Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 399 World

Chapter 399 World
Partner star Tanaka Rie, Sui star Nishimura Chinami and Zhen Xinggang (gang) village Akemi are the most loyal followers of the leader of the Galaxy Group. They deeply hate this wrong world and yearn for the beautiful new world that Akari described to them .

At the same time, knowing that the alliance is the biggest enemy, they also know a lot about the well-known trainers in the Sinnoh region, so when Long Yi and the three of them showed up, they recognized that they were the current Sinnoh champion and two of the Four Heavenly Kings. bit.

Preemptive strike!

"Tank skunk, use absolute stink!"

Sui Xing took the lead in giving the order, and the tank skunk aimed its butt at Long Yi's side, and let out a yellow fart visible to the naked eye with a 'poof'.

An indescribable, terrifying stench quickly spread towards Long Yi's side.

This is the secret trick of this tank skunk!The tank skunk that has awakened the odor factor is so powerful in terms of odor that even if you hold your breath completely, you can't block the horrible odor. It can give people the illusion of extreme odor from the visual and tactile senses. Thereby holding one's breath and failing.

Once relying on this trick, Nishimura Chinami stunned an Interpol at the level of a fighter.

At the same time, Rie Tanaka's Dong Shi Meow swelled up like a balloon, and the already obese body became uglier as its body swelled, making people feel nauseous.

Dong Shi Meow - Charm factor!
By distorting its own charisma, this Dongshi cat can cause any negative effects that low charisma can cause.

In other words, as long as it is willing, in the eyes of anyone and any elf, it is definitely the one that does not conform to your aesthetics in the world!
And the only male among the three cadres of the Yinhe Group, Okamura Akemi's poisonous skeleton frog flashed, separated into clones to surround Long Yi and the three and a half people, each with a frightening and terrifying malice in their eyes.

Shadow clone technique!
In an instant, more than a dozen poisonous skeleton frogs attacked the three of them at the same time, and the spikes that resembled bone spurs secreted traces of purple mucus, indicating the extreme poison contained in them.

These words are long, but in fact, the attack of the three of them was completed in an instant. They launched fatal attacks on the three of them from the senses, spirit and body respectively. The cooperation is not tacit.


Garoo Garoo! (Invincible!) Galu Galu! (Invincible!)
The gigantic Bone Fighting Dragon appeared in front of Long Yi, punched his fists and lowered his head, let out a horrific roar. The terrible air wave made the absolute stench of the tank skunk roll upside down, and the strong fighting desire contained in the sound shocked him. Tank Skunk and Dong Shi Meow were trembling and crumbling.

Secret technique - Depressing Roar!

For Dong Shi Meow and Tank Skunk, frontal combat has never been their specialty, and the style of the Galaxy Group has always been to hide and conspire, even if they have grown to the element level.

Among the three cadres, Rie Tanaka and Chinami Nishimura were so miserable that they hugged their heads and screamed. The dejected roar affected not only elves, but these two weak-willed female cadres were also affected.

The only unaffected of the three is Zhenxing Okamura Akemi and his elven poisonous skeleton frog.

He is the only one who has used absolute strength to complete tasks from the very beginning, and is an excellent trainer who truly cultivates elements from actual combat.

However, the shadow clones of the poisonous skeleton frog suddenly shattered one by one in mid-air, and then the poisonous skeleton frog that belonged to the main body also flew out inexplicably, a giant claw mantis with a silver body, painted with red lines, and a golden "justice" character on its chest Instead, it hovered in mid-air, ignoring the poisonous skeleton frog that flew out.

Giant Claw Mantis!

Long Yi calmly watched the three attacking and being blocked, and said softly: "Leave these three to me, you go and stop Chi Sun."

As early as when he saw the Milky Way Group, Long Yi returned the Pokéball that belonged to Sirona to the latter. Sirona and Kitano Jasmine who possess special skills are undoubtedly more suitable than Long Yi to deal with the stronger Chiri.

In fact, whether it is the three cadres of the Galaxy Group or the leader Chiri, even the controlled Sanshenggu is not a terrible opponent. What really makes Long Yi and Kitano Jasmine uneasy is the two great Shenao that Chiri tried to summon and control. The top beasts, Palkia and Dialka.

The rest are nothing to worry about.

Kitano Jasmine and Sirona obviously knew this too, and directly released the elves to attack Chiri.

"True guardian dragon!"

"Nirvana, the brilliance of the Creator God!"

Stars appeared above the pillar of the spear, and the size of the biting land shark began to grow rapidly; while the snorkeling ferret's special move was faster, and the five energy beads formed a dazzling light bridge like a rainbow. Wearing the red sun as a hood.

Two nirvana, the target is Chiri alone!
Long Yi commanded the Bone Fighting Dragon and the Giant Pincer Mantis, entangled the three cadres of the Yinhe Group, and even gained the upper hand.


Chi Ri glanced back, threw a poke ball, and looked back blankly.

In the poke ball is an elemental moat dragon.

"Absolute defense."

The moat dragon with a face shaped like a shield guarded Chiri's back, and with a roar, it landed on its chin. A wall of light with a steel color emerged from the face of the moat dragon and magnified, finally forming a horizontal wall of light. Standing between Long Yi and the others and Chi Ri.

The brilliance of the Chuangshi God fell, and the wall of light couldn't make a crunching sound, and a huge crack was formed amidst the moat dragon's painful low roar.

The face of the moat dragon also has a smaller version of the crack.

But in the end, the wall of light didn't go away.

I don't know if this moat dragon is a secret technique or a special move of a special move, it blocked the special move of the snorkeling itachi!

"Break it open and bite the land shark!" Sirona said.

Those who tried to destroy the Sinnoh Continent she guarded and loved...

Never forgive!

After using the nirvana, he bit Lu Shark like a giant and hit the wall of light with a punch. More cracks appeared, but the wall of light was still not broken. Behind Chiri.

boom! boom! boom!
Punch after punch, the wall of light created by the absolute defense seemed to be crumbling, but the damn moat dragon didn't take a step back, even if the whole face was about to crumble, he didn't care.

It's as if, like Chi Sun, it has been stripped of all its own feelings, and it will not be afraid or shrink back.

"Break it, Sand Blade!"

"See the glory of God!"

A large amount of sand slowly gathered formed a gray blade on the right wing of the biting land shark. Kitano Jasmine's snorkeling ferret cooperated with the attack at the same time, and the two landed on the absolute defense almost at the same time regardless of the front or back.

The light wall finally shattered, and at the same time, the moat dragon's entire face exploded amidst the screams, and the bones fell to the ground.

"This place is not right, the power of the special attack has been weakened." Kitano Moli said.

Her snorkeling ferret has already learned through its characteristics that absolute defense is the exclusive secret skill of the moat dragon. If it is outside, it only takes one touch, and the brilliance of the Creator God is enough to break this so-called absolute defense and make the moat dragon fall into a coma.

"Not only the ultimate skills, but also all the secret skills have been weakened." Long Yi also said, "It seems that in this place, the energy of the world is pitifully thin, and the bonuses of all attributes have been weakened."

Energy is the foundation of everything, and tricks are the levers to be used.Without enough energy, even if it is a secret technique, a nirvana, no matter how high the lever is, the power that can be exerted here is very limited.

"Surrender Chiri, you have no chance." Sirona said, and the biting land shark that had returned to its normal shape put its claws across Chiri's neck as a threat.

"Unnecessary feelings have made you lose your last chance. It seems that you are the savior chosen by the god of feelings, Emrido." Chi Ri said calmly, at this time the big circle in the sky used to summon the two gods suddenly twisted Changes, forming phantoms of Palkia and Dialka.

"Come on, Palkia and Dialka!" Chiri opened his right hand, and the red gemstone inlaid in the palm of the open-toed glove suddenly glowed, making the phantoms of the mythical beasts in midair condense into real space-time gods.

The power of the Red Lock is manifested into a red ring similar to the creation god Arceus, giving Chiri the power to control Palkia and Dialuka.

"This is... the twin gods of time and space?"

The terrible oppression of the top beast shocked everyone present, and the aftermath of the power revealed by Palkia and Dialka's struggle was enough to cause the surrounding space to fluctuate and time to speed up.

There are also differences between elements, and there is no doubt that the elements of Palkia and Dialka are the top ones.

"Palkia who controls space! Dialka who controls time! Unleash your power and create a new world for me!"

"Bite Lu Shark and knock him out!"

Bite Lu Shark with a hand knife, but at this time Chiri is surrounded by a special energy to protect him, stronger than the absolute defense just now, even Sirona's Bite Lu Shark has nothing to do here .

Under Chi Sun's order, the two top-level beasts each released their most fundamental power, and the two torrents of power collided in front of Chi Sun, twisting and colliding to form an irregular circle.

The upper and lower sides of the four directions are called the universe, and the past and present are called the universe.

Inside the circle is a new universe that is taking shape, a new world...

(End of this chapter)

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