Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 408 Congrats

Chapter 408 Congrats
Kanto Light Red City, in a huge manor.


Accompanied by a violent roar, a very stylish motorcycle threw a beautiful arc and stopped in front of the gate of the main house of the manor.

The driver was a female knight in a leather jacket with a very sexy figure. As the motorcycle stopped, she got up and took off her helmet and shook her hair, revealing a pretty face of Junsha with short blue hair.

In the study room on the second floor, Aoki Masakazu, who was reading materials but was disturbed by the roar of the motorcycle, sighed, pushed open the floor-to-ceiling glass window and walked to the balcony, looked down at Junsha and said, "I said Junsha, you just Can’t we drive another car, we can’t afford it.”

"I just like motorcycles, I want you to take care of them!" Junsha snorted angrily, handed the keys to the butler, and walked into the main room by herself.

Aoki Masakazu and the Junsha below are baby relatives. They were married by their parents since they were young, and they naturally became a fiancé and fiancee when they grew up.

Although Masakazu Aoki wanted to reject this marriage when he was rebellious a few years ago, after finding several girlfriends to talk to, he may have matured or was pressured by his family, so he finally took Junsha. for wife.

The day when the two got married was not long ago. At that time, Long Yi had just broken through the aura of the sword fairy and was affected by his aura, so he didn't have time to attend Aoki Masakazu's wedding.

After that, Long Yi learned about his death crisis from Xiba, and ran around Shenao and Chengdu to save his life, so naturally it was too late to congratulate him.

He didn't think about it until he had completely solved the problem of aura, after he chatted with Aoki Masakazu.

Because of Aoki Masakazu's previous behavior, although they are married, the relationship between their husband and wife is actually not very harmonious.

"It's really... just like a child." Aoki Masakazu shook his head.

He was just about to turn around and go back to the house, when he suddenly heard a loud cry in the sky, subconsciously looked up, and saw a black shadow moving towards this side at a very high speed at a very high speed.

At first glance, it was still very far away, but in the blink of an eye, the black dot moved forward a lot, and after another moment, it was already over the manor.

That is a Bi Diao!
What a great speed!

Although Aoki Masakazu himself is not a powerful trainer, he is well-informed after all. His good friend Long Yi is a trainer at the level of a king, and he is doing security work, so he has seen many big people and powerful trainers.

However, counting all the elves in the impression, the only one that can compare with the speed of the black shadow in front of him is Long Yi's Giant Pincer Mantis.

But the giant pincer mantis is fast by itself, but Bidiao can carry people, and the gap between them is incomparable.

While thinking, Aoki Masakazu suddenly found a figure jumping off the bidiao from above, and before he could shout out, the bidiao disappeared in the sky, and there was an extra person in front of him.

"Come on!"

Until then, Aoki Masakazu's shout had just come out, one can imagine the speed of that person.

"Zhenghe, we haven't seen each other for many years, is this how you treat old friends?" Long Yi said with a smile.

"Long Yi!?" Aoki Masakazu was taken aback for a moment, then his body relaxed, and he smiled wryly, "There is no one like you, I was almost scared to death by you."

At this time, the door of the study room was violently opened, and the butler of the manor barged in together with Junsha: "Zhenghe/Master, what's wrong with you?"

Aoki Masakazu waved his hand: "It's okay, Long Yi came and surprised me."

Junsha's tense muscles immediately relaxed, and the butler let go of the poke ball behind her waist.

"Butler, prepare a good table tonight, I want to have a good talk with Long Yi."

"Yes, sir." The butler bowed and stepped back, while Junsha stepped forward.

"Long Yi, this is my wife Junsha, you have seen her before."

Long Yi and Junsha haven't seen each other for many years, and the faces of Junsha and the women in the Joy family are similar, so he really can't tell the difference.

However, when Aoki Masakazu introduced him, Long Yi naturally called him 'sister-in-law'.

Junsha responded, looked at Long Yi curiously, and then glared at Aoki Masakazu angrily: "Screaming like a little girl, I thought you were going to be killed."

"It's not my fault." Aoki Masakazu said with a wry smile, "It's all because of his terrifying appearance."

"Okay, okay, there is still a single dog here, don't show affection." Long Yi smiled, took out a book and an elf ball, handed them over and said: "No, this is my late congratulatory gift, congratulations." You are newly married and have a precious son.”

"Who shows affection to him/her." X2
The two said something in unison, and then looked at each other with weird faces, then looked at Long Yi's gift.

"What is this?" Aoki Masakazu asked.

"The one for my sister-in-law is a yoga fighting technique created based on Charem. After practicing, it can make people's body softer and more explosive. It belongs to the fighting technique that combines rigidity and softness."

Junsha is a policeman. Although she is assisted by elves, it is inevitable that she will have close combat with criminals. Therefore, Long Yi sent a copy of fighting skills, which is a secret manual obtained from the memory of the giant golden monster in Etia City.

"Thank you." Junsha was delighted with the result, she likes this kind of thing.

And Aoki was trying to make up for the scene of his wife being soft and boneless, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly twitch.

"What about mine?"

The cheat book is for Junsha, and the elf ball is obviously for herself.

Although with Aoki Masakazu's current wealth and status, there are basically no elves that cannot be obtained except for divine beasts, but he is still very curious.

"A megalodon." Long Yi smiled.

Aoki Zhenghe's expression froze.

Very ordinary!

His face turned bitter, and he said angrily: "Hey! How can you be like this! Give your sister-in-law such a good thing, and give me such a good thing?"

Saying so, he still took the poke ball and stuffed it into the inside pocket of the suit.

Only then did Long Yi laugh: "Why are you so anxious? Why, now that you have money, you don't even look up to element-level megalodons?"

"In this case, you return it to me, and I will give you a gift in exchange."

"Wait...wait!" Aoki paused as he took out his pocket, and suddenly realized, "What level of megalodon are you talking about?"

"Yes! Su! Grade!" Long Yi paused.

Junsha next to her opened her mouth, and it was hard to imagine that someone would give such a precious thing as a wedding gift.

This is an element-level elf!

Enough to make a trainer rise to the sky in one step!

Junsha felt that she secretly bumped Aoki Masakazu with her elbow, signaling him to accept it quickly.

Masakazu Aoki's expression turned serious, and he asked, "I'll leave this elf aside to ask how you got here, is there something you're hiding from me?"

Hearing the element level, Junsha's first reaction was to accept it quickly, but Aoki Masakazu felt that Long Yi's behavior was very wrong, and there was a feeling of trusting Gu.

Hence this question.

Long Yi's heart warmed, he smiled and said: "Don't think about it, there was some problem before, but it has been solved now."

"Spirits of this level are insignificant to me now. One more is not much, and one less is not much."

"As for the origin, don't worry, its previous owner was Shui Wutong, the leader of the Fengyuan Water War Group, but Shui Wutong is dead, and the Water War Group has also been annexed by me, so there is no future trouble."

"The only thing you need to pay attention to is how to become its master. This is not something you have to get along with."

Aoki Masakazu looked straight into Long Yi's eyes, and after a while he seemed to confirm that he was not lying, and nodded: "Then I will accept it, let's have a good chat tonight, I am very interested in your experience during this time .”

"Don't worry." Long Yi patted Aoki Masakazu's shoulder lightly, and said, "You can be said to be my best friend in this world, I will never hide anything I can tell you; I can't tell you Yes, don't ask me."

"It seems that your experience is richer than I imagined." Aoki Masakazu sighed, and from Long Yi's mouth, he heard a sense of seeing through the vicissitudes of the world.

This is completely different from Long Yi's feeling of loneliness caused by suddenly becoming stronger in a short period of time.

"I have seen through it, and I have also figured it out." Long Yi said.

Junsha watched from the side, and suddenly felt that she didn't seem to know her husband very well...

 Change first and then change, to make up for yesterday's
(End of this chapter)

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