Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 411 Ice and Fire 2 Heavens!

Chapter 411: Ice and Fire Double Heaven!

Meisha shouted and asked, her right hand immediately grasped the elf ball on her lower back.

Mari's reaction was also quick. Compared with Mesa, she not only quickly grasped the Poké Ball and was ready to go, but also quietly reached into her pocket with her other hand and pressed the emergency button of the communicator, dialing the official alarm number of the alliance.

As a beautiful woman who has been traveling alone for several years without any accidents, both Misa and Mari have excellent reaction speed and crisis response ability, so facing such obvious maliciousness, they are not as frightened and screaming as ordinary girls. At a loss, but very calm.

This is also related to their relatively excellent personal combat effectiveness.

"Hahahaha, since you asked the question sincerely." A male voice replied after laughing.

"Ordinary people won't answer." A female voice followed with a sneer.

"But let's make a special exception."


Located more than ten meters high, two black shadows on the roof of the [-]-[-]% building suddenly jumped down. The man did a simple diving move, and the girl did a fancy diving, but in the end they all landed safely, showing that they are strong Physical fitness and fighting ability.

"To prevent the destruction of the earth."

"To protect world peace."

"To carry out the evil of love and honesty"

"Nice and witty villain"


"Little Saburo!"

"The duo of Team Rocket that shuttles between the galaxies, bright red, peachy tomorrow is waiting for us!"

The jumping flames illuminated the appearance of the two of them. One had short green hair and the other had explosive orange double ponytails, but they were also dressed in black and white, with a huge R symbol on their chests.

And it's an elite member of the Rockets!

This organization is notorious in the Kanto and Johto areas. For ordinary people, it can stop children from crying at night. Misa and Mari who grew up in Kanto/Joto are naturally no strangers.

What's more, when they were studying at the Trainer Academy, they encountered a time when Sakagi's disciple and the Rockets cadre Seth led the elites of the four Rockets to attack the academy. It is simply a demonic existence, even the teachers of the academy are retreating in front of the Rockets, and they are completely defeated.

Although the years have allowed them to grow a lot, and they also know that the trainer academy is strong on the outside but capable on the inside, but the shadow left in their memory still exists, making Mesa and Marie tremble when they heard the name of the Rockets.

"What are you doing! This is the city center, the explosion just now will soon attract the police!"

Meisha threatened loudly, and at the same time raised her right hand holding the poke ball, proving that she was not helpless.

She has used this threat to successfully eliminate several crises invisibly. Many ordinary people commit crimes on the spur of the moment. As long as they can make him afraid, they can escape.

But obviously, such a threat is too weak for Amado and Kosaburo of the Rockets.

"Don't worry, we will settle the battle before the police come." Amado sneered, with his right hand in a white gauze glove crossed in front of his eyes, he threw a poke ball out.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon!"

A strong fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Armado, spread its wings and roared wantonly, spraying a hot flame into the sky.

On the other side, Xiao Saburo also released his elves.

It's a Boss Cordora!

"Damn it." Mari cursed in a low voice, not knowing why he provoked Team Rocket's attack, but now is obviously not the time to ask.

"Be careful, Snow Fairy." Mari released a Snow Fairy, who nodded with a cold expression, then set off a blizzard and disappeared.

The characteristic of the snow demon female - Xueyin.

This snow demon girl evolved from the snow boy that Mari and Long Yi took over when they crossed the Snowy Mountain. When Mari went out on a trip, she gave up all the elves she used to have and only took the snow boy with her. Became the most powerful elf in her hand.

On the other side, Meisha also released her elf, a wind speed dog.

Without a doubt, this is what her original pixie cutie evolved to look like.

Because of the limited space in the alley, neither Amado Kosaburo nor Misa and Mari released more elves, only one each.

"Wind speed dog? I like the battle between fire elements." Armado stuck out his tongue and licked his lower lip, and ordered with a haughty expression: "Charizard, use the jet flame."

"We also use flame jets!"

The fire-breathing dragon and the wind speed dog each sprayed out a thick pillar of flame, and the two flame pillars belonging to different elves collided brazenly in the alley. The visible speed moves towards the wind speed dog.

This is an obvious gap in strength!

That fire-breathing dragon is an elf specially configured by the Rockets for Amado, who has performed well recently. It is a genuine race extreme elf!
And because of Meisha's relationship behind him, Wind Speed ​​Dog couldn't even interrupt the attack dodge, so he could only support it with all his strength.

On the other hand, facing Boscodora, who is also at the limit of the race, although the Snow Demon Girl relies on the advantages of snow hidden characteristics and attributes to not fall behind, its attack is not a high threat to Boscodora, and then The hunter approached Mali step by step, and forced the Snow Demon Girl to give up Yudou and come to fight Boss Kedora recklessly.

Situation, fell into the worst situation in a face-to-face!

Suddenly, just when the wind speed dog was about to be unable to hold on, a white flame flew past it, and then strongly withstood the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame.

It was Huiyuan who made the move!

Yamado narrowed his eyes, and said, "Miyazaki Ryuichi's ancient Chi Ming. The breakup said in the information is indeed a lie, and he actually asked his original elf to protect you personally."

"But that's why you are worth being arrested."

This attack is related to Long Yi?

A thought flashed through Meisha's mind, but it was obviously not a deep one now, so she quickly ordered the wind speed dog to cooperate, and the two elves worked together to suppress the fire-breathing dragon's jet flames back.

"Little Saburo!" cried Armado.

Xiao Saburo lazily picked out his ears, "Understood, what are you in a hurry for?"

He looked at the field of vision, and at this time Boscodora had already reached the middle position between Xiaosaburo and Mari, and the snow demon girl kept harassing Boscodora.

With a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, Saburo ordered: "Boss Kedora, use a heavy impact!"

Boss Kedora roared, his body was covered in a layer of silver-gray, then he bent his left foot, his shoulders sank, and he sprinted towards Mari.

The sound of heavy footsteps was shocking, and Mali's heart was pounding. There was an illusion of facing the wrath of the Gyarados on the sea.

"Snow Fairy!"

A slightly broken scream came from Mali's mouth, and the Snow Demon Girl blocked her in time, and used the strongest trick Blizzard against Boss Kedora.



Under the protection of the energy of the heavy impact, Boss Kedora temporarily ignored the freezing power of the blizzard. Although the speed has slowed down, it is still advancing steadily.

Huiyuan, who has been paying attention to the battle here, was in a hurry, so he could only stop the flames, turned around and shot a black ray at Boss Kedora.

Freeze light!

The freezing light of Huiyuan effectively prevented the impact of Boscodora, and a layer of black ice emerged on Boscodora, which was the black ice of despair.

However, Armado, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, naturally would not miss this opportunity. The fire-breathing dragon suddenly exploded with all its strength, and the jet of flames turned into a large character explosion. On the body of the person, it was blown up into the sky with a 'boom'.

"Air Slash!" Armado continued to order unwaveringly, and the azure-colored Air Slash flew out one after another, and the wind speed dog was hit hard again, and fell into a coma after landing.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Meisha hurriedly ran to the side of Wind Speed ​​Dog to check its injuries.

Huiyuan had no choice but to continue to deal with the fire-breathing dragon, hoping that the snow demon girl in Mari would take this opportunity to kill the frozen Boscodora.

However, Xiaosaburo's Boss Kedora was not waiting for a while, his eyes under the black ice flashed red, and the ice on his body suddenly melted rapidly, and Boss Kedora, who was emitting red light from the gap in the armor, grabbed him. She jumped at the attacking Snow Demon Girl in front of her, then slammed into the wall hard, flung it to the ground, and stomped on it again.

Secret Skill - Scarlet Rage!
The trick - stomp!
For a moment, the Snow Demon Girl also fell into a coma.

Mali immediately released the leaf elves and the feather moths to try to resist, but it was just a face-to-face meeting, and the two elves were defeated one after another.

Huiyuan blocked from the left and the right, struggling against the two elves.

The fire-breathing dragon and Boss Kedora are getting closer, Mari and Misa have been pushed to the limit, and Huiyuanhu is in front of them. It has the strength to compete or even defeat any one, but it cannot fight against the limits of the two races at the same time. value sprite.

"What other elves, let's release them together." Amado said jokingly watching the two pet each other, and Xiao Saburo echoed.

Haibara turned around, a long-lost sense of powerlessness filled its heart.

On the left is Mari, and on the right is Misa. Both of them are extremely important to the master, but he has no ability to protect them.

At this moment, Huiyuan hoped that it was not him who appeared here at this moment, but the Giant Pincer Mantis, the Bone Fighting Dragon, and the Flaming Bird, Yemengade...

Any one of them is fine.

Why is it me!Why do I have no civilized elements!
"It's enough." Meisha knelt down, shedding tears, stroking the wound on Huiyuan's body that was cut by the fire-breathing dragon's air slash, shaking her head and said, "It's enough, you can escape by yourself, we will go with them."

Although Mari didn't speak, she gave Haibara a look and a small gesture.

That meaning seems to be, let's go, find Long Yi, find Long Yi to save us.

In the right eye is Meisha who weeps silently, and in the left eye is Mali who does not change expression.

Huiyuan turned around suddenly, the hair on his body was rooted up, and suddenly every inch was dyed as white as snow.


In its eyes, a ball of fire rises from the right eye, turning from right to left; a ball of ice condenses in the left eye, turning from left to right.

The light of the flames made two shadows cast by Hui Yuan on the wall appear. Under the explosion at this moment, the back of the one on the right rose like a flame; the one on the left froze like an iceberg.

Mesa is fire, Mari is ice.

The element of ice and fire, the two heavens of ice and fire!

(End of this chapter)

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