Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 379 Chaos 4

Chapter 379 Chaos 4
Speaking of which, it is really thanks to Long Yi that Baishi Zhangyan is able to be where he is today.

First of all, the agreement of Takahashi Pingyi and others was naturally because Long Yi's Yemengade broke through the elemental level, and after killing Yandi, one of the three holy beasts, his reputation was greatly shaken, and he came here admiringly.

Even the information about Jiu Tun-douji is actually related to Long Yi.

After Long Yi became famous, Genzhi Inoue, who had been paying attention to him because of his nephew's murder, also discovered a down-and-out master trainer like Baishi Zhangyan, so he secretly came to the door and forced Baishi Zhangyan to swallow the poison. Customize the assassination plan for him according to Manula's characteristics.

Inoue Genmai has excellent insight and is good at discovering the characteristics of elves, but he does not have an excellent overall view and sufficient tactical vision. According to Manura, he designs a better and more suitable fighting method for it.

His assassination has always been known for being reckless and rough.

Even Manula, who got the shadow element, did not display its full combat power until he met Baishi Zhangyan...

As a master trainer, Shiraishi Zhangyan has unquestionable tactical vision and ability, plus he has a relationship with Long Yi, and has no background and strength, so Genmai Inoue took a fancy to him at a glance.

After all, such things as designing tactics must reveal the detailed information of one's elves. Most people really don't trust Inoue Genmai, and it's hard for him to start with those who have this ability. Except for Shiraishi Zhangyan, he really can't find a suitable one. people.

And Bai Shizhangyan was even more delighted, he didn't care about the poison, anyway, he planned to change his body from the beginning to the end, all the poisons would not be cured once he changed his body.

And Shuten-douji obviously won't take his life, so it doesn't worry him even more.

Using the excuse of understanding elves to design tactics, he discovered the biggest secret of Shuten-douji, and then sold it to Freddy, the dream demon in the monster cave, on the condition that the soul transfer secret technique.

It can be said that Shiraishi Zhangyan's leak directly caused Freddy to control Shuten-douji's greatest weakness, and at the moment when he was most mentally empty after controlling the element-level rogue crocodile, he assassinated his opponent in a dream.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, Miyazaki Ryuichi, in this way, you are still my lucky star."

"Forget it, let's save your life."

Shiraishi Zhangyan with Takahashi Hei's face smiled and left the building where the ordinary members lived, and walked towards the villa area where the senior members lived.

There are more than 10 element-level trainers in Shueisha, and the senior members are at least element-level trainers, or warriors, fighters, special abilities, ninjas, etc. of the same level of combat power.

Among the current 12 senior members, the number of trainers is as high as 9, and 7 of them are resting at the headquarters.

Among them, there are 4 people who have had contact with Baishi Zhangyan, and he has helped guide the training of elves.

Among them, the element-level elves of two people even had Baishi Zhangyan train them for a while before they civilized the elements!

And now, it's time to harvest.

In one of the villas, Baishi Zhangyan met the senior member and also saw the plain elf.

More than 9% of element-level trainers have only one element-level elf, and this one is no exception.

Under some hints of conditioned reflex left by Baishi Zhangyan intentionally, the element-level elf of that senior member accidentally killed his trainer by mistake.

This made the elf terrified, and then Baishi Zhangyan revealed his identity through specific details in time to calm the elf's emotions.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, but other people don't think so. An elf that devours its own trainer is still an elemental elf, and the alliance will not let you live."

"Hey, follow me, I'll take you out. It's just that we will spend the days in flight."

The element-level elf with a low IQ, but also didn't know anything, was very moved when he heard the words, and expressed his willingness to follow Baishi Zhangyan.

It had been trained by Baishi Zhangyan for a while, and the two sides had an emotional foundation. After the closest trainer was killed by himself, it chose to believe Baishi Zhangyan's words and followed him to leave.

In this way, Shiraishi Zhangyan quietly killed the No. 1 element-level trainer and senior member of Shueisha, and abducted an element-level elf, possessing a certain strength and confidence.

Following the same pattern, he then visited the other three senior members in turn.

The situation of the second place was exactly the same as that of the first place, Baishi Zhangyan was the only plain elf in the second place.

The third is that only Sujie Elf has no emotional basis with him. After killing his trainer by mistake, he refuses to follow Baishi Zhangyan, but chooses to escape alone.

The element-level spirit of the fourth senior member is more intelligent than it looks. After Baishi Zhangyan revealed his intention to solicit, it saw through his true face and insight into his plot, and launched an attack angrily.

But Baishi Zhangyan had two element-level elves in his hands at this time, and he knew the characteristics of the attacking elf's elements well, so he defeated and killed it with two against one without much effort.

But even though the battle was short, it was after all a battle at the elemental class level, and the movement would inevitably startle some people.

Those people will not rush to call the police when they are not sure about the situation, but at least someone will ask.

Baishi Zhangyan, you must evacuate before anyone arrives.

Fortunately, this time, most of his goals have been completed. The death of four senior members of Shueisha is enough to be called a shocking case, and the strength of the two element-level elves also gives Shiraishi Zhangyan enough capital.

He is confident of becoming the fifth leader-level killer on Elm Street!
The world must know the great deeds he has done!

This fourth senior member loves calligraphy, and the narrator has pens, ink, paper and inkstones, which are still usable even though they have been spilled.

Bai Shizhangyan picked up a thick brush, without ink, it was simply stained with blood, and wrote on the snow-white wall:

The Killer, A Nightmare on Elm Street...

There has always been a nickname for killers. Baishi Zhangyan looked around and saw a chainsaw that fell out of the toolbox. For some reason, he liked it very much, so he continued to write.

A ghost on Elm Street, a chainsaw ghost, Bai Shizhangyan!
In addition, Takahashi Heiichi's body is very easy to use. He borrowed it for a hundred years and did not return it overdue.

After writing the last word, Baishi Zhangyan laughed three times, and used Takahashi Heiichi's Hudi to teleport away.

Not long after, a senior member of the villa next door came to visit and asked about the incident just now.

But after knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened the door. Instead, a bloody smell lingered in his nostrils.

When he learned that something was wrong, his face changed, and he immediately let the elf break in. What he saw immediately made his stomach queasy, and he vomited on the spot.

After a long time, the senior member who had finished vomited raised his head and saw the line of big characters left by Baishi Zhangyan on the wall.

It's a big deal!
The senior Shueisha member thought to himself, and dialed the communication number of the head of the Kanto Shueisha branch without hesitation.

The famous trainer of grass-type elements, the favorite apprentice of Momoko Aida, the young master of the Takahashi Group was killed and his body was taken away.

Four powerful element-level trainers and senior Shueisha members were killed by the same person in one day.

No one can cover up this big case. You must know that many of the element-level trainers in Shueisha are inextricably linked to various forces, not to mention that four of them died in one death this time.

The name of Baishi Zhangyan spread all over the world in just a few days. He was listed as a super wanted criminal by the alliance. When the alliance severely condemned them, they were ordered to hand over the Baishi Zhangyan.

After discussion, the four chiefs of Elm Ghost Street unanimously declared that Bai Shi Zhangyan was not the killer on Elm Ghost Street, and that this matter was slander.

The fact is exactly the same. Bai Shizhangyan has not joined Elm Nightmare at all. Although Freddy asked him to make a big case, he didn't expect it to be so big that Elm Nightmare dare not accept it.

You must know that Shuten-douji's most famous record was only killing two element-level trainers, and it was not a one-off, he only killed two in his decades of killer career.

Even so, he was severely warned by the alliance, and he dared not accept the mission at will, not to mention that Baishi Zhangyan killed four at once this time.

The other four are all senior talents working in the alliance!

Such a person has offended the bottom line of the alliance, and there is no big power to protect him, so he must die!
The Chief Heavenly King of Kanto, the Yulong Envoy, and the Chief Investigator of the Special Investigation Section, Long Shidu personally led the team to hunt down.

At the same time, Takahashi Heiichi's master, Momoko Aida, who has not shot for several years and has been studying her unique rose flower combat skills, also embarked on the road of revenge, chasing and killing Shiraishi Zhangyan.

All of a sudden, Bai Shizhangyan was like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouted to beat him.

(End of this chapter)

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