Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 387 The Essence of Power!

Chapter 387 The Essence of Power!

"Minas is dead?"

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, through Long Yi's eyes, everyone in the Pale Society watched the special investigator's Menus being bitten into two by Long Yi's megalodon shark through the live broadcast, very thorough. .

A chill suddenly surged up everyone's backs.

Big trouble now!

The giant megalodon shark fell into the water, and the phantom of the monster formed by the furious blow had disappeared, and the broken Meenas also sank into the water at the same time, every drop of blood and pieces of minced meat were so clearly visible .

Miyamoto Mei lowered her head slightly, and her golden bangs cast shadows covering part of her eyes, which made people feel a sense of gloom inexplicably.

This was also beyond Long Yi's expectation, he had high expectations for Miyamoto Mei, he never expected that the other party's Menus would die so easily.

Although the power of the furious blow of the megalodon after combining the power of the group of sharks is indeed terrifying.

Either way, it was a guilty accident.

Just when Long Yi was about to say something, Menus's 'corpse' suddenly slammed, and all of them turned into water, and instantly became one with the blue sea, without distinction.

"This is……"

Long Yi's heart moved, and a word blurted out: "Elemental body!"

Miyamoto Mei raised her head, there was no shadow on her face: "Very powerful attack, this megalodon shark is much stronger in your hands than in Shui Wutong's hands."

The Fengyuan Alliance is good at leveraging strength and driving talents, so it pays special attention to the grasp of intelligence.

The two elves of Shuiwutong and Chiyansong have fought only a handful of times after breaking through the elements, but in the materials of the Fengyuan Alliance, they have long grasped the strength of the two elves.

Undoubtedly, in the hands of Long Yi at this time, Shui Wutong's megalodon shark displayed far more fighting power than before.

"But if that's all it is, that's not enough." As he spoke, a stream of water rose up in front of Miyamoto Mei, and soon solidified into Menus' body.

In this sea where the energy of the water system is almost endless, it has an elemental body, and it is almost immortal!
It had been a long time since Long Yi had encountered an elf that could transform into an elemental body. Most of the elemental elves in the Sinnoh Kings Tournament were enlightened with special elements. He had really seen only three that could transform into an elemental body.

One is Thunder Emperor, one is the Ley Flying Dragon of Sandstorm Prince Seth, and the other is Bobo of the late elemental trainer Feiyu.

Meinas of Mei Miyamoto is the fourth one.

The Megalodon's attack is indeed powerful, but facing Menus, who can transform into an elemental body, unless its head is exploded immediately, it will be a waste of effort.

And the death bite may have the same effect as the bloody culling of Interpol's Blood and Tears Salamander, but Menus can completely strip this part of energy, and then absorb new water system energy to supplement consumption.

For a while, the Megalodon shark, which had shown its talents just now, was almost in a desperate situation.

"Stop attacking?"

Mei Miyamoto stroked a strand of hair beside her ear gracefully, "Then return the attack to me."

"You know the spirit enlightenment element, why is it called this name?"

Faced with Miyamoto Mei's slightly sly smile, Long Yi was stunned for a while.

He really didn't think about such a problem.

Indeed, other elements have their own characteristics, so the naming is very simple, but the characteristic of the enlightenment element is that it has the ability to increase all attributes by up to 50 times, so why use the word enlightenment?
Miyamoto Mei's smile seemed to indicate that there was an inside story that Long Yi didn't know about.

"Let me tell you the true meaning of elements."

Miyamoto Mei raised her right hand, her right hand was very beautiful, each finger was white and slender, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as green onion finger.

Accompanied by a snap of fingers, a word spit out from Mei Miyamoto's lips: "Enlightenment!"

Menus let out a long and melodious moan.

A gust of wind blew around Menus, and the originally turbulent sea surface became as smooth as a mirror as if being brushed by a pair of palms. Within the scope of this sudden change in the sea area, there was a kind of inexplicable feeling that Long Yi couldn't explain clearly. Change happens.

The Megalodon Shark, which is a combination of sharks, is in this area.

When it passed by, the giant megalodon let out an uneasy and irritated growl. It stared at Menus' body with its ferocious eyes, and then the water flow wrapped around its body again, and charged ahead.

Water jet!

But as soon as the giant tooth shark moved, Long Yi immediately uttered a sound of surprise.

"This is……"

The power is wrong!

On the sea, the giant tooth shark should have a full 30 times energy increase when using water-based tricks. The previous series of tricks also proved this point.

However, at this moment, neither the speed nor the water flow wrapped around the body of the megalodon was incomparable to the scale just now, as if the effect of the energy boost suddenly disappeared.

"Have you found it?"

Mei Miyamoto explained with a smile: "This is the true meaning of the elements—the field!"

"The biggest change between elements and ordinary elves is not the sudden addition of various special abilities, but the change in the energy usage of the trick."

"They are no longer simply using the energy in their bodies to attack and defend, but they can attract various attribute energies that are ubiquitous in the world, and use the power of the world to amplify their unique moves. This is the true meaning of the elements!"

"It's a pity that too many people are blinded by the strangeness of the elements, pursue the strength of the characteristics, and develop various secret skills and nirvana to match these new characteristics and abilities."

"Of course this is true. It is a real improvement in combat power. But in essence, most of the elves, whether it is the king of heaven or the champion, are still at the position of the first element level and have not improved. Their essence is standing still!"

"And the spirit enlightenment element, after abandoning those fancy abilities, amplifies the elves' ability to sense and control the energy of the world! The external manifestation of this ability is a higher upper limit of energy increase, but that's just a detail."

"Using this stronger sensing ability, my Menus communicates and contacts with this world step by step, and finally forms what you see now—the domain!"

"In the domain of Menus, other than it, any element-level elves can't borrow a single bit of energy from the world, and their most essential and least valued strengths will be returned to their original forms!"

"In the future, when Menus' understanding of the world reaches the extreme, he will be able to get rid of the restrictions of this world and create a space that is completely his own. The power of the powerful beasts to compete head-on."

As if to prove Miyamoto Mei's theory, when she was talking about this in high spirits, Long Yi's megalodon was helpless in front of Menus, and the continuous violent blows defeated the megalodon's combined state of sharks. Then Menus made another move of Water Tail, blasting the megalodon to Long Yi's feet, and fell into a coma.

Megalodon, defeated!

Long Yi ignored it, he was completely immersed in the brand new theory that Miyamoto Mei just told, it seems that Feng Yuan's ancient family has its own brand new understanding of power, which runs counter to the current mainstream research on elemental levels in the world.

However, to Long Yi who had doubts about this for a long time, this kind of theory is not a fantasy, and you will find that it is very reasonable after careful study.

This truth, combined with Mei Miyamoto's powerful Menus, is even more convincing.

One master!One master!

Secret skills and nirvana strengthen combat effectiveness, deepening the field to independently create the world to improve the essence of strength, and advancing on two lines at the same time is the kingly way!

Long Yi's eyes were shining brightly, and a broad road was unfolded in front of him through Mei Miyamoto's narration, allowing him to truly see the road to the head of the elves.

Although he doesn't know the specific method yet, in Long Yi's mind at this moment, the road ahead is no longer confused.

"You won, we can have a good talk." Long Yiyi took back the megalodon.

Miyamoto Mei laughed, her smile was as elegant and charming as ever: "This is exactly what I expected."

She added in her heart: "Miyazaki Ryuichi-san."

(End of this chapter)

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