Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 422 Confrontation

Chapter 422 Confrontation
That's right, this short, but strong, muscular man in front of him is one of the six top cadres of the Rockets and the well-known "God of War" Ares in the capital area.

Of course, Ares is just a code name, and few people know his original name.


Faced with Long Yi's ridicule, Ares laughed in a hoarse voice, as if he wasn't irritated.

"Don't be nervous, this is just my last attempt, and it is also a test of your strength."

"If several years of easy life have paralyzed your perception and made you unable to survive such an attack, then it will be meaningless to say what I say later."


Long Yi smiled.

Ares was about to speak when the fiery monkey on his shoulder screamed suddenly, turned his right paw outward, and slapped it to the side suddenly, as if it was intercepting some invisible attack.

There was a crisp crash.

The silver-red body of the giant pincer mantis suddenly appeared, and the right pincer made of steel was just blocked by the sharp claws of the fiery monkey.

The Fiery Monkey roared, and waved its other paw to push back the Giant Pincer Mantis, which returned to Long Yi's side.

"Alright, you have also passed my test." Long Yi clapped his hands and said.

"Tell me, what do you want to say when you stop my car?"

The grievances between Long Yi and Ares have a long history, the origin is from Ares' unreasonable dislike, but the specific number of confrontations is actually not many, and the damage caused is also insignificant to the two.

Moreover, since Long Yi sent Ares' only son to the alliance prison in retaliation, and killed the elemental spirit that Ares gave him as protection, the two sides have actually been 'peaceful' for a long time.

Ares comforted the irritable Fiery Monkey, and said, "I'm here this time to reconcile with you."


"Of course." Ares nodded, "You and I have already reached a very high level in this world, and there are very few stronger than us."

"The reason why I targeted you before was because I hated the God of War element of your Bone Fighting Dragon. Although it is still not qualified for that title, your strength is enough to bear this honor."

"Therefore, I have come to you to reconcile."

Long Yi carefully looked at Ares.

The appearance of Ares is naturally unsatisfactory, and his reputation is also mixed, but his reputation is actually not bad, at least infinitely better than Hades, the top cadre in charge of assassination in the Rockets.

In addition, the two sides did not have deep hatred, and they had been calm for several years before, so the reconciliation is also understandable.

"Okay, I promise you." Long Yidao, he naturally had no reason to refuse such a favorable offer that has no disadvantages.

"Starting today, our previous grievances and grievances will be wiped out, and the well water will not violate the river water."

Ares opened his hands: "Then let's give a hug between men who witnessed this scene."

Long Yi looked at Ares's mouth full of yellowed teeth, shook his head resolutely, and refused: "Hugs are unnecessary, just a handshake."

Ares looked regretful and said, "Okay, then shake hands."

So the two walked towards each other. The distance between the two sides was not far, so it soon became less than one meter away.

At this moment, the exposed muscles of Long Yi's suit and Ares's were still tense, the fiery monkey and the giant pincer mantis were on guard against each other, and the four bodyguards who were signaled by Long Yi to stay where they were were even more impatient.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

Ares took the lead in relaxing his muscles and stretched out his rough right hand.

Long Yi looked at it, smiled, and held it.

Two powerful palms clasped tightly.

Ares showed a bright smile and said, "Go all the way."

His other palm quickly fell towards the back of Long Yizhang, as if he wanted to clasp his hands together. Seeing this, the giant pincer mantis was about to stop it, but was stopped halfway by the fiery monkey who had been prepared for a long time.

With a crisp sound, the half-transparent thin needle fell to the ground. Ares lowered his head and saw that the hand he was holding had turned into a terrifying dragon claw covered with blue dragon scales.

"Is Hades' poisonous needle useful?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

Ares raised his head abruptly, this time he was even more surprised than when he failed the sneak attack just now, as if he was asking why Long Yi knew that he had begged for this poisonous needle from Hades.

This time the attack was entirely on his spur-of-the-moment, and no more than three people knew about it!

Long Yi didn't answer, but clasped Ares's wrist tightly, and pulled it backwards.

However, this pull did not move, and the dragon claws that were enough to leave marks on the steel plate could not leave scratches on Ares' yellow skin, and were still firmly clamped in Ares' palm.

This was beyond Long Yi's expectation.

Although Ares is physically strong, the intelligence shows that it is just a normal military exercise, and he has not even achieved the courage. He should not have such defensive power and strength at all.

Fortunately, Long Yi was prepared early on. Although the plan went wrong, he was not afraid of Ares alone.

The raging flames burned in the free left hand, and the flames burned Long Yi's expensive suits and shirts. The exposed skin cracked piece by piece at a speed visible to the naked eye, like cracked cooling magma, a crimson color appeared inside.

Burning Flame Buddha - Ragnaros, Lord of Fire!

Long Yi has now reached the peak of the second stage of the return of aura, he can perfectly use the five auras on his body, and use different abilities belonging to different auras at the same time, instead of switching one by one as before, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

At this time, the right hand used the power of the Dragon King to wrap Ares around, and the left hand used the power of Ragnaros to cover Ares's face. At the same time, two golden swords were shot from the eyes, attacking Ares' back heart.

This is the power of Sword Immortal Buddha!

However, Ares' fiery monkey was entangled by the giant pincer mantis and could not come to rescue. The other elves had not yet been released in the elf ball, and suddenly fell into a big crisis.

White smoke rose from Ares' face, and at the same time, the two golden swords were inserted into Ares' body smoothly, but the sound was somewhat wrong.

With a puff of white smoke, Ares in Longyi's hand suddenly turned into a wooden stake, which was torn apart by the golden sword and fell to the ground.


Substitution, which is a good skill for ninjas to escape their shells, but Ares's substitution seems to be a little different from ordinary ninjas.

Long Yi looked up, and saw Ares appeared more than ten meters away at some point, holding a giant firearm with a strange shape, like a tank barrel, in his hand, with a very rough style.

Long Yi's pupils shrank, feeling a huge crisis, he hastily switched to fighting against the Buddha's power, and quickly got into the ground.

A huge white energy ray streaked across the position where Long Yi was just now, a bodyguard at the back had no time to react, and disappeared into the white light, leaving only an arm with a truncated section scorched black on the ground.

This is the only trace left of him.


Ares dropped the cannon on the ground, and the cannon disappeared strangely.

"Aren't you dead now?" He sneered.Because of the intense white light, Ares did not see the specific situation clearly, but he had a deep understanding and confidence in the power of the weapon in his hand.

However, as soon as Ares' voice fell, a sharp arrow pierced through his vest silently, and the blood-stained arrow protruded from his chest.

Ares, who was hit by the arrow, turned into a wooden stake again, and then appeared more than ten meters away. The shock and pain just now remained on his face, but there was no injury on his body.

This is not a phenomenon that can be explained and solved by the ninja substitute technique!

Ares panicked now.

Not counting elves, Long Yi's own abilities are weirder than anyone he has ever met before. This is the knowledge blind spot of Ares, who has always confronted head-on, and it is where Hades is good at.

He quickly took out the elf ball, but another sharp arrow shot into his eye socket at an incredible angle, turning him into another wooden stake.

Long Yi, who uses the natural Buddha-Elf King's ability, can be called the most terrifying sniper in the world when he hides in the dark!
This time, Ares had an unconcealable panic on his face, as if something had changed.

He successfully pressed the switch of the Poké Ball, and a Nido King appeared in front of Ares.

This is the ace elf he is famous for, Nido King who is also the God of War element!
However, at this moment, the Nido King's condition was a bit wrong. It was obvious that he was weak and weak.

"King Nido, use the God of War position!" Ares yelled.

King Nido let out a low-breathing roar, and a white wave of air swept away. However, one second before this wave of air enveloped Ares, another sharp arrow pierced into the back of Ares' head. .


This time he didn't turn into a stake, but fell heavily while shaking, scarlet blood flowing all over the ground.

Ares, the God of War, one of the six top cadres of the Rockets, and one of the two most hated men in the City Alliance, died.

After Ares died, his fiery monkey and King Nido exploded strangely, turning into minced meat all over the ground.

Only then did Long Yi fall from the canopy, undo his own transformation, release a new suit to replace Lux's Hudi, and let it take out new clothes from the secret technique dimension space and put them on.

At this moment, the three bodyguards watching the battle could not believe it.

"My lord, is that person really Ares? Ares, the God of War of the Rockets?" the part-time secretary asked boldly.

Long nodded: "It's guaranteed to be true."


"Why did he die so easily?" Long Yi's gang asked her question, looking at his three bodyguards, he explained, "There is something wrong with Ares's own elf, which prevents him from being able to play at the champion level. Because of my strength, I want to assassinate me with poison."

"It's a pity that he overestimated his ability and underestimated my strength, so he died under my arrow."

"Using one's own weaknesses to attack others' strengths is what happens."

Glancing at the remaining arm on the ground, Long Yi sighed, and said: "Da Zuo is unlucky, help him put his arm away, I will take care of his wife and children in the future."

"My subordinate thanked you, sir." The bodyguard in charge of driving said sadly.

Long Yi directed another bodyguard to put away Ares' elf and body, took out a special mobile phone, and dialed the unique number in the address book.


"Well. Ares is dead, happy cooperation."

After two short sentences, he hung up the phone.

Yazi asked curiously, "My lord, who are you talking on the phone?"

Long glanced at her and smiled.

"Goddess of Wisdom, Athena," he said.

(End of this chapter)

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