Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 434 Three Families and Seven Surnames

Chapter 434 Three Families and Seven Surnames
The Fengyuan area can be called the most rigid and conservative area in the elf world.

There are many rich and powerful surnames here, and the ancient families are like stars, and they are extremely xenophobic.Even a behemoth that rules the world like the Alliance of Elves must adapt to local conditions and be controlled by aristocratic families.

Even the lava group, the water battle group, and the current Pale Association can be traced back to the ancient immigrants of fire and the remnants of water, with ancient capital.

Against such a historical background, the four evil forces, Spring Palace, Dayangfang, Shining Group, and Dark Cuisine Club, which have sprung up without much impact, naturally have their roots.

And behind them are nothing more than the most powerful three giants, the Seven Great Families.

The three giants refer to the invisible controllers of the Fengyuan area. Even the Fengyuan Alliance is in their hands. This year this family will dominate, and next year's family will be in power, that's all.

The Seven Great Families refer to the seven families that are second only to the three giants, and they are also the seven families that compete with the trainer academy for the number one academy in the world. They also have a long history and are famous far and wide.

The so-called seven families are the Oda family, the Doshima family, the Yamadera family, the Hattori family, the Akiyama family, the Asakura family, and the Aso family. The Yamadera family is the inheritor of the power of waveguide, the Hattori family is famous for ninjas, the Akiyama family is famous for domesticating gregarious elves, the Asakura family is famous for secret skills, and the Aso family is famous for onmyoji.

Even if the various technologies these seven companies are good at can't be said to be number one in the world, they are definitely number one in this area, so they are famous all over the world.

But compared with the three giants who control the Fengyuan Alliance, these seven families are more than a step weaker.

The three wealthy families are the Miyamoto family where Mei Miyamoto belongs, the Shimada family and the Ikegami family.

Each of these three giants possesses an ancient 'artifact' passed down from generation to generation.

Miyamoto's family is a yin and yang mirror, the front can catch ghosts and souls, and the back can kill ghosts and souls, so the onmyoji of the Miyamoto family is the best in the world.

The Shimada family has the Eight Thousand Clouds Sword, which can be divided into thousands of pieces, and it contains the ultimate principle of martial arts, the source of ninjas, so no one in the Shimada family can match it.

Chishang family's artifact is Qiong Gouyu, whether it is voluntary or forced, as long as this Qionggou jade is used as a visa to sign a contract, then any elves below the level of divine beasts will never leave the contract object, and they will live and die together. Therefore, the trainers of Chishang family are the most powerful.

All kinds of information flashed through Long Yi's mind, although there was no concrete evidence, but he was not completely ignorant of who the masters behind the emerging four evil forces were.

"The Dark Cuisine Club is mainly engaged in elven cuisine that is difficult for ordinary people to accept. It uses masked banquets to make money from the rich and powerful, and this organization is against trainers. Every dark chef is a master of swordsmanship and swordsmanship. Behind it is either the Shimada family or the Hattori family or the Oda family."

"The Shining Group sells unique products. They like to hide the unique products in the bodies of the elves, and secretly complete the transaction through the exchange of elves. It is either the dog of the Chishang family or the Qiushan family."

"Dayangfang operates a casino. It's hard to guess. It seems that it has secret contacts with several companies. I'm afraid the relationship behind it is the most complicated."

"As for the Spring Palace..." Long Yi narrowed his eyes.

The Spring Palace is engaged in the trade of flesh and blood, and the dancers among them are very famous. Not only are they beautiful, but they also have outstanding temperament. Almost all of them are famous in the city.

But how is this possible!

Even if all the outstanding women in Fengyuan are tied to sit on the stage, there may not be so many candidates and types, let alone when there is no large fluctuation in reality.

Moreover, it is said that the women in the Spring Palace are very evil, and their physique is not good enough. If they go there three or five times, they will suffer a serious illness.

If it is a normal woman, even if she is skilled at dancing spears and clubs, unless she continues all night long, she will stop at a taste, how could there be such consequences.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Long Yi to suspect that there is an onmyoji shadow behind him.

After all, among the 800 million gods and ghosts in this world, there are many beautiful and amazing descriptions of women after death.

With the help and even confusion of ghosts, even an ugly monster who looks better than Dong Shi may be a first-class beauty in the eyes of those guests, which can make the Spring Palace prosperous.

As for human trafficking, there are also rumors that evil spirits are involved, so it is likely to be related to Onmyoji.

Regarding Onmyoji, it is nothing more than the Miyamoto family and the Aso family, but this time the head of the Miyamoto family was in poor health, and the latter immediately sent a message to Long Yi to shock the Spring Palace, which is self-evident.

"It seems that we still have to meet that Lian Ji." Long Yi secretly said.


Feng Yuan, Suijing City.

Known as the Pearl of Fengyuan, Shuijing City has the largest deep-water port in Fengyuan area, and its daily cargo throughput is astonishing. It is east and west of Kaina City, accounting for more than [-]% of Fengyuan's water transportation.

The Fengyuan area is similar to Jiangnan in Long Yi's previous life, with many forests, many rivers, and few mountains.

Although there are several big rivers, the size of the boats that can be accommodated by the rivers is limited after all, no more than the vast sea. Therefore, it is the two pearl cities of Shuijing City and Kaina City that really communicate with each other.

And among these two, Shuijing City is the most respected.

The former headquarters of the Water Battle Group, now one of the main branches of the Pale Association, is located on the sea next to the city of Shuijing, deep in the sea of ​​sharks.

However, few people know that the headquarters of Chunse Palace, one of the most popular selling gold caves among the upper class in Fengyuan, is also located in Shuijing City.

A golden line was drawn across the sky, and before the people in Shuijing City could react, a divine steed, Bi Diao, had already stopped in the sky above the sea, letting the sea breeze blow its feathers.

"This is the headquarters of Spring Palace?"

Long Yi looked at the satellite phone in his hand, and according to the coordinates sent by Miyamoto's family, it was undoubtedly here.

"The Pale Society under my command has searched for the headquarters of Spring Palace, which they haven't found for three years, and they gave me the coordinates so easily, and they said there's nothing tricky about it?" Long Yi sneered.

He looked down, and there was nothing but sea water below him, and he couldn't even see a fishing boat or a cruise ship, let alone a small rocky island.

"If it's not on the surface, it must be on the bottom of the sea."

"Just try my purgatory twin-headed dragon!"

With a thought, Long Yi put away the Jinpeng, and while falling quickly, released the two-headed purgatory dragon that was merged into one by the power of the shadow and phoenix, and is currently one of the three ghost beasts.

The sea exploded with a bang, and amidst two completely different but equally fierce and terrifying dragon roars, Long Yi flipped back and landed firmly on the intersection of the necks of the two-headed dragon in purgatory. They fell down one after another.

As the water splashed, the two dragon heads turned around and approached Long Yi.

The dragon head with round kiss, antlers, long beard, big eyes and scarlet eyes on the left is Ao Guang; the dragon head with square kiss, double horns, thick scales, vertical pupils and dark eyes on the right is Ao Yu.

The two faucets sprayed out a breath at the same time, Ao Guang's breath was dense and moist; Ao Yu's breath smelled like sulfur, yellow with black in the middle.

If any ordinary person were to face such terrifying two dragon heads suddenly, even if he knew that they were his elves, he would definitely feel suspicious and his heart beat faster for a moment.

But Long Yi won't, his own formidable strength has given him great confidence and belief, even if the two-headed dragon turns back against his master at this time, Long Yi can brazenly subdue him by himself, this is the self-confidence brought by strength.

Of course he would not allow such a thing to happen.

In the next second, Ao Yu and Ao Guang narrowed their eyes at the same time, stuck out their tongue and licked Long Yi.

Ao Guang's tongue is like a snake's letter, pink, thin and long; Ao Yu's tongue is like a tiger, like a lion, full of barbs, thick and wide.

An air wall blocked the two elves' approaching movements, and the greasy saliva slid down the air wall and fell into the sea.

"Okay, stop making trouble, go diving, take me to the sea." Long Yi said helplessly.

With a plop sound, the purgatory two-headed dragon sank into the sea carrying Long Yi, leaving only a vortex that slowly dissipated.

The underwater world is both quiet and noisy, dark and bright, lonely and lively.

The terrifying appearance and terrifying aura of the purgatory double-headed dragon caused countless aquatic animals and elves to flee along the way, even the fierce megalodon and the strong giant marsh monster.

Coral dragon horns grew out of Long Yi's hair, and the surrounding water flow did not cause him any trouble at all. His eyes were piercing, and he had a panoramic view of the dark underwater world.

"Sure enough, it's at the bottom of the sea."

Looking across the seabed, when he saw a magnificent Crystal Palace, he immediately sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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