Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 393 Wind and Rain

Chapter 393 Wind and Rain

The training of Flamingo and Jinpeng is still going on, and Long Yi suddenly has many different hobbies.

He began to like fruit, especially peaches and bananas, and was especially fond of them.

He began to like swords.

The swords in the elven world couldn't satisfy him, so Long Yi found a master blacksmith and asked him to forge his own exclusive sword according to the form he wanted.

At the same time, Long Yi also fell in love with taking a bath, and would spend at least half an hour in the bathtub every day.

In this way, another month and a half passed.


Chimney Hill, the summit.

what! ——

A flame bird uttered a high-pitched cry and flew into the sky from the crater. It was burning with fascinating and beautiful flames, especially a pair of wings, which derived huge flame wings with a height of six or seven meters, which were extremely shocking and beautiful.

In the past, the flame bird could also drag a large piece of beautiful fire cloud when flying, but compared with the pair of flame wings in front of it, the spectacular fire cloud was lowered to another level.

This is the power of secret skills!
Flying secret skill - Wings of Soaring Wind!
Long Yi's flame bird has the characteristic of controlling flames, and can improve other tricks he has learned, and incorporate the power of flames, so as to enjoy the energy increase.

The flame wings at this time are the crystallization of Xiangfeng Wings fused with the power of flames, and their attributes have changed from flight to a combination of flight and fire.

Not long after the flame bird flew out, there was a sudden gust of wind in the ring-shaped crater, and a sharp bird song rang out, and then a big blue bird with a wingspan of four or five meters flew out following it.

The wings of the big bird brought a violent hurricane, and this strong wind blew a hole in the thick volcanic ash cloud layer above Chimney Mountain. sound.

Jinpeng—the form of the mimic beast of the wind!
Yes, after a lapse of one and a half months, Long Yi's Jin Peng finally successfully combined the three secret skills and practiced the combined secret skill Wind Mimetic Beast.

And Jinpeng himself, relying on his outstanding talent, took this opportunity to civilize the elements and became a powerful element spirit.

7. [Jinpeng]: Bi Diao, who is very well developed, is far superior to Tongji in all aspects!

[Elf Race]: Bi Diao
[Attribute]: Flying, Normal

[Status]: healthy
【Age】: 5 years old
【Character】: Lively
[Exclusive Plane]: Mountain of the Storm's Rest
[Intimacy]: 200 (purple, trustworthy)

[Talent]: Eagle Eye, Agility

Eagle Eye: Its eyes have gained the power of wind, its eyesight and dynamic vision have been greatly improved, and it can see through fog and illusions, and it is immune to eye-catching hypnotic special effects and tricks.

Flexibility: Wind brings speed, but also flexibility.

【Element characteristics】: listen to the wind
Listen to the wind: The spirit of the wind can get information from the wind.

[Enlightenment Elements]: Control of Wind
Effect 1: The sharpness of the wind.The ultimate wind has the ultimate sharpness, and all of Jinpeng's flying-type tricks have received a substantial increase in cutting.

Effect 2: Amplification of tricks.Jinpeng can mobilize the flying energy particles between the sky and the earth, and the power of all the unique moves of this attribute is increased by 20-30 times according to the different battle locations.

Effect 3: Plane projection.With its own exclusive plane, it can summon the projection of the plane anytime and anywhere, and has the home court advantage. Among the special moves, the flying special moves reach a maximum increase of 30 times by default.

Effect 4: Wind control.Jinpeng can learn all the flying special moves, and integrate them into the special moves of other attributes, so that it can enjoy the special effects of special moves at the same time.

Effect 5: Aurora flash.Jinpeng's exclusive secret technique consumes a lot of flying-type energy, turns into a beam of wind to launch a super-speed attack on the target, with small range, fast speed, strong penetration, and ignores any non-sealed physical block.

[System Evaluation]: Wind is everywhere and penetrates every hole!
The two elves fight in the sky, the flame bird is more powerful, and has learned many secret skills such as the flame explosion fireball, the spark dragon sword, the fire pill, the flame armor, the scorching field, and the wings of the wind, and added its own exclusive In the plane of Flame Mountain, the combat effectiveness is no longer the same as in the past.

Although Jinpeng has only just civilized the elements, he already has sufficient combat experience because the system absorbs the functions of the learning device, and he is good at speed. Although he can't help the flame bird, there is no problem in self-protection.

Neither of the two elves could do anything to the other. Just as Jinpeng avoided the scorching fire pill spit out by the flame bird again, the hole in the sky broken by it was suddenly filled with clouds again.

But this time, it wasn't the gray lead cloud that absorbed countless volcanic ash, but a black cloud.

Stab it!

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in the dark cloud, and it assimilated the surrounding lead clouds at an extremely fast speed. In just a short moment, the entire Chimney Mountain was covered with black dark clouds that were emitting lightning.


A thunderbolt pierced the sky, and then thunder fell, directly splitting a huge rock, leaving a dark mark on the spot.

The continuous torrential rain started, and the flame bird roared irritably, but it didn't dare to spray even a fireball into the sky, but got into the crater below.

Jinpeng, because of his transformation into a wind-mimetic beast, is similar to the flying-type elf in the elemental body at this moment, so he doesn't hate heavy rain.

On the contrary, because of the heavy rain, the wind between the sky and the earth became stronger, which made it feel very comfortable. At the same time, the wind also brought Jinpeng information about the cause of the mutation.

A blue light shot up into the sky from below, the violent storm, flashes of thunder and thunder intensified, and part of the body of a huge monster suddenly appeared in the dark clouds, wriggling slowly.

The lightning strikes on the azure blue scales can only spark bursts of sparks.

That's a dragon!

One is similar to Liekongzuo, covered in blue scales, a more mighty and sacred Eastern Dragon!

The head is like a camel, the eyes are like a rabbit, the ears are like a cow, the horns are like a deer, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, and the palms are like a tiger.

The appearance of the blue dragon is faintly visible in the clouds. When it opens its mouth, it is a thunderbolt, and when it sneezes, it is a violent storm. It really expresses the true meaning of calling the wind and the rain.

After a while, the clouds cleared and the rain closed, Long Yi regained his momentum and returned to the ground, and some signs of the dragon's body could still be vaguely seen on his body.

He touched Jinpeng beside him, took a step forward, and opened his mouth to sing:

The coral dragon horns are located in Zhongzang, and they are well-known for their good weather and good weather.

Thunder, rain and dew follow one's will, must be angry~ It's the Dragon King!
Earth produces gold, gold produces water, one and a half months after the breakthrough of sword fairy aura, Long Yi's water system dragon king aura also officially broke through, and entered the second stage of the return of momentum.

And because of the influence of Monkey King and Sword Immortal's aura, the Dragon King's aura didn't even have room to struggle, and it directly changed to what the former wanted.

So far, Long Yi has three strong emotions: Wukong's unruly, sword fairy's obsession, and dragon king's moodiness. His own consciousness is affected all the time, and even his daily life is difficult to control.

However, after the Jinpeng breakthrough, the flame bird and Jinpeng's current tasks were completed, the obsession brought by the sword fairy eased a little, and Long Yi finally had a short respite to find a way to solve his own troubles.

Returning to the branch of the Pale Society, Long Yi immediately called Xiba.

Among the people he knew, there were only two people who might have a solution, one was Kanto Fighting King Shiba, and the other was Miyamoto Mei.

The former is a master of martial arts, the disciple of the world's number one samurai; the latter is a rookie of Feng Yuan's real power family, and Feng Yuan is the best in the world in digging his own strength.

In comparison, Long Yi believed in Xiba more.


When the phone was connected, Shiba seemed to be practicing by a waterfall, and the voice was very noisy.

After Long Yi finally finished talking about his own situation, Xiba over there had already understood the seriousness of the matter and returned to the temporary residence.

"You are very troublesome." Xiba said, "I told you at the time, although the path of returning momentum is magical, it is also the most dangerous path."

"The first stage is okay, you can use your own strong aura to resist. However, the unity of consciousness in the second stage will make you be affected by the various strong thoughts represented by your own condensed aura."

"The further you get to the back, the more intense this effect is like a snowball. When all your auras have entered the stage of consciousness integration and form a complete cycle, then each cycle will make these auras stronger, and between them The respective conflicts between them will become more and more irreconcilable."

"At that time, there will inevitably be one and the only winner among the momentums; and the samurai's own thoughts and wills have long since been wiped out in the battles between the various momentums, leaving only a revived momentum awareness."

"You have already advanced with three auras, and the next two auras will break through faster and faster. When the last aura breaks through, there is no room for salvation."

It is very difficult for outsiders to help with this kind of strength that is rooted in oneself, and at this point, Long Yi's own courage can no longer hold back the stronger and stronger momentum, and he is stepping towards death step by step.

Now even if Long Yi wants to abolish his momentum, it is impossible for Sun Wukong, Sword Immortal and Dragon King momentum to have their own consciousness, just like another living life.

If Long Yi wanted to destroy them, he would immediately provoke resistance from the three major forces, and at that time, immortality would also be the end of a vegetable.

Even after hearing such a horrific ending, Long Yi wasn't afraid in the slightest, instead he smiled slightly and asked calmly: "Is there any way to solve this problem."


In the face of unsolvable difficulties, Long Yi has the unruly attitude of the Monkey King, the calmness of the peerless sword fairy who has nothing but the sword, and the disdain of the Dragon King who treats all living beings like ants.

His own troubles became Long Yi's help at this time.

Xiba was silent for a moment, then said: "As far as I know, there are only two people in this world who can save you!"

"One is one of the four holy monks of the Pure Land Temple in Chengdu, Master Liaosheng who is in charge of the holy beast White Elephant!"

"The other one is the current prophet of the Temple of God Omidina, Mirai Hase!"

"Remember, you still have at most one and a half months!"

"Wait until the last aura breaks through, and the five auras complement each other endlessly, then the winner will be determined in an instant. And that moment is also the moment when your consciousness will be wiped out!"

Long nodded, thanked him, and hung up the phone.

"Joto, Sinnoh."

Knocking on the table, Long Yi made up his mind.

"Come on, book me a ticket to Sinnoh Paida City!"

(End of this chapter)

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