Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 406 Contest

Chapter 406 Contest

As the abbot of Jingtu Temple, Jueyuan is naturally not an ordinary person. He calmed down the strong fluctuations in his heart in just a short time after saying the Buddha's name, and smiled kindly at Long Yi: "Naturally, congratulations to the benefactor for getting out of the predicament and turning the crisis into safety."

Jueyuan came to his senses, if Long Yi was really going to be brainwashed by Baixiang's special attack Wanfo Chaozong to become a member of the Jingtu Temple, then why would Uncle Kong make such a request?

What Liao Kong said not only meant that the Jingtu Temple was about to usher in an unprecedented catastrophe, but also indicated that the Ten Thousand Buddhas' court would fail on Long Yi.

Although I don't know how Long Yi did it, Jue Yuan should understand this after hearing Kong's words.

But it is a pity that Jue Yuan has not reached the realm of Kong after all, and was also attracted by the powerful strength represented by Long Yi himself, so he did not react immediately, was confused by greed, and fell into a barrier of knowledge among.

It wasn't until Long Yi asked, the reality was in front of him, that Jue Yuan got rid of his greed and figured out the inside story.

Long Yi looked at Jueyuan coldly, and the elves behind him were ready to go. The oppressive atmosphere around them made all the eminent monks of the Jingtu Temple tense, fearing that if they disagreed with each other, the 800-year-old family fortune accumulated in the Jingtu Temple on Baiyin Mountain would be ruined. Destroyed once.

Suddenly, Long Yi smiled.

This smile was like the spring breeze blowing the willows, the scorching sun breaking the ice, instantly dissipating the tense atmosphere, and letting the monks of the Jingtu Temple breathe a sigh of relief.

"I would also like to thank the holy beast White Elephant of your temple for suppressing my inner demons. This kindness is remembered by Long Yi."

No matter how you say it, without the white elephant from Jingtu Temple, Long Yi would definitely die, and it not only saved Long Yi's life, but also helped him subdue all auras, and reached the peak of the second level of the return of aura. One is to bear.

Monk Liao Kong had already been carried back to the wooden house by Kong Hai and another monk to rest because of physical discomfort, so Jue Yuan took the place of Kong to accept Long Yi's thanks and respected each other.

However, Long Yi changed the subject, and said again: "I have heard about the golden body of the Pure Land Temple for a long time, and Abbot Jue Yuan is the best among them. Long's hand is itchy, I wonder if we can discuss it?"

Love has to be accepted, and grievances have to be reported!

But after all, Jingtu Temple is very powerful and has many masters, so it is impossible to go too far. Long Yi's idea is to give the latter a little face, and test his own strength by the way.

Regardless of victory or defeat, as long as Jue Yuan, the abbot of the Pure Land Temple, accepted Xia Longyi's invitation to fight, the face of the Pure Land Temple would be more or less reduced.

Before Abbot Jueyuan could speak, a big monk next to him couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and said loudly: "Why do you want to see the golden body, why should Abbot make a move? I'll be your opponent!"

Long Yi saw that this was a big monk with a height of nearly two meters. His body was mighty and majestic. monk.

Long Yiyi: "Dare to ask Master's Dharma name."

The great monk said: "I am the head of the mighty Hall of the Pure Land Temple Wuzhi, do you think I am qualified to be your opponent?"

Long Yi looked at Abbot Jueyuan again: "What does Abbot mean?"

"Nephew Wu Chi is the head of the Mighty Hall, so the method of golden body is naturally the best among all the monks in this temple." Jue Yuan said.


Long's face remained unchanged, but he scoffed inwardly.

The Wuchi monk looked mighty, and the abbot seemed much thinner, but the latter had completed the God of War tattoo, which was the pinnacle of the second level of grandeur and divine way, comparable to the current level of Longyi; although the Wuchi monk also condensed the God of War tattoo Tattoos, but obviously not perfect, at most they are on par with Shiba.

However, Abbot Jue Yuan has said so, Long Yi can't be too pushy, and Jue Yuan Long Yi is not confident that he can win, but a Wuzhi monk with an unfinished God of War tattoo, he still has the confidence to win.

Promising to be the head of the mighty Hall of the Pure Land Temple in a fair battle, naturally, can also dampen the arrogance of the Pure Land Temple and give a sigh of relief for oneself.

"Since the abbot has said so, then Master Wu Chi, please enlighten me."

Long Xingxing followed the martial arts etiquette and said that although the monk Wu Chi was not angry in his heart, he had to do a good job on the surface, so he returned a Buddhist ceremony.

Long Yi took back a group of elves, and the surrounding monks retreated to make an open space, leaving space for Long Yi and Wu Chi to discuss.

Wu Chi had long been displeased with Long Yi, but he couldn't make a move before, now he had the opportunity, how could he hold back, he immediately shouted, and the diamond shovel in Wu's hand shoveled towards Long.

Roar of the lion, crouching wand!

This stick came fast and hard, but two golden flames lit up in Long's eyes, and he saw Wu Chi's movements clearly, as if in slow motion.

Supernatural powers - piercing eyes!
Long Yi raised his knees and landed on his feet. The speed seemed to be slow, but he just stepped on the diamond shovel under his feet. The sharp edge cut across the green bricks on the ground, sparking sparks.

Wu Chi's arms exerted force, the muscles of both arms swelled, and the veins on his neck burst out, but he couldn't move Long Yi's body at all, as if a mountain was pressed against a diamond shovel.

He raised his head, facing Long Yi's eyes, the latter gave a monkey laugh, swung the golden cudgel and smashed it.

Smash Huashan!

Wu Chi raised his hand to block, fragments of the purple-gold cassock flew across, and streaks of golden light were revealed on his upper body, reflecting the bronze-colored skin like gold.

God of War tattoo, Buddhist golden body!
"Drink! Break it for me!" Wu Chi grabbed the golden cudgel with his backhand and squeezed it hard, the magic of the God of War tattoo was activated immediately, and the golden cudgel that had lost its power increase turned into pieces of rubble and fell, leaving only Half of Long Yi's hand.

"What a Buddhist golden body!" Long Yi smiled, his body suddenly swelled to be taller than Wu Chi, crimson flames rose from his body, and a hideous sledgehammer was automatically formed when he held it in his palm.

Sulfuras, the Hammer of the Balrog!

In the second stage of the bold and divine way, you can condense the God of War tattoo, which is invincible.

In the second stage of the return of momentum, you can have the wishful real body, and use all the abilities of momentum at will, without having to switch between one type and another frequently.

Impressiveness weakens the enemy and is better at defending; momentum returns to strengthen oneself and pays more attention to attack.

If Wu Chi's God of War tattoo is complete, it will naturally be like the Buddhist Arhat King Kong who is not bad, has no weaknesses in his body, and is half the same as a dragon, and no one can do anything to anyone.

However, Wu Chi has not reached that level after all, which means...he has a door!
Long Yi, who condensed the legendary hammer, kicked the diamond shovel into the air, raised the hammer and landed on the ground, and suddenly a burst of flame burst out, and circles of fire waves radiated from the point he attacked, and the temperature was even comparable to that of a flame bird. flames.

A flame enveloped Wu Chi's body, and the cassock and monk's robes on his body instantly turned into fly ash. The upper body was protected by the God of War tattoo, but the lower body was burned by the flames. It turned black and blistered in just one breath. .

"Golden Bell Jar!"

The God of War tattoo swam around, a golden bell-shaped cover covered Wu Chi, and the flames were kept out, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Long Yi directly threw Sufras in his hand, and the Balrog's Hammer and Golden Bell Shade died together, exposing the ignorance inside.

Long Yi smiled, an emerald green bow had been formed in his hand at some time, the bow was emerald green with tender leaves, and a wooden arrow was resting on it.


A wooden arrow pierced through Wu Chi's ankle, and quickly grew barbed vines, piercing the poisonous barbs into Wu Chi's body.

call out!call out!
Two more arrows were fired in succession, one arrow hit Wuchi's other ankle, but the last arrow was shot three inches below Wuchi's step, which made all the monks feel cold.

This is naturally Long Yi being merciful, after all the elves' archery is perfect, there is no reason why they can't hit such a living target.

"Accepted." Long Yi clasped his hands, dispelling his own changes.

"Amitabha, the benefactor is very capable." Jue Yuan presided over, waving his sleeves, the golden light on his body was faint, a gust of wind blew on Wu Chi who was sweating in pain but didn't cry out, and the vines on his feet, The wooden arrows turned into fly ash.

Another great monk in a purple-red cassock came out and released a Feng Lingling, which easily cured Wu Chi's injury, but he was the first Master of Enlightenment in the canteen.

"Of course I'm good." Long Yi grinned, and the grumpy Master Wu Chi made another move.

The matter has ended so far, Long Yi and Jue Yuan left their contact information after some politeness, and then the latter sent someone to send them down the mountain.

Jueyuan, the abbot of the Jingtu Temple today, also ordered the monks in the temple to keep silent. As for the pilgrims, they couldn't control the mouths of so many people.

A vigorous heavenly king's mountain rush came to an end.

Of course, the sensation and impact of today's events will naturally continue to ferment and brew all over the world...

(End of this chapter)

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