Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 405 Buddha

Chapter 405 Buddha

In the sea of ​​consciousness space, the blue sea and the sky, the Buddha sits high on the lotus throne, and below are the five great auras who have converted to my Buddha and the weak and weak man Long Yi.

The scale-like sea of ​​clouds spread layer by layer toward the distance, and one after another 'Buddhas' emerged from the sea of ​​clouds. Some of them were unrestrained, some dignified and majestic, some were grotesque, and some were compassionate and peaceful.

It can be said that there are no surprises.

The Jingtu Temple has stood in the city for thousands of years, and it has been more than 800 years since it annexed the Bell Tower and the Sea God Temple to become the number one temple in the city.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect is the pinnacle of the spiritual field. It can be said that there are very few elves, humans, secret skills and even nirvana in this world that can resist the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect.

At this moment, under the influence of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect, Long Yi has converted to the five powerful auras created from his own memory, and his own will, which is far inferior to the auras, naturally cannot counter the power of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect.

The black hair fell out one by one, and Baoxiang's solemn and peaceful smile began to appear on Long Yi's face.

Suddenly, the high blue sky turned black in an instant, and a huge comet passed by from a very high place. Although it was extremely high, it was so weird that people could see it clearly.

This is the wishing star of Seven Stars!

A huge beam of white light fell from the comet and landed on Long Yi's body. Baoxiang's solemn smile suddenly distorted, and a faint blackness emerged on Long Yi's face, as if there was another one hidden under his face. face, roaring hysterically.

A door emerged from the void, and then a Jiraqi wearing a floral pajamas came out, spat out a 3D dragon on the ground, and screamed: "Where is the monk, dare to rob me?" The body you like!"

As the incarnation of the seven-star wishing star in the elf world, Jilaqi's power comes entirely from that distant giant comet in the universe. Although this gave her almost omnipotent ability, it also made Jilaqi's power be suppressed The comet is bound, and when the comet is far away from the planet, it can only fall into a deep sleep.

Therefore, Jiraki, who was once as powerful as Fengwang, Mengmeng and other mythical beasts, also got corresponding evil results after choosing his own path, and only had 1000 days of free time for a whole 7 years.

As for Long Yi, the traverser, although he was alive, his soul and body did not match perfectly, so he became the perfect carrier for Ji Laqi.

It becomes a so-called system and attaches itself to Long Yi, helping him become stronger step by step. In fact, it is only for the purpose of subtly transforming Long Yi's body, waiting for the day when it will fully match with his own soul and power.

Then, replace it!
This plan was perfect, even though Long Yi was careful, but the power gap made his actions seem so ridiculous, and the attempt to use the 3D dragon to control Ji Laqi was taken by the latter and led behind the scenes.

However, the intrusion of the white elephant broke the situation.

White Elephant's nirvana will brainwash the opponent, making him a follower of 'Buddha'.

The power level and intensity of this nirvana are very high, so if Ji Laqi allows it to act recklessly, the final result will be that Long Yi's soul will be affected and modified, and then affect his body.

This is not only that Jirachi's hard work in the past few years will be wiped out, but more importantly, the incongruity between Long Yi's soul and body will disappear, completely cutting off Jirachi's plan!

This is not allowed by Ji Laqi, so it came and began to compete with the white elephant for the ownership of Long Yi.

The so-called 'Buddha' is only the manifestation of the power of the nirvana, without any consciousness. Therefore, facing Jirachi's clamor, only the white elephant under the Buddha's seat turned his head.

Then, it opened its mouth and let out a terrifying roar.

Secret technique - Buddhist lion roar!

A golden lion jumped out from beside a Bodhisattva and let out a roar. Layers of sound waves visible to the naked eye hit Jiraki, knocking him and rolling him out, in a state of embarrassment.

Jirachi's physical fitness is not strong, its strength lies in its almost omnipotent ability.

"You pissed me off, big man!"

With a childish scolding, Ji Laqi got up and turned around, his body suddenly swelled up like a balloon, and soon became as tall as a mountain, red all over, and completely turned into another elf.

It's Fengyuan's top beast, Gulardo!
And it was the original Gulardo that had been enlarged and unsealed!

In addition to Jirachi, in this world, Gulardo, which combines the power of flame and earth, is the most suitable for the power of a comet. If Gulardo was not born too late, Jirachi had already integrated the power of a comet at that time. It's hard to say who the road will belong to.

In this case, Jirachi's incarnation as Gulardo is actually the target of its greatest power.

There was a red light in the eyes of Gulardo transformed by Jirachi, and a huge red thorn jumped out from under the white elephant. It flickered for a moment when it hit the latter, and then exploded.

The sword of the cliff!

The air wave of the explosion sent Long Yi flying, he rolled for a while, stopped and shook his head in doubt, then raised his head.

An angry elephant blew, and another bodhisattva jumped out. This bodhisattva had knotted muscles and was fierce. He stepped on a five-clawed and two-horned golden dragon with one foot, and a white elephant with the other. He simply expressed the true meaning of power in the world.

Dawei Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva!

The white elephant blew again, and then the bodhisattva raised his foot, and the golden dragon with five claws and two horns flew out immediately, circled around Gula Dun several times, and the muscles on his body bulged and tightened with force.

This is a secret technique specially created by Jingtu Temple for Gyarados. Combined with the history of Buddhism, it is named Tianlong strangling technique, which contains huge strangling power. Of course, elves such as Hackron and Abo monster can also learn it.

However, such an attack could not do anything to Jirachi.

The fierce battle between the two spirits turned Long Yi's sea of ​​consciousness upside down.

Jirachi is still a few years away from the next return of the comet, and lacks strength, so he can't take down the white elephant who is proficient in mental attacks; the white elephant is because Jiraki's power level is too high, and mental attacks are ineffective. Although other tricks can be manifested, But obviously the power is not as powerful as the real world, so Jirachi can't do anything about it.

The two elves fought inextricably, but they both bypassed the area where Long Yi was, and did not cause any harm to him.

"One wants to brainwash me, and the other wants to take my body. Both are not good things."

Long Yi holds the 3D dragon in his arms, he has already understood the cause and effect, and he has extremely bad sense of both sides in the battle, wishing that both of them will suffer, and it is best to die together.

But Long Yi also knows that this is impossible, Jirachi and Bai Xiang are not idiots, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing, if there is no winner in the end, they will probably tear themselves in half or directly destroy , after all, it will not be cheap for the other party.

In other words, Long Yi's crisis has not been resolved.

The white elephant was hit by Ji Laqi's sword of the cliff again, and half of its white body was black.

"Damn it, this is the Sea of ​​Consciousness and I have nowhere to escape, is it just waiting to die like this?"

Long Yi was very angry, and felt a burst of powerlessness, he lost the strength of the elf, and he seemed too weak in the face of this enemy who was close to the top of the world.

"Wait, Sea of ​​Consciousness?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Long Yi's mind, and he remembered a paragraph he had read in a notebook before.

As mentioned earlier, the sea of ​​consciousness is a very special place for a person, a derivative of thought, and the cornerstone of the soul.

This place is extremely fragile, but at the same time, it is also the place where a person's spiritual strength is the strongest.

Because in this place, people are like in a dream, and they can achieve their wishes just like Ji Laqi, almost omnipotent!

"if it is like this……"

Long Yi closed his eyes and murmured.

A strange feeling filled the whole body!

Long Yi opened his eyes, and found that his field of vision was completely different from before, and was at the same level as Jiraki's transformed Gulardo.

Looking down, there is a golden body on the lotus platform, and the treasure is solemn.

He turned into a huge golden Buddha!

White Elephant and Jiraki, who were struggling, looked sideways.

Long Yi picked up the flower and smiled, and said: "Amitabha~ come back soon!"

The golden Buddha he incarnated has a body shape but no power essence, so it should not be able to match the white elephant and Ji Laqi, but what Long Yi wants is the essence of 'Buddha'!

As soon as the voice fell, there was only swish swish swish swish, five figures soared into the air, submerged into Long Yi's chest, and became one with him.

Fight the earth to defeat the Buddha!Golden Sword Immortal Buddha!Water Dragon King Buddha!The natural Buddha of wood!The Burning Flame Buddha of Fire!

The five Buddhas sit on the chest, sitting on the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys respectively, and each emits light, forming a multicolored light wheel.

"The aura returns to its original position, and the surrender remains the same. This method is called the Five Qi Chaoyuan Method."

At this moment, the aura returned, and Long Yi gained powerful strength again, reaching the peak of the second stage of the aura return path, not only enough to protect himself in the sea of ​​consciousness space, it could even threaten the lives of Bai Xiang and Ji Laqi.

Ji Laqi changed back to his body, stomped his feet angrily, and disappeared into a puff of green smoke.

Seeing this, the white elephant lowered his head slightly, and also turned into a white light and disappeared at the end of the sea of ​​consciousness.


real world.

Long Yi opened his eyes, with a compassionate face, put his palms together and recited a Buddha's name: "Amitabha."

A group of great monks around were either surprised, or nodded and smiled, happy that they had an extra powerful companion.

Abbot Jueyuan approached holding the string of Buddhist beads, and was about to speak when he happened to meet Long Yi's eyes.

"Vald donkey, what do you mean?" Long Yi sneered.

Abbot Jueyuan's smile suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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