Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 407 There is no way ahead of me

Chapter 407 There is no way ahead of me

After descending the mountain, Long Yi came to the elf center in the small town at the foot of the mountain, and dialed Xiba's phone number.

Long Yi's life-and-death crisis this time is only known to a few people, such as Xiba, Bei Nai Jasmine, Sirona, etc. As for other people, such as Chrysanthemum, parents, etc., he did not notify them, so as not to worry them.



A picture of Xiba popped up on the video call, his upper body was bare, showing his strong bronzed chest muscles, thanks to the decoration in the room, Long Yi could tell that Xiba was probably on a small southern island at this time.

"Is it Long Yi?"

"Xiba, I really thank you this time, if it wasn't for you, I think I would have died." Long Yi thanked him sincerely.

Xiba's reminder is very important to him, if there is no Xiba, when Long Yi realizes that something is wrong, it may be irreparable.

Moreover, there is a huge crowd, there are so many capable people in this world, Long Yi doesn't know who to turn to to save his life, or how to save himself.

It was Shiba who gave him the hope of continuing to live and showed him the way.

This is a life-saving grace!

"Have you solved the problem of aura?" Xiba in the picture was obviously stunned, and then smiled with relief: "You are really there. You are indeed the most amazing and brilliant super genius in the past ten years."

Xiba felt sincerely happy that Long Yi was able to survive.After all, the mainstream of this world is the world of elves. Among the Four Heavenly Kings, there are very few people like Shiba who possesses strong military power. He naturally has a good impression of Long Yi who also studied Bushido and has a very high achievement.

"Who did you ask to solve the problem?" Shiba asked curiously.

He only knew these two people by their first names, and no matter which one they were, it was not something ordinary people could meet and get help from.

"Master Liaosheng of the Pure Land Temple. I originally wanted to find Prophet Changgu, but unfortunately he passed away not long ago, so I had no choice but to barge back to the gate of the Pure Land Temple."

"Break through the mountain gate..." Xiba twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You are the only one who dares to do that."

Long Yi said indifferently: "For a dying person, if there is hope in front of him, he will naturally be able to do anything."

"That's true..." Shiba nodded.

"In this way, your aura should return to its place now, and you should be integrated with yourself. It can be called the No. 1 in the world of aura return."

"No.1?" Long Yi asked in surprise: "Is there no other person in this world who has reached the peak of the second floor by taking the return path of momentum?"


Seeing that Long Yi was puzzled, Xiba explained: "The three paths of martial arts, the Iwata path represented by my master Iwata is the most legendary, but it is also the most bumpy. Although there are many people admiring it, not many people actually walk it. He also advised me to show my spirit and show my divine way.”

"The Dao of Qi Po Xian Shen is the most authentic and safest, accounting for 8% of the warriors."

"Iwata Michi barely counts as half."

"Although the remaining one and a half floors is the return path of arrogance, this path requires a double rest of arrogance first, and this step will kill 9% of the people."

"Even if the remaining people occasionally break through to the second level, their self-awareness will be obliterated by the aura before they realize the problem."

"Even if someone finds a problem and knows who to turn to to solve it, they are often affected by the emotions and will represented by their own arrogance, and finally stiffened by Li Daitao. Therefore, in the world today, the only one who has really reached the second peak is your palace. Saki Ryuichi alone."

Long Yi nodded if he realized something.

It is true that the return of aura is extremely dangerous, Long Yi felt something was wrong after breaking through the aura of earth and gold, but because Flame Bird and Jinpeng were in special training at that time, affected by the aura of sword fairy, Long Yi had to complete this stage After achieving the goal, you can move on to the next thing.

For this reason, he was delayed for a whole month and a half. After Jinpeng and Flame Bird completed the target tasks one after another, and the momentum of the water system broke through to the second stage, he asked Xiba for countermeasures, and learned that his life was not long.

Even if he forced his way into Baiyin Mountain this time, he might have been influenced by Monkey King's unruly heart. He would rather go up the mountain than bow down without asking for help from others.

He himself is like this, and everyone else is like this, so it is understandable that no one can compare with him.

Shiba sighed, "Unfortunately, there is no way ahead of you."

Among the three schools of warriors, the most authentic is the spirit of the gods. It has three levels. The first level is the imitation of the momentum, the second is the God of War tattoo, and the third level is the attitude of the God of War.

In the third stage, under the stance of the God of War, a large area around it is under its control, and the ability of the ultimate move is not displayed. It can be said that people block and kill Buddhas.

Moreover, the samurai at that stage still had the ability to sense the autumn wind before the cicada moved, and to avoid danger before it heard it. It can be said that it has almost reached the peak of human beings. Even top-level beasts can basically kill such a human being.

Jie Kong from Jingtu Temple has touched the edge of this realm, but he is too old and has a serious loss of energy and blood. Therefore, except for some whim, his combat power is actually not as good as that of an ordinary adult.

There are only two stages in the return of momentum, and there is no way ahead for Long Yi.

Strictly speaking, Iwata Michi doesn't even have the first stage, he's just an ordinary momentum-style martial artist, but because his personal strength is too incredible, so insiders put him in the same position as the third stage Above, that is to say, the fighting power at the level of the head of the elves.

"There is no road in this world, only when there are many people walking, there is a road." Long Yi said.

His strength has surpassed 99% of martial arts masters, so what if there is no way ahead?

This kind of strength is already among the top group of people in the world!

And the reason why there is no third stage in the return of momentum is entirely because too few people have reached the top of the second layer, and even if other people want to drill a new path, they don't have that foundation.

Long Yi is only in his 20s now, and he still has decades to go, can't he find his own way?
Even if there really isn't, that's nothing, at most it's a pity.


After hanging up the phone with Xiba, Long Yi successively called Juzi, Kitanojasmine, parents and others to catch up and chat.

After this crisis, Long Yi deeply felt the beauty of family, friendship, and love, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by lack of friends of the same level for a long time before has subsided a lot.


Lying on the bed in the hotel room, Long Yi looked serious, and silently said: "System!"

A familiar interface appeared in front of his eyes, exactly the same as before, except for the lack of a system wizard, even the functions were exactly the same.

The system is still there!

This was beyond Long Yi's expectation, so the face between him and Ji Laqi had been torn apart, no matter how you looked at it, Ji Laqi should not leave this system behind.

"Wait, what if it's not because it wants to stay, but because it can't take it away?" Long Yi suddenly thought.

For this ultra-rare divine beast that only appeared for seven days in 1000 years, thanks to the theater version he had seen in his previous life, Long Yi knew much more than others.

What is the nature of Jirachi?
It is wish!
This mythical beast has the ability to grant any wish, but only if someone makes a wish into the third eye in its abdomen after it is awake.

To change the way of thinking, that is to say, if no one makes a wish, Ji Laqi can't use his power wantonly.

That is to say, assuming that Ji Laqi was possessed after Long Yi crossed, then the appearance of the system is probably because Long Yi had just crossed, and he had a restless wish in his heart, and Ji Laqi fulfilled his wish. And use this to attach to Long Yi's body.

Afterwards, every upgrade and perfection of the system has become a bridge for Jiraki to fulfill Long Yi's wish, leaving a foundation for it to quietly transform Long Yi's body.

Now, although Long Yi's aura has returned to Dao Dacheng, his own aura has surrendered and returned to his place, and the final incongruity between soul and body has been made up, making Ji Laqi lose the opportunity to seize the house, but the existence of the system is a wish that has been fulfilled. No one else made a wish, and Ji Laqi couldn't take it away even if he wanted to.

This is something that belongs to Long Yi himself!
"In this way, it may be a good thing." Long Yi said.

But he can't take it lightly, after all Ji Laqi can be regarded as Long Yi's enemy, and the relationship between the two parties is definitely not friendly.

And if someone makes a wish for Long Yi to disappear after Ji Laqi wakes up, even if Long Yi has returned to Dao Dao with great momentum now, it is really hard to say whether he can withstand Ji Laqi's power to realize his wish.

"It seems... that we have to make preparations earlier." Long Yi said softly.

He checked, and it was less than ten years before the Seven Star Wishing Star visited the earth next time.

(End of this chapter)

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