Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 389 Fierce battle in the valley!middle

Chapter 389 Fierce battle in the valley!middle

"That's one of the three ghost kings of the demon cave, the big tengu Eishutaro?"

Long Yi hid among the clouds above the valley, watching the cunning tengu come behind Jones, "No, Eishu Taro is still an ordinary person in essence, without the ability to make rapid progress, it should only be his elemental spirit present."

Yes, he was there too.

What happened this time was not an ambush on Elm Street, but a check and balance by the alliance against the three killer organizations!
Whether it's Elm Ghost Street, Demon's Nest, or Hell Road, any dominance is not in the interests of the alliance. Now that Shuten Doji has died and the three major organizations are out of balance, it is only in line to restore the balance and let the three major killer organizations check and balance each other. fundamental interests of the alliance.

Therefore, led by the Fengyuan Alliance, with the acquiescence of the other three major alliances, an operation against Elm Street began.

Only when the number of bosses on Elm Ghost Street is reduced to 2 or 3, and the situation where no one can do anything to them is re-established with the Demon Cave and Hell Road, is the scenario that the Alliance hopes to see.

Therefore, after Mei Miyamoto discovered Long Yi's true identity, the Fengyuan Alliance, which is good at leveraging strength, immediately decided to entrust him to get rid of a leader on Elm Street.

Of course, Miyamoto Mei would not let Long Yi do it for nothing, and the reward he gave was quite astonishing, it was a set of combined secret skills.

This combined secret technique consists of three different secret techniques, which can be combined to form a more powerful combined secret technique.

That combination of secret skills is not comparable to the nirvana, but it has an ability that is incomparable to the nirvana—to help the elves civilize the elements!
Yes, this is a move similar to Thunder Fist, a special secret skill that can transform elements when practiced deeply!

Its chance of enlightening elements is lower than that of Thunder Fist, but the advantage is that it is easier. You only need to complete the combination of secret skills, and you will have a chance to cultivate elements. It is several times easier than Thunder Fist to the extreme.

Because of this reward, Long Yi accepted the job knowing that he was being treated as a thug.

In fact, the reason why the element-level killers in Demon's Nest, Elm Ghost Street, and Territory Road are willing to degenerate is also because of the generous rewards.

These element-level trainers or people with special abilities, like Long Yi, are people with no background but outstanding talents. What attracts them is no longer worldly money, but things that money can't buy.

Long Yi looked down, the stage had already been set up, just waiting for him to find the right time to make a bold move.


The cunning tengu quietly hid in the big tree behind Jones without making a sound, tilting his head and looking at the back in front of him.

This elf of Eijutaro had already lost the spirituality of an elf due to years of killing, not only its eyes were scarlet, but its teeth were also very different from ordinary cunning tengus. They were not flat, but triangular teeth like sharks.

This is a very cruel elf!

After watching it for a while, it suddenly turned into a breeze again, passing Jones's body lightly, effortlessly and extremely quickly. At this moment, the weak wind turned into the sharpest blade of time, sweeping past Jones' neck.

Elements of Wind Control—Elementalized Body!

Secret skill - silent knife!

With a muffled sound, Jones' head flew high, but it was so strange that no blood spewed out. At the same time, sticky tentacles connected Jones' head and body, and they were pulling closer at a high speed.

Because the bamboo hat was blown off by the wind, even Long Yi in the sky could clearly see Jones' situation at this moment.

he does not!It should be said that it is!
Jones is obviously not a human being, it has a human body, but its head is extremely disgusting, and the octopus tentacles are like a certain pirate in Long Yi's memory, sticky and slippery.

One of the four leaders on Elm Street, Jones the octopus, a deep-sea evil ghost, and the elemental spirit is an octopus barrel, which has the ability to parasitize. After parasitizing, it can control mutated humans and become a half-dead half-murloc.

Long Yi recalled the information given by Mei Miyamoto in his mind.

Naturally, it was not Jones himself who appeared in the valley to ambush the big tengu, but a mutant parasitized by his octopus barrel.

Because the target is an elemental elf, this mutant is the only Qi-level fighter that Jones can control on the surface, and he is his real trump card.

The breeze transformed by the cunning tengu not only cut the murloc controlled by Jones, but also destroyed all the glass bottles and repeaters on the ground.

However, this cunning tengu became famous. The secret of moving to the four major regions in one day is the terrifying legend about the big tengu. Therefore, although the props that summoned it were destroyed, it was still impossible to leave here in a short time.

This period of time is the opportunity for Jones and Freddy.

The reunited cunning tengu tilted its head and looked at the murloc controlled by Jones. It looked stupid, but it was actually listening to the orders of its master, Eijutaro.

In order to cooperate with this cunning tengu, Eishu Taro specially bred a super-power elf Nianli puppet, and let it learn two secret skills.

One trick is the soul link, which allows the cunning tengu and the Nianli puppet to hear each other's voice no matter how far apart they are.

The second trick is the vision of the mind, which allows the Nenli puppet to see the vision of the cunning tengu, allowing Eishu Taro to make judgments and give orders.

Although Eijutaro and Octopus Jones are also in charge of the Hoenn area, he doesn't know much about the latter.

Elm Ghost Street has two leaders in the Hoenen area. Taro Eiju dealt more with the female leader who went to Sinnoh to support him. From the nickname of Octopus Jones, he knew that most of the areas he was in charge of were in the sea. The contact between the two parties was actually Not many.

At this moment, I saw that the murloc controlled by Jones was beheaded. Tentacles protruded from the trachea and pulled the head back to the body to make it safe. After turning in a 360-degree circle, I felt inexplicable horror when I opened my eyes. , even thousands of miles away gave him goosebumps all over his body.


Everyone in the world said that the killers in the Demon Nest were scary and weird, but Eishu Taro felt that compared to the leader of Elm Ghost Street, the killers in the Demon Nest were not so normal, okay?

Although they have different methods, at least they are all orthodox inheritance similar to Onmyoji, unlike Octopus Jones, who is so weird that it makes people feel a little inhuman.

"I don't believe it! You can still live with a broken head, then I'll blow your head off and see if you can still move!"

"Cunning Tengu, blow his head off!" Eishu Taro ordered.

The cunning tengu's eyes were red, and he rushed towards the half murloc again, and two balls of wind balls condensed in his hands like a fan.

The ultimate move - the wind bomb!
This is an improvement of the flying system similar to the wave of water. It can't be called a secret skill, but it has its own characteristics.

Facing the attacking cunning tengu, the half murloc twitched its tentacles and smiled with a ferocious mouth: "Fire!"

With a 'bang', two groups of flames burst into flames, enveloping the murloc's legs.

"Let it burn!"

With a sound of swish, the half murloc suddenly turned around and kicked, the speed was so fast that it seemed to change from standing directly to a side kick. At the same time, a phantom of a flame chicken appeared behind him, making the same move as the half murloc. action.

The spirit shows the gods - the flame chicken, the flame spins and kicks!

The flame kicked a cloud of air, and the cunning tengu's body instantly turned into an element, collapsing into countless breezes, bypassing the murloc's body, and gathering behind his back, and the wind ball in his hand smashed down hard.

However, scarlet lines emerged on the half murloc's body, vaguely outlining the appearance of half a flame chicken, but only the upper body had lines, while the lower body remained unchanged.

The second stage of boldness and divine way - God of War tattoo!
The samurai with the tattoo of the god of war stared at him with the same vigor, and was invulnerable. The wind bomb that could easily shatter rocks fell on the murloc's head, but it exploded like a balloon, not even one of its tentacles exploded. Broken, the damage is minimal.

At the same time, a purple-black elf suddenly appeared in front of the cunning tengu, with awakening ripples appearing in his eyes.

Dream Demon - Hypnotism!

The second boss on Elm Street, the element elf of Freddy, the dream ghost, finally made his move.

Eishu Taro, who was staring at the vision of the cunning tengu projected by the Nianli clay puppet, was dizzy for a while, and seeing the bad situation, the Nianli clay puppet immediately cut off his spiritual vision with the cunning tengu.

Eijutaro gave a sudden pause, shook his head and finally woke up, his face changed drastically: "Okay!"

At the same time, under the sudden and powerful hypnotism of the dream monster, the cunning tengu couldn't even think of turning into an elemental body, waves of drowsiness hit him, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

"The rest will be left to you." The half fishman turned around.

Freddy's dream monster is enlightened with nightmare elements, which is similar to the mythical beast Nightmare God Darkrai in the Sinnoh area, but there are some slight differences, just like the characteristics of the elements of different flame birds are also different.

"It's all here, of course I won't miss it." The dream monster made Freddy's voice, and then it turned into a cloud of black smoke and got into the cunning tengu's head, entering its dream.

In a dream, it is almost invincible!
The half-murloc nodded upon seeing this, and was about to sit down and rest, waiting for news from Freddy.

However, just as it was about to move, there was a sudden heavy falling sound behind it, which startled Jones to quickly control the half-murloc to turn around.

After all, it is indirect control. Although the half murloc is powerful, its reaction is unavoidably slow.

I saw a big hole in the ground behind me at some point, and a vague figure in the smoke and dust was slowly standing up from a half-squatting state. It seemed that he just fell from the sky.

"You're going to make it hard for me to do this."

Two dazzling golden lights shot out from the smoke and dust, and amidst the sound of rolling earth and rocks, a long stone stick was formed out of nothing in the hands of the visitor.

Finally, the smoke dissipated.

Just looking around, I saw that the visitor was wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, a golden armor with locks on his body, and a pair of lotus root silk walking cloud shoes.

But it can be said:
Lei Gong has a hairy face and a hairy face.

If you carry the Ruyi golden hoop on your shoulders, my life is up to me!
It is the soil system of the Five Elements that Long Yi condenses - the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!
Tilting his head, Long Yi looked at the vivid surprised expression of the half murloc, bared his teeth in joy, and jumped up suddenly: "Monster! Give my old grandson a good blow!"

(End of this chapter)

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