahashi Ping has always paid attention to several bright trainers on the trainer island, and it is precisely because of this that he noticed Bai Shizhangyan.With the help of Bai Shizhangyan, his cultivation of elves in the past few years has indeed gone smoothly, except that no elves have entered the elemental level, and two elves have reached the racial limit.

Shenshan Noble Academy naturally also has element-level trainers. Takahashi Heiichi's master is one of them, but he is not a master trainer. There is still a big gap in teaching people how to cultivate elves.

Therefore, Shiraishi Zhangyan helped Takahashi Heiichi a lot.

It is always a big deal for someone to have the element of elf civilization, especially at Long Yi's age.In addition to Takahashi Heiichi, there are many other people who have signed an agreement with Shiraishi Zhangyan and asked him how to cultivate elves, most of them are original Shueisha members.

"Look into my eyes." Bai Shi Zhangyan said.

Gao Qiaoping subconsciously looked over.

Before he could react, a strange elf with a pitch-black body suddenly appeared in midair, like a cicada's slough, with a crescent-shaped halo on its head.

Empty shell elves, shedding ninjas!
This is the cicada slough left by Shiraishi Zhangyan's element-level elf iron-faced ninja when it evolved. After the former civilized element, this strange elf that was closely related to it and belonged to different lives also mutated.

It also civilized the elements, but because of the characteristics of the molting ninja, it only has 5 minutes of life left after using the power of the element level.

After more than ten years of waiting, Bai Shizhangyan was waiting for this day!
"I want to borrow your body!" Baishi Zhangyan said coldly, finally showing his long-hidden fangs.

"Exclusive secret technique, golden cicada escapes its shell!"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the molting ninja, and before Shiraishi Zhangyan could react, his entire soul was sucked into the hollow shell of the molting ninja, beating and roaring in panic, but he couldn't make any sound.

"What a body, I accept it bluntly." Shiraishi Zhangyan supported Takahashi Heiichi's body, and issued the second order, "Use secret skills, soul transfer!"

This is him betraying the Demon King Shuten Doji, and obtained his unique secret skills from the leader of Elm Street, the dream demon Freddie!

This is an incomparably precious secret skill enough to prolong life!

Under normal circumstances, after the soul transfer, the souls of the two parties will clash fiercely, the winner will survive, and the loser will perish.

But even for the winner, the battle of the soul will inevitably leave irreparable injuries, ranging from memory loss to dementia.

Therefore, if you want to use this secret technique, you must either use it on people with weak souls; or you have a strong soul and recovery skills;

However, in the hands of Baishi Zhangyan, combined with the exclusive secret skills of his elemental elf moulting ninja, he directly avoided the most dangerous process, as if his soul was transferred to a body with a dead soul but a healthy body.

This kind of experience, even Freddy, the evil dream ghost, would not dare to imagine, it is really too rare.

As a result, Shiraishi Zhangyan's soul was perfectly accepted by Takahashi Heiichi's body without any harm to himself.

It can be called a perfect resurrection from a dead body!

The body belonging to Shiraishi Zhangyan fell down, but Takahashi Heiichi opened his eyes, revealing a pair of deep eyes.

"Ah~ what a young, what a vibrant body!"

Takahashi Heiichi... No!It was Bai Shizhangyan who embraced himself emotionally. Most people can't imagine the joy of a dying old man suddenly returning to his youth, let alone Bai Shizhangyan, who is already in his 80s, can feel his own pain every day recently. Weakened every day.

He knew that he didn't have much time left.

Fortunately, everything has caught up!
He succeeded in resurrecting his soul with a dead body. Starting today, Bai Shizhangyan once again has a healthy body and a sufficient lifespan!
Of course, he is not going to live on as Takahashi Heiichi. Although his acting skills and understanding of Takahashi Heiichi are enough to hide it for a short time, but the paper cannot contain the fire after all, and it is easy to be exposed in the long run.

Bai Shizhangyan needs to live in his own name!Live dignifiedly!

For this reason, he needs a force to protect him from Takahashi's family's revenge, Takahashi Heiichi's teacher's revenge, and the alliance's pursuit!
Elm Ghost Street is the escape route chosen by Bai Shizhangyan.

Of course, before that, he needs to complete his test on Elm Street.

"I've planned for too long, there's no way I can fail, and I won't allow failure."

"Takahashi Heiichi, you can go with peace of mind, I will replace you and live a good life with this body."

"In the future, my children can also be regarded as your children, and your Takahashi family won't die, hahahaha!"

Amid Shiraishi Zhangyan's terrible laughter and Takahashi Heiichi's cursing and remorse, 5 minutes had passed, the molting ninja died, and the unprotected Takahashi Heiichi's soul was quickly exposed to the air, attracting the door of death terror Watch out, suck it in.

All of this was naturally invisible to Bai Shizhangyan.

"It's a pity that Miyazaki Ryuichi has grown up too fast, and he has always been wary of me. Otherwise, he will replace him directly. He doesn't have a strong background to chase me down, and he also has two element-level elves for me to use. That would be the most perfect Case."

"It's a pity, it's a pity..."

With a sigh, Baishi Zhangyan left his body and the corpse of the molting ninja, straightened his clothes, opened the door and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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