Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 400 Death

Chapter 400 Death

Long Yi took two steps back slightly, looking at the huge Diyaluka and Palkia above the Sansheng Mushroom but imprisoned by the red waist ring with apprehension.

The intuition of being a warrior almost made every cell in his body tremble. The buds on the heaven and earth spirit stone in the sea of ​​consciousness grew rapidly, and soon grew into a small tree, and continued to grow.

This is a self-rescue measure formed spontaneously by the body in the face of a strong crisis!This is the strong resonance of the elves' anger in the face of the thugs who are trying to destroy the balance and destroy nature!
"Chiri, do you know what you are doing! You will destroy this world!" Sirona roared angrily. She finally understood that Long Yi and Kitano Jasmine would sacrifice so many lives to find the Milky Way The stronghold of the regiment is really too amazing and terrifying for the other party to plan.

The galactic cluster is ready to create the universe!
"Of course I know." The emotionless Chi Sun turned around and said without any fluctuations in his heart, "This universe is corrupt and wrong, and the root of troubles such as emotions should not appear in this world at all, that is all suffering , the leader of all destruction."

"Although I can't change this world, I can create a new world, a world...without a heart."

Chi Ri's extreme thoughts gave Long Yi and the others a chill. They couldn't imagine how two universes could get along in the same place, and couldn't imagine how life would live in a universe without emotions.

Compared with the three of them, the three cadres of the Galaxy Group who were suppressed and beaten by Long Yi were ecstatic, and their partner Rie Tanaka, who admired Chiri the most and also contained a trace of admiration, cheered from the bottom of his heart: "That's great, boss, We can finally live together in the new world!"


Akahi glanced at Rie Tanaka, shook his head and said, "No, the three of you will pollute my new world. This new world belongs to me, and to me alone."

In Chiri's view, the three cadres who have not undergone surgery to remove their emotions cannot enter the new universe, otherwise they will bring things like emotions to the new universe and pollute the new universe.

This is a natural decision.

However, this sentence made Huo Xing and Sui Xing dumbfounded and unbelievable. Only Zhen Xing, who had seen through everything, and Pluto, the scientist of the Milky Way Group who had been soy sauce for a long time, were expressionless.

"Hmph, it's exactly as I expected." Pluto let out a weird laugh.

"Crazy! You are really crazy!" Sirona shook her head.

She actually knew Chiri, but it was Chiri who did not reveal her identity as the leader of the Galaxy Group. However, although Chiri was a little extreme in thinking, she could still communicate and had a human touch.

Unlike the one in front of me, it is cold and ruthless, completely devoid of human emotion, like a machine with intelligence.

He can no longer be called a human being!
"Spider web!"

At this moment, Kitano Jasmine was suddenly tied to a pillar by the spider web shot by her Alidos, and then opened her eyes suddenly.


Her eyes were white with upturned pupils, like a broken toy.

In the depths of Kitanojasmine's pupils, streams of information flew by one after another, and she said in a very high-pitched and mysterious voice, "Chiri... I saw... your demise!"


After saying this, Kitano Jasmine suddenly screamed and closed her eyes, purple-black blood flowed from both eyes, she hung her head and was dying.

"Destroyed?" Chi Ri said unmoved, "I have controlled Diyaluka, the God of Time, and Palkia, the God of Space. Who can stop me?"

"It seems that you still don't know how to fear God's power. Dialga, use Time Roar; Palkia, use Subspace Slash."

These two moves are the exclusive nirvana of Dialga, the God of Time, and Palkia, the God of Space!

I saw the space energy in Palkia's body rising to his left hand, and then issued a purple-red energy blade; Dialga's head was tilted back, and then he lowered his head and sprayed a blue-white energy beam.

Time roars!Subspace Slash!
In this strange pillar of spear space, the power of these two top-level beasts has not been weakened!
No, or it is precisely because this is their territory that the unique skills of other elves have been weakened.

Because here, except for the power of time and space, all attributes' tricks, secret skills and nirvana cannot be enhanced by the energy of heaven and earth.

This is the path of Sinnoh - the domain!
However, Dialga and Palkia have reached the point of creating their own worlds on this road, so these two top-level Sinnoh beasts are not usually seen at all. Only in specific places can they use specific props to control They call out.

The self-created world is always just a small world, and like all energy planes, it needs to be attached to the main world to exist, so it needs an anchor point.

The spear pillar in front of you is the anchor of Dialga and Palkia in the main world!

The Roar of Time and the Subspace Slash attacked Kitanojasmine. Although Alidos and Snorkeling Itachi protected the former at the first time, it was really difficult to resist the attack of the two gods of time and space with their strength.


At the critical moment, Long Yi arrived suddenly, kicked Alidos and Snorkeling Itachi away one by one, then tore off the spider web on Kitanojasmine's body, and held her on his shoulder.

At this time, the attack of the twin gods should have arrived, but Lax, who was connected with Long Yi, had already used her mental power to drag Dong Shimiao and the poisonous skeleton frog into the air, blocking the attack of the twin gods.

Because the tank skunk has evil attributes and is immune to Lux's mind power, he escaped unharmed.

Facing the attack of the time and space gods, the two element-level elves were frightened, and tried their best to resist with their unique skills, but everything was in vain.

Dong Shimiao's unique trick shattered like a bubble in front of the Subspace Zhan, and then the space around him shattered like a mirror. The shattering of the space led to Dong Shimiao's death. land.

The poisonous skeleton frog uses its exclusive attack secret technique to attack, but under the scouring of the roar of time, the already formed secret technique is restored to the original energy particles, and then the attack falls, the poisonous skeleton frog degenerates into a bad frog, and the bad frog degenerates into an elf egg, and finally The pokemon egg turns into a meaningless pair of egg and sperm.

One face to face, element-level elf poisonous skeleton frog, Dong Shimiao, death!
The death of the two elves bought Long Yi a moment of time, allowing him to escape from the spot with Bei Nai Jasmine on his shoulders before the attack fell.

The power of time and space collided together to form a black hole-like point. Fortunately, the controlled space-time gods did not use much power, and the black hole that lost its follow-up power gradually disappeared, but the place was already blank.


"My Dong Shi Meow!"

It wasn't until this time that the other people present realized it, especially Zhen Xing and Partner Xing, whose faces were pale when the elves died.

Sui Xing on the side was also taken aback, and quickly took back his tank skunk.

"Lucky escaped." Chiri said, he just wanted to give another order, but he didn't expect Dialga and Palkia to suddenly struggle violently, and at the same time, the red waist rings on their bodies also emitted Overwhelmed by the crunching sound, cracks quickly emerged.

"Pluto, what's going on!" The result was beyond Chi Ri's expectations, and he quickly questioned the scientists in his organization.

Pluto shrugged his shoulders and said: "Although the Red Lock is made of materials that contain the power of creation, after all, the weight is too small and the time is too long, so I can't control the out-of-control twin gods for how long."

"When the Red Lock collapses, the angry time and space gods will definitely kill you who tried to control them, and your new world will naturally be destroyed by them, so drive them back to the original world while the Red Lock is still there You still have time."


Chi Sun was extremely angry, but he had no choice but to manipulate Chi Zhisuo to order the angry time and space gods to return to their original world.

He didn't realize that at this moment, he had human emotions and the existence of a 'heart' again.

After all, with the current human technology, even if it is a scientific machine made by the three holy mushrooms, the god of emotions, how can it be possible to completely strip a person's emotions.

Feelings are not a one-time thing, as time brews, people will eventually breed new feelings.

As the angry Dialga and Palkia were driven back to their original space, the Red Lock in Chiri's hand was finally overwhelmed and shattered into cheap man-made rubies all over the place. Sansheng Mushroom also came to life, suspended in the air.

"The world...the universe is shrinking!" Sui Xing exclaimed.

Without the support of the twin gods of time and space, the new universe that Chiri was looking forward to shrank quickly, and how could Chiri, who had regained human emotions, watch his pursuit of victory disappear in front of him, and immediately rushed forward regardless. Disappeared with the disappearance of the new universe.

No one knows whether Chiri is dead, just like no one knows whether the new universe is destroyed.

But Chiri left, and the remaining three cadres of the Galaxy Group and Pluto could not leave.

"All of you have been arrested, prepare to be tried by the alliance!"

Sirona released an elf to bind the four members of the Galaxy Group, but Long Yi picked up Kitano Jasmine and walked outside.

"Long Yi, where are you going?" Sirona shouted upon seeing this.

Long Yi just waved and didn't speak.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness space, the big tree on the rock is already lush and graceful, and a green fruit in the shape of a person is dangling on the branch.

That is the original elf!

(End of this chapter)

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