Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 381 Influence

Chapter 381 Influence
"Baishi Zhangyan is dead."

In the luxury suite of Zijin Hotel, Long Yi watched the news and sighed like this.

The incident with Bai Shizhangyan caused too much trouble and had too much impact, and even caused a considerable degree of social panic. Therefore, as soon as the alliance solved this anti-human demon, it immediately notified the whole world, trying to suppress this panic quickly , Eliminate.

Of course, the shocking news that Momoko Aida raised her rose flower secret skill to the level of a special skill is naturally indispensable.

But to Long Yi, the matter of Baihuizi Aida was amazing, but in the final analysis, the death of Zhangyan Shiraishi did not make him feel more deeply.

After all, this is a senior trainer master!
Even though he had a wicked mind in his later years and went on an evil path, even if he once harbored ill intentions towards Long Yi, but after all, he couldn't cover up his brilliance on the journey of being a trainer.

There are quite a few element-level trainers in this world, but not many can be called master trainers.

Not Long Yi, not Juzi, not Sirona, not Du.

On the contrary, Dr. Oki may be called a master trainer, although his ability is only at the early stage of the element level.

"Baishi Zhangyan really wants to live, but what's the point of him living like this?"

"Death, is it really so scary?"

Long Yi didn't know, after all he was still young and didn't have this kind of fear.

But come to think of it, the more capable a person is, the more afraid they will be of death in their later years. After all, there are no exceptions for so many great people, and people who reach that point will not make exceptions for anything they do.

"By the way, what am I living for?"

Long Yi thought of himself.

When a person has reached his current state, there are really not many things he wants.


In Kanto, there is a security company jointly established by Aoki Masakazu, which pays dividends every year, and now there is a pale society formed by annexing the lava group and the water battle group, money is just a number to Long Yi.

Although he can't compare with those top rich people in the world, he does buy ordinary things whenever he wants, and he can't spend a few lifetimes on normal consumption.


With Long Yi's appearance, identity, strength, and status, it can be said that it is not difficult to find any type of female companion he wants.

But the problem is, I don't know if it is the influence of the trainer's island. Although Long Yi usually solves his physical problems properly, so far there is no third woman besides Meisha and Mari that makes him want to fall in love. .

As for strength?

Long Yi really wanted to see the demeanor of all kinds of beasts in this world, wanted to see the scenery above the elements, wanted to see the ultimate martial art of splitting the sea with a knife.

But if you want to take this as your life goal and spiritual pillar, then it is out of the question.

Stronger strength is only for better life service, overly pursuing strength itself is putting the cart before the horse in Long Yi's view.

Originally, there was still a motivation to work hard to seek revenge from Ares, but now that he knew that Chrysanthemum was pretending, even this was not interested.

Of course, Ares still wanted to fight, after all the latter sent Jiu Tun-douji to assassinate him, but before he had the strength of a champion, Long Yi didn't want to hit a stone with an egg.

"Ahhh——" Long Yi, who was lying on the luxurious sofa in his pajamas, scratched his hair, leaned on the sofa and looked at the ceiling, "why do I suddenly feel that life is so boring. But if others know about it, many people will probably say I'm cheap People are hypocritical', right?"

"What do you think, Huiyuan?"

Haibara, who was playing with a ball of wool with his legs upside down on the wool carpet, tilted his head when he heard the words, and after lazily screaming, he continued to kick the ball of wool with his four feet happily, having a great time.

"Heh, why am I telling you this?"

"If only I lived a simple and innocent life like you." Long Yi took a sip from his wine glass, chewing the ice cubes in it.

Not all elves have an IQ or EQ that is close to or even surpasses that of humans. Although Huiyuan is only one step away from the elemental level, his race determines his wisdom, which is always so simple and pure.

jingle bell~
Suddenly, Long Yi's communicator rang.

He put down his wine glass, picked it up to look at the number, raised his eyebrows, and pressed the answer button.


"Is there such a thing?"

An expression of interest gradually appeared on Long Yi's face, like a child seeing a favorite toy: "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

"Okay, that's it."

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Long Yi twirled the communicator twice in his hand, and said with a smile: "D, Hokage... I didn't expect that the cooked duck would fly back by itself. It's really, interesting."

Takumi Tsuda opened the phone call just now. It was about the fire-breathing camel carrying the red pine pine and the megalodon and Hokage who sneaked into the Pale Society, and contacted some old people to try to overthrow the Pale Society and rebuild it. Lava groups and water groups.

But unfortunately, some of the people they contacted were tired of being wanted by the alliance and hiding all day long. The new Pale Society was more to his liking than the previous lava group and water group.

So, while pretending to cooperate, the old man informed the vice president Tsuda Takumi and arrested the group of people in one fell swoop.

After all, after removing those two element-level elves, their combat effectiveness is actually vulnerable.

Under the deliberate plot, Didi and Hokage did not have the chance to release the element-level elves.

Long Yi was naturally very happy to have obtained two element-level elves for no reason.

After all, no trainer would dislike having too many element-level elves, not even Long Yi.


"Ah - it's time to go and receive my gift." Long Yi stretched his waist and said.

Last night's sad spring and autumn were just his emotions after hearing the news of Baishi Zhangyan, human beings are always forgetful, and Long Yi had already forgotten the emotion of last night after one night passed.

After getting up and looking at the sky, Long Yi, who put on his sportswear, called to Huiyuan, and after checking out of the room, he took a taxi to Zijin City Airport.

He had already spoken to Granny Juzi and Grandpa Devon last night, so there was no need to say goodbye today.

Zijin City Airport is the same as all large airports. It is crowded with people in a hurry from the dawn of the morning. The density makes you wonder where there are so many people in this world.

"Thank you master, there is no need to look for it."

After paying the fare, Long Yi put his hand above his eyes, looked around and prepared to walk towards the ticket hall.

However, a passer-by who saw him raising his hand was stunned for a moment, walked over expressionlessly, and blocked Long Yi's way.

"Excuse me, if possible, can you have an elf battle with me?"

"Use your strongest elf!"

Long Yi lowered his head slightly, looking at the young trainer who blocked his way.

With neat short black hair and a firm and cold face, he seemed a bit uncomfortable to get along with.

Contrary to his appearance, this person's clothes are a bit strange. Obviously, the weather has started to heat up, but wearing a black coat and trousers, and wearing a strange blue scarf around his neck is really funny .

While challenging Long Yi, this trainer deliberately raised his left hand, revealing the black bracelet on his right hand.

On it, a shining evolutionary keystone shines.

Long Yi looked at the silver bracelet on his left wrist, which was similar to his, but simpler and more beautiful, raised his hand and shook it with a smile: "My strongest elf? Your goal is this, right? Just not my strongest elf."

The pupils of the young trainer shrank, but he quickly said firmly: "I am Arashiaki Ono, who is traveling the world with the goal of being the strongest trainer. I want to defeat all the mage evolution elves and stand at the peak of the trainer!"

After a pause, it seemed that he knew that his request was a little out of date, the trainer who called himself Arashi Aki Ono slightly lowered his head and said, "It won't take you too long."

"Defeating all the mage evolution elves will not allow you to stand at the peak of the trainer."

"However, your actions remind me of an interesting friend. He is also like you, and when he sees an interesting opponent, he will challenge him regardless of the time and occasion. So..."

"Your challenge, I accept!"

(End of this chapter)

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