Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 396 Day 15

Chapter 396 Day 15

"Jasmine, what are you going to do?" In the aisle, the Witch Goddess looked at her childhood partner worriedly.

Long Yi's performance was very resolute, if Under the Cherry Blossoms could not effectively suppress his illness, then he would definitely leave when fifteen days came.

But even Kitanojasmine herself can't guarantee how much effect Sakura Heart has. Seeing that Hase's future prophecy is approaching, in order to prevent the world from being destroyed, Kitanojasmine cannot do without such powerful help as Long Yi. .

However, the Galaxy Group did not leave anything behind, and the personnel in charge of tracking the matter probably did not pay much attention. They lost their tracks in less than half a day, which is really very infuriating.

"It's really impossible, I can only pray." Kitano Moli said, with a sense of determination in her voice.

"But..." The Son of God hesitated to speak.

Outsiders can only see the prophets in the Mijina Temple, who seem to know everything, are amazing and envious, but they don’t know that any knowledge comes at a price, whether it’s the prayers of the prophets or divination, they all lead to the same goal by different routes.

Under normal circumstances, the prophets of the Mijina Temple do not have too clear goals when they perform divination, prayer, and inquiries. Instead, they are like picking a book from the bookshelf. What kind of information they can see depends on luck. , and not too demanding.

This approach is the simplest and the least harmful to the body.

More advanced is to have a clear goal, such as the former sage Hase Mirai, to pursue the cause of his heart palpitations is a very clear example.

This kind of tracking will cause great oppression to one's own spirit. For example, Kitano Jasmine prayed after being cornered to compete with Igarashi Kurosawa for the promotion spot on the trainer's island. There are very few people involved and the environment is very simple. But if this is the case, her vitality will be greatly injured, and the precious forehead ornament given to her by the temple will be damaged.

Chang Gu's future pursuit hurt his spirit even more, and he lost his life within a few days in a coma.

Therefore, the prophets of the temple would not do this kind of inquiry unless it was absolutely necessary, and the more powerful the characters and elves involved in the inquiry, the wider the scope, the greater the oppression on themselves, and the deeper the harm.

Hase Mirai’s last words, no matter whether the Galaxy Group ushered in the doomsday itself or they created the doomsday that spread to the world, undoubtedly involved a very high level, at least the scope of the whole god, and it would be impossible for any prophet to ask. life situation.

But now, if Kitano Jasmine wants to inquire about the traces of the Galaxy Group, at least the three beasts Aknom, Emrido, and Yuxi must be involved. The mysterious and unfathomable leader of the Milky Way group has a wide range of influence, and the power of the people involved is definitely a level that Bei Nai Jasmine cannot bear.

This is a prayer for ten deaths and no life!
The only thing Kitano Jasmine can do is to express the information she got in the shortest characters at the moment when the prayer is over, and then she will die just like Hase Mirai because her spirit has been severely damaged.

"It's nothing serious, there are some things that have to be done by someone. After I die, you hand over the snorkeling Itachi to Shijing Fuka. With him and Long Yi, it is estimated that even if you are not the opponent of the three cadres of the Galaxy Group, you can make a big mess. "

"As long as what the Galaxy Group does is exposed, no matter how much strength they have, they are suicidal."

Kitano Jasmine said in an unquestionable tone that the intuition of every temple oracle is higher than that of ordinary people, and the more she traced the Milky Way, the more Kitano Jasmine felt palpitations, as if she was spying on a hidden underwater terrorist bomb.

She somewhat understood why Chang Gu would risk his life to divination in the future, because it was really a terrifying feeling that could scare people to the point of collapse. Every moment, there was an illusion that the world would collapse in the next second, which made people bear Can't help but have to explore the truth.

"..." Shenzi couldn't help but shed tears from his eyes, but he didn't dare to cry, so he could only pretend to be normal and said, "I see."

That night, Kitano Jasmine contacted another prophet of the temple, who was also the only one who had the same opinion as Ishii Fukika, when he rushed to the Shrine of Qiefeng urgently.

Bei Nai Jasmine will not leave the Temple of Shear Front until the last moment, because although the target of the Milky Way Group is likely to be Dialka and Palkia, there is no mythology or history that says that these two and the three holy mushrooms have the same relationship. Associated.

As for the legends about the extermination of the world, among Sinnoh's five top mythical beasts, only Pluto Dragon and Shenzhu King have similar myths.

Therefore, under the circumstance that the reversed world where Pluto Dragon is located cannot be entered, the Divine Pillar King must not allow any loss!
That night, Kitano Jasmine didn't sleep all night.


On the twelfth day, the cherry blossom heart was delivered, and Kitano Jasmine personally handed it over to Long Yi.

Although it was a female style crown, Long Yi wore it without hesitation in order to survive.

There is a heroic spirit in the cherry blossom heart, the moment Long Yi put on the cherry blossom heart, a heroic spirit with the appearance of a naked woman appeared in Long Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, before she could speak, two boulders suddenly appeared, one up and one down, directly enveloping the female heroic spirit and completely suppressing it.

This stone is a fairy stone. It is three feet six feet five inches high and has a circle of two feet four feet.Three feet six feet five inches high, according to the 360 ​​five degrees of the sky; two feet four feet circle, according to the political calendar 24 qi.There are nine orifices and eight holes on it, corresponding to the nine palaces and eight trigrams.

As soon as the fairy stone came out, the Seventh Gold Qi in the air condensed, forming Seventh Gold flying swords, which were being inserted into the nine orifices and eight holes.

And the blue sea water rises, filling the sea of ​​consciousness, and sinking the fairy stone into the dark seabed, without seeing the sun.

A boulder collapsed on the fairy stone, and a young bud protruded, fresh and green, growing slowly.


Long Yi slowly opened his eyes.

"How is it?" Kitano Jasmine asked with concern.

She couldn't help but not care about this matter, if the effect of Sakura Heart is significant, then Long Yi will have more time, Kitano Jasmine can persuade him to stay for a while.

Long Yi frowned, pressed the center of his brows, and said: "It's kind of useful, but it's just that the Heroic Spirit took the backlash of momentum on my behalf, and it's not a cure for the symptoms."

"My fourth aura has already begun to awaken. As the fourth aura becomes stronger, the time that the heroic spirit can persist will definitely become shorter and shorter. Before that, I must find a way to completely cure it, otherwise the fifth aura will move, I'm afraid It's too late."

Although Long Yi doesn't have the ability to pray like Bei Nai Jasmine, a powerful warrior has a very good grasp of his own body, and he knows it so well that it can even produce an effect similar to inner vision, so his intuition in this aspect is also very sensitive.

Long Yi felt it, and said apologetically: "The Heart of Cherry Blossoms can probably help me buy ten more days. I'm sorry, but once the 15 days are up, I have to go."

In ten days, he couldn't even earn back the time he spent in Qiefeng Temple, so the trip to Jingtu Temple in Chengdu was urgent.

"I see." Kitano Jasmine expressed her understanding even though she was regretful.

On the 14th day, Fukika Ichii arrived at the Shrine of Kirifu.

The prophet of the temple is a little older than Kitano Jasmine, about thirty, and looks very sunny, like a male protagonist in a TV series, so that girls can't move their eyes.

After a brief acquaintance with Long Yi, Kitano Jasmine and Ichii Fukika had a discussion in the room alone, they quarreled fiercely with each other, and finally broke up.

Then, finally, day 15 arrived.

One minute before the alarm clock rang, Long Yi opened his eyes and canceled the phone alarm.

Dress, wash, eat breakfast.

Long Yi's behavior was orderly, as usual, but Shenzi who had breakfast with him was absent-minded and had no appetite.

She knew that if there was no result today, Long Yi would leave.

tata tao~
Bei Nai Jasmine came over, although she had no expression on her face, but Long Yi keenly felt that something was wrong with her emotions.

"There is a clue." Kitano Moli said.

"Oh? Where is it?" Long Yi said.

"Tianguan Mountain!"

"Tianguan Mountain is too big, how can I find it?"

"When I get there, I have my own way."

Long Yi glanced at Bei Nai Moli for a while, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and stood up: "Okay, I will accompany you this way."

The Son of God was overjoyed, and the Alliance stood up and said, "I'll call Big Brother Chuhua!"

"No need!" Bei Nai Moli shouted, "Long Yi and I are the only ones to go."

Miko's expression was puzzled at first, then gradually shocked, and finally the uncontrollable sadness made her burst into tears.

"Help me take care of him, and wait for me to come back." Finally, Kitano Jasmine took Long Yi to leave the Qifeng Temple, boarded the special plane borrowed by Ibukika Kaikai, and headed for the only mountain in Sinnoh—Tianguan Mountain.

On the plane, Long Yi was silent for a moment, but still asked the doubts in his heart: "What's wrong with the market blowing flowers?"




"He is dying." Bei Nai Moli said, her voice was already hoarse.

(End of this chapter)

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