Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 433 November

Chapter 433 March
"The five internal organs and the five elements, the five Buddhas and the five natures; each return to its place and protect my primordial spirit."

"Eight million magic tricks! I am originally Tathagata, oh! oh! oh! ba! me! huh!"

Long Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and the back of his head was shrouded in five-color Buddha light, from which emerged a Fighting Victory Buddha, a Sword Immortal Buddha, a Natural Buddha, a Dragon King Buddha, and a Sunburning Flame Buddha.

These five great Buddhas are the aura that Long Yi has painstakingly condensed, their lives are cultivated together, life and death are shared together.

It was born in the flesh and raised in the five viscera. After reaching completion, it escaped from the prison of the flesh and combined with the true spirit of Longyi. It can be said that the consciousness is immortal and the aura is immortal. Even if the body is broken into ten or eight pieces, it can find the body and resurrect it. It's amazing.

However, at this moment, under the influence of the secret method of "Eight Million Divine Aperture Technique" obtained from Long Tianwangdu, the five great auras that merged with the true spirit shook at the same time, each separated into a clone, and returned to the five viscera.

Zhiyan Buddha belongs to fire, falls into the heart, rises a volcano, and sinks into it.

Dou defeated the Buddha's soil, fell into the spleen, built a temple, and sat on the altar.

The sword fairy Buddha belongs to gold, which falls into the lungs, condenses a sword, and the human sword is one.

The Dragon King Buddha belongs to water, falls into the kidney, falls into the crystal dragon palace, and stays on the dragon bed.

Natural Buddha belongs to wood, falls into the liver, plants a giant tree, and sits on the branch.

These five shapes and five objects can be called the Temple of the Five Viscera.


Seeing this, Long Yi exhaled a breath of white air, the white air was as long as a horse, like a spirit snake, it stirred the pages of the books in the study room, the curtains fluttered, and there was a sound of hunting.

With the exhalation of this breath, all kinds of visions in the room also subsided, only Yu Long's eyes flashed with five colors of red, gold, blue and green, and finally returned to pitch black, as bright as pearls.

"'800 Million Divine Acuity Technique' is really extraordinary." Long Yi blinked, and the last bit of strangeness in his eyes was also suppressed, returning to a pair of ordinary brown-black eyes.

At this time, three months have passed since Yingfeng was born to make a big disturbance in the Pure Land Temple, and was exiled by Long Yi forcefully. During this period, I will not describe what kind of fluctuations have occurred in this period, let me just talk about Long Yi himself.

After finding five onmyojis and five ninjas who know psychic ninjutsu for experiments, and confirming that there is no problem with the secret book, Long Yi finally started to practice this ancient secret book by himself, and felt the tremendous nourishment of his own aura to his body as soon as he started using it. effect.

You must know that Long Yi himself is walking the way of returning momentum, and he has already had the physical fitness of a warrior at the level of momentum at the beginning, but after he just completed the penetration of momentum, he can even feel that his body is becoming stronger every moment , one can imagine the powerful effect of this secret technique.

Of course, this also had an inevitable relationship with Long Yi Tian Wushuang's super aura, at least those onmyojis and ninjas who were used to test the harmfulness of the cheats did not have such a great use effect.

"There is also Golden Lightning Cloud Piercing. After learning this secret skill, Jin Peng's speed has increased by more than three times compared to before, and it can even exceed five times when fully burst. It is indeed the fastest moving secret skill in the world."

"It's a pity that the flame bird's feathers are made of flames after all. After improving the secret technique, it still failed. It is completely missed."

Long Yi pursed his lips, got up from the practice futon, walked to the balcony, and looked at the sunset outside.

"Jin Peng got the Golden Lightning Cloud Piercer, and finally has the capital to escape."

"And this time, the one who gained the most from going out is undoubtedly Bone Fighting Dragon. The diary recorded several secret skills and nirvana that Ares, the God of War, obtained from no one knows where, all of which are suitable for the spirits of the God of War to learn. Even My Bone Fighting Dragon is different from his Nido King race, but there is generally no difference, and you can learn from it with a little change."

After this time, Bone Fighting Dragon's combat power soared directly, and instantly became the strongest elf in Long Yi, and his combat power was stronger than Ye Mengjia's to some extent.

But even so, that's it.

Possessing a set of secret skills and a nirvana can already be said to be at the top of 99.99% of the world's elves. However, it is still not enough to face the top beasts such as Fengwang and Yingfeng who have survived from the super ancient times. use.

There are not many champion trainers in this world, but there are also many.

But the top-level beasts, after hundreds of years, there are still only a few of them.

It has neither decreased nor increased.

Seeing the details, the gap between champion trainers and top beasts can be seen.

In fact, the higher he went, the more Long Yi could feel a sense of powerlessness being restrained and suppressed. This feeling of powerlessness drove him to put more of his heart on developing martial arts, and drove a talent like Sakagi The once-in-a-lifetime monster-level genius also set his sights on man-made and controlling top-level beasts.

"One step further, it will be the ultimate in the world. At that time, I will not be afraid even if I am an enemy of top-level beasts like Giratina, Yingfeng, and Jirachi."

"However, alliances, aristocratic families, wealthy families, and sects all have thousands of years of history and heritage. These people control 9% of the secret information. If you don't sell yourself to them, how can you know if you pay 300% of the contribution? Those secrets."

"However, in this way, one after another, which one does not require a lot of effort, even if I know it in the end, how can there be too late? How can I be sure that the other party will not stay and pinch my veins."

This is the most obvious clue from history.Judging from Long Yi's current identity and status, and the history he has access to, there have been figures in this world who have surpassed the level of heavenly kings, and almost 9% of them are outstanding figures from various well-known forces. Chengdu is not enough, and the fate of those people is usually not very good.

"For example, Kona has just been appointed as the champion of the new Chengdu League, but how much has her strength improved in the past ten years." Long Yi thought of a major event that happened recently.

Kona's master is the famous master trainer Fuyutani Yasuo with the title of Harsh Winter. This late master trainer can be regarded as a real genius. start up.

However, it is such a famous trainer, a master who has a wide range of friends, after becoming famous, he still inevitably fights for the alliance. In the end, he was defeated and died in a mysterious mission, which is really desolate.

Kona is his only true disciple, not a lucky one like Ayumi Inoue, but a descendant trained by Yasuo Fuyutani himself. It can be said that as long as the elements of enlightenment are needed, there will be no ups and downs before the championship.

However, after the elements, it is still unavoidable to become the four kings of the alliance. I don't know how many years have been wasted. Even if he has a champion-level combat power now, he still has to fight for the alliance.

Is she talented?

But can she become a trainer at the level of an elf master?
It's hard.

Because there are only a few known paths leading to the head of the elves in this world. The combination of Kanto is super-killing, Joto's belief in conferring gods, Fengyuan's natural power, Sinnoh's exclusive space and the Mijina Temple the way of the prophet.

There are only five of them in total, and Hoenn's power of nature has been divided up by Kioka, Gulardo, and Rikuza.

For hundreds of years, no matter how amazing and brilliant geniuses emerge, they cannot open up a new sixth path, and if they want to follow other people's old paths, they will naturally fall into the urn of others.

Even Long Yi is no exception.

Bang bang bang!
A knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting Long Yi's thoughts.

He frowned and said, "Come in."

The bodyguard and secretary Liu Sheng Yazi opened the door and walked in. Looking into Long Yi's eyes, she couldn't help but shudder, as if recalling the terrible memory of being targeted by an Arbor snake in the wild when she was a little girl.

Yazi quickly lowered his head, trying to calm down, walked over and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, the Miyamoto family has sent a message that there has been a change in the Chunse Palace recently, let us send someone to deter and awe."

Since the destruction of both the lava group and the water battle group, the Pale Association, which has absorbed the nutrients of these two organizations, has taken on the task of maintaining the Hoenn area, and reached an agreement with the three giant families of Hoenn.

It can be said that although Long Yi's Pale Society is not in a superior-subordinate relationship with the three major families, it is weaker after all, and sometimes it is difficult to strengthen its back.

And the Spring Palace that Yazi mentioned is a dark organization that emerged after that, mainly responsible for the dirty business such as flesh and blood trading, human trafficking, etc. that Long Yi disdained to be involved in.

In addition to this Spring Palace, there is Dayangfang, which is mainly engaged in casinos; the Shining Group, which specializes in exclusive products, and the Dark Cuisine Club, which specializes in elf dark cuisine.

These four organizations are all powerful dark forces with element-level trainers, or equivalent to element-level trainer-level combat figures. There are naturally countless other weak and weak ones. After one group is wiped out, another group will come, and they are more tenacious than Xiaoqiang.

Naturally, forces of this level cannot pop up casually. There is an unspoken tacit understanding between Long Yi's Pale Association and Spring Palace, Dayangfang, Shining Group and Dark Food Club. If the disturbance was too much, he would just turn a blind eye and close one eye, not caring too much.

After all, beating the young ones provoked the old ones, and no one knows which great god stands behind these four organizations. Maybe some ancient families and wealthy families in Fengyuan came out to suck blood.

However, after being quiet for so many years, the Miyamoto family suddenly asked Long Yi to warn the Spring Palace, which immediately made him feel suspicious.

"Has there been any major events in the Miyamoto family recently?" Long Yi asked.

Others don't know, but Yazi, as his personal secretary, can look up most of the information on the Pale Society, so it's impossible not to know.

Sure enough, the latter bowed slightly when he heard the words, inadvertently exposed a gap in his chest, and replied softly: "I heard that the head of the Miyamoto family is not in good health recently."

Long Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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