Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 429 Fighting the Shadow Phoenix!

Chapter 429 Fighting the Shadow Phoenix!


As if there was a sense of dislocation between time and space, Long Yi blinked, and the huge bird that covered the sky and the sun in front of him suddenly turned into the strong and sturdy roc from Jingtu Temple, appearing in the place where Yingfeng was originally. location, but Yingfeng has disappeared.


The sacred beast Dapeng paired with the ultimate skill Dapeng Devouring Buddha is already the strongest attack method in Jingtu Temple at present. After discovering that the conventional attack does not work against Yingfeng, Master Awakening made a decisive decision to let the Dapeng who was secretly out of control use it. This is the strongest attack.

"Did it succeed?" Master Enlightenment looked nervous.

Those present were all concerned about the news.

Dapeng shook his head, looked full, and even took two small steps leisurely.

But all of a sudden, it belched, and a little flame came out of it.

That small flame rose against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it expanded into a new shadow phoenix, flying proudly in the sky.

Yingfeng is not dead!
Even the nirvana of a sneak attack did not kill this top-level beast born from the heart of Phoenix King!

"Arrogance, jealousy."

"You should be the Black Feather Eagle of the Underworld."

Yingfeng's cold voice was remembered in everyone's mind, and the sacred beast Roc suddenly let out a scream, and black and purple smoke rose from the Roc's feathers, and the feathers on its neck fell off one by one at a speed visible to the naked eye It fell down, revealing the crimson disgusting skin full of pores.

"not good!"

Everyone's face changed greatly.

If the situation continues, not only will Jingtu Temple lose the third one, but it will also be the result of the most aggressive holy beast, and more importantly, it will bring a powerful boost to Yingfeng's side.

This is the Pure Land Temple, and it is also a consequence that the people who stayed there and prepared to help the Pure Land Temple survive this catastrophe cannot afford it.

This must be stopped!

The first person to make the move was the first Master Wu'an in the dining hall of the Pure Land Temple. The dining hall is not only a place to manage the meals of the monks of the Pure Land Temple, but also a medical institution inside the Pure Land Temple.

The first seat of the canteen, the healing ability of its elemental spirit Alidos is second only to the late holy beast White Elephant.

"Healing touch!"

A white jade-like, glowing spider thread shot out from the tail of Alidos, and was controlled by the latter to lash the mutated Roc with a whip.

There was no trace of Dapeng's chest being hit, but a large cloud of purple-black smoke sprayed out from behind.

This is the toxin in Dapeng's body!
After forcing out this large amount of toxin, Dapeng got a chance to breathe, a brass-colored light flashed in his two eagle-like eyes, and then he retched suddenly, vomiting out a puddle of purple-black disgusting mucus.

Healing Cheats - Rumination!
This rumination can not only detoxify, but also expel the foreign energy in one's body, which is similar to the healing touch just now.

At the same time, at the head of the training hall, the teacher of the monk Kukai, Master Wuhui, sat down on the spot and let his element-level elves guard him. A golden arhat flew out of his body, holding a mysterious seal in both hands, and bumped into the big one in a daze. Peng's body.

Master Wugui is not only an element-level trainer, but also a martial artist who develops momentum!
The golden body of Arhat, the seal of no form!
This formless dharma seal, obtained is the mystery of the appearance of no self, the appearance of no one, the appearance of no sentient beings, and the appearance of a lifeless person. The four elements of the person who is sealed are empty.

Now used here, I saw a black poisonous scorpion, and the phantom of a purple rooster flew out of the roc's head, howling and disappearing into the sun.


Yingfeng let out a small sigh, and said in surprise: "You still have some skills."

With three prongs, Dapeng got rid of the danger of being transformed and controlled by Yingfeng, but even so, a large number of feathers fell off and rotted on the neck and wings, and even the buttocks were exposed, which was very embarrassing.

"Amitabha, I would like to trouble some benefactors to Luezhen." Jue Yuan presided over and said, after all, Jingtu Temple has a great family and a lot of masters, even if it was forced to this point by Yingfeng, it still did not ask Long Yi and others to join the battle and help.

Long Yi and the others naturally responded.

"Senior nephew Wu'an, you help Dapeng recover; two nephews Wuhui and Wuxin entangled the Hell Thunder Lion, and nephew Wuhai and Wuchi besieged Yingfeng together with senior brother Jueming and Five-Colored Deer."

"The rest, adapt to the circumstances."

After all, the size of Yingfeng and Hell Thunder Lion is limited, and people who invest too much at one time can't use it at all. Therefore, Jueyuan presided over and ordered Wuhui and Wuxin to entangle Hell Thunder Lion. The deer besieged Yingfeng, and the rest of them stood ready.

"Follow the abbot's decree!" Everyone responded in unison, Alidos of Master Wu'an jumped on top of the roc, protruding a lot of spider silk to wrap the roc in a cocoon.

Healing Cheats - Breaking the Cocoon and Rebirth!
This secret skill can quickly heal physical trauma, and even if the wound is fresh enough and the limbs are intact, it can be reattached even if it is broken. It is very powerful.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, others launched attacks one after another.

The difference between Jingtu Temple and other forces is immediately reflected, that is, they have more courage and momentum level martial artists!
Not counting the abbot Jueyuan, who is the pinnacle of the second level of the Dao, there are at least two eminent monks in Jingtu Temple, Wu Chi and Jue Ming, who have cultivated the golden body of Arhat.

And the biggest feature of Arhat's golden body is that it has a God of War tattoo!Those with God of War tattoos are invulnerable, and they are the best way to deal with the elemental body of the element-level elves!
The first seat of the Discipline Academy, the element-level elf of Master Wuhai is an elf that Long Yi has never seen before.

It looks a bit like an endangered scallion duck, but it is covered in snow-white feathers, with a light green and shaped shield in its left hand, and a light white and shaped sword in its right hand. Its eyes are sharp and menacing, just like those noble warriors in ancient times Category - Knights!
"Du, what kind of spirit is Master Wuhai's? Is it an atavistic breed of scallion duck?" Long asked in a low voice.

Du frowned and shook his head: "I don't know either. I once heard that Master Wuhai has a duck with green onions. Although it looks a bit special, it is still a duck with green onions after all, completely different from the one in front of me."

"Probably, it is a new species that has never appeared before, or a new evolutionary path." Du guessed.

The way of trainers is changing with each passing day, and the types of elves are also becoming more and more diverse. Sakagi can create man-made top-level beasts, and it is not impossible for others to develop some new evolutionary paths and elf varieties.

For example, the steel type and the fairy type are new attributes developed and created by human beings themselves, so there are more than ten or twenty new varieties born.

Master Wuhai ordered: "Duck Knight, use the pure white sword!"

Duck Knight is the name he gave to the evolution of his special form of Onion Duck.

I saw the scallion-white sword in Duck Knight's right hand lit up with white light, and swiped it towards Yingfeng, leaving a sword mark of light.

Yingfeng retreated, spewing out a mouthful of purple-black flames, and Duck Knight quickly changed his move, raising his shield to block in front of him, forming a green semicircular shield.

Exclusive Secret Skill - Tough Shield!
A large number of flames collided with Duck Knight's tough shield, and the green protective cover was slightly deformed by the purple-black flames, but it would not break in a short time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Five Colors Deer, Wu Chi and Master Jueming all attacked Yingfeng from left, right and bottom.

Master Wu Chi used the seal of Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva, and under the blessing of the seal, the divine power spirit can smash a large bluestone into pieces with one finger.

Master Jueming uses the Eighteen Arhats Boxing, each with its own mysteries, especially the magical powers of long hands and long feet, which can make the hands and feet longer and give full play to the greatest use of the God of War tattoo.

The five-color deer opened its mouth and spit out a four-color ball, green, red, yellow, and white, which is the secret technique of the Four Seasons Energy Ball.

These four seasons energy balls are not only powerful, but also contain four attributes of grass, fire, flying, and ice. They can also cause four negative effects: poisoning, burns, bleeding, and freezing after hitting the enemy, which is very difficult to deal with.

After all, Yingfeng is a wild elf, even if it comes from the top-level divine beast, Phoenix King, but firstly, it has just been born and does not have enough combat experience, and secondly, it does not have enough secret skills, so there are not many methods.

Facing simultaneous attacks from three directions, it directly adopted the simplest and safest method.

Elemental body!
The Four Seasons Energy Ball of the Colorful Deer smashed through the flames, leaving a hole; the Great Dharma seal of Master Wu Chi's Dragon Power hit the empty space, although part of the flames were also scattered, but I was also very uncomfortable.

Only Master Jueming's eyes lit up, and he used the hand-detection power he had prepared, and his arm suddenly extended several meters, directly cutting the flame transformed into Yingfeng into two halves.

God of War tattoos are invulnerable!
The place hit by the energy ball of the four seasons is okay, and the loss is not much, but the place where Yingfeng was hit by Master Wu Chi and Master Awakening Destiny, even the nearby flames lost their activity, and there was no combustion aid, so they quickly extinguished in the air .

In just one round, Yingfeng's body was nearly one-third smaller!

However, the re-formed Yingfeng only had a black light flash in his eyes, and purple-black flames rose from his body, quickly returning to his original size.

The consumption just now was replenished in the blink of an eye, completely different from ordinary elemental spirits!

"Monk, is this what you are capable of?"

Faced with Yingfeng's ridicule, the faces of the Jingtu Temple people who had just shown joy suddenly sank.

 The computer that was occupied by my nephew for a whole day finally caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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