Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 423 God of War

Chapter 423 God of War
Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is also one of the six top cadres of the Rockets.

Although the six top cadres of the Rockets have similar status, their strengths vary from high to low, and their duties are different.

The sun god Apollo is good at overall planning and is the big steward of the Rockets.

Apollo was also a genius trainer when he was young, but he has never made a move since he was discovered by Sakagi for his management talents, so no one knows his true strength.

God of War Ares is the sharpest spear in Sakagi's hands. He is good at frontal combat and has rich experience in facing the army and Pokémon trainers, but he doesn't know enough about fighters, onmyojis, and samurai who are not in the regular combat system of the alliance.

This is the root of his failure.

Hades, the Hades, is the opposite of him. He is Sakagi's dark blade and is good at assassination. Therefore, he uses all means and is a strong man with a very bad reputation.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, is responsible for dealing with the alliance navy. He has strong combat effectiveness at sea, but he is not good at land combat.

God Empress Hera is Sakagi's second wife and is in charge of personnel management.

It was precisely because of marrying this second wife that the relationship between Sakagi and his son Miyamoto Yin deteriorated, which led to the previous suspended animation incident.

After Sakagi's fake death, he left all the positive industries, including the Viking Gym and Shiluf Company, to his son Miyamoto Gin. He devoted himself to the career of the Rockets and became the god king Zeus.

However, despite the separation of light and darkness, Hiruf is still the Rockets' biggest source of money.After all, blood is thicker than water, even if Shiluf Company is now owned by Miyamoto Yin, he will not really abandon his father.

The last of the six top cadres, and the youngest goddess of wisdom, Athena, is in charge of managing the scientific research team. Her status is similar to that of Izumi from the Pale Society. Although there are rumors that she is also very strong, there is no actual record to prove this. .

However, a few days ago, Athena suddenly found Long Yi, and after disclosing her identity, she informed Ares that she was about to attack Long Yi, and hoped that Long Yi could kill Ares.

It was because of Athena's tip-off that Long Yi knew that Ares's strongest elf could not display the strength of a champion at all, so he cooperated with Athena and planned to trick Ares.

As for why Long Yi is not afraid of Athena lying...

Glancing at the bronze mirror monster sticking to his chest, Long Yi smiled slightly, put on his clothes to block the elf.

[Bronze Mirror Monster]: A bronze mirror monster that has been handed down from ancient times. It is said that if the bronze mirror monster is polished until it shines, it can reflect the truth, but this one can reflect people's hearts.

[Elf Race]: Bronze Mirror Monster

[Attribute]: Steel/Super Power

[Status]: Special (unable to evolve)
【Age】: 300 years old
【Character】: indifferent
[Exclusive Plane]: Maze of Thousand Mirrors
[Intimacy]: 200 (purple)
[Talent]: Questioning Heart, Heart Mirror
Question: This bronze mirror monster was polished by a special method, and at the cost of never being able to evolve, it gained the ability to reflect people's hearts.No one can lie in front of it, and all the thoughts in the heart will be revealed in the mirror.

Heart protection mirror: When it is worn on the heart, if the heart encounters a fatal attack, it will gather all the power to form a heart protection mirror to protect a fatal injury.

This special bronze mirror monster was donated by a member of the Pale Society for points a few years ago. After the people below reported it to Long Yi, he managed to subdue it and kept it with him ever since.

Since then, no matter whether it is the champion of the heavenly king, the big businessman, the big star, or the various executives under him, none of their thoughts can be hidden from Long Yi. Once you don't need to take out the bronze mirror monster, you can see what the other person is thinking.

It was precisely because of this that several times of plots against Long Yi went bankrupt, and some enemies who dared to plot against Long Yi ended up in a dismal end.

Through this bronze mirror monster, Long Yi knew that the reason why Athena cooperated with him was to seek the position of God of War from Ares, and he was unwilling to continue to be a research director.And she knew a secret about Ares, about his rapid rise.

And through the meeting with Ares, Long Yi knew that the latter's rapid rise was because he obtained a special space.By performing tasks in that space, Ares obtained various special rewards, some of which can even directly enhance the strength of the elves!
And the reason why he targeted Long Yi was because Ares relied on the God of War element Nido King's strength from this mysterious space, but because Long Yi's Bone Fighting Dragon civilized the same element, that space gave him a special order. Task.

Kill the Bone Fighting Dragon!
The god of war element is unique. When there is more than one elf in the world who enlightens the god of war element, Nido King, who was forcibly enlightened by the mysterious space, loses his source of power, resulting in a significant decline in his own strength.

It was also because of this that when Ares learned that Long Yi's Bone Fighting Dragon had transformed the elements of God of War, he became determined to kill for no reason.

But also because the main elves couldn't exert their strongest strength, Ares could only attack Long Yi through other methods. After repeated failures, the increasingly powerful Long Yi was no longer something he could easily calculate at this time.

And because of the weakening of King Nido's power, Ares had to avoid taking action as much as possible to prevent his details from being leaked, but he had to take action on some things, and his status in Sakagi's mind has dropped a lot due to frequent failures.

Recently, it was because Sakagi gave him an extremely difficult task. Without the protection of the champion elf, Ares would almost certainly die. He restarted the idea of ​​assassinating Long Yi and borrowed the poisonous needle from Hades.

It's a pity that the scheme was not kept secret, and everything was lost.

"My lord, everything is packed." The bodyguard presented the things found from Ares, and the redressed corpse lay beside him.

Long Yi flipped through casually.

Ares carried a lot of elves with him, but because of the ease of use of that mysterious space, all his elves had more or less improved their strength or transformed their bodies through the mysterious space, so after Ares died, All the elves also died together.

The other items are just small change, flagon, cigars, lighters, keys and other miscellaneous items.

In addition, there is a palm-sized notebook, which is Ares's personal notes.

Long Yi flipped through casually, and soon showed a satisfied smile.

"This wave is not a loss."

After putting away his notebook, he didn't bother to send a car over. He directly released the empty seat, took three bodyguards and the body of Ares, and galloped towards the direction of Silver Mountain.


In the Chengdu area, in a small branch of the Rockets.


There was a slight sound in a room that should have been sealed, and then the door opened, and a faint light came in through the crack in the door.

a beam of light.

Accompanied by the light of the flashlight, a dark and short man quietly walked into the house. After searching, he successfully found a hidden compartment on the wall behind the bed, and found a silver dusty magnetic identity card in it.

"Minami Shoji, member of Domery Fighting Club, membership number B000385."

Looking at the younger photo and the name of Shoji Minamishima on the magnetic card, Yagyu Koto couldn't help but nodded.

Make no mistake, this is what he was looking for.

After closing the door, he took out the video calling tool from his pocket, and dialed a number decisively.


While the phone was connected, the faint light from the screen shone on Yagyu's face, making it look particularly creepy.

Soon, the call was connected, and a heroic woman in her 30s or [-]s appeared in the video, wearing a white uniform with a sword, shield, scepter, crown of thorns and many other golden decorations on it.

She is the sixth top cadre of the Rockets, the goddess of wisdom Athena!
And Knife Yagyu is the traitor Athena arranged to be next to Ares, the god of war, a few years ago.

"Master Athena, I found what you want." Knife Yagyu said excitedly, showing the magnetic card he found to Athena.

Different from the frenzy he pretended to show Ares before, the excitement of Kichi Yagyu this time was sincere.

This is because his long career as a traitor is finally over, and his life is about to usher in a bright future, and it is also because of the promise made by Athena that he will spend a night with the goddess he most admires.

Athena, who has always been known for her wisdom and heroism, had a red cloud on her face, and she rarely showed the gesture of a little girl.She nodded and said moistly, "I'll be waiting for you at the Rockets headquarters."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Knife Yagyu was immediately stimulated into high spirits, wishing he could fly to Team Rocket's headquarters immediately and have a good night's sleep.

However, at this moment, the identity card he was holding suddenly glowed, and Ares' profile picture disappeared and turned into a blank.

The expression on Liu Sheng Xiaodao's face has not yet restrained, but the emotion in his eyes is completely different.

"Do you think I really didn't find out that you and Athena had tipped off?" A low voice came from Yagyu Knife's mouth, but the tone was exactly the same as Ares usually said, "If it weren't for the compatibility between your body and my soul Best, why would I keep you until today?"

"A... Ares? Aren't you dead?" Yagyu Knife screamed.

At this moment, a strong panic surged in his heart that he had never experienced before, even when Hase Shou told him that he was his biological son, he never experienced such strong emotional fluctuations.

"That's right, I'm dead." Ares said through Yagyu's mouth, "So, it's time for you to play a role."

With the help of these few short exchanges of time, Ares was completely resurrected in the body of Yagyu Ktoo, obliterating all the consciousness of the latter.


Looking at the magnetic card that fell on the ground, Ares sneered coldly: "I don't know when I'm about to die, it really is a fool with eyes full of women."

Ares has no doubt that as long as Yagyu dares to go in front of Athena, what awaits him is definitely not the favor of the goddess of wisdom, but the blade of the new generation of God of War!

For the youngest top cadre of the Rockets, Ares has no doubts about the latter's ability and ambition.

"And you, Miyazaki Ryuichi..."

Although he was resurrected, Ares still lost everything he had before. Facing these two great enemies, all he can do now is hide, rely on that mysterious space to quickly grow his strength, and then consider revenge.

Turning around, as soon as he opened the door, Ares was suddenly startled and took three steps back.

Outside the door, stood Athena who had just passed the video with Yagyu Ktoo!

"The Crown of Thorns!"

An emperor Nabo exposed half of his body behind Athena. A golden crown of thorns rose from the head of Emperor Nabo, and then quickly fell on Ares's head, sinking into his head.


Under the strong mental attack, Ares let out a violent scream, and then quickly fell to the ground, losing his breath.

Next to his body, a blank identity card was condensed, and Athena's personal information soon appeared on it.

"Drip - the system is restarting..."

"A new user has been bound..."

"IDB000386, please set your personal nickname?"

Hearing the voice in her head, Athena smiled triumphantly: "The God of War—Athena."


Athena got the mysterious space of Ares and left, leaving behind Yagyu Ktoo who died in vain and the consciousness of Ares, the god of war who died again after resurrection.

However, half an hour later, the corpse of Liu Sheng Xiaodao who had been dead for a long time on the ground opened his eyes again.

"Drip! The backup system has been activated, number C000001, please set your personal nickname."


"God of War, Ares." A deep voice sounded from the room.

Ares, who was resurrected again, stood up after confirming a series of basic settings. Seeing the new identity card condensed around him, he couldn't help laughing.

The card this time is completely different from the one just now. It is black all over, with silver dots on it, and Ares's personal information is written on the front, and on the back...

It's a long comet...

(End of this chapter)

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