Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 427 Phoenix King?Shadow Phoenix!

Chapter 427 Phoenix King?Shadow Phoenix!
"Is this the blue lion, one of the four holy beasts of the Jingtu Temple? Sure enough, meeting is worse than being famous, and meeting is better than being famous."

"It's such a weird secret technique. The range is so large that ordinary elves have no time to avoid it. After the fire rain is swallowed, it disappears directly. What if it is an elf?"

"Strong! Too strong! I am not an opponent."

The trainers were shocked and admired, talking about the blue lion holy beast.

However, at the same time, the Phoenix King in the sky moved again, and a sharp phoenix cry sounded, and a cold voice inexplicably appeared in everyone's hearts.

"Greedy, gluttony."

"My flame is so easy to swallow."

The holy beast blue lion on the roof of the training hall suddenly let out a scream, and black smoke rose from all parts of its body, and then quickly condensed into a purple-black lion head behind the blue lion, and swallowed the blue lion in one gulp .

Secret technique - Swallow the sky!
"Blue Lion!" Master Juexing, one of the three holy monks of the Pure Land Temple, exclaimed.

After the head of the purple-black male lion devoured the blue lion, it left a purple-black ball on the spot. After a few breaths, the ball burst. One was similar to the blue lion, but it was hairless, and its mane on the neck was purple-black. , a strange elf with a single horn as sharp as a knife appeared in everyone's eyes.

"King Feng created the so-called Three Holy Beasts, and I created the Three Dark Beasts. From today on, your name is Hell Thunder Lion."

Transformed from a green lion, the strangely shaped and ferocious Hell Thunder Lion knelt down to the sky to show its submission.

This change was beyond everyone's expectations, and the information revealed caused an uproar in everyone's hearts.

Isn't that Feng Wang?
Master Juexing even mourned: "Qingshi, what happened to you, Qingshi?"

He grew up with the green lion and regarded this beast as a brother. Now that the green lion has changed suddenly, it is as painful as losing the last relative in the world.

However, in the face of Master Consciousness's shout, the Hell Thunder Lion just turned his head, his eyes flashed fiercely, and in an instant it had turned into a purple-black lightning bolt and disappeared on the spot.

Long Yi hastily turned his head to look, only to see that the master of enlightenment was no longer in the same place, the so-called Hell Thunder Lion remained there, it seemed to be still chewing something in its mouth.

Facing the ferocious Hell Thunder Lion, the master Jue Xing, who had never practiced martial arts, lost his life just by meeting him.

In just a few days, two of the four holy monks and four holy beasts of the Pure Land Temple went away.

"Naughty beast! Give back my brother's life!"

"Dapeng, kill that monster bird in the sky!"

The belated Awakening and Enlightenment, the two holy monks of the Pure Land Temple, showed the vajra's glaring eyes. Awakening, who has already practiced the golden body of the arhat, teamed up with the holy beast colorful deer to attack the hell thunder lion. The enlightened master, who was just an ordinary old man, commanded the holy beast Dapeng launched an attack on the mysterious black shadow in the sky.

Look at the colorful deer, with a strong body, a medium size, huge branches on the top of the head, and five color patterns of blue, red, yellow, white, and gray on its body, it is very magical and wonderful.

This colorful deer is enlightened by the elements of the four seasons, and one step of four hooves can determine spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It also has the most mysterious gray color on it. Once it lights up, everything it touches will collapse and destroy, as if it has gone through a long time.

However, this exclusive secret technique is expensive, so the colorful deer is currently only using the ability of the four seasons to deal with the enemy, and cooperates with the grand master of the second stage of the grandeur to show the divine way, and the master of destiny who has the ability of invulnerability.

However, the Hell Thunder Lion is similar to the original Thunder Emperor, possessing the ability to transform into an elemental body. Even if the two are besieged, the latter still seems to be able to handle it with ease.

On the other side, the sacred beast Mipeng looks like a vulture, but its body is larger, with knotted muscles, sharp beak and claws, and its feathers are shining golden, as if made of pure gold.

"Secret technique - Golden Lightning Cloud Piercer!"

The roc in the sky suddenly turned into a golden light and soared upwards. In the blink of an eye, it had pierced through the black shadow of Feng Wang in the sky and reached a higher place than it.

Golden Lightning Piercing Cloud, the fastest secret technique of Jingtu Temple, coupled with the destructive element of Dapeng, it is simply people blocking and killing Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas. I don't know how many elves were caught off guard by this move.

"Success!" Master Enlightenment was overjoyed.

However, the black shadow of Phoenix King in the sky looked down at the hole in his chest, traces of purple-black flames were burning, and the wound healed quickly in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace of it.

It turned the phoenix's head and glanced at the roc above its head. Two purple bolts shot out from its eyes. The roc was unprepared and was hit head-on.

The eyes fell into the sudden darkness, and the [-]-story hell-like scene continued to circulate in the eyes. Dapeng, who had lost the ability to control his body, fell straight down, just like the heart in the chest of Master Enlightenment.

"Amitabha." Abbot Jueyuan stood guard in front of Master Juewu. The Pure Land Temple could not bear the loss of the third holy monk.

The head of the Mighty Hall and the Training Hall joined the ranks of the Thunder Lions besieging the Hell, making the latter a little embarrassed.

The remaining element-level elves or living arhats and monks swept aside, while being alert to the mysterious shadow in the sky.

Suddenly, the black shadow that looked like a phoenix king lowered its height, and everyone could see clearly that this black shadow was not dark because the background was the sky, but the color of its feathers was purple-black, and the purple was dazzling. , It's completely black.

"I am Yingfeng, born because of the Phoenix King, and now I am here to settle karma with the Jingtu Temple. The idlers will retreat as soon as possible, and I will not blame the past."

This self-proclaimed shadow phoenix landed on the high eaves of the training hall. While combing its feathers with its long beak like an ordinary bird, it also uttered the human version of cold words in the hearts of everyone, which made people feel incomparable. weird and twisted.

The Hell Thunder Lion flickered and came to stand behind Yingfeng. The Jingtu Temple team that besieged the former stopped and the battle was temporarily suspended.

The people present looked at each other.

This shadow phoenix is ​​really too strong, even if the three holy beasts of the Jingtu Temple come out together, it can't hurt it at all, but it was controlled by one of them, and the others couldn't help but hesitate.

After a moment of silence, someone finally clasped his hands with guilt on his face and said, "I'm very sorry, for the sake of my family, I really dare not get involved in a battle of this level."

"Amitabha!" Abbot Jueyuan uttered the Buddha's name and comforted him: "Don't worry about it, this is a tribulation for the Pure Land Temple. You can leave as you please."

As soon as this remark came out, the flow of people immediately disappeared. After all, trainers only accounted for a part of the people present, and there were only a dozen or so people who reached the elemental level.

Staying here will only increase the number of deaths.

Yingfeng also kept its promise, facing the departing person without embarrassment at all.

Soon, the crowd left in a hurry, except for the monks from Jingtu Temple, only Long Yi, Du, Sakagi and a few people remained.

"Aren't you going to wait?"

Yingfeng's voice resounded in everyone's hearts again.

Long Yi said with a smile: "Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty.",

Du said: "The responsibility lies."

Sakagi sat down on a stone bench, let out the cat boss to stroke, and said, "Curiosity."

Several other people have their own answers.

Yingfeng nodded slightly, and looked at Abbot Jueyuan: "Everyone in the Pure Land Temple, yesterday's cause is today's fruit."

"I was born because of the Lingling Tower. Since you annexed the Lingling Tower, you will naturally have to bear the corresponding karma."

"Surrender to me, or perish."

"Choose it."

Abbot Jueyuan sighed, and said: "The cause of the predecessors, the fruit of the future."

"Back then, Lingling Pagoda's plan to build a Buddha failed, which led to Phoenix King's failure to break through. Instead, he developed a negative personality because of the sinful heart, which is now you."

"You and Phoenix King have two sides, live and die together, but the sacred fire suppressed your birth, so you secretly influenced the high-level of Lingling Pagoda, causing the first Buddhist sect in the city to fight against each other and fall apart."

"Although I don't know what happened to cause the Phoenix King to hide in the end and the three holy beasts were born, but since you were not born, I think the Phoenix King won."

"But now the three holy beasts are gone, and I have already expected that you will come sooner or later."

Abbot Jueyuan revealed a shocking secret, Long Yi was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that the birth of the shadow phoenix in front of him was inextricably related to him.

Seeing the gazes of Sakamu, Du and others, Long Yi quickly shook his head to show his ignorance.

"Where's your answer?" Yingfeng asked calmly.


Abbot Jueyuan proclaimed the Buddha's name and said, "We have long since disrespected King Feng, and only respect the Tathagata."

"Senior brother, what are you talking about with this monster bird, just kill it directly."

Master Juewu said harshly from the side, his face was distorted, and there was no trace of the majesty and compassion of an eminent monk.


With a loud howl, the sky looked like thousands of clouds and clouds, and the light wheel said, an incomparably huge giant bird flew from the sky, its mouth was like a black hole, and it seemed to be able to swallow thousands of worlds.

Nirvana - Dapeng devours Buddha!
(End of this chapter)

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