Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 432 After the War

Chapter 432 After the War
There was another loud bang behind the gate of terror, and then fell into a long, strange silence.

Long Yi suddenly felt uneasy.

As the only man in the world who is at the peak of the second level of the return of momentum, Long Yi possesses a peculiar sixth sense.

In addition to possessing the force field of God of War, the third level of the spirit and divine way also has the ability to be on a whim, to be able to foresee unfavorable situations to a certain extent, and to make the most correct decision by virtue of one's super strong perception of danger .

For example, the late living Buddha Master Liaosheng of Jingtu Temple was a senior living Buddha. Not only did he foresee Yingfeng's attack, but he also pinpointed the timing and deliberately knew his own life in advance to ensure that Long Yi could survive here. One day, I came to attend my own funeral.

At the same time, he even took advantage of the opportunity of treating Long Yi before, so that Long Yi owed a great favor and had to participate in the incident of Yingfeng's attack.

Of course, this is not to say that Sheng knew that Yingfeng would come to attack, he just felt that the Jingtu Temple would usher in a huge disaster on this day, and if Long Yi was present, then this disaster could be passed safely.

Sure enough, facing Immortal and Immortal with Phoenix King behind him as a guard of honor, even Jue Yuan presided over and Long Tianwang were helpless for a while, and finally relying on Long Yi's Yemengade, they forcefully exiled the opponent.

Although there has never been a person at the third level in history, Long Yi, who is now at the peak of the second level, also feels that he has an extra strong sixth sense.

Compared with Master Sheng's whim, this sixth sense is naturally a thousand miles away from the arrangement in advance, but after something unfavorable to oneself happens, there will still be a strong feeling.

"However, exile Yingfeng, why did I form such a strong uneasiness?"

"Will Yingfeng get revenge on me when she gets out of trouble in the future, or is it something else?"

Long Yi thought in his heart that even though he hadn't broken through yet, he already felt that the third stage of Dao of Returning Momentum must have the ability similar to Dao of Dao of Dao of Dao of Dao of Dao of Momentum, which can not fall on a whim, and a piece of feather can not be added to the body.

Even because he is majoring in momentum, this kind of prediction of danger is likely to be higher than that of a master who shows his spirit.

Therefore, Long Yi attaches great importance to the inexplicably strong uneasiness in his heart.

Closing his eyes, Long Yi seemed to see a scorching black flame in the darkness, and a pair of scarlet eyes lit up in the flame, those were the eyes of Yingfeng!

Abbot Jueyuan's Buddha's name shattered Long Yi's illusion, he sighed and opened his eyes.

Just now by chance, he caught the flashing light, but before he could see the general idea, he was broken by Abbot Jueyuan's voice, and Long Yi couldn't help but sigh.

But I also know that after this miss, it is wishful thinking to return to that state.

So facing Abbot Jueyuan's thanks, Long Yi only responded while looking around absent-mindedly.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly swept to Sakamu, seeing the smile on the corner of the latter's mouth, Long Yi's heart sank immediately.

"Longyi benefactor has shown great kindness to this temple. On behalf of all the monks of Jingtu Temple, I am very grateful. I am willing to open the Sutra Pavilion for the benefactor to choose a secret book and express my heart."

The Sutra Pavilion of Jingtu Temple not only displays Buddhist scriptures and principles, but also has 72 unique skills, all of which are supreme martial arts that can break through the momentum and courage when practiced to a high level.

There are also 36 kinds of secret skills, all of which are secrets from Jingtu Temple and are well-known all over the world.

Of course, the five nirvana skills and the three supernatural powers cultivated after breaking through momentum and courage will naturally not be placed in the Tibetan scripture pavilion.

Moreover, the selected secret technique can only be practiced by Long Yi himself, otherwise it will be spread, and the Jingtu Temple will definitely send someone to 'take back' the secret transmission.But even so, Long Yi was very happy.

After all, this is not the kind of popular secret technique that can be exchanged in Shueisha, each of which is a boutique among the best!
"There are still a few benefactors, if you do it out of righteousness, you can also choose one."

The trainers of Blood Tears, Messenger Pokkisi, and Night Demon were all overjoyed. Although Watanabe and Sakagi also had a share, the joy was not as great.

After some selection, Long Yi and the others each chose a secret skill, Xuelei got one of the 72 unique skills, and Sakagi only chose an isolated Buddhist scripture.



Long Yi sat on the rattan chair on the balcony of the luxury suite of the hotel, and opened the 36 rubbings in his hand.

On the first page, the painting is under the bright and clear sky, the sun hangs high, and a golden lightning strikes up and down, piercing through a white cloud in the sky.

The four large characters below it are the name of the secret technique: "Golden Lightning Piercing the Clouds"!
"Golden Lightning Cloud Piercing, known as the world's number one mobile secret technique, its flying speed is unrivaled, and it is the most suitable for running."

Long Yi read slowly.

The 36 secret skills of Jingtu Temple have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, Long Yi felt throbbing after expelling Yingfeng, and coupled with the increasingly approaching threat of Jiraki, so he did not hesitate to choose this mobile secret technique with the fastest advance speed in the world.

Although without the cooperation of the destructive elements, it cannot reach the terrifying attack power of the Jingtu Temple Divine Beast Dapeng, but it is enough to escape.

Ten minutes later, Long Yi put down the cheat book and heaved a sigh of relief.

Secret skills, before knowing the exact learning method, no one can be sure whether their elves can learn it.

If you choose a book that is powerful but has no secret skills that elves can learn, it will naturally be a big loss.

Fortunately, the learning conditions of Golden Electric Cloud Piercer are not harsh, Long Yi's Jin Peng fully agrees to the request, even if luck is a bit better, even the Flame Bird can learn this mobile secret skill.

With this trick, even if it is not the opponent of Ji Laqi and Yingfeng, at worst, they will run away, and the probability of saving their lives will be greatly increased.

"In addition, although they have become one, Ao Yu and Ao Guang have finally enlightened their elements."

With a thought in Long Yi's mind, an attribute screen appeared in front of his eyes.

5. [Ao Guang/Ao Yu]: Two tyrannosaurs with the blood of hell evil dragons are fused into one under the fallen flames of Yingfeng, relying on the power of lust and rage to cultivate elements, forming a unique three ghost beasts.

[Elf Race]: Purgatory Two-headed Dragon

【Attribute】: dragon, water, fire
[Status]: healthy
【Age】: 14 years old
【Character】: Cruel
[Exclusive Plane]: Boundless Sea
[Intimacy]: 255 (golden, life and death together)

[Talent]: Coercion, Bathing in Fire

Coercion: The ability similar to the aura of a beast can deter all weak creatures. If there is no strong will, the elves with uncivilized elements will lose their will to fight in front of it.

Reborn from the ashes: The Purgatory Twin-Headed Dragon is immune to normal fire attacks, and can absorb the power of fire to heal itself.

[Element characteristics]: double head
Two-headed: The two-headed dragon in purgatory has two heads and two wills. You must kill both heads at the same time to completely kill the elf. Otherwise, it can use its own powerful regeneration ability to make the destroyed head grow again. .

[Enlightenment Elements]: Purgatory
Effect 1: The power of purgatory.All the ultimate moves of the Purgatory Twin-Headed Dragon contain a kind of purgatory power, which produces continuous, soul-stinging burning damage to the target.

Effect 2: Amplification of tricks.Purgatory Double-Headed Dragon can mobilize water, fire, and dragon energy particles between heaven and earth, and the power of all the unique moves of this attribute is increased by 20-30 times depending on the battle location.

Effect 3: Plane projection.With its own exclusive plane, it can summon the projection of the plane anytime and anywhere, and has the home field advantage. Among the special moves, the water, fire, and dragon special moves reach a maximum increase of 30 times by default.

Effect 4: Three Nether Beasts.As one of the emissaries of the Shadow Phoenix, the Purgatory Two-Headed Dragon can borrow the power of the Shadow Phoenix in the dark, and burst out fighting power beyond its own limit in a short period of time.

Effect 5: Purgatory Breath, Purgatory Torrent, Purgatory Dragon Breath.Purgatory double-headed dragon's exclusive secret technique, using pure fire, water, and dragon's breath power combined with a large amount of purgatory power to launch an attack, causing huge damage with burn, corrosion or shock effects at the same time, can be used superimposed.

[System Evaluation]: It is the messenger of Shadow Phoenix, and it is the embodiment of cruelty!
During the day, Long Yi had already got rid of the eminent monks of the Jingtu Temple and expelled the imprints of rage and lust in Ao Yu and Ao Guang's bodies, and helped them find themselves from their instincts.

But even so, the two-headed dragon in Purgatory still had an inseparable and inseparable connection with Yingfeng at this time.

If one day in the future and Yingfeng confront each other, it's really hard to say who the combined Sanming beast will help.

Of course, Long Yi can also store it in the exclusive space, so that even Yingfeng can't affect Ao Yu and Ao Guang at this time.

And when dealing with other people, they can also exert powerful combat power at the elemental level.

In general, it is hard to say whether it is a loss or a gain.

"It would be great if there is a secret technique to protect the soul." Long Yi thought silently.

There is such a secret technique in the 36 methods of Jingtu Temple, but Long Yi chose the latter between it and Golden Lightning Cloud Piercer.

After all, with Yingfeng and Jilaqi more, one more purgatory double-headed dragon is not too many, and one less of them is not too many.

But if there is a golden lightning cloud piercer, then it is really possible to advance, attack and retreat.

The harm of the two phases is the lesser, how to choose between these two, Long Yi still knows a lot.

 The author is finally married~
(End of this chapter)

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