Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 382 Mega Battle, Dragon 1 VS Ai Lan!

Chapter 382 Mega Battle, Long Yi VS Ai Lan!

Of course, the battle cannot be held in the airport hall, not to mention that this is not an ordinary elf battle, but a battle between two mega elves, so a solid and professional battle venue is essential.

Fortunately, this is a trainer-dominated world. This standard battle field may not be easy to find in other places, but it is the basic configuration in some official service places managed by the alliance.

Zijin City Airport is no exception.

As a jewel in the Fengyuan area, the facilities of Zijin City Airport are naturally very luxurious, and the local finance also has enough money to improve these infrastructures.

The spacious hall, solid venue, advanced equipment, and professional referees all make the battle hall of Zijin City Airport overcrowded.

After all, although catching a plane is in a hurry, it takes a long time to wait, especially if the departure is delayed due to special circumstances, the waiting time will be even longer.

And those who come to pick up the plane also need entertainment to pass the time.

And with such high-end conditions, what could be more relaxing than coming to a match or watching a match?
"Long Tianwang, this way please."

An airport staff led Long Yi and Ono Arashizhang towards the middle battle field, where an elf battle had just ended, and the next battle had already been notified by the airport and agreed to be postponed.

As a heavenly king, there are always all kinds of invisible benefits. Long Yi and Ono Lanzhang were recognized on the way, and after receiving the news, Zijin City Airport not only sent a special person to help him buy it, but also went to Shuijing City. First-class air tickets, and even luggage check-in, etc. are also helped.

"Hey! Look at that, who are those two people?" A passer-by pointed to Long Yi and Ono Arashizaki who were led by the staff and muttered.

"Let me see, let me see." His companion took a look, and suddenly the Great God screamed, "It's the Heavenly King! It's Sinnoh Chief Heavenly King Long Yi!"

As the Sinnoh Heavenly King born in Fengyuan, Ryuichi's reputation in Fengyuan is not low. This is also the result of Fengyuan's trainer atmosphere. The star worship of senior trainers in this region is second only to the Sinnoh region.

Soon, the news of the battle between Sinnoh's Chief Heavenly King, General Miyazaki Ryuichi and passer-by trainer Ono Arashiaki, who has the title of terrifying snake king, spread quickly, and all the news spread on the big screen in the battle hall at the airport. The battle scene between Ryuichi and Arashiaki Ono began to be broadcast.

"Are you nervous?" Long Yi laughed looking at Ono Arashizhang who had been silent since his identity was called out.

The trainer whose name is Arashi Zhang Ono and whose nickname is Ai Lan was silent for a moment, and then firmly replied: "I will do my best."

"Good fighting spirit." Long Yi praised.

The two sides stood on both sides of the battle field, and with the announcement of the airport referee, the one-on-one elf battle between Long Yi and Ai Lan officially began.

"Come on, fire-breathing dragon!"

Ai Lan started as an elf, and his player was a fire-breathing dragon. He was full of momentum and also wore a special ornament around his neck, with a super evolution stone of a fire-breathing dragon on it.

"Charizard, it really fits your passion."

Long Yi smiled, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, a Geng Gui slowly emerged from his shadow, and then floated down to the middle of the field.

"My elf is Geng Gui."


Geng Gui is a mega elf that Ai Lan has never seen before, and this time his opponent is the Chief Heavenly King of Sinnoh.

Raising his left hand, his right hand stretched out his index finger and middle finger to press on the evolution keystone, Ai Lan said in a deep voice, "Respond to my heart, keystone, evolution beyond evolution, mega evolution!"

The evolution keystone and evolution stone on Ai Lan and the fire-breathing dragon burst out with intense light, and three energy rays spread from their bodies, and then docked in the air, bursting out with strong light.

After the glare, a brand new fire-breathing dragon appeared on the field, taller, bigger and stronger. The blue flame and black dragon scales brought a strong visual impact.

Mega evolution, super charizard!

Carrying out mega evolution from the very beginning is exactly Ai Lan's standard way of doing mega battles all along, and it is also his unique obsession with mega elves.

Mega evolution, the strongest!
"What kind of spirit is this?"

"Charizard, evolved again?"

There are not many people who know about super evolution, so when they saw Ai Lan's super fire-breathing dragon, there was a lot of exclamation and heated discussions at the scene.

Long Yi had seen Takahashi Heiichi's super fire-breathing dragon before, so he was not surprised except for a little sigh. On the contrary, he vaguely felt the strong fighting spirit of Ai Lan's flame, slightly touched and raised his left hand, and said: "Persist, Work hard, move forward and succeed. Mega evolve, Gengar!"

After the same strange light appeared, Geng Gui super-evolved successfully, and the even weirder Super Geng Gui suspended in the void, staring at the super fire-breathing dragon with a weird smile.

Ai Lan ordered: "Spray flames!"

The sky blue flames surged out, and the terrifying heat wave spread out, causing the surrounding audience to retreat again and again.

"What a powerful force!"

Long Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he ordered: "Shadow Ball!"

The pitch-black shadow ball collided with jet flames in mid-air, and an explosion occurred immediately. The air waves blew people's clothes tightly against their bodies, and the terrifying power made the fighting elves in several other venues look sideways.

This is the limit of the limit!

It is already comparable to the power of the weakest secret technique!
Ai Lan's super fire-breathing dragon has already reached the limit of race value in terms of attack!
However, after the explosion, he and his Super Charizard lost track of Super Gengar.


The difficulty of ghost elves is not for nothing.

At the moment when Ai Lan and the super fire-breathing dragon were looking for the trace of Geng Gui in a daze, super Geng ghost emerged from the ground behind the fire-breathing dragon and raised his hand directly to punch him.

Shadow Fist!
"Behind!" Ailan exclaimed.

The super fire-breathing dragon turned around, and before he could see anything clearly, he was hit on the chin by the Shadow Fist. The strong impact caused him to retreat again and again, and one cheek swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Strange light." Long Yi immediately ordered.

Super Geng Ghost approached quickly, the Super Charizard just opened his eyes, shook his head to see the opponent clearly, and saw Super Geng Ghost's pupils in his sight, a strange light flickered in them, the fire-breathing dragon felt dizzy, the whole The world has become bizarre.

It's messed up!

"Not good!" Ai Lan's expression changed. He had just had time to give an order, but Long Yi's attack was too fast, and the super fire-breathing dragon was still in the dizziness caused by the shadow fist. He had just recovered and hadn't had time to understand it. Following Ai Lan's order, he saw Geng Gui's strange light and immediately fell into a state of chaos.

"Use dragon claws!"

The blue energy dragon claws extend [-] centimeters from the Super Charizard's hands, like two blue weapons. However, the Super Charizard in a chaotic state can no longer tell the difference between up, down, left, and right, east, west, and north. The claw didn't attack him, but he was a thousand miles away from Geng Gui, and instead exposed his back to the opponent.

Long Yi naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and directly ordered Super Geng Gui to use the shadow ball to attack.

The extreme and super-evolved Geng Gui shadow ball exploded on the back of the Super Charizard, and the scales of the dragon were splashed with blood. The severe pain made the Super Charizard wake up from the chaos, but the injury in the middle of the wings made him temporarily lose his strength. ability to fly.

If you move it, it hurts like hell.

Ai Lan gritted her teeth. The fire-breathing dragon was already at an absolute disadvantage. Although the injury was not fatal, the position was very bad.

What made him most uncomfortable was that Long Yi didn't let the elf and the super fire-breathing dragon fight against each other like those previous opponents. It seemed that the super-evolved and re-enhanced trick was nothing more than that in his eyes, which made Ai Lan very uncomfortable.

This must change!
All kinds of unique moves of the fire-breathing dragon flashed across her mind, Ai Lan made a decision, and said: "The fire-breathing dragon, use the bursting flame!"

The explosive flame is the strongest trick of the fire-breathing dragon, and it is even more terrifying after it has evolved.

Ai Lan locked the victory on this strongest move!

The super fire-breathing dragon forced Geng Gui back with jet flames, then suddenly bent down, and punched the ground hard while the blue flames boiled all over his body.

Ka Ka Ka ~
The ground of the specially reinforced venue suddenly made a sound of being overwhelmed, and cracks and spider webs spread to Geng Gui's feet, and the flames were faint, and then suddenly erupted, bursting into the sky.

There is no escape, there is no escape!
"Protect!" Long Yi ordered in time.

The blue protective cover protects Geng Gui to survive in the flames. However, it has no awakening energy after all. Its own powerful super energy, ghost, and poison energy cannot exert the maximum power of protection. The hood gradually cracked.

The protection shattered in front of the super fire-breathing dragon's bursting flames, and the remaining power completely hit Geng Gui's fragile body.

After the flames passed, the aura weakened a lot. It seemed that Super Geng Gui, who was still steaming all over his body, was panting heavily, and his physical strength was on the verge of its limit.


Ai Lan saw the dawn of victory, but at this moment his fire-breathing dragon was in a state of rigidity because of using the bursting flames, otherwise he only needed to catch a dragon claw, and Geng Gui would undoubtedly lose after hitting it.

"Not bad power, the fire-breathing dragon's attack has been excavated to the extreme by you." Long Yi praised, even though Geng Gui was on the verge of defeat, his voice didn't change a bit.

After a pause, looking at the motionless fire-breathing dragon, Long Yi smiled and ordered: "Geng Gui, use the poisonous gas."

A purple gas visible to the naked eye came to the fire-breathing dragon in a serpentine curve, and was inhaled by the immobile fire-breathing dragon.

In the next second, purple circular spots emerged from the fire-breathing dragon's body, accompanied by the fire-breathing dragon's painful roar.

Poisonous poisonous gas has been released!

Ai Lan was unmoved, it was really troublesome to be poisoned, but the victory was already in sight, as long as she could win, it made no difference whether she was poisoned or not.

He was even a little thankful that Long Yi chose the poisonous gas instead of the shadow ball.

"Give it the last dragon claw!"

Geng Gui couldn't afford this dragon claw move anymore, and the dragon claw was more flexible than spraying flames, and Geng Gui's shadow ball couldn't intercept it.

The fire-breathing dragon, which could not fly, started to run awkwardly, but Ai Lan's expression suddenly changed.

"Charizard, what are you doing! It's on your left!"

Charizard, you're going in the wrong direction!
The Charizard stopped suspiciously.

Long Yi explained with a smile: "My Geng ghost's poison is not an ordinary poison, but a neurotoxin. It won't hurt you if you get this kind of poison, but what you see in the eyes of your fire-breathing dragon is completely different from reality."

This is the result of Geng Gui's incorporation of his hallucination ability into the poisonous trick!

"Shadow Ball!"

The shadow ball exploded on the fire-breathing faucet, and the latter screamed, dripping with dragon blood.

Ai Lan clenched his fists tightly. The fire-breathing dragon did not have the ability to burst into flames again in a short period of time. He could only order the fire-breathing dragon to use jet flames to shoot, but Geng Gui sank into the ground to escape, and then took another shadow fist. The Charizard who was hit in the stomach retched and couldn't even stand still.

Victory is decided.

Ai Lan didn't admit defeat, but the Charizard, who couldn't even see the enemy, had no chance of winning, and was knocked out by Geng Gui's next shadow ball.

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, and Geng Gui wins!"

"Therefore, the winner is the Four Heavenly King, Mr. Longyi!"

The referee announced the result, Long nodded in response to the enthusiasm of the audience, and then called back Geng Gui, who had formed a super-evolved form.

"It's a good battle. I can feel your enthusiasm. I just hope you don't get too obsessed with mega evolution. After all, this is just an immature new technology."

"If you want to reach the pinnacle of a trainer, the element of enlightenment is the right way."

Long Yi said a few words, seeing Ai Lan's unmoved look, he stopped talking, and followed the staff to the first-class waiting room to wait for the airship to take off.

And Ai Lan took back her fire-breathing dragon and went to find the elf center.


What it is?
Only mega evolution is the only correct way!
This is his belief!
(End of this chapter)

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