Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 392 Dragon 1's Sword

Chapter 392 Long Yi's Sword
The three secret skills given by Mei Miyamoto, the eyes of the wind and the claws of the wind are transformation secret skills, which require the body transformation of the elves. Different elves have different precautions and material formulas.

But Wings of Flying Wind is a skill-type secret technique, as long as the elves with wings are qualified to learn this technique, so not only Jin Peng can learn it, but Long Yi's flame bird can also learn it.

The Wind Mimetic Beast combined with these three tricks can make the elf temporarily transform into a wind elf, who is born with the ability to perceive and control the wind, so if the elf's talent is good enough and his comprehension is high enough, he can get out of this state Feel the true meaning of the wind, and thus develop the wind control tricks.

It is the most orthodox and purest element of the flight system.


The cultivation and growth of an elf is inseparable from several aspects.

One is basic attributes such as strength, speed, stamina, and defense.

The second is the intensity of attribute energy.

The third is the strength and proficiency of the trick.

The fourth is combat experience and combat awareness.

The fifth is the tacit understanding with the trainer.

These abilities are not all separated, let's not talk about four and five, just look at one, two, and three.

Long Yi's system can instill energy into his elves, allowing their energy intensity to grow to a high level in a short period of time, saving a lot of time.

And the increase in energy intensity can essentially speed up or even strengthen the elf's physical fitness, making it faster, stronger, and longer-lasting.

For an elf, its own attributes not only represent its talent in this attribute, but more importantly, this elf itself needs this attribute in the process of growing up.

To put it simply, a small charmander can never grow into a healthy charizard in the ice and snow, and a pangolin living in the city will not be stronger than drilling holes in the mountains all day long.

This is typical, the effect of energy on elves.

External energy can do this, and the energy intensity of the elf itself can also affect it. Especially when the two sides are seriously out of balance, too strong energy will stimulate the elf's body to develop rapidly, and the growth rate is very amazing.

And after having enough basic attributes and energy intensity, to learn various tricks and skills is like a strong adult practicing weightlifting, and a college student learning the knowledge of junior high school students.

It cannot be said that there is no difficulty at all, but the difficulty will undoubtedly drop a lot.

Even if it is a secret skill, for Jinpeng who has reached the limit value of his race, as long as he perseveres and is not stupid to a certain extent, it can be mastered completely.


On the way of training and waiting for the flame bird and Jinpeng to master several secret skills, Long Yi left the headquarters of the Pale Society, but lived in the branch transformed from the headquarters of the lava group.

The location of this branch is in the mountainside of Chimney Mountain, the largest and most famous dormant volcano in the Hoenn area.

The former headquarters of the lava group was built amazingly, and its depth is even enough to see the hot and flowing hot magma!

The designer of the lava group combined the magma and the construction of the base very well, forming a very advanced secret base with the characteristics of the lava group.

After the lava mass was annexed by Long Yi, especially the fire-breathing camel with Chi Yansong, and after understanding its characteristics, Long Yi ordered people to remodel this base.

He plans to transform it into a special logistics base, from now on all the elf eggs of the Pale Society will be concentrated here for incubation, and then distributed to various branches.

A total of six hatching rooms will be built in the base, including a steam room for hatching llamas; two common rooms for hatching coyotes and supersonic bats; a beach room for hatching lobster minions; two hot springs room for hatching toothfish and seal balls.

All elves need temperature to assist in hatching during the egg stage, even elves living in water are no exception, but other elves except the fire camel are not suitable to stay here after hatching, otherwise it will be harmful to the elves. Their growth and development are quite unfavorable.

The six hatching rooms form a ring-shaped division, surrounding a room in the center, which is the living area of ​​the fire-breathing camel, and the interval is wide enough for all the elf eggs to be in the frontal buff area produced by the heat of the fire-breathing camel.

With the characteristic bonus of the element-level fire-breathing camel, I believe that the elves hatched from all elf eggs will be much better than the general ones in terms of overall qualifications and quality.

This is a precious elf that is enough to improve the combat effectiveness of a faction as a whole!

Not only that, on this basis, Long Yi will also choose the best to instill energy in some of the spirits, and then hand them over to special people to be responsible for training and cultivating them.

The lava group and the water battle group knew a lot about these six types of elves, but they were not good at cultivating them, and they ruined many high-level elves in vain.

Fortunately, under the long-term influence of senior trainers such as Baishi Zhangyan and Juzi, Long Yi already has some experience in the training and cultivation of elves, and has designed different training methods for each form of each elf. It may be as simple and straightforward as Baishi Zhangyan, but at least it will have a positive effect.

These more outstanding elves, who can quickly become stronger in a short period of time, will be rewarded by Long Yi to the members and senior management of the society who have made great contributions to the Pale Society, and those elves will help the members to better serve Pale. Association services.

In this way, the strength of an organization can be regarded as falling into a positive cycle.

After all, with elves, they still need secret skills; with secret skills, they also need to understand the elements.

And if you want to exchange those things, the required contributions cannot be completed in a short time.


There is also a space under the fire-breathing camel's living area, where the few members of the Pale Society who stayed at Chimney Mountain Base work and live, and Long Yi is currently living here temporarily.

In the training room exclusively for Long Yi, Long Yi, who was dressed in white training clothes, held a samurai sword upright in front of him, squeezed the blade, and flicked it with his fingers, the samurai sword broke from it.

Since coming here, Long Yi has started to practice sword.

"Give me another knife." Long Yi said.

A female member who was waiting by the side stepped forward holding a new samurai sword.

Long Yi drew the saber out of its sheath, made a few moves in Iai Kendo, shook his head, and threw the saber casually, just right into the sheath in the hands of the female commune members.

Long Yi's contact with samurai in this world started from Iai Kendo, but it is said to be a sword, but it is actually a samurai sword in essence.

Long Yi seldom used weapons since he gathered his courage and momentum, especially after returning the demon sword Mo Yan.

But that doesn't mean that Long Yi doesn't like samurai swords anymore, after all he has really worked hard on it and practiced it with heart.

But now, Long Yi started to hate knives from the bottom of his heart.

Even this kind of samurai sword that looks like a sword.

"You go out." Long Yi waved his hand, the female commune member knelt down, and then backed out.

Immediately only Long Yi was left in the practice room.

"Knife? Sword?"

A golden light flashed in Long Yi's eyes, and in front of Long Yi's eyes a golden sword the length of a brush appeared out of thin air, flying freely in the air like a spirit snake, and then dissipated into little golden lights.

Wearing white socks, Long Yi walked to a low table, poured water and rubbed ink, meditated for a moment, then bowed his head and began to write.

He wrote a poem which reads as follows:
Traveling to the North Sea in the morning and twilight Cangwu, Yujian Qingming has no troubles.

Green silk and red sleeves are always accompanied by him, walking around the rivers and lakes with one Xiao and one sword.

With the last stroke, a special aura emerged spontaneously in Long Yi, as if he transformed into a carefree and carefree sword fairy in an instant, wandering around the world of mortals and yet drifting away from the world, I don't know how carefree he is.

A special figure emerged from Long Yi's back, about to sink into his body like the Monkey King, and help him raise the level of the Sword Immortal of Jin System's Momentum to the second stage of the Way of Returning Momentum.

But suddenly, two clusters of golden light appeared in Long's eyes, and the golden light shot directly at Yunxiang!

A ferocious ape phantom emerged from Long Yi's heart, bared its teeth, and roared upwards, as if telling how my fate was up to me.

This is Monkey King Monkey King, Monkey King!
The heart is hard to surrender, and the horse gallops.The second stage of the momentum return path is the most dangerous, because all kinds of momentum are intertwined, once one of them breaks through, it will drive other momentums to break through in a short time.

But each aura represents a strong will, and the aura that breaks through first will have a huge impact on the aura that breaks through later, especially when the two parties are connected.

Piaoran Hongchen Zuixiaoyao is indeed a representative of sword immortals, but the earth gives birth to gold, the reason why Long Yi has the feeling to break through the aura of sword immortals is essentially driven by the aura of the earth element, so Sun Houzi appeared at this moment.

Happy Sword Immortal?

This is not the Sword Immortal recognized by Monkey King!

Sun Wukong is free and easy, but that is free and free, compared with it, it is more unruly!Sun Wukong will not just smile away his grievances, he will only meddle in his own business and stand out!
Under the influence of Sun Houzi, Long Yi's temperament suddenly changed, he became icy cold and unkind.

Throwing away the rice paper on the table, Long Yi raised his pen, splashed ink, and a new poem appeared on the paper.

I love the sword as much as the sword, and my heart remains unchanged.

Love, hate, and hatred are both boring. Humanity is free and I am insane.

The sword energy spans thirty thousand miles, who will be ahead on the road of cultivating immortals.

If the heavens send a punishment to block my way, I will call the Jade Emperor to go down to the golden palace!
When the poem is completed, the sword sounds.

The golden swords were lined up layer by layer on Long Yi's back, like a throne of swords, resplendent in gold and full of sword energy.

The writing brush in his hand shot out a sword aura, splitting the desk in front of him in two. Long Yi laughed and threw the brush away, leaning back on the throne of swords, watching a golden sword fly out of the writing brush, converging on the The center of the throne was inserted, and he said: "Good sword!"

 Sure enough, I haven’t written handwriting for a few days, QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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