Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 412 The Arrival of Dragon 1

Chapter 412 The Arrival of Dragon One
There was a roar of 'boom', and the alley became quiet.

At this moment, the whole alley became as mysterious and weird as a magical fairyland. The left half was burning with raging white flames. The fire-breathing dragon and Armado, which had reached the limit of their race, had been reduced to ashes, and there was no trace of them in the sea of ​​flames. .

The half on the right turned into a black glacier, with icicles like spears standing on the ice, and Boss Kedora and Xiao Saburo turned into two ice sculptures. Under the dark ice layer, people who have completely lost the light of life The cold body picked.

The only place in the entire alley that remained the same was the small area occupied by Huiyuan, Meisha, and Mari.

Element level!
Under the violent emotional fluctuations, Huiyuan, who was already close to the door, finally succeeded in civilizing the elements, crossed that gap, and became a genuine element-level elf.

As a result, the two race limit elves who were able to fight back and forth with it just now, even the trainer himself were instantly killed in a single encounter.

This is a powerful element level!
Although the race limit elves are only one step away from the element level, the strength gap between the two sides is unreasonable, and it is quite normal to have such a result.

Huiyuan, who was covered in snow after the enlightenment element, turned around, smiled slightly at the two stunned girls, and let out a soft roar.

A red and blue sphere formed at the end of Huiyuan's tail, and was swept into the sky by it like a ball, and exploded to form a strange scene of ice and fire.

This scene can be clearly seen within a few miles!
Seeing this scene, Meisha suddenly thought of something, her face changed, she quickly wiped away her tears, stood up and walked outside.

"No, I can't stay here, I don't want to see him..." Mumbling to herself, she didn't seem to see the raging flames in front of her. In order not to hurt Meisha, Huiyuan had no choice but to control the sea of ​​flames to create a path. Watching Meisha disappear into the darkness.

Mari on the other side also wanted to leave, but because of her sanity, Huiyuan didn't let the ice layer out of the way, so that when Mari wanted to leave through the flame passage in desperation, it was too late.

The road diverged in the sea of ​​flames has been controlled by Hui Yuan to close again.

"Hui Yuan, let me go, okay, I don't want to see Long Yi right now." Mali begged.

Although she doesn't want to see Long Yi because of her self-esteem like Mei Sha, but after all she has done something of 'betrayal' in public, so she has an indescribable fear of meeting Long Yi.

But Huiyuan remained unmoved, and pointed to the sky.

Mari raised his head.

I saw that the scene of ice and fire fighting in the sky just now had disappeared, but there was a figure standing in the night sky, and then quickly landed on the ground.

It's Long Yi!

Awakened from contemplation by the explosion, Long Yi, who soon saw the wonder of ice and fire in the sky, immediately thought of Huiyuan who had slipped out, thinking that Huiyuan had encountered some danger, so he hurried over.

However, after a quick glance, his eyes suddenly paused on Mali, and then he pretended to be nonchalant and continued to observe, and asked in his mouth, "What happened here."

Long Yi's nonchalant tone made Ma Li's uneasy heart slowly calm down, Hui Yuan couldn't speak, Mei Sha had already left, and he was the only one present who could explain.

So, she could only say: "Armado and Kosaburo from the Rockets wanted to catch catch me. At the critical moment, Huiyuan saved me."

While hesitating, she didn't say what Meisha was there just now.

"Armado, Saburo..."

This is also a character in the two original novels, although there are not many scenes, but at least Long Yi still remembers it, it's not the kind of sideshow that only runs for one episode.

But now, Xiaosaburo has been frozen into an ice sculpture, and Armado thinks it will not be much better.

"The Rockets won't want to catch you for no reason. It seems that you are affected by me."

The Hoenen area is not the territory of the Rockets. The gray area is under the jurisdiction of the Pale Association under his name. Under normal circumstances, elite players like Amado and Kosaburo will not come to the Hoenn area unless there is a huge benefit.

But the kidnapping of Mari is obviously not included in this list.

The only thing Long Yi can think of is because of himself.

It seems that after the last assassination in the Demon Cave, Ares seemed to have doubts about Chrysanthemum's injury.Thanks to Long Yi, Minister of the Anbu Shimadzu Shingen sent people to secretly protect his parents and sister Mayu, otherwise he might have received the kidnapping letter from Ares long ago.

"The top cadre of the Rockets, God of War Ares has a feud with me. He is a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. For your safety, stay by my side recently." Long Yi looked at Mari and said.

Long time no see, Mari has matured a lot, but in front of Long Yi, her previous aloofness completely disappeared, her head was lowered, her face was as red as a boiling teapot.

"Can I say no?" A voice as thin as a mosquito sounded.

"No." Long Yi resolutely refused.

"Then... that's fine."

clap clap~
At this moment, a series of footsteps approached quickly, Long Yi asked Huiyuan to put away the Tarsus White Fire and Desperate Black Ice, and then saw a group of people in police uniforms rushing in behind Katy Dog, Thunderbolt and other elves. alley.

It is alliance police of Nagasaki-shi!
"Don't move!"

Gun barrels were pointed at Long Yi and Mari, and a captain-like policeman shouted from a distance: "We have received the call, what happened here, and who are you guys?"

Long took a look at them, turned sideways slightly to block Mari behind him, and said calmly, "I am Ryuichi Miyazaki, the chief heavenly king of the Sinnoh region. I just found out that there are gangsters from the Rockets trying to kidnap here, so I took them out."

He raised his hand, pointed at Saburo and the ashes on the ground, and said, "These two are elite members of Team Rocket. The man is called Saburo, and the one who turned into ashes is called Armado. The alliance should have a corresponding arrest warrant. You can check it out."

The policemen look pretty.

The odd man shouted again: "You said you are Ryuichi Miyazaki, do you have any evidence?"


Long Yi bowed his head and thought for a while, then snapped his fingers towards the sky.


The magnificent flamingo spread its wings in the night sky and uttered a cool and crisp cry.

"Is this enough evidence?"

The flame bird is a legendary Pokémon. There are very few people in this world who can own a flame bird, and Long Yi happens to be one of them, and the most well-known one.

This kind of evidence is naturally enough. The captain alliance led all the police officers to put away their guns, approached and said politely: "Long Tianwang, I really offended you just now."

"It's okay, this is your duty."

Ma Li poked her head out from behind Long Yi and said: "Mr. Police, I called the police just now, and I can prove what Long Yi said." Not sure about Mari's safety, the call is still going on.

"Okay, I know."

Killing the two elite members of Team Rocket who entered the country illegally was a great achievement, at least for the police captain in Nagasaki City, even if Long Yi did the thing, the police station would still get some rewards. He was naturally very happy for the cheap price.

But all respect, I still have to go through the process that should be followed.

"I still need to trouble the two of you to go to the police station with me to make a record. Don't worry, it will be over soon."

Although Long Yi is somewhat dissatisfied with some disadvantages in the alliance, his current identity and status are still endowed by the alliance after all, so he also hopes to establish a good image, and he is very cooperative with this.

After finishing the recording, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, Long Yi accompanied Ma Li to the hotel to pick up the luggage, and returned to the hotel where he was staying.

A man and a widow live together in the same room, which makes Mari very disturbed.

"I... I'll take a shower first." Mari said and hurried into the bathroom.

Long Yi ordered 3D Long to turn on the system and check the situation of Huiyuan.

After Ji Laqi left, the system lacked the system spirit, and became a lot more dull. Therefore, Long Yi let the 3D dragon act as the system spirit, which is convenient to use.

I saw that Huiyuan's attribute panel was quite different.

1. Huiyuan: The original elf of the host was originally an ordinary serpentine bear, which evolved back to its ancestors because it swallowed the ice and fire beads in the ancient Chi Ming's body.

[Elf Race]: Ancient Chiming (special form)
【Attribute】: Ice/Fire

[Status]: healthy
【Age】: 6 years old
【Character】: naive
[Exclusive Plane]: Ice Planet
[Intimacy]: 255 (golden, life and death together)

[Talent]: Tarsus White Fire, Desperate Black Ice

Tarsus White Fire: The exclusive flame of the ancient Chiming, burned with energy, cannot be extinguished by water or soil, does not need oxygen, and will only be extinguished when the energy in the target body is completely burned.

Desperate Black Ice: The exclusive ice of the ancient Chiming, which can launch a spiritual impact when it touches the target. At the same time, the more the desperate black ice covers, the stronger the spiritual impact on the target.

[Element Characteristics]: Ice and Fire Mutual Aid
Ice and Fire: The power of ice and fire is balanced on it, so this ancient red ghost can transform its tarsal white fire into desperate black ice at will, and vice versa.

[Enlightenment Elements]: Ice and fire elements.

Effect 1: Despair Accumulation: Under normal circumstances, if an elf suffers from multiple mild despair black ice attacks in a short period of time, it will temporarily develop resistance, and the damage caused by the spiritual attack will become smaller and smaller.However, the gray field with this characteristic can keep and accumulate despair on the target elf, so not only will it not be weakened, but every successful hit of the black ice of despair will make the next attack more terrifying.

Effect 2: Amplification of tricks.Huiyuan can mobilize ice and fire energy particles between heaven and earth, and the power of all the unique moves of this attribute is increased by 20-30 times depending on the battle location.

Effect 3: Plane projection.Huiyuan, who has his own exclusive plane, can summon the projection of the plane anytime and anywhere, and has the home court advantage. Among the special moves, the ice and fire special moves reach the maximum 30 times increase by default.

Effect 4: Flame Explosion: Extreme oppression brings extreme rebound. As the most explosive fire element among all attributes, it can be said that this characteristic is brought into full play.Huiyuan can make a violent burst of fire with a stepwise increase at the cost of short-term fatigue. This feature can be used with unique moves, secret skills, and ultimate moves.

Effect 5: Pure white body: Huiyuan, who has the power of ice and fire, has great resistance to these two attributes. Even if it is an attack at the element level, as long as the essence level of the opponent's flame and ice is lower than that of despair black ice and tarsus If the bone is in vain, then not only can it not cause any damage to Huiyuan, but it will even be absorbed by the hair on its body surface, strengthening Huiyuan's own strength.

Effect 6: Ice and Fire Big Bang: Huiyuan's exclusive secret technique, which combines its own special secret technique formed by its own understanding of ice, fire, and the exclusive plane of ice and Mars, condensing an ice planet and a fire planet pair The target is locked, and then the two planets collide at high speed to produce a violent explosion, causing double terrifying damage to matter and soul.

[System Evaluation]: Freeze the soul in despair, burn the body in the explosion, and play the song of ice and fire.

"Long Yi...I've finished washing."

Long Yi raised his head, and saw Mali holding the bath towel carefully with both hands, exposing his clean arms and thighs, standing timidly on the carpet.


Huiyuan poked his head out of the quilt curiously, and was conveniently put into the exclusive space by Long Yi.

"Come here, let me take a good look." Long Yi said.

(End of this chapter)

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