Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 398 Galaxy Group - Discovery!

Chapter 398 Galaxy Group - Discovery!
There is no doubt that Sirona is powerful. When she is ready to fight with all her strength, it is definitely a nightmare for 99% of the trainers in this world.

The biting land shark that crashed into the ground flew back into the sky, the sky suddenly darkened, a bright starry sky appeared above everyone's heads, and one star after another lit up in the starry sky, a total of thirteen stars.

Nirvana - True guardian dragon!
"It's really embarrassing for me to do this." Long Yi said.

"and many more!"

Sirona's voice sounded, biting Lu Shark so suspiciously that he stopped using his nirvana, and turned his head away.

I saw another human being on the sand supporting Sirona, with blond hair and black eyes, and a golden sword resting on Sirona's snow-white neck.

Biting Lu Shark and roaring in a low voice, the anger towards Long Yi in his heart couldn't be increased, but because of Sirona's safety, he had the ability to dare not move, not to mention how aggrieved and angry he was.

"Long Yi, do you know what you are doing now?" Sirona raised her chin slightly, the cold golden sword gave her the illusion that her throat would be cut open every time she said a word.

However, the fear of death is still secondary, and Sirona is not used to being in such close contact with a man, but even so, she still calmly questioned Long Yi, showing the demeanor of a Sinnoh champion.

Long didn't change his face, and said: "Then you know, if I can't solve my troubles, there is less than a month left to live?"

Sirona's face changed slightly and she stopped talking.

When a person's life is an extravagant hope, it is difficult for ordinary laws and regulations and secular morality to restrain him.A small number of people may be able to calmly wait for the coming of death, but most people often burst out ugly behaviors that even he himself is surprised and despises at the last moment of his life.

The fear of death is not just talking, especially the torture of watching death approaching day by day, it is enough to make people crazy.

What's more, Long Yi and Kitano Jasmine are still trying to 'save the world'!
"Before the matter is over, you can watch it by my side." Long Yiyi found her elf ball from Sirona, and took Lie Bite Lu Sha back.

No matter how strong the biting land shark is, as long as it is a subdued elf, it cannot get rid of the shackles of the elf ball, especially after the mandatory lock mode is turned on.

In addition to biting the land shark, Sirona also carried five other elf balls, which were also confiscated by Long Yi.

Yu Jianfei took Sirona back to the cabin, Long Yi let her go, and leaned against the bulkhead as if nothing had happened.

"Thank you." Kitano Jasmine said.

Long Yi snorted, and said: "I'm just fulfilling what I promised you, if this incident is an oolong, you and Mijina Temple will have to bear the consequences."

As the second of the five surviving prophets of the Mijina Temple, Kitano Jasmine and Ichii Fukika have never been responsible for what they have done, and the Mijina Temple must also bear this responsibility.

"My interpretation will not go wrong!" Kitano Jasmine said firmly.


Time passed by, and the earthquake originating from Tianguan Mountain intensified. As a result, the number of deaths has reached three digits, and the total direct and indirect losses have exceeded tens of millions of yuan.

Yet clues about the Galactic Cluster remain elusive.

"Red Shadow, Red Shadow, please answer if you hear it!"

An inquiry from a military liaison officer came over the intercom, and it was inevitable that the incident on the plane would be exposed.

As time went by, Long Yi was indifferent, he didn't have deep feelings for Sinnoh, and he didn't care what Sinnoh became like; Kitanojasmine and Sirona's faces became more and more ugly, but the reasons for their changes were completely different.

The former is the continuous rise and denial of self-doubt, and the latter is resentment towards Bei Nai Moli and Long Yi for causing such a large casualty due to a 'mistake'.

Suddenly, a sub-peak in the distance collapsed suddenly, and a large expanse of smoke and dust rose into the sky, which was very spectacular. The huge shock wave indicated that a new and bigger earthquake was about to begin.

Sai Sai!

The snorkeling Itachi who had been resting with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, sprayed water into the air, and gesticulated and roared at Kitano Jasmine for a while.

"Have you felt the power of the elements?" Kitano Jasmine has the Hippo King, and with the help of superpowers, she can communicate smoothly with the snorkeling Itachi, so she instantly understood the meaning of the latter.

It's not that the snorkeling ferret didn't do nothing below, it has been maintaining the energy of the dragon's movement.

Although the earthquake caused by the earth dragon's movement can no longer be controlled, the snorkeling Itachi can still get various feedbacks from Tianguan Mountain through the earth dragon's movement.

And now, the target appeared!
The probability of encountering ordinary element-level elves in the wild is even lower than buying a lottery ticket, and here is the Tianguan Mountain where the divination shows the location of the Milky Way Group...

It's too suspicious no matter how you think about it.

Bei Nai Moli made a decisive decision and said, "Go, go and have a look."

The collapsed Zifeng was so eye-catching that there was no need for a snorkeling ferret to guide the way, so the Hippo King of Bei Nai Jasmine brought the three of them to the vicinity.

There is no plane, the plane is too eye-catching, if this is really the hiding place of the galaxy group, it will be discovered by the latter as soon as it comes over.

The rubble was billowing, the smoke and dust filled the air, and it was impossible to see the scene below clearly from the air.

Long Yi released the Jinpeng directly, and the powerful storm blew away the smoke and dust, revealing the scene below.

At the collapsed sub-peak, a large amount of rubble buried everything, but a spherical object with a steel shell was suspended in mid-air, very conspicuous.

The whole body of the spherical object that is not very round is covered by a silver-gray steel shell. Only the front position has a pitch-black entrance. Steps of light extend down, and the distance visible to the naked eye can be estimated. More depth than the sphere should have.

"This is..." The three of them were stunned by the sci-fi product in front of them. It looked so advanced, but it was very unscientific.

"The power of space, this must be the place where Palkia, the god of space, sleeps! The Milky Way is definitely inside!"

Only the power of space can explain the unreasonably huge inner space, and Bei Nao Mo Li does not believe that such a magical place will always open the door without anyone knowing or discovering it.

Must be the Milky Way!definitely is!

Up to now, even Sirona has doubts: Is the Milky Way group really planning to destroy the world?
Kitano Jasmine and Miyazaki Ryuichi are saving the world?
"Isn't it, you'll know if you go down and have a look." Long Yi said.

None of the three refused. After they caught a wild elf and threw it in, and tested that the living things could survive in it, Kitano Jasmine took the lead, Sirona was in the middle, and Long Yi walked down in order.

The Stairway of Light was unexpectedly long, and shortly after Long Yi and the others went down, dark clouds suddenly blinded the sky, and a powerful force acted on the sky above Sinnoh, the dark clouds swirled in a swirling shape, and thunder and lightning continued.

No matter how long the stairs are, there will be a time when they will finish walking, especially as they continue to go deeper, Kitano Jasmine's intuition conveys a bad premonition again, prompting her to run at full speed.

And at the end of the stairs, there is a pitch-black space, with sharpened stone pillars inserted into the ground, and the members of the Galaxy Group headed by Chiri, the leader of the Galaxy Group, are gathering on the spear pillars, using the power of technology to realize their goals. ambition.

"That's... Aknom, Yuksi, and Emrido!" Sirona, who knew the Sinnoh mythology well, recognized the three mythical beasts exuding their own power in the triangular ceremony at a glance.

There are two short pillars in the middle of the Sansheng Mushroom, on which are placed a round gem the size of a human head and a shining gem of the same size with an unknown number of sides.

Diamond!Pearl Jade!
This is the treasure of Dialga, the God of Time, and Palkia, the God of Space!

The leader of the Galaxy Group, the man code-named Red Sun, heard the movement, turned around and glanced at the three of them, and said without any fluctuations in his tone: "Sure enough...the god of wisdom, Yuksi, the god of will, Aknom, and The god of emotion, Emrido... has he found a savior in order to protect the Sinnoh region?"

Chiri believes that emotion is an unnecessary product and the root of worldly struggles. Therefore, he who uses scientific methods to remove his own emotions will never act emotionally, and is terribly calm.

Looking back at the two red rings in the sky, the barriers of space and time have been broken, but the twin gods he was waiting for have not yet appeared, and it will take some time.

"Stop them." Chi Ri said.

"Yes, boss!"

The three cadres of the Yinhe Group, Huo Xing, Zhen Xing, and Sui Xing stopped in front of Long Yi and the others.

Bang bang bang!
Three elves are released.

The star of the partner is Dong Shimiao, the star of the town is the poisonous skeleton frog, and the star of the year is the tank skunk.

Three, all of them are elemental ranks!

(End of this chapter)

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