Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 401 Dragon 1 worships the mountain!Down

Chapter 401: Dragon One Blesses the Mountain!Down

Before the monks at the bottom of the mountain passed the information to the top of the mountain, some monks at the top of the mountain discovered Jin Peng who suddenly appeared and Long Yi who was sitting on it.

Someone broke into the mountain?

When this idea appeared in the minds of these monks, uncontrollable surprise and anger followed at any time.

how many years?

Since the rise of the Jingtu Temple led by the Living Buddha Faci, the Jingtu Temple has become the well-deserved sole overlord of the Chengdu area after swallowing most of the assets and heritage of the Bell Tower and the Sea God Temple. Even the League of Elves depends on the color of the Jingtu Temple in this place Act, it is a real giant snake!
But now, someone actually dared to disobey the rules of the Pure Land Temple and forcibly break into the main peak of Baiyin Mountain!
Has the world forgotten the prestige of my Pure Land Temple?
A large number of monks who have a strong sense of identity with the Pure Land Temple are burning with anger. Flying elves and monks soar into the sky, attacking the Jinpeng floating above the main hall of the mountain gate one after another, vowing to destroy the majesty of the Pure Land Temple. The lunatics took it.

Long Yi glanced at it and said casually, "Use the hurricane."

Then came the wind.

Endless terrifying gusts formed from under the wings of Jin Peng, ninety-nine percent of the elves and attacks that attacked Long Yi were blown back, they were in disarray, and even the eaves of the huge palace were overturned a lot.

In front of the element-level elves, these mundane buildings are simply vulnerable.

However, although most of the elves and attacks were destroyed, there was still a pot-bellied monk and a toucan withstood Jinpeng's hurricane, brazenly going upstream.

"Yamara, Blue Spirit Fire!"

The great monk put his hands on his mouth, and rode a Bi Diao, with a special stance to protect him and the Bi Diao under him, so that it would not be swept away by the hurricane.

Then an old man's head, big roc's body, hairless and red-eyed monster phantom appeared behind the monk, and he opened his mouth to spew blue flames all over the sky.

At the same time, the monk with a big belly took a deep breath, like a thin layer of a pregnant belly in October, and then suddenly let out a large blue flame from his mouth, attacking Jinpeng.

Fighters, show off your spirit!
This is obviously a fighter of the level of courage, and he has already embarked on the correct path to show his spirit and spirit. Although he does not have a condensed God of War tattoo, he is still one of the best masters in the world.

The other toucan was also extraordinary, with a spiral airflow wrapped around its bodyguard, helping it easily break through the terrifying hurricane. A sharp beak spun at high speed, aimed at Jinpeng's abdomen and was about to stab it hard.

This is a genuine element-level elf!
Long Yi only rushed from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and before he stayed above the main hall for more than a minute, he was attacked by a fighter of Chipo level and an elf of element level at the same time, one can imagine how powerful the Jingtu Temple is.

However, this kind of attack may be able to stop others, but it cannot stop Long Yi.I saw that his toes touched the back of Jinpeng, and he was half a meter taller again, and then a series of khaki hairs came out of the pores all over his body, and his handsome face became blue-faced and fangs in the blink of an eye.

"A mere flame, just to warm my stomach, take it away!" After speaking, he opened his mouth and inhaled, and the blue fire was sucked into his mouth like a sea of ​​rivers, and he burped when he was done, releasing a wisp of blue smoke.

The countless monks below who watched this scene were dumbfounded, and the monk with a big belly was terrified.

Jinpeng also took advantage of the situation and bowed his body like an eagle pouncing on a rabbit, with a pair of sharp claws raised and lowered, one after another dyed blue, and was pecking at the toucan's drill hole.

Secret skill - the claw of the strong wind!
The Claw of the Strong Wind has an auger force, which happens to be similar to the elements of this toucan's enlightenment. In addition, both sides have the energy bonus of the flight system.

"The big monk has a big belly, but his stomach is small, so let's go down and stay there." Long Yi kicked the hesitant big-bellied monk off the bidiao, then turned around and took out the Ruyi golden cudgel from his ear, and smashed it hard. He hit the Toucan, who was fighting happily with Jinpeng, and smashed his stick into a hall below, turning it into ruins.

Seeing the mess below, the monks rushed to rescue the wounded, two crimson flames ignited deep in Long Yi's pupils, like golden eyes but different.

He returned to Bi Diao's back, laughed loudly, the laughter shook like thunder, and the monks below covered their ears and wailed, saying: "The chief heavenly king of Sinnoh, Miyazaki Ryuichi, came to pay a visit to the monk Sheng, and those who are sensible should lead the way, otherwise Today, I leveled your Pure Land Temple!"



"Simply lawless!"

One after another scolding voices appeared from below, one after another a tyrannical aura emerged, and in just a few minutes, Long Yi saw more than five powerful monks with elemental strength in his sight.

Each of these monks can be called a master, and they are the real pillars of the Jingtu Temple.

However, although there were many people, the few people who appeared later did not have the ability to fight in the sky. Although the attacks of some elves could threaten Jin Peng and Long Yi in the air, it was wishful thinking to quickly take them down.

Therefore, in order to avoid even greater losses to the Jingtu Temple, although these few monks yelled fiercely, none of them attacked Long Yi again, fearing that the centuries-old temple would be destroyed in one fell swoop due to his own fault.

In fact, the losses suffered by the Jingtu Temple today are already among the top three since their establishment.In the first two times, one was when the league let go of the dark group of evil forces in the former city to suppress it secretly, and the other was when the Rockets announced their prestige.

No.3 is Long Yi Chuangshan today.


In the majestic Daxiong Hall, a group of monks filed out. The leader was an 80-year-old eminent monk with a ruddy complexion and a skin like white jade.

He is the current abbot of Jingtu Temple, Master Jueyuan.

Host Jueyuan was wearing a black undershirt and a golden-red cassock, holding a gorgeous tin staff, and raised his head and asked, "Dare to ask the benefactor, when did you find Uncle Shengshi?"

Liaosheng is very old and has a very high seniority. Even the current abbot of Jingtu Temple should respectfully call him uncle.

That is the last monk of the Pure Land Temple, and the person with the highest seniority in the entire Pure Land Temple.

Long Yi wanted to see him, but still used this explosive method, Jue Yuan naturally had to ask him.

If he had malicious intentions, even if he tried his best to destroy the centuries-old temple, he would fight Long Yi to the end.

The hairy-faced Lei Gong Long Yi has golden eyes and excellent eyesight, so he can see the mysterious lines hidden under the robe of the host of Jue Yuan at a glance, and he feels jealous.

This Jueyuan host is a martial monk who shows his spirit and spirit, and he has already condensed his own God of War tattoo!

The God of War tattoo is invincible, and he alone can be as good as seven or eight plain elves.

Long Yi put away the form of the Great Sage, returned to his original form, grinned and said: "Ask him for help."

This answer was beyond everyone's expectations. A group of monks looked pretty, and one of them looked at the destroyed hall in front of him. A dozen or so monks in his hands couldn't help but questioned: "Since it's a call for help, I should go up the mountain on foot and ask for help piously." , how could you call up like this?"

Long took a look at him, and said with a sneer, "According to your rules, the ghost knows when I will see Kong; my life is in danger now, and I don't know if I will be alive in the next second, and there is only Bai Kong in the world." If the elephant can save me, what would you do if it were you?"

The monk suddenly choked and couldn't speak.

There was great terror between life and death, and even he thought it justifiable.

Jue Yuan put his hands together and said: "Life and death are in harmony with each other's fate. The uncle who gave birth to the teacher has stopped seeing guests three years ago. Please come back to the benefactor."

What Jueyuan is afraid of is Miyazaki Ryuichi who is the chief heavenly king at a young age, but if the latter dies soon, then he will not be afraid.

There are only two or three plain-level elves and a samurai who has returned to Taoism, and they can still eat in the Pure Land Temple.

Although some monks around were hesitant to speak, but no one dared to refute the abbot's words, and Long Yi had indeed gone too far before, so he didn't open his mouth.

Long Yi laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Monk Jueyuan, it's not too late to make a decision after you read this."

"Come out, my elves!"

Jormungandr as big as a hill; Bone Fighting Dragon like a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus; a giant pincer mantis with a heart of justice; a beautiful flame bird; The fire-breathing camels appeared one after another, undisguisedly releasing their powerful aura.

There are only eight plain elves!
Add another warrior with the second most imposing way of returning home!

In order to go up the mountain this time, Long Yi used strong means to threaten the fire-breathing camel, and finally forced it to agree to make a move.

Long Yi coldly threatened: "If you want me to die, I will let the blood of Baiyin Mountain flow into a river, and let the 800-year-old Pure Land Temple be buried with me!"

With a bang, the tin rod in the hands of the abbot Jue Yuan broke from it and fell to the ground.

Even with his knowledge, it is impossible to imagine that a person can have as many as eight primary ranks, and he also has such a strong strength that he cannot perform beheading actions.

This kind of power surpassed ninety-nine percent of the various organizations in the world!

Can the Pure Land Temple eat it?

be able to eat!
But after a big battle, it is hard to say how many people will survive, and the Pure Land temple complex on the top of Baiyin Mountain can be said to be destroyed. The survival rate of [-] monks is estimated to be less than [-]%.

The Pure Land Temple cannot afford such a loss.


Jue Yuan presided over suppressed the shock in his heart, pretended nothing happened and said: "Benefactor, please come with me."

Facing the host who turned back on promises, the other monks took it for granted, it was really the power displayed by Long Yi that was too terrifying.

"That's right." Long Yi said.

He also understands the principle of accepting as soon as he is good, and after showing his fist, he returned a bit of respect to Jingtu Temple, which surprised many monks, thinking that Long Yi was not so unreasonable, it was just because of death Threats are just a little too extreme.

Under the leadership of Jue Yuan, a group of people walked towards the back mountain...

 I have something to do tomorrow, no update.In addition, the author is going to take wedding photos this Thursday-Sunday, so I will stop updating for a few days and resume updating next Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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