Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 416 Nagasaki Duel Contest 4

Chapter 416 Nagasaki Duel Competition IV

"Huang Yan, I won."

Onijima Senhei immediately looked at the relatives and friends viewing seats exclusive to the contestants, and saw Tang Chen Huang Yan gave him a thumbs up with a smile.


Keiaki Honda's defeat caused an uproar. Senbei Onijima was not the only one who stayed up late yesterday to watch other people's games. In the minds of everyone who watched the video, there were only two strongest opponents in this game.

One is Keiaki Honda and the other is Junko Asada.

But now, it's just a [-]-to-[-] competition, and Keiaki Honda, who has the capital to compete for the championship, has been eliminated by a little-known Onijima Senhei?
The official match is not a knockout match. All players have time to concentrate on watching everyone's battle, so they will have a deeper understanding of each contestant.

Most people can see that the strength of the first two elves, Onijima Senhei and Honda Keiaki, are normal and can be understood and accepted, but the Lizard King and Flame Chicken that appeared at the end completely surpassed everyone A class of players.

Strength, speed, stamina, and tricks, for example, are not as heavyweight as other people's elves!

With Onijima Senhei and Honda Keiaki's battle jewels in front, the next few games will look a bit boring.

Among the remaining players, apart from Junko Asada, who was obviously superior, the others were close to each other. Although they played lively, they were like green leaves to set off the red flowers.

In the afternoon, as the final sixteen-eight battle came to an end, today's game also came to an end.

Naturally, some people were happy and some were sad on this night. Although the strong opponent Keiaki Honda was eliminated, an even stronger Onijima Senhei came out. A group of players were all thinking about how to fight against the two obviously stronger opponents. people.

The only ones who will be happy, perhaps only Matsumoto Naoki and others who know the direct lineage of Honda Keiaki.


The eight-to-four match begins.

The big screen continued to draw lots. This time, Onijima Senhei, Misa and Asada Junko did not crash, and the opponents of the three were all the remaining five players.

The strength of the others is almost the same, so the focus of the competition is on the combination and restraint of the elves; the command and performance of the players, and the impact of the previous game.

Fortunately, all three of them advanced successfully, and the last one was an uncle named Aso Asakura.


Another day has passed, and today is the fourth day since the Nagasaki Duel Tournament was held, with four to two semi-finals.

The draw results are as follows:

Group A: Misa Takagi vs Asakura Aso.

Group B: Onijima Senhei vs. Asada Junko.

The field that was drawn in the first game was the Rock Field.

At the beginning of the game, Misa sent out Froggrass first, and the opponent Aso Asakura used the rice spoon snake.

The rock field is slightly unfavorable to the rice spoon snake. The gravel all over the ground will cause some damage and hindrance to the rice spoon snake that uses its muscles to swim. It is actually not suitable for the frog grass that is good at control and long-range attacks.

But Aso Asakura's other elves were even more inappropriate, and he had no choice.

At the beginning of the game, Froggrass used the powerful vine whip trick, using the vine whip to remotely control and hinder the opponent, and then using the flying leaf knife, paralysis powder, sleep powder, and parasitic seeds to attack remotely, firmly grasping the rhythm of the battle In his own hands, he has the absolute upper hand.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is only a matter of time before Froggrass wins.

Being able to enter the semi-finals, Aso Asakura's level is naturally there, so he replaced it with Longlongyan.

The weight of Longlongyan is unparalleled, and it launched a rolling attack on the frog grass, and the rattan whip, flying leaf knife, etc. all failed one after another.

This poses a certain threat to the froggrass, after all, it is not good at dodging.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Meisha commanded Froggrass to use the vine whip to jump up flexibly. After avoiding the attack of Longlongyan, she used the vine whip again to destroy the latter's rolling, and then used the previous clearing to instantly emit the sun's flames. Just killed the opponent's Longlongyan.

Asao Asakura changed the rice spoon snake again, and used the black mist to interfere, but Meisha decisively replaced the wind speed dog. A big character explosion detonated the black mist, and the rice spoon snake was seriously injured.

Then he added another blow, and the rice spoon snake was also defeated.

Meisha, who has won two games in a row, is imposing, but she is still calm and steady, and does not give Aso Asakura hope of a comeback.

The two previous opponents who were close to her in strength were defeated by Meisha in one fell swoop after accumulating small advantages little by little.

You can't expect her to make mistakes with such an opponent, you can only make a quick decision, or force the opponent to take risks, or make strange moves, or suppress with absolute strength.

But unfortunately, judging from Aso Asakura's previous performance, he does not have such abilities and elves.

"Come on, Dunjia!" Aso Asakura's third elf was the Dunjia that had appeared before.

"It's over." Judge Kawatani Chizuru whispered, this conclusion was also approved by Matsumoto Naoki and Nakamori Yuka.

This Dunjia didn't have the strength to single out Meisha's three elves.

But Long Yi frowned.

It's not that he has more vision than the other three, but his own strong strength makes Long Yi feel that there is something wrong with this Dunjia.

Its breath is thick, its eyes are bloodshot, and its state is irritable, like a bull in heat!
"Dunjia, use rolling attack!"

The orders given by Aso Asakura were the same as those of Long Longyan before, but when the armor rolled, Chizuru Kawatani let out a light sigh, and Naoki Matsumoto and Yuka Nakamori remained silent.

Strength, become stronger!

The rolling momentum of this Dunjia is not at the same level as yesterday, as if it reached the limit value of the race overnight.

Meisha also sensed that something was wrong, so she ordered the wind speed dog to use super speed to attack the side of Dunjia.

The strategy worked, using the super-fast wind speed dog far faster than Dunjia, knocking it into the air, and even interrupting it from rolling.

However, as soon as it landed, Dunjia roared violently twice, and used rolling again. This time, without waiting for Meisha's order, he directly bumped into the wind speed dog.

The huge force knocked the wind speed dog into the sky, and then Dunjia was directly connected with a destructive death light, the destructive death light was almost orange, and hit the wind speed dog's abdomen heavily.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Mesa exclaimed.

It landed with a bang, the referee quickly checked, and then judged that the wind speed dog had lost the ability to fight.

The wind of battle suddenly changed.

Meisha took a deep breath, retracted the wind speed dog, and released Frogweed again.

beep! ! !
However, Kawatani Chizuru, one of the three judges, suddenly pressed the button in front of him, signaling the game to be suspended.

"The game is suspended!"

The referee called a timeout, and then the host came to the judges' bench and asked why.

Long Yi saw that the Dunjia was still irritable and restless, almost unable to control itself.And its trainer, Aso Asakura, was pale, a little afraid to look at this side.

"I ask the medical team to examine that Dunjia." Kawatani Chizuru said.

Although he didn't say it clearly, his meaning was very clear. He thought there was something wrong with this Dunjia!

"What about the consciousness of the other two?" It is time-consuming to check the elves, so it is necessary for the host to ask this question.

"Agree." Naoki Matsumoto said.

"Agreed." Nakamori Yuka also nodded.

"Okay, I understand." The host flew into the sky again, and then announced through the microphone, "Because the three judges unanimously requested a physical examination of Asakura Asakura's body, the competition was suspended."

There was an uproar at the scene, but no one could refute it.

This kind of physical examination took a long time, but just 10 minutes later, the medical team sent news that abnormal physical indicators, emotional abnormalities, and pinholes were found in the bottom of the neck, and it was suspected that he had been injected with illegal drugs.

After another ten minutes of testing, the result was officially confirmed.

Aso Asakura injected illegal drugs into his armor, which greatly improved its combat effectiveness!
This is obviously a serious violation of the competition regulations, so the entry quota and ranking were directly cancelled, and was blacklisted by Nagasaki City, and he was banned from participating in the Nagasaki Duel Competition for life.

This misdeed will also be recorded in his trainer file, and any official competitions he participates in will be found, and he will no longer be able to participate in any league competitions.

His opponent, Misa Takagi, naturally advanced to the final.

In the afternoon, the audience who barely digested the big melon in the morning ushered in the most anticipated battle of this competition.

Semifinals: Onijima Senhei vs. Asada Junko!
When Onijima Senhei defeated Keimei Honda, he was not favored because he had not shown his strength before, and it was not until the last moment that he made a strong comeback.

In this battle with Asada Junko, both sides have fully demonstrated themselves in the previous game, so everyone is looking forward to it.

It is even generally believed that this is the final of the current Nagasaki Duel Contest to determine the champion in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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