Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 383 Awakening and Disposal

Chapter 383 Awakening and Disposal

"Long Tianwang, this way please."

"Thank you."

Led by an airport staff member, Long Yi came to the exclusive lounge of the first-class cabin, waiting for the airship to take off.

"He is a good trainer, but unfortunately he went the wrong way."

Recalling the target of the battle just now, Long Yi sighed.

He is now one of the top trainers, and he has seen many ordinary trainers, but few of them can reach his level at Ai Lan's grade.

It can be said that Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon is only a short distance away from the elements-although this step is farther than Long Yi's Huiyuan, Blowing Shitong's flame chicken, etc.

But this is already a very good result, and it can also indirectly prove that Ai Lan's talent is not bad.


The other party has a special kind of fanaticism for mega evolution, and never thought of cultivating the elements, but vainly trying to stand at the top of the trainer by relying on mega evolution alone.

This is obviously wishful thinking.

The elements of elf civilization are the mainstream, and the only correct path to the top!


Long Yi shook his head and laughed, poured himself a glass of red wine, ready to taste it.

But suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and his movements stopped immediately. He didn't react until the red wine splashed on his palm.

"The only way..."

Long Yi wiped his hands, sat down on the sofa again, and muttered to himself.

He thought of samurai, the distinction between the three major schools, and occupations such as onmyoji, ninja, and ability users that can also reach a high level.

But only for the elves, the only path known so far seems to be the civilized element.

However, is the civilized element really the right path?
"Why are everyone busy understanding the elements, matching secret skills, and researching nirvana after the elements are enlightened?"

"Secret skills and nirvana should be just a technique, a way of using power, so the increase in pure combat power does not seem to go deeper than the elemental level."

"Besides, since there is the level of an elf master, someone must have reached it, so why doesn't even Granny Juzi know how to become a master?"

"The master...what the hell is it!?"

A question popped up in Long Yi's mind, it was a question he had ignored in the past, it was a blind spot he suddenly discovered because of Ai Lan's persistence.

Elements, is it really the right path?

Long Yi didn't know.

No one told him the answer, even secret skills and nirvana are top secret information, let alone the road leading to the highest point in the world.

Long Yi suddenly had a premonition in his heart.

Perhaps, he went the wrong way.

After all, there are so many wild beasts, but even the top beasts usually only have an exclusive trick, but why so many champions can't beat those wild top beasts?
Is it the weakness of the trainer itself?

Do not!
There must be some secrets that I don't know about!

"I really want to know what the head of the sect looks like." Long Yi looked out of the window and sighed.


a few hours later.

Water Tranquility City, Shark Sea Area.

Long Yi, who was dressed in a white outfit, descended from the sky on a Jinpeng, and landed at the entrance of the headquarters of the Pale Society.



The pale association member in charge of guarding the entrance came out from the darkness in a white uniform and greeted him at the same time.

The arrangement of the new pale association team is different from the previous lava group and water battle group. It is no longer a group of two but a group of five. Two of them are in charge of close combat, two are in charge of long-distance attack, and one is in charge of air and communication , Each has its own duties, is good at different skills, and has different training.

This time only the two team members who were in charge of close combat came out to meet Long Yi, the remaining three were still hiding in the dark, and if they found something wrong, they could report it immediately.

These people are under the jurisdiction of the Anbu. After completing the tasks assigned by the association, they can improve themselves. If someone can skillfully use the six elves that are the symbol of the association, and their strength is not weak, they can be promoted to elite members and act alone.

In that way, the benefits are better and the remuneration is higher, but the tasks accepted are also more difficult.

Now that the security company to which Anbu belongs has been established, all members will take turns to participate in missions, increase actual combat experience, and combine with usual training. The second- and third-rate members of the former lava regiment and water combat regiment are rapidly becoming stronger with the input of a lot of resources.

The recruitment of new members has also begun, and I believe Anbu's strength will become stronger in the future.

"Well, do it well, let's go down." Long Yi nodded slightly.

Stepping into the base, the members of the associations he met all wore white uniforms, and even the scientific researchers had pale association logos tattooed on the chests of their white coats. Long Yi could feel a change in everyone's spirits.

That is a gushing motivation!

Not many people are willing to be wanted by the alliance all day long and live in dark corners. Some of the former lava group and water group were criminals absorbed, and some were forced to join the group. Only a few were like-minded and voluntary.

But now, with the establishment of the Pale Association and the reform of the new system, especially when they have returned to their original identities and can walk on the street openly, a long-lost impulse and touch has filled the hearts of the members.

This is satisfaction, and it is also the motivation for them to work hard for the association!

"Let Jiang Mei come to see me."

After casually instructing a researcher, Long Yi came to his own office and sat down comfortably on the sofa.

Released Huiyuan, hugged it on his lap, stroked its hair lightly, Long Yi finally understood why Sakagi liked to do this.

Because it is really very popular and very comfortable.

Not long after, Tsuda Takumi walked in with two tied people, who were one of the three cadres of the lava group, Hokage, and one of the three cadres of the water battle group.

"President, this is the information of the two of them, please take a look." Tsuda Takumi wore a white uniform with less fabric, similar to OL uniform, walked to Long Yi, bent down and put a document in front of him.

Long Yi flipped through it.

Hokage is considered a little talented trainer in the lava group. He fused the shadow clone with the power of flames to create a technique of his own. Although it was not a secret skill, it was enough for him to learn from the lava group Stand out from the crowd.

Of course, apart from this point, Hokage doesn't have any great talents, on the contrary, he has many shortcomings, such as liking men...

Compared with him, the drop of the water battle group is more ordinary, it can be said that it is unremarkable, but it is very practical and diligent in doing things, so it is valued by Shui Wutong and awarded the title of drop.

He once helped Shui Wutong find the blue orb, but when Shui Wutong came, he was deceived by the phantom created by Hokage hidden in the dark, and the blue orb amplified the anger of Shui Wutong, so that he A decision was made to drop it.

After Shui Wutong left, Hokage appeared, rescued Xia Di, and then lived in seclusion with him in the Cape of Good Hope.

These are the facts of the incident based on the information of the water battle group and the lava group itself, plus the information that Takumi Tsuda tortured from the two populations.

A black-bellied gay guy with a little talent, and an honest man.

This is the impression of a pair of dragons.

Didi didn't speak, but Hokage wanted to form an association with Ruo Pai Bai, but Long Yi didn't agree.

He didn't want to accept either of these two people.

Since it is not accepted, it can only be disposed of naturally.

Putting it in the file, Long Yi casually said: "Find a few members with clean net worth, send them to the alliance, and don't worry about the rest."

No, no.

The Pale Association is a peace organization that grew out of the mud, how could it do such things as killing people.

Anyway, Di and Hokage are important wanted criminals of the Fengyuan Alliance. Naturally, they are sent to the alliance for disposal. Not only can they improve their impression, but they can also get some rewards. Why not do it.

"Yes, I understand." Tsuda Takumi quickly sent someone to take the silent Di and the scolding Hokage away, and naturally Long Yi didn't have to worry about the rest.

He has to do everything, what is there to do with so many idlers?
"Here are the two elves found on them, as well as the personal notes of Shuiwutong and Chiyansong." After they were escorted away, Tsuda Takumi took out four more things from his bosom.

Two poke balls, two notebooks, one very rough, one beautifully packaged.

This is the focus of Long Yi's trip this time!

There are two element-level elves!
(End of this chapter)

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