Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 425 Du's gift

Chapter 425 Du's gift

It's Sakagi! ! !
Anyone who travels to the world of elves should be afraid of one person, and this person is Sakagi.

No matter how the trio in the animation destroyed Sakagi's image with funny imagination, no matter how powerful the villains appeared one after another in the later stage, there should be an insurmountable mountain in front of them.

That is Sakagi.

For Long Yi who has completely integrated into the world of elves, what he has seen, heard, and knowledge over the years has made him realize very clearly: Sakagi is the biggest boss on the dark side of this world!

And when the lava group water battle group was destroyed and the galaxy group was destroyed, Sakagi extended his claws to Fengyuan Continent and Sinnoh Continent.

Fengyuan's underground world is guarded by Long Yi's pale association, and it is quite peaceful. However, Sinnoh, who has lost the Galaxy Group, has been initially controlled by the Rockets in the black area. The league is also a headache figure.

Now, under such unexpected circumstances, Long Yi once again saw Sakagi himself.

And it was when he had just killed one of the six top cadres under him.

If it wasn't for the Dragon King standing next to him, Long Yi would have made Hu Di teleport away the first time he saw Sakamu.

This one can be called a top existence among champion trainers!


Taking a deep breath, Long Yi suppressed the fear in his heart, and said slowly: "Ares wanted to kill me, but there was something wrong with his elves, and he couldn't display the strength of the champion level, so he asked Hades for poison." The needle is trying to sneak up on me."

"But he underestimated my fighting ability and overestimated himself, so I counter-killed him."

Long Yi emphatically emphasized that there is a problem with Ares's own spirit, and wanted to use this to reduce Sakagi's hostility.

"So that's the case." Sakagi nodded, as if he was not surprised that there was a problem with the elves of Ares.

With his ingenuity, he should have discovered the abnormality of Ares long ago.

But Sakagi was still not happy.

He looked up at Long Yi, stroked the cat boss in his arms with his right hand, and said: "Even so, you still killed my God of War. Tell me how you want to get my forgiveness."

Du frowned and said, "Sakagi, what do you want to do?"

Although his personal talent is not as good as Sakagi, but with the support of the huge heritage of the Dragon Envoy family, his combat effectiveness is worthy of Sakagi!

Banmu smiled and said, "Du, if you can protect him today and tomorrow, can you still protect him for the rest of your life?"

Long Yi's teeth became sore for a while, Du was speechless.

Why have there been so few deaths and injuries among the top figures in the confrontation between the league and the Rockets for so many years?
That's why.

Killing the young brings out the old, so apart from those lucky ones with no background, there are very few element-level trainers who died in the battle, let alone those with the strength of Ares.

Ares is dead, and Sakagi, as the head of the Rockets, must make a statement.

Otherwise, who is willing to work hard for him?

Although Long Yi is confident in escaping from Sakagi, after all, he still has family members, wives and children, and Sakagi himself is not alone, he is the leader of Team Rocket. A little too thin.

Therefore, Long Yi had to give Sakamu an explanation today.

"The God of War of Team Rocket is not dead." After thinking for a while, Long Yi suddenly said.


Not only was Du strange this time, but Sakagi didn't understand why.

Long Yi said, "Ares is dead, but the God of War of Team Rocket is still alive."

This may seem contradictory, but it is not contradictory.

Sakagi became interested, sat up straight and asked, "Who is it?"

Long Yiyi: "Athena."

Sakagi understood.

If Long Yi killed Ares alone, it would be an outsider killing the top cadres of Team Rocket, but if Athena was involved, it would be an internal struggle within Team Rocket, and it couldn't be resolved as violently as before.

After a moment of silence, Sakagi shook his head and said, "It's not enough."

Long Yi thought for a while, relying on Du's presence and his own ability to save his own life, he walked up to Sakamu and told him the secret of Ares that he had learned from the Bronze Mirror Monster.

Since Athena is going to deal with Ares, now that Ares is dead, the mysterious space may have been obtained by Athena.

Sakagi nodded.

For Sakagi, there are too few things worthy of his interest in this world.

Ordinary element-level elves, even divine beasts, can't arouse his interest at all. They must be top-level divine beasts at the level of Phoenix King, Rogia King, and Dream.

And when Chaomeng's plan failed and Chaomeng broke away from the control of the Rockets, Sakagi's interest in top-level beasts also dwindled again and again.

But the mysterious space of Ares is different.

This kind of special thing can produce completely different effects in the hands of different people.

Sakagi has long noticed that Ares is harboring a secret, and with his talent and talent that he usually shows, he should not have achieved such a high achievement at all.And the progress in the middle is so fast, it seems that the stages of imagination, experimentation, and running-in have been skipped directly, and the results have been obtained directly.

Even though Sakagi had explored before that, he was unable to get any specific information, until today when Long Yi punctured it, he finally understood.

"Aris' body remains, let's forget about today's matter." Sakagi lowered his head and said.

The underlying meaning is that Sakagi can pretend that he didn't see it today, but if the dragon is caught by Sakagi again and again in the future, this account will still have to be settled.

After all, Ares is one of the six top cadres of the Rockets. His strength, status and identity are there, and Sakagi is also very handy.

Since Long Yi killed him, he would naturally have to bear the corresponding price.

Without saying a word, Long Yi nodded to Du, turned around and led them away.

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Du put down the wine glass in his hand, put it away, and Kuai Long caught up with Long Yi.

"I'm sorry for causing you such trouble." With an apologetic face, Du strode beside Long Yi.

He originally wanted to be a peacemaker, using his relationship with Sakagi to persuade Ares of the Rockets to reconcile with Long Yi.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the rapid changes. Du Wanwan never expected that after a few years of silence, Ares once again launched an assassination on Long Yi, and this time he even lost his life in Long Yi's hands.

But all of this was exposed to Sakagi's eyes because of him.

Even though Sakagi himself doesn't mind, but as Zeus, the god king of the Rockets, the murderer who killed one of the six cadres under his command is right in front of him, and he has to make a statement regardless of the situation.

Otherwise, walls have ears, and it is hard to guarantee that what happened today will not be spread by someone, and then the passive one will be Sakagi himself.

"Don't worry Du Tianwang, it's not your fault." Long Yi waved his hand.

Although he offended Sakagi, Long Yi didn't care.

He is not made of mud, unless he meets suddenly like today, he can't beat Sakagi, can't he still run?

Moreover, Sakagi is not very interested in avenging Ares, so apart from the fact that future generations have to cooperate with Sakagi in acting, the crisis encountered is actually not that big.

At least compared to people like Ares who are uncompromising, the current risk is similar to drizzle.

"No matter what, I brought you a problem." Du said with a serious face, "Don't worry, with me sitting in charge for you, even without Ares' body, you can't get away with this feat."

Ares, as one of the six top cadres of the Rockets, has an astonishing bounty in the league.Not to mention anything else, relying on this credit, Longyima can let the alliance's supercomputer customize five secret skills for his elves!

Of course, this kind of customized secret technique has certain limitations, it is more popular, and there is still a gap between it and the real top secret technique.

But who would think too much of such things as secret skills?

"In addition, I heard Xiba say that your talent in martial arts is amazing, and this secret technique is my apology to you."

Du released a Hack dragon, the slender and beautiful Hack dragon lowered its head, the orb under its jaw emitted a mysterious light, and a simple book appeared out of thin air.

This is obviously a trick similar to the secret storage technique of dimensional space.

"King Du, you don't need to do that." Long Yi kept saying no, but seeing Long Shidu's serious face, he finally reached out to take it.

Looking down, the cover is densely packed with various gods, ghosts and monsters arranged in a spiral shape, all gaudy and eye-catching.

In the center of the spiral, there is a piece of darkness, and a human figure with a little bit of starlight is drawn on its body.

Open it, and the name of the book is written on the title page.

"Eight million magic tricks! "

(End of this chapter)

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