Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 397 Sirona strikes!

Chapter 397 Sirona strikes!
The special aircraft borrowed by Fukika Ichii is the top transport aircraft in the Sinnoh military. It not only has the ability to fly in severe weather such as snowstorms, sandstorms, and foggy days, but also reaches three times the speed of sound. In less than an hour, he came from Qiefeng City at the northernmost point to the central part of Sinnoh, where the highest peak of Tianguan Mountain is located.

"The main peak of Tianguan Mountain has arrived." The driver's voice came from the horn.

Professional accompanying soldiers opened the door of the transport plane, and the strong wind swept in. Long Yi and Bei Nai Moli, who were speechless all the way, poked their heads out and looked down at the majestic Tianguan Mountains below.

Tianguan Mountain is the only big mountain in Sinnoh, which almost runs across the north and south of Sinnoh, dividing the entire Sinnoh region into left and right halves.

Wanting to find out the stronghold of the Milky Way Group hiding in such a majestic mountain range is unconsciously looking for a needle in a haystack, not to mention that the latter is likely to be hidden in the mountainside or even underground, which cannot be scanned even by radar.

"What are you going to do?" Long Yi said.

He was also very curious about how Kitano Jasmine would find the stronghold of the Galaxy Group.

"Do what I'm supposed to do."

Kitano Jasmine indifferently took out a poke ball, pressed the button and threw it out of the field.

The poke ball was opened, and as soon as the handsome snorkeling Itachi came out, he found that he was falling at a high speed. He quickly used water jets to stabilize his figure, then rose to the same height as the transport plane, and looked at his master in doubt.

"Use Earth Dragon Movement below!" Kitano Jasmine ordered.

The snorkeling Itachi who got the order came to the top of Tianguan Mountain without saying a word, and a pearl of earth and a pearl of dragon were condensed, and after the collision, a yellow energy earth dragon was formed and drilled into the rock formation below.

Although Snorkeling Itachi lost to Long Yi's Ye Mengjiad after using the exclusive secret skill Future Power, it also benefited a lot. After the negative effect period, Snorkeling Itachi started the second high-speed improvement.

The skill-based combination secret skills of Mijina Temple and the future power of Snorkeling Itachi complement each other perfectly. After feeling the future experience, Snorkeling Itachi's mastery of the various combination secret skills of the temple is increasing day by day.

In addition to learning Thunder Dragon Break, Creator God's brilliance and energy conversion, the snorkeling ferret has also mastered combination secret skills such as Jinglong Binding, Earth Dragon Movement, Water Dragon Chanting, and Water Dragon Shield in recent years, and its combat effectiveness can be said to have been doubled. twice.

As the earth dragon submerged into the main peak of Tianguan Mountain, a special kind of fluctuation suddenly spread out in a ring shape. After the initial subtle fluctuations were derived layer by layer, they turned into terrifying vibrations like earthquakes. The entire Tianguan Mountain was at this moment. trembling.


Seeing this scene, the accompanying soldiers rushed towards Bei Nai Jasmine, but Alidos released by her was restrained on the inner wall of the cabin with a spider web.

The soldier commander struggled to twist, but he couldn't get rid of Alidos's spider web at all, so he could only roar with his face flushed, "Beina Jasmine, do you know what you are doing?"

"If you do this, the entire Tianguan Mountain will cause a major earthquake. Do you know how many villages, towns and cities there are around Tianguan Mountain? Do you know how many people will die and their families will be destroyed by your actions!"

"Of course I know, but it's a necessary sacrifice." Kitano Jasmine's voice was terribly cold, and she sneered without emotion, "Now you know and blame me? Why didn't we see you when we asked you to track the Milky Way Group?" Attentive?"

"If you hadn't lost the Galaxy Group, Brother Chuanhua wouldn't have died for me at all, and I didn't need to make such a bad move to find out the whereabouts of the Galaxy Group."

"Brother Chuhua can't die in vain! The conspiracy of the Galaxy Group must be dismantled!"

"Your Sinnoh Alliance military will bear at least half of the responsibility for the casualties this time!" Kitano Jasmine shouted loudly.

"Crazy! You're already crazy!" the soldier officer muttered to himself, and at this time, he found that the wrong pilot was already preparing to fly towards the nearest military area, and Kitano Jasmine immediately released a hippopotamus king to stun the pilot, using the hippopotamus king's super Ability to forcibly control the aircraft to stop in mid-air.

The earthquake below is still continuing. Under the continuous influence of the combined secret technique of the dragon's movement, this earthquake that swept across the entire Tianguan Mountain area is no longer immune. The caves collapsed under the vibration, and smoke and dust erupted all over the sky.

Long Yi had never seen such a hysterical Kitano Jasmine before, and seeing the doomsday scene below, he suddenly sighed and said, "At the Sinnoh Kings Tournament, you once said something to Takahashi Takuki, I vivid memory."

"You say, 'You can change the future, you can't change the future, that's the reality'."

"Look at the bottom, if Chang Gu's future prophecy means that you brought the doomsday to the Sinnoh continent because of the search for the Milky Way cluster, what should you do?"

The power of nature is too powerful to be controlled by small individuals, even if it is as strong as Ryuichi Miyazaki and Jasmine Kitano.

Although the source of the earthquake below was caused by Kitano Jasmine, it has grown to such a scale that it is no longer under the control of her and the snorkeling Itachi.

The Tianguan Mountain is the backbone of Sinnoh, and it can also be said to be the largest and only Sinnoh's land vein.

If the so-called doomsday refers to the rupture of Tianguan Mountain due to the earthquake, causing the Sinnoh Continent to be divided into two, then what should Kitanojasmine do?

Long Yi's words made Bei Nai Jasmine's face turn pale in an instant, she was silent, and whispered to herself: "No, it won't be like this, my interpretation can't be wrong..."

The way of prophecy is mysterious and unpredictable.


The earthquake that originated from Tianguan Mountain became more and more severe, and the surrounding cities began to be gradually affected. Various emergency news clips emerged one after another. The military, police, and many powerful trainers and forces all cast their eyes on the Tianguan Mountain earthquake.

"The source is here!"

A biting land shark swooped down from the clouds, and the Sinnoh champion Sakurai Sirona riding on her back saw the military transport plane and the snorkeling ferret hovering in mid-air at a glance.

"Jasmine Kitano, Ryuichi Miyazaki?"

"What are you doing!"

Sirona asked sharply. At this time, the towns that were too close to Tianguan Mountain had already been affected by the earthquake. Sirona's hometown, Shenhe Town, was one of them.Shenhe Town, where a large number of elderly people live, suffered casualties immediately, even with the champion Sirona present.

After reluctantly sending Shenhe town residents to a safe place, Sirona immediately drove her biting land shark to find the truth. She was keenly aware of the unusual nature of the earthquake.

Then, I saw Long Yi and Kitano Jasmine.

Facing Sirona's questioning, Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and explained: "Don't look at me, I didn't do anything."

Bei Nai Jasmine was unmoved, and said, "I am saving the world."

"Miss Sirona, it's just in time for you to come, and I will find your place later."

The three of them can almost be said to be the third of Sinnoh's most powerful trainers. Except for the legendary top beasts, no matter what means the Galaxy Group has, they can't turn the sky.

The soldiers in the cabin quickly shouted: "Miss Sirona stop them, Kitano Jasmine is crazy, Miyazaki Ryuichi is her helper!"

Bei Nai Moli frowned, and snorted coldly: "Noisy. Hippo King, let them be quiet."

The hippopotamus king's mental shock swept over, and the soldiers passed out one by one.

Sirona is known as the patron saint of Sinnoh, and her biting land shark enlightenment is the guardian element, and she is also called the guardian dragon.

At this moment, the disaster is on the rise, biting the land shark, you can almost hear the people injured by the earthquake devoutly begging yourself to go to the rescue, praying for your own protection!
Seeing the murderer in front of him, he couldn't bear it any longer, and sent Sirona to a safe place with a force, and rammed directly at the snorkeling itachi.

The ultimate move - the dragon's dive!
The snorkeling ferret, who had been prepared for a long time, wanted to use the combined secret skill of the water dragon cover to defend, but the dragon's dive and the sense of oppression were completely different. The awe-inspiring aura would not be relieved by the snorkeling ferret's understanding of the biting land shark. Too intimidated to take action at all!
This is the mystery hidden in the dragon system!

Bei Nai Jasmine's complexion changed, and she screamed with tingling scalp: "Long Yi!"

Long Yi sighed, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the white-boned dragon suddenly appeared above the snorkeling ferret, with his hands folded and overlapped on top of his head, defending the snorkeling ferret from the attack of biting land sharks.

The three elves rushed into the ground together.

"Long Yi!" Sirona, who was held in the air by a ball of sand, snapped, "Are you going to fight me too?"

Long Yi shook his head and said: "You don't understand the specific situation, the earthquake has already been unstoppable, why don't you sit down and listen to Bei Nao Moli why she did this?"


"Sinnoh will be guarded by me. No matter what your reasons are, such behavior is unforgivable."

Sirona can become Sinnoh's champion at a young age, so she is naturally very assertive, and will not be shaken by Long Yi's few words.

"I didn't expect the second battle with you to start under such circumstances. If so, let me see how much you have grown in the past few years."

"Bite the land shark and fight with all your strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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