Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 431 Fighting the Shadow Phoenix!

Chapter 431 Fighting the Shadow Phoenix!

"Where's my purgatory two-headed dragon!!!"

"Such a big purgatory two-headed dragon, if you say you don't see it, it will disappear?"

A sharp little girl's voice rang out suddenly, the voice was full of disbelief, and the sharp and wronged tone made people feel distressed and funny.

Long Yi reappeared more than ten meters away, and Du looked at each other with deep doubts in his eyes.

That voice...

Is it Yingfeng?
This little lolita-like voice is too different from the cold Bingshan Yujie's voice just now!

But looking at the shadow phoenix in mid-air, who was so angry that it couldn't even fly stably, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Suddenly, taking this opportunity, an elf suddenly turned into a streak of blood light and brushed over the shadow phoenix.

Mobile Cheats - Blood Rainbow!

Others would be dazed by Yingfeng's voice which changed drastically before and after, but Xuetear, who is an Interpol, would not.

On the contrary, he seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and prepared to let his Blood Winged Dragon deal a fatal blow.

"Devil Blood Seal!"

The blood-winged dragon above Yingfeng suddenly collapsed into a puddle of blood, spreading all over Yingfeng's body, leaving mysterious blood-red lines on its body.

Blood Wing Wyvern Exclusive Secret Skill Magic Blood Seal!A terrible secret technique that can temporarily seal all the elemental abilities of the target!

"King Dutian, don't make a move yet!" Xuelei turned around and shouted.

As the chief heavenly king of the Kanto region of the Elf Alliance and also in charge of the Special Search Section, Du is naturally a decisive person, and immediately ordered Kuailong to take action.

The indigo dragon's flame forms a dragon's head pattern on Kuailong's abdomen, which greatly improves its physical fitness in all directions.

Then a large number of dragon flames erupted and hardened into pieces of sky-blue armor with exaggerated shapes and mighty shapes. They were the secret defensive skills of the dragon king's divine armor that complemented the dragon king's divine power.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom of a divine dragon appeared behind Kuailong, and after a roar, it burrowed into the back of the head. It was the Dragon King's soul, a unique secret skill that combines mental attack and defense.

"Come the knife!"

With Du's stern shout, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, and the thunder fell into Kuailong's hands, forming a terrifying machete with a snow-white blade and a long dragon coiled on the back.

Special Secret Skill - Dragon King Blade!
At this time, three breaths of time had passed, and the shadow phoenix in the sky opened its eyes angrily, blood splashed down from its body, and it seemed that it was about to break free from the effect of the magic blood seal.

Du spat out the last few words: "Nirvana, Dragon Slash!"

The dragon head on the abdomen, Kuailong's eyebrows, the dragon head decoration on the shoulders of the god armor, and the dragon carving on the back of the knife all light up their eyes, and the eight-point white light attracts people's eyes.

I only heard the dragon chanting for a moment, Kuailong dragged the Dragon King's God Blade backwards with both hands, raised the knife and slashed, a platinum-gold knife light flashed in the sky, Yingfengfeng stared, and looked down in disbelief.

A huge wound split its entire body obliquely in two. The platinum energy at the wound was shining brightly, and a shocking mysterious black appeared in the center of the two halves.

This knife broke open the space!
Because of the effect of the magic blood seal, Yingfeng has absolutely no ability to transform into an elemental body at this time, the body is divided into two, and there is a strong energy to prevent the wound from healing, even if it is difficult to recover.

Seeing this, the Thunder Lion of Hell let out a roar, and rushed towards Yingfeng desperately, trying to extinguish the energy in the wound and bring Yingfeng back to life.


However, a figure came later and stopped in front of the Hell Thunder Lion. It was the abbot of the Jingtu Temple who had never made a move from the beginning to the end, and the only arhat with a perfect golden body and Jueyuan presided over it!

"Om mani padme hum!"

Jueyuan presided over the recitation of the six-character mantra of Buddhism, changing his hands repeatedly, pinching the wisdom seal, the great thousand seal, the immeasurable seal, the non-phase seal, the Bodhi seal, and the nirvana seal. The lion's forehead dropped suddenly.

This nirvana seal can be used by oneself to recover from injuries, and it is extremely powerful against the enemy. It can be said that it will beat you to nirvana!
The Hell Thunder Lion instantly turned into an elemental body, trying to spare Abbot Jueyuan, but the latter showed a golden body of Arhat, with an illusory wheel of light shining behind his head. Under the light of this light wheel, the Hell Thunder Lion could not turn into lightning. He hit it head-on.

The golden body of the god of war, the Buddhist arhat, and the same goal by different routes, are the second level of the spirit and the way of the gods.

However, Jue Yuan presided over not only the completion of the body of the Arhat, but also a round of Buddha's light rising from the back of his head, which shows that he has touched the third layer of majesty and spirituality, and has condensed a trace of his own God of War force field.

In the God of War force field, all dharmas are not revealed, and the ability of the Hell Thunder Lion's elemental incarnation body will be strongly disturbed!

If Abbot Jueyuan can condense the complete three rounds of Buddha's light and realize the mana consciousness, alaya consciousness, and amara consciousness except the six consciousnesses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, then he is a real living Buddha in the world. There is no difference between the front and a rabbit, let it be ravaged.

Even now, he is already a first-class martial arts master in the world, and he can barely be compared with Xiba's master, the great swordsman Master Iwata.


As soon as the seal fell, the Hell Thunder Lion's brain ruptured immediately, and a black light flew back into Yingfeng's remnant body. The corpse that remained in place quickly changed back to the original appearance of the blue lion, but it was already too horrible to look at.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful." Abbot Jueyuan chanted a Buddha's name, turned around and looked at Yingfeng.

At this moment, Yingfeng was already on the verge of death, and could die at any time if she fell to the ground.

No one helped it break the blood-winged dragon's demonic blood seal, and no one helped it take out the energy of Shenlong Zhan from its body. Yingfeng would definitely die today!
Suddenly, a strange animal roar came from the back mountain, and at the same time, there was a gentle breeze blowing between the sky and the earth.

Long Yi turned his head to look, and saw a blue and white short-haired elf with an elegant figure and a huge jewel-like horn standing on the top of a rock, silently looking at it.

"Shui Jun?" Long Yi asked in surprise.

This elf is surprisingly the only one remaining among the three holy beasts in the city, and it is also the one who is closest to humans.

However, as we all know, Suicune is the holy beast that King Hoon resurrected, and Shadow Phoenix is ​​an elf born from the dark side of King Hoon. He also planned the Bell Tower incident before, so he should be the enemy of King Hoon.

So Suicune, why did he appear here?

"not good!"

The exclamation of blood and tears came, and Long Yi turned around quickly, only to see that the shadow phoenix that was lying on the ground was wrapped in a mass of platinum flames, and the blood and tears of the blood-winged dragon had already returned to its original state, sluggish beside it.

The price of using the Gorefiend seal is not small.

"This is..." Long Yi frowned and said, this platinum flame doesn't look amazing, but it lacks a feeling of heart-beating for him, it's definitely not something easy to get along with.

Abbot Jueyuan sighed, "This is the holy fire."

"The sacred fire that belongs exclusively to King Feng."

Holy fire!

This is the legendary flame that can even save the dead!

Shouldn't Yingfeng and Fengwang be mortal enemies?

Before Long Yi could figure out the details, a sharp phoenix cry came out from the platinum flames, and then the flames dispersed, and the Yingfeng recovered from the ashes was reborn from the ashes and flew into the sky again.

It was resurrected with full blood!
"Stupid mortal, I and Phoenix King have two sides in one body. If I die, it can't live. You are forcing it to save me."

Yingfeng's cold voice sounded again, but the hearts of all the people present kept sinking.

In this way, to kill Yingfeng, wouldn't it be equivalent to facing two top-level beasts, Yingfeng and Phoenix King, at the same time?
Without the magic blood seal of blood and tears, it would be difficult to kill a shadow phoenix, let alone the Phoenix King who has mastered the sacred fire?

"Sakagi!" Du looked at Sakagi.

If the shadow and phoenix are not removed today, the Pure Land Temple will inevitably suffer.

Sakagi lazily said: "What's the rush? If you can't kill it, you can seal it up."


Du's eyes lit up, and he was about to give Kuailong an order, but Yingfeng made the first move.

"Arrogance, Greed, Gluttony, Laziness, Jealousy..."

After the five words fell, Yingfeng gave Long Yi a cold look, and continued: "The evil in people's hearts is endless, and the gate of the underworld is open!"

Yingfeng was born with the sinful side of the human heart, so she is born with the power to control desires, and can use this to get in touch with the bitter swamp where the underworld is located.

Images of a rooster, a poisonous snake, a pig's head, an owl, and a poisonous scorpion emerged one after another. Although the lust and anger were lessened, the impact was not great. A looming bronze door appeared behind Yingfeng, and a stream of black people felt uncomfortable. The wind began to blow.

The gate of death terror, the wind of the underworld!

The door of death and horror was opened, and the terrifying wind of abjection raged out. The screams of countless demons and ghosts echoed in people's ears, and their eyes turned black. Everyone had a terrible illusion of falling into the world and about to fall into the underworld.

Only Long Yi had bright eyes.

"Yemengarde!" Long Yi gave an order, and a terrifying giant snake appeared behind him. It was the terrifying big snake Yemengarde. Looking around, it is not affected at all.

"Summon Pale Mask!"

Arrogance, greed, gluttony, sloth, jealousy, lust, rage.

A total of seven pale masks appeared around Yemenjiad's body, and the lines on them were so lifelike that Yingfeng's eyes widened.

"Impossible, this is..."

At this moment, the phantom of the Gate of Terror it summoned is rapidly solidifying, and Yingfeng is rapidly losing control of the Gate of Terror.

Ye Mengjiade let out a low growl, and the desolate wind blowing from the door of death terror stopped abruptly, and turned into a strong suction force, sucking Yingfeng into the world behind the door bit by bit.

There is the underworld of the world, the residence of ghosts, and the bitter swamp!


The door of death terror closed suddenly, and there was a sudden loud noise from inside, as if a terrifying monster wanted to escape, but the door of death terror was extremely strong. Although there were constant abnormal noises, there was no sign of opening it at all.

Yingfeng, was exiled!

Suicune let out a low growl, turned around, and disappeared into the depths of the back mountain in a few jumps.

(End of this chapter)

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