Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 380 Leaving and Death

Chapter 380 Leaving and Death (a 4000-word chapter!)

"I didn't expect Baishi Zhangyan to do such a crazy thing in order to survive."

"I changed my body, and in order to join Elm Ghost Street, I even killed four senior element-level members of the Kanto Shueisha branch in one fell swoop."

"Combined with the death of Jiu Tun-douji, Elm Ghost Street and Demon's Den fought for the title of the world's number one killer organization, and all kinds of assassinations were used. This period of time really made me feel like a dream Feel."

On the top of the battle tower near Zijin City, the battle tower lord Fukishi Tong of Hoenn area said to Long Yi with emotion.

"Yes, a lot of things have indeed happened during this time." Long nodded.

He still couldn't believe it when he recalled the scene he saw at the training ground of Zijin Gymnasium.

Grandma Chrysanthemum's so-called killing of the main elf by Ares was actually a scene directed by herself. The purpose was only because Grandpa Devon's health has been getting worse in recent years, and Chrysanthemum also felt that she was getting old. So I want to retire safely and stay with my husband.

The main elf is dead, Ju Zi is just a somewhat experienced King of Heaven, the Alliance will naturally not come to continue to squeeze her remaining value.

As for those who are hostile to her, they will not make things difficult for an old woman who has lost her strength.

With the strength of Chrysanthemum, Juzi can easily survive some sporadic attacks.

Long Yi was in a daze at the time, and more importantly, he couldn't speak out yet, and he still pretended not to notice, and continued to be hostile to Ares.

Of course, after knowing the inside story of the matter, Long Yi doesn't need to take risks to force himself, he can 'revenge' after he can grow enough.

"Becoming an elemental trainer was originally my lifelong goal, but what happened recently made me feel shaken."

Fuishi Tong said, in his 30s, he seemed to be in poor spirits.

As the battle lord, Hitomi Fukiishi has almost grown to the peak of an ordinary trainer. His main elf has been cultivated to perfection, and he has the right direction to act as a door. The gap between him and the elements is just the power to push the door.

But it is this last and most important force that stumps 99% of trainers and elves.

The force that pushes open the door of the elements can say that anything is possible, and nothing is possible.Any case of others can be copied, but can not be copied.

Whether it's the strong emotions in a fierce battle, or the natural relaxation in a peaceful life; the sublimation of love and affection, or the long-term parting...

Almost anything can act as this force to help the elves open the door to the element level. These can be copied, but it doesn't mean that the copyers can also succeed.

Long Yi only has two elves with his own enlightened elements. Bone Fighting Dragon relies on the momentary satisfaction and relaxation when he returns to the end of a three-year journey, and Giant Pincer Mantis relies on the subtle influence of long-term adherence to his ideals and practice.

Even the other Huiyuan, which is the closest to the elements, is still short of the finishing touch, and it is difficult to get started.

At this moment, Chuu Shitong himself felt like giving up, and he was even farther away from this threshold.

Long Yi suddenly said: "Have you talked to your elves about these things?"

"My elf?"

Blowing Stone Tong was stunned upon hearing this.

Talking to his elves and telling his thoughts was something he only did in the few years when he first became a trainer.

As his strength became stronger and older, the elves around him changed batch after batch. Even if the main elf team was finally fixed, he never did this kind of thing again.

After all, he is now Fengyuan's well-known battle tower lord, one of the strongest trainers below the element level, and the father of two children, how could he be as childish as before.

The reason why I said this to Long Yi who I have only known for a few days is because Long Yi is strong enough and has a high status, and I hope to get some relief from him.

However, Fushi Tong never expected to hear such words from Long Yi's mouth.

Looking at Long Yi's smiling but very serious eyes, Blowing Shitong thought for a while and released his six main spirits.

Flame Chicken, Lucario, Hu Di, Moon Elf, Scorpio King and Hippo King.

Among them, the flame chicken is the descendant of his original elf flame chicken, which was cultivated from the egg, and after making up for various mistakes in his youth, it replaced its father and became the main force of the trump card.

And Lucario is the wild king, an elf he met by chance during a journey, chased for more than three months but failed to subdue it, and finally the two sides cherished each other because of their common concept of becoming stronger, and finally followed the elf by his side.

The remaining four were all trained and cultivated after ordinary reining.

With an unknown mentality that even Fushitong himself didn't know, he told a few elves about what happened recently, and also told about his confusion about the future.

Several elves reacted differently.

Hu Di and King Hippo looked at it calmly; King Scorpio laughed out loud;

However, Lucario was very angry.

As the king of the forest, this Lucario followed Hitomi Fukishi for the shortest time and received the least benefits.

At the beginning, it was because its strength reached its own limit, and it could not see the way to continue to become stronger. It was moved by the higher power described by Fushitong, and because the two sides resonated with the concept of becoming stronger, they agreed to become him. sprites.

However, it has only been a few years now, and Hitomi Fukishi actually has a negative attitude towards continuing to become stronger because of this inexplicable reason. This is what Lucario can't understand and is the most angry.

An angry Lucario yelled at Blowing Stone Tong, but he didn't know what it said, which angered the flame chicken and the moon elf, and the two elves attacked Lucario together.

Hu Di and King Hippo looked on coldly, but the Scorpio King was not afraid of power. Seeing this, he helped Lucario stop the attack of the Moon Elf, and let the latter fight the Flaming Chicken one-on-one.

You come and I go back and forth to fight fast, it's useless to say that Chuishi Tong is next to him. After a wave of fighting, the collided energies burst out respectively, and they are arranged on both sides.


Lucario didn't know what to say, and a wave of missiles accurately hit the poke ball that belonged to it, then turned around and jumped off the battle tower, and disappeared into the depths of the field.

"Enough!" Hitomi Fukishi shouted loudly.

The flame chicken and the moon elf then weakly returned to stand behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Blowing Shitong glanced at Long Yi resentfully—no matter who lost a main elf, no matter who it was, he would not be indifferent.Fortunately, he was a mature adult after all, he didn't have the consciousness to blame Long Yi, he just sighed deeply.

This result was never expected by Long Yi, he originally wanted to use this accident to make the elves blowing stone pupils burst into various emotions, and this emotion was also a major source of strength to push the door.

But it is a pity that although Lucario is very angry, although the flame chicken and the moon elves are very caring and guilty, the Scorpio King's gloating, Hu Di and the Hippo King's calmness, these emotions cannot help them open the door to the element level.

"Sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Long Yi apologized.

Although not only all the mistakes are his, but after all, it is his suggestion, and the necessary apology is still required.

"It's not your fault, it's because the bond between Lucario and me is too weak." Hitomi Fukishi said.

"Aren't you going to chase?"

"The heart is scattered, and there is no way to catch up."

After such a thing happened, Long Yi was too embarrassed to continue to stay, so he got up and said goodbye, and returned to the temporary residence in Zijin City.

At the same time, in an unknown forest in Kanto...

huh... huh...

A tall and handsome young man was panting violently while holding the tree trunk with one hand.

"Damn...damn Nightmare on Elm Street, you actually betrayed me!"

This person is naturally Zhang Yan Shiraishi who stole the body of Takahashi Heiichi. After being wanted by the alliance, Zhangyan Shiraishi entered a fugitive life, and Elm Ghost Street not only failed to fulfill its promise to accept him as one of them, but turned to the alliance to clear up the suspicion. The whistleblower led him into the alliance's trap.

If Baishi Zhangyan hadn't obtained two element-level elves before, the alliance's ambush personnel seriously underestimated his strength, and Long Tianwangdu and senior element-level trainer Aida Baihuizi hadn't arrived yet. Once you get caught.

Although relying on absolute strength to break out of the encirclement, Bai Shizhangyan, who has no disguise and hidden experience, is still firmly bitten by the tail of the alliance, running around in the wilderness without food and clothing.

And just today, Long Tianwang and Baihuizi Aida finally arrived.

"Just grab it, Baishi Zhangyan." The violent hurricane blew away the branches and leaves above the forest, and Kuailong's destructive death light opened up an open space, and then carried Longshidu to lower the height.

Beside him is Momoko Aida, who is riding a bidiao; behind him are investigators from the Special Investigation Division such as Ryushi Kuroto, who is also Ryushito's assistant on this mission.

Riding on the back of Kuailong, the upright and resolute, handsome Du announced: "Baishi Zhangyan, you have committed crimes against humanity, intentional homicide, endangering public safety, arresting, and assaulting police officers. The evidence is solid! "

"Put down your weapons and come back with me to accept the alliance's trial. Don't let the reputation of Master Trainer be tarnished."

Bai Shizhangyan raised his head and said with a sneer, "I surrender, can I not die?"

Du said indifferently: "It's absolutely impossible."

The crime Bai Shizhangyan committed is too great, no one can keep him alive, not even the current chairman of the alliance.

"Then why should I give up resistance?"

There were two bang bangs, a nine-tailed one, and a water arrow turtle were classified on both sides. They were the element-level elves he tricked from two dead senior Shueisha members.

It was also by relying on these two elves that Baishi Zhangyan escaped from the alliance's ambush, killing dozens of alliance police officers and their elves.

"It's stubborn." Du Zheng was about to let Kuailong do it, but was stopped by Baihuizi Aida next to him.

"Dragon King, can you leave this battle to me? I want to avenge my disciple's revenge with my own hands." Aida Momoko said seriously.

Du looked at her for a while, nodded, and made a gesture of invitation.

Anyway, with him in charge, even if Momoko Aida is not the opponent of Shiraishi Zhangyan, the latter will definitely not be able to escape today.

"Thank you." Aida Baihuizi nodded in gratitude, and then released her trump card, which is also the only element-level elf, "Go, Miao Frog Flower."

The heavy frog flower fell to the ground.

Baishi Zhangyan sneered and said: "Aida Baihuizi, when I was an element-level trainer, you didn't know where to play with mud. It's okay to cross, but you want to stop me?"

He said so, but he quickly issued an attack order: "Nine Tails, use Nether Fire!"

A pitch-black flame rises from Nine Tails, which belongs to its element-level ability, and is also a prerequisite for its exclusive secret skill.

"Ghost fire soul, go!"

The black flame screamed strangely, turned into a ghost-like thing and flew towards Frog Flower, while the water arrow turtle on the side was ready to go, guarding against the possible sneak attack of Frog Flower.

Momoko Aida lowered her eyes and said, "Do you really think that I have made no progress in studying my unique secret manual day after day, year after year?"

Aida Baihuizi only created one secret technique in her life, that is, the rose flower secret technique, and her Miaowahua only learned this trick.

The rose flower secret skill, the burial of the rose flower in the first stage requires the elf to control five rose petals; the destruction of the rose flower in the second stage needs to control five times five, a total of 25 petals; the annihilation of the rose flower in the third stage needs to control 25* 5. A total of 125 petals; in the fourth stage, the void of the rose flower needs to control 125*5, a total of 625 petals.

"Bloom, roses!" Aida Mokikako said.

But at this moment, an incalculable number of rose petals spewed out from the center of the back of the Frog Flower. These petals formed small pink rosettes in mid-air, and then released strong flame rays to resist Kyuubi's attack. The ghostly fire souls twirl and combine with each other to form medium roses, big roses, super big roses...

Densely packed, more than 1 rose petals form an extremely huge rose petal in the blink of an eye, slowly blooming above the frog flower, and when the wind blows, each petal will sway with the wind, lifelike.

Momoko Aida has skipped the fifth stage of the rose flower secret technique and directly completed the sixth stage!
An incomparably huge white energy beam rushed into the sky, and the hurricane brought by the terrifying momentum caused the flying elves of the special investigators in the air to lose their stability. The strong light made people doubt that it could even poke the sky out. A hole comes.

The light went up to the sky, disappeared, and hit the position where Baishi Zhangyan was at a faster speed.

He didn't say a word, and the resistance launched by the two deceitful element-level elves was also very futile. After a few seconds, everything was wiped out in the white light, leaving only a bottomless black hole in place, and the surrounding soil They were all burnt into glass.

Baishi Zhangyan, died.

"Pingyi, I will avenge you for you." Momoko Aida said sadly, then said goodbye to Du, and left alone on a bidiao.

"Master, that's..." Longshi Heito, who is also a member of the Longshi clan and Du's apprentice, swallowed, and asked after Aida Baihuizi left.

Du said: "Nirvana."

"The secret skill of the rose flower at the nirvana level."

Quantitative change is enough to cause qualitative change!

Who said that a nirvana must be a combination of several secret skills?
Those are old ideas from many years ago!

Long Yi's fear demon, Sirona's true guardian dragon, Aida Mokiko's six-stage rose flower secret skill, these are all unique special moves!

Starting today, the name of Momoko Aida will once again become famous all over the world with the death of Zhangyan Shiraishi!

Moreover, it will be more famous than the rose flower secret technique she created last time, the elf stepping into the elemental level.

Famous a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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