Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 430 Fighting the Shadow Phoenix!

Chapter 430 Fighting the Shadow Phoenix!

Actually useless!

This discovery really made everyone's hearts sink.

The purpose of Jueyuan's presidency is very simple, to use the characteristics of Wu Chi and Jue Ming's tattoos to weaken Yingfeng's power step by step, and finally kill it with one blow.

This is also the usual method to deal with elves with elemental bodies.

However, Yingfeng didn't know what method she used. The speed of recovering strength was hundreds of times faster than that of ordinary elves, even faster than that of the previous Thunder Emperor.

If it continues like this, not to mention killing Yingfeng, Master Wu Chi and the others will all be exhausted.

"I was born from the darkness of the human heart, and the evil of the human heart will never disappear, and I will never die."

"Jingtu Temple, I will give you one last chance."

"Surrender, or perish."

Faced with Yingfeng's repeated persecution, Jueyuan seemed very firm as the host.

It would be easy to say if the one who came today was the Phoenix King, but what is the Shadow Phoenix, there are not a single person in this world who knows it better than Jue Yuan.

It is evil incarnate!
Surrender to Yingfeng?
Sooner or later, the Pure Land Temple will provoke the wrath of the heavens and the people, and become the public enemy of the world!

Anyway, they will perish in the end, so it is better to die vigorously. At least Jingtu Temple has fires all over the world, and if they are not preserved, they will make a comeback one day.

Even if it really dies from now on, there will be a strong record in the history of mankind, recording the indomitable will of the people in Jingtu Temple to fight.

But what was shot just now is all the current high-end combat power of Jingtu Temple, and the remaining juniors, even if they have element-level elves, or have cultivated the Arhat status, their combat power is much worse, and they are also the result of being crushed.

Thinking of this, the abbot Jueyuan turned around, clasped his hands together and bowed to Long Yi and the others, and said: "All benefactors, the world is so difficult and dangerous that disasters happen. I hereby implore all benefactors to lend a helping hand and help the Pure Land Temple to heal. After this ordeal, everyone in the temple must be grateful."

Long Yi, Du and the others quickly responded, only Sakamoto didn't move at all, and even took out the red wine to taste there.

Four plain elves, Kuailong, Bloodwing Wyvern, Pokkisi, and Night Demon, appeared immediately.

Long Yi thought for a while, and instead of releasing his element-level elves, he summoned two mutated Gyarados, Ao Guang and Ao Yu.

There are more than enough element-level elves on the field, there are not many dragons, and there are not many dragons, especially when Du Pai Kuailong is on the field.

So instead of using element-level elves to launch ordinary attacks, it is better to try Ao Guang and Ao Yu's special attacks, which may have a miraculous effect instead.

After all, although the element-level elves' fighting power is very different from that of ordinary elves, if the defense is broken, then ordinary secret skills can completely kill element-level elves!

Moreover, Ao Guang and Ao Yu reached the limit value of their race early, and they were the first elves to reach this limit in Long Yi's hands. However, they have been unable to break through the last bottleneck for so many years, and they have already given up the idea of ​​breaking through with their own strength. .

Seeing the battle just now, Long Yi still had an extremely bold idea in his heart...

There is no difference between the element-level elves and ordinary elves in appearance, so everyone looked at Long Yi and the two tyrannosaurus and then turned their eyes away without saying anything.


Yingfeng's icy voice rang out from the bottom of everyone's hearts. It seemed that Jingtu Temple's repeated and repeated ignorant actions finally angered it, and Yingfeng launched an active attack for the first time since she appeared on the stage.

Overwhelming purple black flames!

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a fireball the size of a human head crashed down from the sky. Not only that, the floor tiles under everyone's feet began to feel faintly hot, and pillars of fire rose into the sky.

Ghosts were crying and wolves were howling in the air, black air was rampant, ghostly shadows of ghosts and goblins were walking around the world, as if the gates of hell had been opened, and the Night of the Hundred Ghosts began... Oh no, it was the Day of the Hundred Ghosts!
Exclusive Secret Skill - Hell Comes!
This is Yingfeng's exclusive secret skill, which can create a super-large-scale exclusive field and exert [-]% of Yingfeng's combat power.

In this space, all forces other than the Fallen Underworld Flame will be suppressed and weakened.

In an instant, the situation changed, the sun and the moon dimmed, and those with defensive secret skills were fine, like Ao Yu, Ao Guang, some elves without defensive secret skills, and ordinary trainers, they felt the strong oppression almost instantly , Even walking takes a huge effort, and it is impossible to fight.

Sakagi frowned, and a black shadow rose from the shadow behind him. It swelled to about three meters in a snap of his fingers, and then quickly deformed and solidified into a ferocious giant beast.

It's a Super Iron Tyrannosaurus!
An extremely huge super iron tyrannosaurus!

This super iron tyrannosaurus roared into the sky, and a circle of khaki light spread from its feet. All the pillars of fire on the ground that were affected by the light circle disappeared. The oppression is mostly gone.

"I hate people interrupting me watching the show." Sakagi said.

Long Yi's heart trembled, and his fear of Sakamu deepened by three points.

Fortunately, he is a man with the title of master of the earth. In terms of ground system, Sakagi is definitely one of the most powerful trainers in the world.

As strong as Yingfeng's exclusive secret skill, Sakagi's super iron tyrannosaurus was directly broken by more than half of its power when it came out.

Master Awakened heaved a sigh of relief, just in time to see Alidos's cocoon burst, and the roc with its feathers restored to its original state emerged from it, and quickly ordered: "Mr. roc, use the golden lightning to penetrate the sky!"

Dapeng nodded, and with a whoosh, it turned into a golden electric light and shot up into the sky. At the same time, the oppressive feeling caused by the coming of hell completely disappeared, and the fireball in the sky became smaller and smaller on the way of falling until it disappeared.


A short dwarf woman wearing a colorful cloak gave an order to her Night Demon: "Use Soul Bind!"

The Night Demon Spirit suddenly appeared behind Yingfeng, and embraced the latter with open arms. Pairs of phantom jet-black arms emerged, hugging Yingfeng densely.

The secret skill soul binding, this is a special secret skill that can prevent the elf elements from incarnating into the body!

"Quick, now!"

"Blood Wing Flying Dragon, use bloody culling!" Long Yi's old acquaintance, Interpol Blood Tears ordered.

"Ao Yu, use the dragon's breath; Ao Guang, use the annihilation light!"

Gold, green, red, and blue beams of light shot out from Ao Guang's mouth, and Ao Yu's mouth was a black and red Tai Chi energy ball, bursting out into raging flames, the flames were so black that they were red, and they were so red that they were red. black.

At the same time, Duck Knight's Meteor Charge, Five-Colored Deer's Four Seasons Energy Ball, Pokkisi's Lucky Gold Coin, Wu Chi and Master Awakening's melee attacks all hit Yingfeng's body.

All kinds of messy energies gathered in a small area, causing an incomprehensible and unimaginable chain reaction. The terrifying energy fluctuations frightened the night demon's hands, and a flaw appeared in the soul binding, allowing Yingfeng to successfully elementalize body.

Seeing this, the Night Demon Spirit didn't dare to linger immediately, and directly used the secret technique of underworld transfer to escape from the original place, and the energy of the collision immediately produced a violent explosion, like a small nuclear bomb exploding on the martial arts hall, and the strong white light stabbed It made people cry.

"Dragon Charge!"

The sound of crossing sounded.

The fast dragon, which was covered in white light, bumped into the energy ball that was as dazzling as the sun but had not yet fully exploded, and it hit the sky above its head, blasting it into a colorful ball.

With the hurricane overwhelming, Long Yi squinted his eyes, and saw above the training hall that had escaped a catastrophe, a purple-black flame appeared out of thin air, and the shadow phoenix took shape again.

This is simply immortal!
"Lust and rage are really excellent carriers."

"You should be a two-headed dragon in purgatory."

Two flames shot at Ao Yu and Ao Guang in front of Long Yi, Long Yiben had a chance to take them back to the exclusive space, but he did not do so.

The purple-black flames swelled, and Ao Yu and Ao Guang, who had not yet developed elements, had no power to resist. They merged into one body in the black-red sphere, and turned into a head seventeen or eight meters long, dressed in black-red scales, with a ferocious backstab, A strange dragon with two heads in one body.

Ao Yu and Ao Guang turned his head, the dragon head on the left has round kisses, antlers, long beard, big eyes, and scarlet eyes; the dragon head on the right has square kisses, double horns, thick scales, vertical pupils, and dark eyes.

The eyes of the two-headed dragon in purgatory were full of cruelty. Facing its former master, it showed no emotion at all. It just opened its mouth and spit out, one spewed out raging black flames, and the other spit out crimson strange water.

Exclusive Secret Technique - Purgatory Breath!
Exclusive Secret Skill - Torrent of Purgatory!
Looking at the power, it is clear that the elements have been enlightened in this instant!

The corner of Long Yi's mouth raised, and when he raised his hand, the Purgatory Two-headed Dragon disappeared, and he shrunk into an inch, avoiding the attack of fire and water.

The elements have been civilized, and the next step is how to defeat Yingfeng and let Ao Yu and Ao Guang regain their freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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