Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 426 Funeral and Attack

Chapter 426 Funeral and Attack

"800 Million Gods Entering Acupoints" is about an ancient unique secret method that combines Yin-Yang, Ninjutsu, and Wushu.

Through a special method, this secret technique can enshrine the shikigami of the onmyoji, the psychic beast of the ninja, or the momentum of the warrior in the special acupoints opened in the body, so as to use the power of the shikigami, psychic beast, and momentum Power subtly strengthens the body in daily life, and later the body and soul become one, achieving the combat power of one plus one greater than two.

"Miao Miao Miao, I didn't expect there to be such a secret method. Sure enough, it is instinct for people to yearn to be stronger. Even onmyojis, ninjas who focus on ninjutsu, and samurai who gather courage are already very powerful, but their weak bodies are their fatal weaknesses. Therefore, as time goes on, there must be a genius who will create a way to make up for it."

In the dead of night, in the suite of a high-end hotel in Baiyin Town, Long Yimu read the cheat book presented by Long Tianwangdu with naked eyes.

"Even if I have reached the peak of the second level of the momentum return path, the frontal combat power is enough to fight with the beast, but if I don't activate the momentum, my body strength is still just an ordinary warrior of the spirit level."

This seems to be very strong, but compared with any samurai who shows his spirit and spirit, he will definitely fall into a disadvantage.

This is the limitation of the road!
But if he practiced this "800 Million Gods' Aperture Technique", then it won't take long before Long Yi's five great auras, which are unparalleled in the world, can greatly strengthen his body. The current abbot of Jingtu Temple may not necessarily be Long Yi's opponent.

Of course, even if this is the cheat book presented by Du, Long Yi still kept a vigilant heart, and did not practice rashly.

"When we go back, find a few ninjas and onmyojis to try it out, and it won't be too late to practice." Long Yi put away the cheats and thought to himself.

It's hard to find a samurai with condensed spirit, but it's easy to find an onmyoji and ninja with shikigami and psychic beasts, especially in terms of Long Yi's current status.


The next morning, the weather was overcast.

boom! boom! boom!
A muffled cannon salute opened the prelude to the funeral. Tens of thousands of monks from the Jingtu Temple lined up on both sides of the Baiyin Mountain Road. The sound of horns, tambourines, chimes, and chanting created an unspeakable sadness. atmosphere.

A guest dressed in black climbed to the top of the mountain. At this time, no one spoke or whispered. Everyone was deposited in this huge and rich atmosphere of sadness.

Even among the spectators who care the most about Master Li Sheng, it is difficult not to be affected by such an atmosphere, let alone do things and words that destroy the atmosphere.

After a long climb up the mountain, Long Yi finally arrived at the Jingtu Temple with the crowd of the first echelon.

Under the guidance of the monks, they passed through several temples and halls, and came to the martial arts field behind the temple.

330 Three eminent monks from Jingtu Temple sit cross-legged in the center of the martial arts arena, all of them form a ring around a huge square firewood pile in the center.

On the top of the firewood pile were the remains of Master Sheng and a pure white ivory pig.

That is Master Liaosheng, the living Buddha of Jingtu Temple!That is the white elephant, one of the four sacred beasts of the Pure Land Temple!

After Master Liaosheng passed away, the white elephant, the holy beast that had followed him for decades, committed suicide on the spot and followed him away.

330 The three eminent monks were reciting unknown Buddhist scriptures, while Long Yi and others, under the command of the supporting monks, sat in circles on the futons behind the monks in Jingtu Temple.

In this way, groups of people climbed to the top of the mountain, entered the martial arts arena, and joined in this grand farewell ceremony.

Although 99% of these people do not know how to recite Buddhist scriptures, most of them bowed their heads spontaneously, clasped their hands together, and mourned.

Finally, after the Buddhist scriptures were over again, the three eminent monks who had been chanting Buddhist scriptures all morning stopped, and the abbot Jueyuan, who was wearing a golden and red abbot cassock, stood up and took a flaming candle from the monk Kong Hai. According to the legend, the torch of Feng Wang's flame was thrown towards the firewood pile after a moment of silence.

The pyre soaked in diesel was instantly ignited, and the golden-red flames exploded, forming an extremely dazzling and terrifying fire in the blink of an eye. The crimson heat wave rushed over, making many people sitting in the inner circle flushed and sweating profusely.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Jueyuan presided over bowed his head and recited a Buddha's name.

"Namo Amitabha!"

330 The two eminent monks of the Pure Land Temple recited together, followed by the monks outside, the monks in the front hall, and the monks on the mountain path.

A series of chanting sounds sounded, radiating like a fan-shaped sound wave, and the scene was extremely shocking.

"Master, let's go!"

Some people shouted loudly, some sobbed faintly, some were expressionless, and some secretly rubbed their sore thighs.

"Master Liaosheng, let's go." Long Yi said silently in his heart with a sad expression.

After several years of exchanges, he was deeply moved by Master Sheng's compassion and personal charm, and he felt sad for the latter's death from the bottom of his heart.

However, people are inherently mortal, even living Buddhas are no exception, and the aspect of longevity is not outstanding.

After a while, the flames were extinguished, and Jue Yuan personally stepped forward and took out a Buddha bone and more than [-] relics from the embers.

These are the last traces of Master Liaosheng in the world. Although the White Elephant Holy Beast is powerful, when the flame burns, there is only a pile of white bones left, which will shatter when touched.

Jue Yuan presided over the collection of the remaining bones of Master Sheng and the remains of the holy beast White Elephant, crushed them into ashes, and put them in the altar.

The ashes of this altar will be stored together with the Buddha bone and more than [-] relics in a newly built relic pagoda in the Pagoda Forest of Jingtu Temple.A stele will be erected in front of the stupa, on which the life deeds of Master Sheng and the holy beast White Elephant are written for people to worship and commemorate.

After finishing this set, it was already high in the sun, and everyone was like thunder, but the sky was dark and closed, and there was still not a ray of sunshine.

The abbot Jueyuan turned around, uttered the Buddha's name, took his purple gold tin staff and said, "Everyone, the ceremony is over. The canteen has provided you with a fast meal. If you need it, please go to the house under the leadership of the receiving monk." The old monk is not feeling well, please forgive the poor hospitality, so I will go back to my room to rest first."

The few people who were close were polite.

Some people are going to leave now, some people are going to eat in the dining hall, each is different.

Just as Long Yi was about to merge into the crowd and leave, a great monk in a purple cassock grabbed Long Yi's sleeve, it was the first Master Wu Chi of the mighty hall that he had fought against before.

"Amitabha, Long Yi benefactor, wait a minute." Master Wu Chi uttered the Buddha's name, and handed over a kit.

Long took a look at him, opened the kit, there was a note inside, and a line of words was written on it: "Just today!"

Judging from the handwriting, it is astonishingly a letter written by the late Master Liao Sheng!
Long Yi stared, suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and a strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.

"Hey, is it sunny?"

Some guests in the crowd suddenly felt a burst of light and looked up subconsciously.

I saw a big hole in the middle of the thick dark clouds in the sky, and the black figure of a big bird stood in the middle of the hole, leaning against the sun, looking at its appearance and figure, it seemed to be the top legendary beast in the city—— Phoenix King!
"Look at the sky, it's Phoenix King!"

"Where is it? It's really Phoenix King?"

Once the story was passed on, everyone looked up at the sky, attracted by the figure of Feng Wang who hadn't appeared in hundreds of years, and couldn't help themselves.

There was a strange cry that pierced gold and cracked rocks, piercing the sky, and the black shadow of the Phoenix King in the sky fluttered its wings, and purple-black flames fell from the sky, like a rain of fire, like meteors falling from the sky, covering the front, back, left, and right sides of Baiyin Mountain in an instant.

"Fire! Could it be the sacred fire exclusive to King Feng?"

"Impossible, the sacred fire only has two colors of pure purple and platinum, the flame is purple and black, it is definitely not sacred fire!"

"Don't care what the fire is, the point now is that Feng Wang launched an attack on us!"

This sudden attack was beyond everyone's expectation. The legendary Phoenix King actually attacked Baiyin Mountain Jingtu Temple by air. This is absolutely unacceptable to the people in the capital area.

But at this time, Baiyin Mountain has gathered a large number of top figures after all, and each powerful trainer released his elves, using various tricks to intercept, defend, or attack the purple black fire falling from the sky.

Yet they are fast, and someone is faster than them.

"Blue Lion, use Tuntian!"

The Four Great Ones of the Pure Land Temple... Now one of the three holy monks, Master Juexing, the brother presided over by Jue Yuan, appeared on the stage driving the holy beast, the blue lion.

I saw a huge, fluffy blue roentgen cat like a mighty army jumping on the roof of the training hall, roaring upwards, and a phantom of a blue lion head appeared in the sky above the Jingtu Temple, and quickly expanded to the size of Baiyin Mountain. With his mouth facing all the fire and rain, he devoured it in one gulp.

The exclusive secret skill of the Holy Beast Blue Lion - swallowing the sky!
The phantom dissipated, and all the fire and rain in the sky disappeared, only the green lion held its head high.

The breeze blew, making the hair on its neck flutter, majestic and majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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