Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 415 Nagasaki Duel Contest 3

Chapter 415 Nagasaki Duel Competition III

"Akita Junko, a trainer who is good at using ice spirits. Currently, the spirits Ice Ghost Guard and Miss Lip Sister are playing. The spirits are very strong. All the games are defeated by absolute strength."


"Honda Keiaki, a powerful trainer similar to Asada Junko, who is good at using grass-type spirits..."


"Misa Takagi, a trainer with a very cautious fighting style. She likes to fight steadily and does not attack blindly. Currently, the elves on the field include Wind Speed ​​Dog and Frog Grass..."



dong dong dong~
A knock on the door interrupted Onijima Senhei's thoughts. He looked at the time, and before he knew it, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening when he studied his opponent.

It's so late, and in a strange city, who will knock on the door in the middle of the night?

"Senbei, are you asleep?"

"Huang Yan?" Kijima Senhei opened the door, looked at his friend outside in surprise, turned sideways to get out of the way, and said, "Let's talk after you come in."

Due to family reasons, Onijima Senhei lives in the Spirit Center, but fortunately, it is a single room, although it is a bit small, but independent and free.

Tang Chen Huang Yan walked into the room, and the first thing he saw was the computer screen on the table next to the wall, which was displaying the information of a top sixteen player.

After the list of the top [-] was released, the official sent the video of each game to all the players. They had one night to learn about their possible opponents tomorrow, but the chance of guessing right was only [-]/[-].

At this time, Takeo Kamikawa displayed on the screen was the trainer of the bamboo hat mushroom that eliminated Tang Chen Huang Yan during the day and made him stop at the gate of the top sixteen.

"Are you sure about tomorrow's match?" Tomson Huang Yan asked as he sat down on the bed.

He and Onijima Senbei didn't know each other, and they were good friends, so they cut to the chase.

Onijima Senhei shook his head with a wry smile: "No, almost all the opponents in the top sixteen are outstanding, and I'm at the bottom of them."

This is not the first time that Onijima Senhei has participated in an alliance competition. Before this Target Saiyu Conference, he also participated in the Silver Conference in Joto and the Quartz Conference in Kanto. round is eliminated.

But in the Quartz Conference, Onijima Senbei entered the top sixteen.

The Nagasaki Duel Competition was originally thought to be a small local competition, but after watching the competition video of the top sixteen contestants, it was discovered that the level was almost as good as the previous Quartz Competition.

Tomorrow, the 3-to-3 competition will be held, and the subsequent [-]-to-[-] and [-]-to-[-] are regular [-]-on-[-] battles, and there are four basic attributes of rock, grass, ice, and water. It can be said that it is the same as the official alliance Sai is no different.

At this level of competition, there is really no chance of winning at Onijima Senhei's current level. Every game is a game of luck.

Tang Chen Huang Yan nodded without accident, then took out a poke ball, enlarged it and put it on the table: "What if we add it?"

"This is..." Onijima Chibei hesitated.

"Flame chicken." Tomson Huang Yan said.

"Is that the flame chicken?" Kijima Chibei couldn't believe it.

"It's the flame chicken." Tang Chen Huang Yan affirmed, "With it, what are your chances of winning tomorrow?"

"As long as you don't draw water, at least [-]%." said Onijima Senhei.

"That's enough."

No one can guarantee victory in all battles. If Onijima Senhei said [-]%, Tang Chen Huangyan would be worried that his friend would capsize in the gutter.

"I should go." He got up and walked to the door, and said with Onijima Senhei on his back, "I have already let the master down, the two of us, at least one of us must be worthy of the master's respect."

"Come on, don't let me down, let down Xiaolu."

Thinking of the green caterpillar that grew up with him, Onijima Senhei calmed down his restless heart, and silently nodded, "I will."

"Let's go, go to bed early." After waving his hand, Tang Chen Huang Yan left.

In the room, Onijima Senhei held the poke ball, the ball was cold, but his heart was hot.


The Nagasaki Pokémon Duel Tournament is still in full swing.

The viewing level of the [-]-to-[-] competition has directly increased by several grades compared with the previous knockout competition, so eight of the nine rings were removed, leaving only one, so that the audience's attention can be gathered.

At this point, there are almost no players who are just pretending to be numbers, so every game is very watchable, requiring the host's commentary, and occasionally the judges' comments.

The 3-on-3 battle, coupled with the special field where four draws and one are drawn, undoubtedly increased the requirements for players several times.

After the lottery, the battle list will be released.

Among the four contestants that Long Yi paid attention to, the opponents of Misa and Junko Asada were all passers-by who hadn't paid attention to them before, but Chibei Onijima collided with Keiaki Honda sent by Fukuoka City.

"Honda Keiaki is the son of the mayor of Fukuoka City. At the same time, the owner of the Fukuoka Gymnasium is his adoptive father. Therefore, it can be said that he is rich, powerful and taught by a famous teacher. He is also very talented. At least in the Caiyou Competition Also a top four player."

"Facing him, this Onijima Thousand Soldiers is in danger." Kawatani Chizuru commented.

As the grandson of a well-known master trainer, Chizuru Kawatani has a vicious vision.

"It's not necessarily true. Anything less than the element is falsely powerful, unless he uses secret skills, but if I remember correctly, the use of secret skills is prohibited in this competition, right?" Long Yi said.

Cheats are not allowed in the League Competition, but the Nagasaki Duel Competition is explicitly prohibited.

"Even without secret skills, Keiaki Honda's strength is beyond doubt. I don't see anyone who is his opponent except Junko."

"Long Yi, the reason why you speak for this ghost island Qianbingwei is not because he is one of the two people you mentioned." Nakamori Yuka said aggressively.

Her words were not unreasonable, so the other two also paid attention.

Long Yi smiled mysteriously: "Who knows."


No matter what Long Yi and the three referees said, the match still had to continue.

Senhei Onijima's match against Keiaki Honda was the third match, so he still had some time to study his opponent's Pokémon.

And Keiaki Honda came this time with the mentality of winning the championship. Except for Asada Junko, he didn't pay attention to others at all, so he watched other people's games leisurely and recharged his batteries.

The first game, the battle of two passers-by.

In the second match, Meisha fought a passerby. Meisha fought steadily, caught the opponent's mistake, and won [-]-[-].

Finally it was the third round, Chibei Onijima faced Keiaki Honda.

Onijima Senbei played the green caterpillar of the original elf, which made Keimei Honda laugh for a while, and released the forest lizard to crush and win.

However, the strength of Onijima Senhei's green caterpillar cannot be judged by common sense at all. Under Keiaki Honda's carelessness, the forest lizard suffered a disastrous defeat and was knocked down by a series of consecutive attacks.

This was beyond the latter's expectations, but it was in the judgment of the referee.

Onijima Senhei had already used Little Green in yesterday's game. Keiaki Honda didn't pay attention, but it doesn't mean that the referees didn't notice this special green caterpillar.

One goes all out, one carelessly underestimates the enemy, and it is normal to encounter failure.

Honda Keiaki was very angry after the defeat of the forest lizard. He didn't think the opponent's green caterpillar was so powerful, and he only blamed himself for being careless.

Therefore, the second elf sent its own initial elf, Poison Rose.

This elf was stronger than the forest lizard. Under the command of Keiaki Honda who put away his carelessness, although he was hit twice by the green caterpillar, he still won the victory.

Onijima Senbei then dispatched the Toucan.

Toucan is the main force of Onijima Senbei, and also his main air combat force.

Toucan's strength is slightly inferior to Poison Rose's, but it has an advantage in altitude and attributes, so the two sides fought evenly. In the end, although Toucan defeated Poison Rose, he was severely poisoned and seriously injured, so he hardly had much fighting power .

"I admit that I underestimate you, but today's winner is destined to be me!"

"Go, my ace, Lizard King!"

A lizard king with sharp eyes appeared.

Keiaki Honda used this lizard king in yesterday's knockout match. This is also the strongest elf he has bred. It has reached the limit that a lizard king can achieve in terms of speed and strength.

Racial Limit Elf!

"Toucan, use the drill to peck!" Onijima Chihei did not choose to give up.

However, the Lizard King rushed forward, dodged the toucan's peck with a sideways dodge, and then hit the opponent with a heavy slap attack, slapping the toucan hard on the ground.

Toucan lost the ability to fight!

The faster speed gave the Lizard King more options, whether it was offense or defense, he was able to handle it with ease.

Although the energy intensity has not yet reached the limit, the physical attack inspired by the heavy force is also powerful enough.

Onijima Senhei took out the third Poké Ball.

This elf was the strongest wild elf he and Tang Chen Huang Yan had encountered. The two of them fought hard to defeat it. However, at the last moment, because of the chaos, it was impossible to determine who tamed this elf. Flame chicken.

Therefore, the two sides decided to use fighting to determine the ownership of the flame chicken.

In the end, Tomson Huang Yan won.

However, although Tomson Huang Yan won, he was not recognized by the Flame Chicken. Instead, the Flame Chicken preferred Onijima Senbei.

Coupled with his tragic failure, he contributed it.

Now, it will be the first time that the flame chicken will fight on the stage on the right occasion.

Onijima Senhei squeezed the poke ball tightly: "I will definitely win!"

"Go, flame chicken!"

Wat scare!

The flame chicken looked back at the trainer, full of fighting spirit.


ten minutes later.

"Give it the final flaming kick!"

A flaming chicken foot with a broken arm stepped on the Lizard King, looking down with indifference in his eyes, and trampled down fiercely with his flaming right foot.

"The Lizard King loses his ability to fight, and the Flame Chicken wins!"

"So the winner of this match is Onijima Senhei!"

"'s impossible." Honda Jingming murmured, unable to believe the result in front of him.

The three referees looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly lost interest.

This is the player from Fukuoka who they are facing the enemy?

"Is he your disciple?" Nakamori Yuka asked Xiang Longyi seriously.

"No." Long Yi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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