Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 424 In Silver Town

Chapter 424 In Silver Town
As the holy monk with the highest seniority in Jingtu Temple, the cremation ceremony of Master Liaosheng, who can be called the contemporary Living Buddha, is naturally very grand and solemn. Some people came to the foot of Baiyin Mountain a day or even a few days in advance.

At this time, the Jingtu Temple has been closed for many days, tourists and pilgrims are not allowed to visit, and those who are going to attend the funeral live in Baiyin Town at the foot of the mountain, so there is silence on the mountain.

With so many well-known figures gathered in one place, they naturally wouldn't eat and drink like ordinary people. In fact, most of the people who came here didn't even know Master Kong, and they didn't have much feeling for this reclusive living Buddha of Jingtu Temple.

For these people, the so-called cremation ceremony is just a name to expand their social circle.

Therefore, from a few days ago, this once-a-year silver town has been filled with various social gatherings, dinners, and banquets from morning till night.

Of course, not all the people who came here had such an idea. For example, the group of people with the highest status among them, or those who actually knew Master Kong, came to concentrate on participating in the ceremony.

The second-generation leader of the Rockets, the former owner of the Viridian Gym, and the current god king Zeus Sakagi is one of them.

As the head of the world's largest evil organization and one of the strongest trainers, Sakagi's life has undoubtedly reached the end that most people can imagine.

Going forward, there are legendary figures like the last king of the empire and the first chairman of the alliance. They are the most eye-catching group of people among the many legends left in history.

Therefore, Sakagi does not need to please anyone present.

And because of his special status, even though many people knew he was coming, no one dared to visit him openly, and no one dared to take action against him.

The sun sets.

Sakagi stayed on the second floor of a villa, while stroking the hair of the cat boss lying on his feet, while tasting the most delicious and expensive wine in the Johto area.

Opposite Sakagi, there is another person, a person with fiery red hair and a sense of justice.


The dragon crosses.

Few people know the intricate relationship between Long Shidu, who is known as the strongest king in the league, and Banmu, the leader of the Rockets.

They are both enemies and friends, or it is more accurate to say that they are rivals.

Sakagi is an extremely rare trainer genius in this world. His more than ten years of research alone is almost equal to the heritage accumulated by countless geniuses in those ancient families for hundreds of years.

Before Sakagi did not inherit the Rockets team founded by her mother, he and Du were still healthy rivals.

However, in that crucial championship selection match, Sakagi, who had not yet created his own special move, was inferior, and was defeated by Du, who had the family's special move and was 'forced' to fight back.

The defeated Sakagi discovered the great advantages of those ancient families and the top knowledge they had accumulated and blocked from generation to generation, so he relinquished his position as the Chief Heavenly King angrily, vowing to change this distorted world where knowledge is blocked.

But Du, who has strong self-esteem, feels that he is not good enough to win, so he refuses the position of Kanto champion, and retreats to be the chief king, wanting to use his true strength to defeat his opponent Sakagi in an upright manner.

Because of this, the confrontation between the two for more than ten years began.

More than ten years have passed, Du is still the chief king of Kanto, and Sakagi has grown the Rockets to the point of the world's number one dark organization, dominating the two major regions of Kanto and Johto.

At this moment, facing Sakagi who has already created his own nirvana, Du, who does not use the family's secret skills and nirvana, is no match at all, and he has already recognized the talent gap between himself and Sakagi.

Sakagi can be the master of the earth, or Zeus, the king of gods.

But Du can only be the chief heavenly king of Kanto.

In his entire life, he could not rely on his own talent to win against the greatest enemy in his life.

At this moment, Du played with the wine glass in his hand, sighed and said: "Master Liaosheng is gone, my uncle is in love with the scene, and he is also planning to abdicate and return to the Dragon Temple to retire."

Du's uncle is the current champion of the Chengdu area, but due to his age, he has already been unable to do what he wanted. The death of Master Liaosheng made him feel the oppression of time even more, so he announced his abdication.

And without the suppression of the veteran champion of the Dragon Envoy family, the Rockets' power in the Chengdu area is bound to expand further.

"So, are you going to come to the city to be the champion?" Sakagi asked indifferently.

In fact, he doesn't care who is the champion. The one who cares most about this should be Bixias, his dark cadre.

"I said, if I don't defeat you with my own strength, I won't be a champion for a day." Du said seriously.

Just when he was about to continue talking, a very penetrating dragon chant suddenly came from the distant sky.

hold head high! ~
As the so-called dragon roar and tiger roar, as one of the two most intimidating roars in nature, this dragon roar immediately interrupted what Du was about to say, and attracted his attention away.

Not only Du, but Sakagi who was petting the cat, many people in Baiyin Town, many monks and masters in the Pure Land Temple, almost most of them were startled by the sound of the dragon's chant, and looked up at the sky.

A touch of green appeared in the distant sky, and then quickly came to the sky above Baiyin Town.

It's an empty seat!

"Cracked empty seat." Du said.

More importantly, he saw a few black shadows on the back of Likongzao, so this must be a Likongzao driven by people.

Even though there are element-level trainers with more than two hands in Baiyin Town at this time, there are still not many who can break the empty seat, let alone use it as a mount.

Some were shocked, some panicked, some were terrified, and some were calm.

A trainer related to the Rifting Seat flashed across Duan's mind, and soon settled on a young figure.

At present, he is the only trainer in the world who has subdued the Rift Seat!
Even Chisato, once known as Hoenna's strongest trainer, has now self-certified that he has lost his Rikakuza.

And more importantly, this person also has a lot of connections with the Pure Land Temple.

"It seems that my little junior brother is here." Du said, "Although I don't know what happened, it's obviously too rude to go on like this. You don't mind if I call him over."

Sakagi withdrew his gaze, regained his lazy expression, and said, "Whatever."

"That's good."

Du took out the elf ball, released a elf, and ordered: "Kuailong, go and invite the trainer from the Rift Seat here."

Kuailong nodded, and his figure disappeared slowly. He didn't know when he had come to the sky, leaving only afterimages.

This speed is comparable to teleportation!

In the sky, Long Yi, who was sitting on the empty seat, was in a dilemma.

He originally planned to let the Rift Seat land in the wild near Silver Town, and then ride the Thunder Zebra to Silver Town.Unexpectedly, it was just a distracted effort, Likongzao had already arrived at the top of Baiyin Town.

Just landing like this will definitely cause commotion, and Long Yi doesn't like the crowd of people watching; but if he turns around and lands again, it looks like he will lose face.

Just as he was hesitating, the muscles all over Likongzao suddenly tensed up and entered a fighting state, and a fast dragon suddenly appeared in front of Likongzao.

There are not many trainers with fast dragons in the world, and Long Yi has seen few, but this one in front of him is undoubtedly the most heroic among them.

Even with the same fat body, the eyes and expression of the fast dragon in front of you will not make you think it is cute at all. You will only feel that this is a real warrior and respect it. Go all out.

Kuailong tapped Long Yi, then tapped himself, and tapped the bottom for the third time, as if signaling him to follow him.

Long took a look, because of the height, he couldn't see Kuailong's destination clearly.

Driven by curiosity, he nodded and signaled Likongzao to follow the fast dragon.

The height of the two sides dropped again and again, Long Yi quickly saw Long Tianwang Du standing on the balcony toasting to him, so he let go of his guard.

After about the same height, Long Yi retracted the empty seat, released Hu Di to let it land with Yazi and others, and he relied on his own ability to land first, and clasped his fists and said: "Miyazaki Ryuichi, see the transitional king."

Du smiled and said: "Don't be so cautious, I am also a student who graduated from the Trainer Academy, and I am still your senior, just call me Du."

Long Yi himself is currently one of the best figures in the world, so he didn't hesitate and agreed.

Hu Di brought Yazi and others to the ground one by one in the back, and Du glanced, his eyes suddenly fell on the last corpse.

"This is... Ares!?" He asked in disbelief.

Who is Ares?
He is the league's top most wanted man!Champion level trainer!

Long nodded: "That's right, it's Ares, the god of war of Team Rocket. He attacked my vehicle on the way alone, and wanted to kill me, but I killed him instead."

After getting an affirmative answer, Du subconsciously turned his head to look, and Long Yi turned his head simultaneously in doubt, just in time to see Sakagi who was holding the cat boss on his lap and slowly raised his head.

In an instant, it seemed as if a huge shadow rose behind that man, obviously not angry at all, but it made Long Yi feel a strong shudder.

"How did you kill him?" Sakagi asked, his tone still in that casual and lazy attitude.

However, Long Yi's fine hairs had already stood up unconsciously, Kuai Long who was crossing beside him unconsciously showed his fangs and clenched his fists tightly.

The battle is about to start...

(End of this chapter)

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