Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 413 Nagasaki Duel Contest 1

Chapter 413 Nagasaki Duel Contest One
In the dead of night, Mali opened his eyes, sat up cautiously, and pulled the quilt to cover his upper body.

She glanced at Long Yi who was sleeping soundly beside her, reached out her hand to touch his face, and sighed softly: "It would be great if that incident didn't happen at the beginning."

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

No matter what the cause was, no matter what the reason was, what happened at the beginning always left a thorn in the hearts of the two of them.

And this thorn will not soften with the passage of time, and will even be deeply embedded in the flesh. There is no trace on the surface, but it always stung you inadvertently.

Picking up the silk pajamas at the side and putting them on, Mali found a pen and paper from her bag, plugged in a night light, and sat on the sofa in the room to write by the light of the night light.

She wrote very slowly, and wrote a lot, three full pages.

When writing, Ma Li would always raise his head from time to time, set his gaze on Long Yi's face, occasionally smile, and occasionally remain silent.

In the end, she wrote three full pages of letters.

Folded the letter and put it on the table, Mari changed into his daytime clothes, packed up his belongings, put on his backpack, took a last look at Long Yi, who was still sleeping soundly, kissed him lightly, and got up left the room.

The moment the door closed, Long Yi, who was soundly asleep, opened his eyes.


Did Long Yi really not notice Mari's movements?

Obviously not.

With his current martial arts level, even if Mari has an Oscar-level ability to pretend to be asleep, there is nothing to hide in front of him. Long Yi can determine whether a person is asleep or not just by looking at him, because his heartbeat, breathing and body movements Status is not deceiving.

But Long Yi didn't expose it.

As mentioned above, what happened at the beginning always left a thorn in the hearts of the two of them. Although Mari's choice is justifiable, she can betray Long Yi once for her mother. Will there be a second time in the future? time, third time?
If Mali's mother hated Long Yi, would she leave without hesitation?

Questions like these would always inadvertently flash across Long Yi's mind, lingering.

It's not that Long Yi has no feelings for Mali, nor does it mean that Long Yi chooses Meisha, or that other people will not encounter such problems, but there are two completely different concepts after all.

This difference may seem small, but it has a huge impact on people.

In terms of feelings, even if Long Yi has become so strong, he is no different from an ordinary man.

Long Yi sat on the bed for a while, he almost never smoked, he even took out a cigarette and lit it, although he didn't take a few puffs until it was burnt out.

Finally, he made up his mind.

"Lax, can you still lock Mari's position?"

Lux nodded in the dark.

Long Yi took out an elf ball, said a few words to the elf inside, and then handed it to Lacus: "Give it to Mari."

After teleporting, Lux disappeared, and after a while it returned to the hotel room, but the Poké Ball in its hand was gone.

The elf he asked Lux ​​to hand over to Mari was Abirang from Hunter K. Not only did he have the energy intensity of the limit value of the race, but he was also proficient in the two secret skills of Hundred Crack Fist and Heavy Punch.

One of these two secret skills is good at attacking, the other is good at defending, and they complement each other.

It can be said that with this Abby Lang, except for enemies at the element level, Mari is usually enough to protect his own safety.

The elf Long Yi who has opened up his own plane cannot give it away, and the elves who have not yet opened up have to consider the elves' own emotions, so only this Abby Lang is the most suitable.

"May you be happy." In the darkness, Long Yi sighed.


boom! boom! boom!
The sky was clear and bright, cloudless.

Three salutes exploded in the sky, and the three-yearly Nagasaki City Pokémon Duel Contest officially kicked off.

This competition is an event designed by Nagasaki City to imitate the alliance competition. It is held every three years. Anyone who is an elf trainer certified by the alliance can participate.

In addition to the huge prize money, the top three in the competition can also get a three-day free guidance from the 91-year-old Pokémon master, Kawatani Fujino, so it can be said to be quite famous in the entire Hoenn area. Small events.

On the day of the opening ceremony, there were huge crowds of people, and the host, wearing a black suit and white shirt, flew in mid-air in a solo aircraft, mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene with his enthusiastic voice.

"I know that everyone doesn't want to listen to nonsense, so let's stop the gossip and introduce the judges of this competition first!"

After some lines, the host came to the side of the judges' seat.

"The first one is our beloved mayor, Mr. Naoki Matsumoto!"

In his 40s, a middle-aged man with a big back got up and waved his hands. His belly is not big, and his image is much better than the stereotyped league officials in many people's impressions.

The enthusiastic applause at the scene also showed that the mayor had a good reputation.

"Second place, the grandson of Mr. Kawatani Fujino, the city's most outstanding trainer master, Mr. Kawatani Chizuru, who is also a well-known trainer himself!"

Chizuru Kawatani, who is also in his 40s, got up and bowed. His appearance is worse than that of Mayor Matsumoto. He is a little bald, with Mediterranean hair, and his stomach is a little protruding.

But this does not prevent Chizuru Kawatani from being a very famous trainer in Nagasaki City. With the extra points given to him by his grandfather, his popularity is comparable to that of Mayor Naoki Matsumoto.

"The third place is the current owner of the Nagasaki Gymnasium, the champion of the Caiyou Conference seven years ago, Ms. Nakamori Yuka!"

In her 30s, with a modest figure and appearance, the stern-faced female curator stood up to signal, and was also greeted with applause.

This is the end of the introduction of the judges in the past. Unlike the gorgeous competition, the role of the judges is not great. Only when there is a controversial situation in the game, or the players are dissatisfied with the judgment of the referee, will the judges discuss and make a decision.

Three people are just right, there will be no situation where the number of votes is equal, and even the judges cannot separate the results.

But this year's situation is different. There is a young man sitting next to the three judges, but a young man who is very unfamiliar to the locals of Nagasaki City.

The host obviously understood the minds of the audience. He manipulated the aircraft to draw an arc in the air, from the side close to Naoki Matsumoto to the other side.

"In addition to the three regular judges this year, we are also honored to have a special guest, the one next to me."

"Many people must have heard and seen the explosion last night and the spectacle of ice and fire in the sky. It was the notorious evil force from Kanto—two elite members of Team Rocket wanted to kidnap an innocent girl. "

"However, unfortunately and fortunately, they encountered a passerby during the murder, that is, the one next to me."

"He shot out angrily, directly took those two people down, and saved the girl."

"Let us welcome with warm applause, Mr. Miyazaki Ryuichi, the terrifying snake king who is currently the Chief Heavenly King of the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings from Fengyuan Guchen Town!"

Long Yi stood up and waved to the audience, responding to their warm applause.

Although many people at the scene didn't know him, or even heard his name, but the identity of Sinnoh's Chief Heavenly King was enough for them to understand the importance of Long Yi, so they applauded extraordinarily enthusiastically.

Inviting Long Yi to be a guest was also the intention of Mayor Matsumoto Naoki. The purpose was to make this Nagasaki City Pokémon Duel Contest go smoothly, ease the panic of the citizens, and let those who want to take the opportunity to make trouble Lawbreakers are terrified.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for your applause. Acting bravely is a good character that each of us should have. I just did what I should do." Long Yi suddenly said into the microphone, and the applause of the audience was also slowly quiet down.

"And the reason why I agreed to this invitation was that apart from wanting to see the Nagasaki Duel Tournament known as the Little Caiyou Tournament, I also had a little selfishness of my own."

"Among the many contestants, two are my old friends. One of them has been my neighbor for several years, and I also taught him some things, so he often regards himself as my disciple, and I also accepted him as Named disciple."

"Another friend I made with Wangnian, he has a very magical elf, and he also has a very magical dream."

"Here, what I want to say is, my disciple, if you can win the championship, then I will accept you as an official disciple; my friend, if you can win the championship, then I will grant your wish , and tell you the location of the place you are looking for."

"There is only one champion, so..." Long Yi revealed a mysterious smile, "Do your best."

In the group of players lined up in the square below, two boys next to each other suddenly looked at each other, with a strong fighting spirit rising in their eyes.

"I'm sorry Qianbingwei, I'm bound to win the championship of this competition!" Tang Chen Huang Yan said.

Onijima Senhei smiled: "That's exactly what I want to say. The Pillar of the Sky is right in front of me, Huang Yan, I have no choice for Xiaolu.

They have become friends who don't know each other, and they made an appointment to challenge this year's Caiyou Conference, and they also came to Nagasaki City to participate in the Nagasaki Duel Competition at the same time.

And not far from the two of them, a girl with a wine red ponytail had her head lowered, but at this moment she suddenly raised her neck, staring at the close-up of Long Yi on the upper screen with piercing eyes.

I am also here!
Besides your disciple, your friend, I am here too! ! !

Meisha's heart was filled with neglected grievances and anger, and she silently made a decision.

She wanted to win the championship, then walked up to Long Yi, and sarcastically sarcastically said to him!
(End of this chapter)

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