Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 395 Prophecy

Chapter 395 Prophecy
"Come with me and save the world!"

None of the three present had expected to hear such an explosive answer from Kitano Moli, and they were all taken aback.

The most shocking of the three was the woman of the Goddess of the Temple. First, because she lived alone for a long time, with little knowledge and poor concentration; In terms of information, even the expression is very flat, who would have thought that she hid such a big secret.

"Jasmine, are you kidding me?" Shocked, Shenzi even called out the name of his childhood companion.

"You can't joke about such a thing." Kitano Moli said seriously.

"What's going on?" It was about his own life, so Long Yi couldn't help but be more cautious.

Only then did Kitano Jasmine begin to explain.

It turns out that the death of the sage Hase Mirai is not without a reason. The Mijina Temple has always been known for being good at predicting, and their predicting method is to fuse with a mysterious will that exists in the unknown world, and then randomly read messy information.

This will, which they call Gaia, does not exist anywhere in the elf world, but it records all the details of the elf world.

Because the information obtained is completely random, how to accurately obtain the information you want and how to interpret the information obtained is the main learning direction of the prophets of the Mijina Temple, and the sage Hase Mirai is undoubtedly the best among them .

A month and a half ago, Hase Mirai suddenly felt restless, so he performed a divination. The result of the divination surprised him, and even hurt his spirit, and died of illness within a few days.

"The result of that divination is: Milky Way cluster, doomsday."

Since Zhang Gufu passed out after divination, the remaining prophets disagreed with the two words and interpreted different meanings.

One side believes that this sentence represents the biggest evil force in the Sinnoh region, and the Galaxy Group will usher in the end.

The other side believes that the galaxy group will bring doomsday to this world, and if it is not stopped, the world will be destroyed.

Because of Chang Gu’s future lessons, none of the other prophets dared to divination the inside story, and finally combined with the long-term actions and impressions of the Galaxy Group, most of them agreed with the first situation.

Kitano Jasmine is a member of the second party.

She said: "No matter the specific situation is the first or the second, we should all prepare for the worst, so I am inclined to the second interpretation."

"There are five existing prophets in the temple, three of whom chose the first type, and only one other prophet, Ichii Fukika, agrees with me; and if our judgment is correct and prevents the destruction of the world, then such a feat Enough to make us the new sages."

"And only a sage has the right to give a treasure like the Heart of Cherry Blossom to others."

"That is to say, if you guess wrong, I will waste precious time doing useless work with you?" Long Yi said.

Before he crossed over, he hadn't watched the animation plot of the Sinnoh region at all, and he had no impression of the so-called Galaxy Group and Doomsday, so he couldn't judge whether Kitanojasmine was right or wrong.

But wasting time, for the current Long Yi, is wasting life.

"That's right." Kitano Jasmine nodded.

"Then it's been so long, do you have any clues?" Long Yi said.

"According to the information from the Sinnoh Alliance, the Galaxy Group is still digging ruins around Sinnoh, but recently diamond and pearl jade were stolen. Although there is no evidence to prove that the Galaxy Group did it, the theft at this time is too coincidental Yes, I have to think about it.”

"What are diamond jade and pearl jade?" Xiao Song interrupted and asked.

Bei Naijasmine said: "These two are treasures held by the legendary elves, Dialga, the God of Time, and Palkia, the God of Space, so I suspect that they are related to the conspiracy of the Galaxy Group."

Long nodded, "Indeed, assuming your conjecture is correct, the Milky Way Group really wants to destroy the world, then they are obviously unable to do so with their own strength, so the most direct way is to use powerful top-level beasts. "

"There are five top beasts in the Sinnoh region, namely Arceus, the God of Creation, Regichkas, the Pillar King, Latina, the Dragon King of Hades, Dialga, the God of Time, and Palkia, the God of Space."

"The God of Creation is too ethereal, the King of Pillars is sleeping in the Temple of Cutting Front, and the Pluto Dragon is reversing the world. It is indeed Dialga and Palkia who have the greatest probability."

Of course, King Shenzhu also has similar legends about the extermination of the world, so Bei Nai Jasmine sits in the Qifeng Temple just in case, and another prophet, Ichii Fukika, follows the clues of Dialga and Palkia to track the Milky Way Group.

After the analysis, Long Yi felt that Kitano Jasmine's guess was very reliable, but he had less than one and a half months left, so it was impossible to waste too much time on the hope of Sakura Heart.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Long Yi said: "I can stay here with you for half a month, if there is no change within half a month, then I will leave immediately. Regardless of whether there is any change in this, you You must lend me the heart of Sakura, is there any problem?"

Borrowing, not gifting, Bei Nai Jasmine can barely decide on this right.

"No problem." She said decisively.

"Okay, deal!"

So Long Yi lived in Qiefeng Temple like this.


Time passed day by day. Although the entire Sinnoh was not calm, there were no major changes. It seemed that everything proved how unreliable Kitanojasmine's conjecture was.

For others, this period of time is just a few days, but for Long Yi, every day is as difficult as a year.

He began to love nature, and at the same time, he had great hostility to anyone who deliberately stepped on and harmed vegetation.

Long Yi knew that this meant that his fourth aura, the spirit of the wood-type aura, was gradually awakening consciousness, and under the influence of the first three auras, there was no doubt that the consciousness of the wood-type aura would also deviate to a very extreme level. In the midst of the situation.

His time is running out!

Day 11.

Bei Nai Jasmine pushed open the door, although she did not open her eyes, she still accurately looked at Long Yi and Xiao Song who were communicating like a normal person.

"Something went wrong. The three cadres of the Galaxy Group, Zhen Xing, Huo Xing, and Sui Xing hired Pokemon hunter J to attack Lizhi Lake. They used special galaxy bombs to force out the legendary elf Aknom, and used Hunter J's The petrifying ray petrified Yaknom!"

The energy of Hunter J's petrification ray gun comes from an ultra-ancient power stone, which can emit a terrifying ray that can petrify any living body. Some people suspect that it is the source of power of some extinct ancient beast and spirit.

Although Kitano Jasmine seemed to be panicking, in fact she was even a little happy.

Don't be afraid of accidents, just be afraid of not having accidents!

Undoubtedly, the Yinhe Group was very happy with the sudden big move, and Jasmine Kitano no longer doubted the result of her interpretation.

She continued: "Although Ichii Fuka has already deployed defensive measures against the three legendary elves, the attack force of the Galaxy Group exceeded their expectations. The combination of the three town stars and J defeated the protection personnel, because Aknom Yukshi and Emrido, who were captured and teleported to the rescue, were also petrified by Hunter J one after another."

"The key point of the power of the three holy mushrooms is the human heart, and they can't destroy the world." Long Yi said.

The power of the Three Holy Mushrooms is similar to Yemengard's Pale Secret Technique, so Long Yi has learned about these three legendary elves, and has a rough estimate of their abilities.

"After that, where did the Galaxy Group go?"

"Hunter J's spaceship fell into Lake Lizhi because it was hit by the future foreknowledge launched by Kexi and Emrido before petrification. People from the Galactic Group fled in armored vehicles. Although they have contacted the Alliance police to pursue them, It's a pity that they have rich anti-reconnaissance experience, and they lost it in the end." Kitano Moli sighed.

Although the Galaxy Group has made a big move, so far I don't even know their purpose, and the only clue is broken.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the time agreed by Long Yi is almost here.On the 15th day, Long Yi, whose life was already in danger, could no longer track him down with him!
Kitano Jasmine and Ichii Fukika couldn't find a strong enough teammate without enough evidence to win people's trust. The final result may not be able to stop the conspiracy of the Galaxy Group!
"That's right." Long Yi closed his eyes, "You still have four days, I hope to see the cherry blossom heart by then."

It's not that Long Yi doesn't care about this matter, and he has no time left.

Shenao's hopes were shattered, and the only way out for Long Yi was the Jingtu Temple in Chengdu, the city with which he had a feud.Before that, he must get the cherry blossom heart that can delay the symptoms!

If the Heart of Cherry Blossoms can really greatly delay the harm caused by momentum, then Long Yi doesn't mind staying with Kitano Jasmine for a while longer.

"You will see it." Kitano Moli said.

(End of this chapter)

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