Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 386 Megalodon VS Menus!

Chapter 386 Megalodon VS Menus!
"Good! Happy!"

After discussing for sure, the three of them got up and left the base. On the way, there were curious high-level members of the Pale Society who wanted to follow, but Long Yi didn't object and let them follow.

All the way to the entrance of the base, the sea water in the cave is in front of you, and the waves are rippling.

Naturally, it is difficult for Long Yi to take out Jin Peng in front of Miyamoto Mei, no matter whether the latter recognizes this elf or not, this is a hidden danger of revealing his true identity.

The normal way of sitting should be to go to sea on the yacht of Pale Society.

But the battle that is about to start is undoubtedly a battle between element-level elves. Although the sea is vast, the two need to command the elves, so they must not be too far apart.

In this way, the yacht is a little dangerous, and it is easy to be overturned by the aftermath.


Long Yi paused, and suddenly jumped towards the water surface. While the color of his pupils changed slightly, thick water mist rose from his feet, dragging him on the water like a cloud.

Fly through the clouds!

"follow me!"

After leaving a word, Long Yi quickly flew out of the cave, the high-speed movement caused the sea water to sink, forming a conspicuous water wave separating the two sides.

Miyamoto Mei looked surprised, but quickly recovered, took out the elf ball and released a sun elf, using the super power of the sun elf to lift her up, and quickly chased Long Yi.

Others wanted to take a yacht to follow, but Tsuda Takumi did not agree considering the intensity of the battle between the two, but sent someone to release a few big-billed gulls, and used the big-billed gulls to carry a camera for remote viewing.


Long Yi didn't leave too far, and soon stopped over a nearby sea area, the deep blue sea water below was turbulent, and a black shadow could be seen passing by from time to time, it was the megalodon shark living in this sea area, It proves that this place is still within the scope of Shahai.

Miyamoto Mei followed closely behind, and then several large-billed gulls who flew up irregularly, each with a high-definition camera in its mouth, connected to the base in real time for live broadcast.

"Just here." Long Yi said.

Miyamoto Mei had no objection to this, and nodded in agreement.

This is a duel completely unilaterally provoked by Long Yi, so if Long Yi doesn't say anything, Miyamoto Mei doesn't ask about the rules at all.

Long Yi didn't intend to go into details, he casually dropped a poke ball.

The poke ball opened in mid-air, and a white light fell into the water, revealing a huge megalodon shark with a body length of three meters.

Although this giant tooth shark from the water phoenix tree was subdued violently by Long Yi, the relationship between the two parties is naturally not very good, and the latter is not the kind of elf who is willing to be very close to the trainer.

As soon as the megalodon came out, it grinned at Long Yi, who glanced at it indifferently, and said, "I won the fight, and I will give you a cow to eat."

Megalodon's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Once upon a time, it was also a member of the group of sharks that competed in the feeding of Shui Wutong, but it became the king of sharks later, and other sharks did not dare to compete with it, and gave way to it every time. People grabbed it.

Since it was tamed, this megalodon shark has not experienced the pleasure of eating a whole cow for a long time. In order to keep it wild, Shui Wutong always only feeds it half full, and occasionally has a hungry meal.

Under the temptation of food, the megalodon finally became friendly to Long Yi for a while, eager to try it, he looked at Miyamoto Mei.

【This megalodon shark really fell into his hands】

Mei Miyamoto thought.

The only vegetarian elf in the water sycamore tree is naturally the object of the alliance's attention. Although there is no news after the Moss Island time, Chao is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

"Go, Minas!"

Miyamoto Mei released her spirit, and as Long Yi expected, it was her plain-looking Menus.

The perfect entry into the water hardly caused any splashes. After diving, Menus poked his head out again. His long 'eyebrows' on both sides spread out to both sides, shaking off countless splashes, and his ivory white body was full of beauty.

This is a sprite that is inherently mesmerizing!

Miyamoto Mei's Menus seems to have developed this beauty to the extreme, Long Yi suspects that Menus has a characteristic of charm that supports its charm.

It's a pity that today's Menus is destined to wink at the blind.

Its opponent Megalodon was not moved at all. After Menus appeared, he looked at Long Yi. The Megalodon, which Long Yi agreed with, jetted out a raging stream of water from behind, and swam towards Menus at high speed while opening his eyes. Opened his terrifying big mouth.

The trick - water jet + crunching!

Mei Miyamoto's eyes drooped slightly, and she ordered: "Meenas, use the tornado."

Menus groaned softly, facing the ferocious Megalodon shark calmly, his fan-shaped tail slightly lifted out of the water, and then a white tornado formed on it.

Call ~
The wind was very low at first, but within a second it turned into a terrifying huge tornado. This tornado forced the sea back, rolled up the current, roared and roared horizontally on the sea surface, and the oncoming Megalodon shark almost It crashed into it head-on, and was cut crazily by the terrifying tornado, rolled into the sky, and fell from the sky again.

"Water jet!"

The scarred megalodon relied on the power of the jet of water to avoid falling directly into the water, and looked at Menus in surprise.

This opponent is different!
The giant tooth shark of Shuiwutong has very little experience in fighting element-level elves, so it suffered a big loss when facing Menus.

"The spirit-enlightening element is really overbearing." Long Yi said.

The spirit-enlightening element is a very special type of element, almost without any special ability, but it surpasses all elements in terms of boosting the ultimate move.Not only has the upper limit been increased to a maximum of 50 times the power increase, but it also works on all attributes, not just limited to one or two.

Of course, it is impossible for Menus without the projection of the plane to increase the power of any trick by 50 times, but the power of the tornado just now cannot be underestimated.

"Megalodon, use the water pressure cannon." Long Yi ordered.

Megalodon has 3 secret skills, one is death bite, the other is water pressure cannon, and the last one is its own exclusive secret skill Furious Blow.

Not to mention the furious blow, although the death bite is weird, but in the hands of the megalodon, it does not enjoy the energy increase, so the power is inferior to that of the water pressure cannon.

At this time, after Long Yi gave an order, the megalodon shark flying in the sky suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a large amount of sea water flew up into its mouth against the gravity of the earth, and soon formed a huge blue water ball .

The two characteristics of the water pressure cannon are fast charging and strong power!

"Water cannon!" Mei Miyamoto ordered quickly.

As soon as Menus' water cannon was fired, Megalodon's water pressure cannon had already arrived.However, Menus, who is in the middle of the sea, can undoubtedly obtain the greatest amplification effect by using water-based tricks. Therefore, even if the water cannon is much worse than the water-pressure cannon, the two sides' unique moves are evenly matched, and they will not give way.

The blue water polo and the blue-white water column continued to collide, and the terrifying water system energy belonging to different elves finally exploded. The tricks of both sides were annihilated one after another, and the infinite water mist instantly filled the area, making everything look white.

Mei Miyamoto smiled.

"Meinas, use the water pressure cannon."

Streams of water converged in front of Menus, and the secret technique exactly the same as the Megalodon trick just now appeared!
She didn't even customize secret skills for Menus, but let her learn the most common water-type secret skills in the alliance!

Long Yi was puzzled, but the battle was fierce right now, and he didn't have time to think carefully, so he directly issued a new order.

"Command the Sharks!"

The megalodon let out a roar, and a special message spread in the current sea area. After hearing the news, the megalodon that was stocked here by the water war group rushed over, and hideous fins appeared one after another on the sea.

The water mist affected Menus' judgment, so it condensed the water pressure cannon, but did not rush to attack.

The mist formed by the evaporation of this trick came and went faster, dissipating in less than half a minute, and then exposing the dense black shadows and shark fins on the sea surface.

Naturally, Long Yi's megalodon shark has already been submerged in it.

"This is……"

Miyamoto Mei let out a surprise, feeling a little unhappy in her heart: This is cheating!

However, the opponent is a former cadre of the water regiment, and he is a pirate himself. To expect him to fight according to the routine of a regular trainer is tantamount to nonsense.

While Mei Miyamoto was furious, she thought about why Long Yi summoned so many sharks.

Is it to avoid Menus' water pressure cannon?

Do not!

Long Yi quickly gave her the answer.

"A group of sharks fit together, a furious blow!"

With Long Yi's order, more than a hundred megalodon sharks leaped out of the water one after another, and then were strangely connected by blue energy lines on the sea surface, and finally turned into a terrifying giant with a body length of more than [-] meters. Tooth shark!

This scene was really astonishing. Not only Miyamoto Mei, Menus, and Chubby at the scene, but even the people watching the live broadcast in the headquarters of the Pale Society were shocked from ear to ear. It is hard to imagine that the power of the elves can be so powerful.

Their boss is so powerful!
The super megalodon over [-] meters deep into the water, like a steel tanker going into the sea, and then quickly attacked Menus.

On its way forward, countless water currents wrapped around the body of the giant megalodon shark, forming a strange energy monster with a similar shape but a different shape on its body surface.

The most similar to the Megalodon Shark is the row of hideous and terrifying sharp teeth of the monster.

At this moment, it was opening its mouth wide, and it swallowed Menus in one gulp.

This move is the strongest move of Long Yi's Megalodon Shark!

The water pressure cannon that was more powerful than the megalodon hit the energy monster formed by the furious blow, pierced through it and landed on the giant megalodon, leaving a deep scar.


not enough!
The surging water washing energy instantly repaired the hole on the top of the head. As for the injuries on the body, the remaining water pressure cannon at most killed one or two wild megalodon sharks, and had no effect on Long Yi's megalodon sharks.

Then, with a click, Meinas of Miyamoto Mei was bitten into two pieces in front of her...

(End of this chapter)

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