Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 388 Fierce battle in the valley!superior

Chapter 388 Fierce battle in the valley!superior

Devil's Den, Elm Street, Hell Road.

These are the three largest killer organizations in the elf world, and these three organizations can stand out from many killer organizations because of their special abilities.

All element-level killers in the world are included in these three organizations. Among them, there are three ghost kings in the demon cave, four chiefs in the ghost street, and two hell angels in the hell road.

Originally, because of the existence of Jiu Tun-douji, the Monster Nest overwhelmed the other two organizations. After all, a desperate element-level killer is very scary. The element-level killers in Elm Ghost Street and Hell Road are all leader-level figures, and they are very life-saving. He also cherishes his element-level elves, and will not make a move easily.

Therefore, the demon cave was once dominant.

But because of Shiraishi Akihito, Shuten Doji was killed by the dream ghost Freddy on Elm Street.

Although Bai Shizhang Yan has subdued the law, but his influence has not disappeared.In other words, it was precisely because of the shocking case that broke out in Baishi Zhangyan before that the long-planned Elm Street did not dare to explode as much as it wanted, and lost its own opportunity.

After Bai Shizhangyan was killed, the Monster Cave, who had already reacted, was ready to face the battle.

In the past half month, almost all parts of the world were in dispute. This kind of dispute did not involve ordinary people, but a struggle between several major killer organizations, so the alliance and other forces were happy to watch the show.

Among the four major regions, Kanto has the least impact due to some special reasons; Jotou has the upper hand due to Shuten Doji's death, Elm Ghost Street has the upper hand; Hoenn's Elm Ghost Street originally had two leaders, but because of Shenao's nine-tailed fox Tamamo The former was too strong, so a female leader was transferred to Shenao to help in the battle-after all, most men can only be controlled by her in front of Nine-Tailed Fox.

As for the realm of hell, I chose to watch from the sidelines. Of course, both Elm Ghost Street and Demon's Nest are guarding against sneak attacks from the realm of hell.

The only female leader on Elm Ghost Street is in a stalemate with Shenao and Nine-Tailed Fox. However, after losing a helper, Feng Yuan, the leader of Elm Ghost Street, the deep sea evil spirit Octopus Jones, faces one of the three ghost kings of the demon cave, Otengu. disadvantage.

It's not that Jones' strength is not as good as Ootengu's, it's that the latter has almost the fastest speed in the world, and can move to the four regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh in one day.

The big tengu didn't fight with the octopus Jones, but kept assassinating middle and high-level killers in Joto and Fengyuan on Elm Street, which made Freddy and Jones very headache.


Fengyuan, Yinyu City.

Where there are people, there will be conflicts, and conflicts will produce crimes, and the laws of the alliance are controlling the breeding of crimes, so killers have become the choice of many "big shots".

Even in Yinyu City, which is famous for its cleanliness, nature, and longevity, it is no exception.

There are very few abrupt steel buildings in Yinyu City. Most of the residents’ residences are tree houses. The vines, wooden bridges, and floating boards constitute a unique traffic artery. Although it is a bit less prosperous, it is also more Kind of harmonious.

In a tree house in the corner of Yinyu City, a lonely and lonely man who doesn't fit in well with other people silently maintains his weapon - a dagger in the room.

Many locals call him lonely Kanazawa, but few people know that he is also a member of Elm Street, one of the world's three major killer organizations, and a senior killer among them.

As an ordinary person, to get the title of Senior Killer on Elm Street, Jin Ze's talent is unquestionable, he has almost played the dagger in cold weapon fighting to the extreme.

However, if he wants to break through the current shackles, unless Jin Ze reborn himself and makes himself an extraordinary person, otherwise his achievements in this life will be limited to this.

But even so, Kanazawa is also at the top of the rankings on Elm Street.

After all, although there are all kinds of special abilities and magical elves in this world, people are also more guarded against these.

As an ordinary person, Jin Ze happened to be their blind spot.

However, the more outstanding you are, the quicker you will die in this fight between Demon's Nest and Elm Street.

When a gust of wind blew open the door of Kanazawa's room, his fate was already sealed.

The next day, people in Yinyu City hadn't discovered Jin Ze's death yet, but a person wearing a black hat and black veil covering his entire face walked into Jin Ze's home.

"Damn it, it's too late again." The bamboo hat man looked at Jin Ze who was hanged on the eaves, and let out a dull male voice.

"It's not too late." A black smoke fell next to the man in the bamboo hat, staring at a dark figure, he said: "As long as we get rid of the big tengu, and work together to eliminate the two hell angels of Yuzaoqian and Hell Road, Nightmare on Elm Street is the well-deserved number one killer organization in the world."

"By that time, will there still be fewer high-level killers? Even if there is a fifth or sixth leader-level killer, it is not impossible."

When the cake gets bigger, people with corresponding abilities will naturally come to share the food. This is an eternal truth.

The man in the bamboo hat didn't buy it, and snorted coldly: "Freddy, that's what you said, but the speed of the big tengu is unparalleled in the world, we can't even touch his hair, how can we kill him?"

This is the crux of Jones' distress.

He is not afraid of the big tengu in a frontal battle, but the latter's speed is too fast, how to force him to fight is the difficulty.

"That's why I came to Fengyuan." said the dream ghost Freddy.

After speaking, he took out a glass bottle.

"What's this?" Jones asked.

Freddy didn't answer, but thought of the scene where he was forced by the Hoenn Alliance to exchange his unique secret skill of soul transfer in exchange for a way to lure Daitengu.

Although it would not be a disadvantage if he could kill Ootengu in this way, being persecuted is not a happy thing, not to mention that the price of the exchange is his own unique secret manual.

In silence, Freddy asked Jones to put Kanazawa's body down, and then put the bottle on the latter's chest.

I don't know what's special about that bottle, but after putting it on Jinze's body for a while, there was a trace of cyan smoke in it.

Seeing this, Freddy quickly took out the stopper and plugged the bottle, and said, "I have the item, but this is not the right place. Go to the forest."

Ordinary killers are useless in elemental class battles at all, so Freddy and Jones left Yinyu City alone without taking anyone with them, and came to a remote valley nearby.

"Get ready," Freddy said.

Jones nodded.

Then the two fell into a wordless silence.

Time passed by, and after about half an hour, Freddy opened his eyes and said, "I'm fine."

After another 10 minutes, Jones also said that he was ready.

So the black shadow that Freddy turned into put the glass bottle containing the cyan airflow on the ground, then took out the portable repeaters one by one, and pressed the switches one by one.

"Do you know, the legend about the big tengu..."

"In the foggy and uninhabited mountains, it is said that there is a terrifying monster living, and its name is Daitengu..."

"It's a big tengu!"

"No! Don't kill me!"

"The tranquility of the small town was broken by a scream in the early morning, and the mayor was hanged by hemp rope in his closed study. It was the big tengu who did it! Some old people must say..."


The voices of different men, women and children came out of each repeater, and each story was different, some were similar to fairy tales, and some seemed to be real events.

The same thing is that the name of Ootengu is mentioned in all the stories.

The bottle containing the cyan airflow is in the middle, surrounded by repeaters scattered one by one, coupled with the messy but even weirder story sounds, all of which inexplicably make the atmosphere scary and weird.

"I'm going to hide first, hope everything goes well," Freddy said, before dissipating into black smoke.

The deep-sea evil ghost Octopus Jones sat on the ground and waited silently.

After an unknown period of time, a gust of wind blew in from outside the valley, just like all ordinary mountain winds.

The difference is that this gust of wind is slightly blue, and it condenses into the body of an elf on the top of the big tree behind Jones.

That is - the cunning tengu!
(End of this chapter)

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